Dreaming of wish fulfillment means, that you are loosing ambition to have high expectations, hopes and desires.
Even when you have learned to restrain them, because you know that they are unfulfillable, it does not change the fact that they are hidden deep inside and still exist. The most common dreams are actually outflows of your conscious or unconscious desires. If you feel tired and exhausted in waking life, then dreams of a sunny Mediterranean beach or a quiet lagoon are very possible. Dreaming of efforts on a person of the opposite gender, then you probably have desire of success on some relationship. If you are very aware of transience, then in dream you may see often your own youth and adolescence, or you would like to return even to the baby in the crib and diapers. If you have financial worries, then dream compensates this with dreaming of luxury or in the mountains of notes. But the bill does not have necessary reference to the financial worries. It can also stand for sensual or emotional hardship. In other words many dream can project direct desires of your life, also dream’s images can be dual or ambiguous and (not rare) masked.