Alligator eating my child dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of alligator eating my child can illustrate amenity, passion and intimacy.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud interpretation of this dream about alligator eating my child foretells self-supporting ardor, tender desire, style and turn.
Reassuring changes are ahead in life if: alligator eating my child - This synbol of your dream commonly stands for the fact of being more important. You are a frontrunner. Despite that, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream could show upside down spirit: somebody can be shifty and undependable toward your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 82, 44, 67, 7, 12; 2 extra numbers - 20, 92.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and brown .
  • Cannibalism - ...with the one he was eating. It is not necessarily have to be the love relationships it could be a friendship that he wish to be closer than it is at the moment. Desire to get rid something and the need to survive If the one that is cannibal in his dream feels disgusted and horrified by his own actions, then it could simply show the rejection of inappropriate food or wrong actions he is doing. The dreamer has some of the personality aspects which he wish he could get rid of. In a dream, to eat the flesh of... (read more)
  • Dates - ...your love and have a wonderful family. Arabian (Islamic) Love if have or eat dates – You are eating dates in your dream, then this dream announces you only good success in love; Love if man eats dates – when a man eats dates in the dream, then this marks that he will to be loved by a woman; Happiness if eating dates – When you eat dates in your dream and enjoy the taste of them, then this dream has only positive meaning which promises happiness, joy and fortune; Welfare if have lots of dates – The dream is very good omen, that you will... (read more)
  • Pear - ...– You are eating a sweet and juicy pear in the dream then this denotes great joy or great love affair for you; Sadness if eat acidic pear – The acid pear in the dream announces you pain and sadness; Failure if see or eat rotten pears – The rotten and wormy pears as a dream symbols indicate sadness, failure and sickness in your life; Weddings if see good pear – Very positive dream symbol which announces you marriage and happiness; Hard times if see wormy – When you have or see wormy pears in the dream, then this is... (read more)
  • Banana - General Meanings: Sexuality – Many dreams about fruit have to do with sexuality and sensuality. From ancient times, because of its shape, banana symbolizes penis. However, due to its soft consistency banana is also interpreted as a symbol of handling male sexuality. Sexual needs and Fear – Banana especially in dreams of women, mostly understood as a phallic symbol, which perhaps indicates suppressed sexual needs. These needs are more clearly expressed when the banana is eaten. For men, eating a banana can also show unconscious fears of sexuality, power loss or castration. Psychological Meanings: Sexual behavior and Apathy – In... (read more)
  • Supper - ...strength back and the next day will be very successful at your work; Cooperation reaching the success if eating dinner with others – This dream is a sign that there is a possibility for success, but you have to join together with somebody. Very good for team work and new joint decisions. Hindu Success if enjoy with another – You are dreaming that you have supper with other people, this announces that soon you will be able to enjoy the success; Luck If eat – Your way is convenient to reach the target and the happiness is waving to you... (read more)
  • Eel, eels - Association: Working on obligations, Slipperiness Question: What dangers my freedom of movement will bring? General Meanings: Male organ and sexuality In the dream the symbol of the eel stands for the male penis and sexual instincts. It may also indicate a kind of spiritualistic action of the emotions, feelings and soul life. It is able to interpret the dream more accurately, but you have to examine closer the state of the water in which the eel resides and also the attitude which you yourself have with this animal. Sexual needs and elasticity Eel can be a sex (penis) symbol, which indicates,... (read more)
  • Bleat - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) New duties if bleating lamb – To hear bleating lambs in a dream then this announces new tasks and duties that will be pleasant for you.... (read more)
  • Worms - Association: – Decomposition & insignificance. Degradation & irrelevance. Disintegration & unimportance. Question: – Where in my life I am prepared to assert myself? In general: In its basic meaning, the worm can stand for the penis. Depending on the gender of the dreamer and his attitude toward sexuality, the worm may be perceived as threatening. Worm stands for sexual and other impulses, which can even reject them as low and suppressed. In a broader sense it may symbolize the past, the new comes, often related to manure. Psychologically: The invertebrate reptile, which we see in the dream, may indicate... (read more)
  • Goats - ...with disgruntled moaners, which want to use your success; Worries If Seeing black goat – Black goats in the dream shows that you have to deal with moaners, the bargain with an evil character who wants to inflict a large damage; Illness If Eating goat meat – This dream is a warning about a disease, according to the amount consumed, disease is more or less dangerous. Pay attention to your health; Richness If Seeing goat’s hair or wool – Such a dream means wealth, material prosperity, opulence; Hard work and Earnings  If dressed in goat wool or hair – To dream, that you... (read more)
  • Bed-wetting - society, or he is condemned for wrongdoing. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level the bed-wetting indicates a need to express yourself as a personality freely and without any boundaries. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fear if baby or children bed-wetting – The dream of mother that her child wets the bed, this is  an unusual sign of fear because of her children; Late recovery if wet the bed when sick – In the dream you wet a bed because you sick, this dream indicates that you will not recover as quickly as hoped. * Please, see meaning of bed.... (read more)
  • Ball - Association: Ball – integration, wholeness. Ball game – integration of individual and collective consciousness. Healthy competition. Question: Ball – Which parts of me do I join together? Ball game – What would I like to share? To which group do I add myself? General Meanings: A ball as a dream symbol stands for playful, childlike side of the dreamer, also shows his need to express himself freely. To follow a ball in the dream points the need for freedom and refers to the ostentatiously attractive side of the personality. Depending on what happens with the ball, has the following... (read more)
  • Insult - ...Luck if be offended by a child – When you are insulted by a child then this dream stands as a good sign that you have an ability to win in the lottery; Misapprehension if be insulted by a foreign person – In your dream you are insulted by a foreign person, then you may expect that you will have a misunderstanding in the profession. Arabian (Islamic) Attention if be offended – You are offended in the dream then this denotes that you will meet enemies in near future and they want to make damage to you. * Please, see meaning of dispute.... (read more)
  • Ice Cream - General Meanings: Time of joy Ice cream in a dream is associated and related with sensuality and taste. Under normal circumstances, this is an enjoyable and happy experience which will remind the dreamer his childhood and careless times. The dreamer eats an ice cream in his dream, he is also able, as an adult, to make joy with little things in his life. Psychological Meanings: Temporary feelings Ice cream can represent an attitude of mind, in which the dreamer comes to conclusion, that there is nothing permanent in life – joy, happiness, luck and satisfaction are fickle like an ice... (read more)
  • Picture - ...nobody wants to help; News if seeing children, women or acquaintances – This dream brings you very interesting news; Liberation if dreaming deceased parents or friends pictures – This is a signal that you will liberate from an oppressive situation, assistance and support; Insecure if see people with pain in their faces in the picture – Dreaming suffering people in the picture, means that you feel insecure and nervous; High respect if see lots of pictures in the dream – This dream announces honor for you; Losses if paint yourself in the picture – You will participate in matters which... (read more)
  • Bow (arc) - ...lot of trouble in life, because do do not have an ability to defend yourself; Adventure if shoot from a bow – You are shooting from a bow in your dream, then this means an adventure and relaxation from hard work; Pleasure if see children playing with a bow – The children are playing with a bow in your dream, then this dream announces you pleasure and satisfaction in near future. Hindu (Hinduism) Protection if see a bow – The bow as a dream symbol means that you are under good protection and you will not have any worries or... (read more)
  • Jesus Christ - ...times; Luck if see a child who worship – In the dream you see a child who worship the Christ and he learn it from the parents, means a long peaceful period full of prosperity, wisdom, much joy and satisfaction; Reward if expelling from temple – Expelling the merchants from the temple in your dream, this shows that bad enemies will be defeated and your honest efforts will be rewarded; Hindu (Hinduism) Generally the Christ – The feeling of satisfaction comes over you, but you must not lose your faith. Good Sign If look at him – If somebody looks at... (read more)
  • Darkness - Association: Mystery, something unknown, a place of fear or options. Question: What am I looking for? What tries to take shape? General Meanings: Confusion and uncertainty Darkness in a dream is interpreted as a state of confusion or when entering an unknown territory and difficult period in your real life. Darkness in the dream makes clear that you do not understand something and therefore you are uncertain how to behave properly and decide correctly. The first step is that you have to try to illuminate the darkness. Also this dream shows some shadows in your soul which are hidden so you have to try... (read more)
  • Babysitting - Association: Working with the inner child. Question: How much efforts do I have to take care of the child in me? Psychological Meanings: Need of care This dream is a sign that you want to relinquish responsibility because you are afraid to fail. But from other side this may be also an indication that you feel safe, because you have those who take care of everything. New beginning Also the dream of babysitter might be a sign that you trust yourself and now it is time for you to start and to create something new, you have to invest... (read more)
  • Umbilical cord - General Meanings: Fear of children which leave the nest Did you see the umbilical cord in the dream? Were there any problems? Did you allow it reluctantly? Perhaps this dream refers to adult children who leave their home, or some other elements which slip away from you in your life. Psychological Meanings: Courage to be free Umbilical cord means the wish to be free from inhibitions and outdated connections, just to make yourself independent. It is a sign of an inward courage. * Please, see meaning of umbilical.... (read more)
  • Amulet - ...this denotes that you will finish your work that lasted for a long time; Annoyance if wear an amulet – In the dream you wear an amulet, this signifies that you will argue with your family member, but after discussion everything will be OK; Take care of your children if find an amulet – This dream marks that you have to take care of your children, they need your attention and care; Changes if buy an amulet – In the dream you buy an amulet, this means that you will make very important decision which will change your life.... (read more)
  • Cupid (God of love) - Association: Divine innocence, angelic child. Question: Where do my spirit and mind reborn? Psychological Meanings: The dream symbol of cupid indicates a passionate but only temporary love. The naked god of love in the form of a child points to affair which are rather superficial. Also this may be a sign to take a risk and start new relation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) You are loved if see a cupid – Your loved person is thinking about you; Not your love if see the arrow directed to you – This dream points to a love affair that is not for you; Stay aside... (read more)
  • Monkey - ...reminder to the man, though he differs by his spirit from the animal, but he is just physically mortal. Sexual problems and Lack of deeper feelings To interpret a dream in which a monkey occurs, you must pay attention to the story of the monkey. The action can refer to sexual problems: For example, if the monkey appears as a sexual symbol, this can mean that an erotic connection lacks of emotional depth. Longing for childhood and Impersonation of others Playful monkey is swinging from branch to branch, the dreamer longs (often unconsciously) for the carelessness of his childhood. This is a frequent... (read more)
  • Adolescence - ...girl looking for visions and come back as an adult. It is a period of increased freedom of vocational and sexual experimentation. Today, the adolescence for many young people is connected with frustrations, because their natural desire to explore and experiment is largely blocked. General Meaning Increase of sexuality, sensuality, intensity, the urge of the research or the frustration. Association You’re still wet behind the ears. Transcendent Meaning Understanding your own sexual nature or the chosen way of life. You have the opportunity to correct bad decisions from the past. * Please, see meaning of early childhood and childhood.... (read more)
  • Counting - Traditionally: European – Counting of your own children and to see that they are happy and nice: the children will live their lives with no problems and go to honorable positions; – To count people in dream: power, dignity and ambition fulfilled, lucky numbers: 3, 7, 9, 11 and 17; – To count money: you are lucky and you can pay your debt; – To count in dream anything for yourself: predicts good fortune; – To count another person money or other things of others: this dream announce losses in near future; Hindu – Counting in dream: you’ll have... (read more)
  • Home - Association: – The center of being – spiritual self. Question: – Where is my mind? In General: A dream of home often relates to our sense of emotional and financial security. Perhaps you are still waiting for past returns, and you learn from such dreams, the past and the present – get in touch – or the future. Older people often dream of her parents’ house, especially if they had a happy childhood. Psychologically: Everyone has basic needs for shelter, warmth and nourishment. The home, especially the parents’ home, can symbolize all this, basic needs. When we have this... (read more)
  • Biscuit - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Love if see biscuit – The dream of biscuit marks that love is like a sweet for you, you enjoy it; Celebration if bake biscuits – In the dream you are baking biscuits then this dream is a sign of engagement in the family or another enjoyable feast; Miss something if eat biscuit – You are eating biscuits in your dream, then this shows that you long for something, but you’re still not quite clear about it.... (read more)
  • Venison - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if have venison – Dreaming of venison this may be a sign that with all your efforts and stubbornness you will reach good financial status and prosperous life. Arabian (Islamic) Good life if eat venison – You are dreaming that you are eating venison so this points to well-being.... (read more)
  • Broth - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if make broth – You are dreaming that you are making broth then this stands as a sign of happiness, also your business will grow and will bring you prosperity. Arabian (Islamic) Marriage if eating or drinking broth – The dream announces that you will fall in love and will get early marriage. * Please, see meaning of meat broth.... (read more)