Ano ang kahulugan sa panaginip ng tumatae dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream about ano ang kahulugan sa panaginip ng tumatae may record happiness, cherishing and fast friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud explanation this dream about ano ang kahulugan sa panaginip ng tumatae marks autarchical vital spark, feminine sexuality, imaginativeness and endowment.
Enthusiastic evolutions are happening only when: ano ang kahulugan sa panaginip ng tumatae - This dream sign suggests advantage and being an innovative person. If not, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream might symbol vice versa essence: some-one is being double-dealing and unstable in relation to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 70, 69, 1, 4, 17; 2 extra numbers - 53, 51.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and purple .
  • Bread - ...survive and Positive values to live A dream of bread is about the emotional and physical satisfaction of basic human needs. Bread is the classic symbol of nourishment, strength, stabilization, social security and certainty to survive. The harvested grain becomes bread. This has its original importance as a basic food, which is the result of careful effort as a distinctly cultural product. Dreams of bread is not for physiologically hungry people, this shows the life course, spiritual art, the last supper, or mental nature. The bread gives us a lot, but it is not for the luxury, it is always for what... (read more)
  • Conflagration - ...or external experience, here your mental energy may become destructive. The fire in the dream may be suppressed emotions of anger, revenge. The dreams of fire have to be taken very seriously, because the person may “burn” himself from inside or these negative feelings may bring serious disease. Spiritual Meanings: The dream of conflagration symbolizes ambiguities, uncertainties. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happy time if see conflagration without smoke – This dream announces that you will have great joy and wonderful time with family; Benefits if see a house burning in flames – To see a house burning in flames in your dream,... (read more)
  • Bomb - ...which threaten on your own fears and destructive feelings if you cannot control them any longer. Other interpretations arising under the following circumstances in the dream: Worries – A single bomb that we see in the dream could be a message that hits like a bomb and/or announced unexpected problems and dangers. Avoid hostility – Throwing a bomb shows that you must reckon with the hostility with others. Rescuing from anger – A bomb attack on another person which you see, promises that you yourself happy will escape from a danger. Psychological Meanings: Inability of changes/ Lack of decisiveness – The... (read more)
  • Flower vase - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Surprise if see a flower vase – In the dream you see a flower vase then you may expect a pleasant surprise or a happy event. Hindu (Hinduism) Upcoming joy if see a broken vase – To dream of broken flower vase indicates that you don’t have to be sad, because only positive and good thoughts will bring you joy and everything what you desire. Arabian (Islamic) Surprise if see flower vase – The vase of flowers as a dream symbol announces  a pleasant surprise which awaits for you; Anger if break a vase –... (read more)
  • Tree -, new energy or power, sometimes stronger sexual needs that perhaps are now suppressed. Tree with fruits promises success through good work, especially when you harvest them yourself. Shaking the fruit-covered tree promises future happiness and success. Sit under a tree can mean safety or the need of it; Sit on the top of the tree, want to find out how to protect yourself from danger or misfortune. Climbing on a tree can announce a better view about the life situation; Partly this also indicates that you will arise, on your own force, in a higher protected position or use your... (read more)
  • Parallel bars - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Anger if see silver parallel bars – In the dream silver parallel bars indicate an anger in your life; Good time if see golden parallel bars – In the dream golden parallel bars announce you good hopes and good future.... (read more)
  • Barrack - Psychological Meanings: Temporarily The dream symbol of the barrack illustrates temporary building as a temporary situation, a temporary solution without security and stability. The life desires for more stamina and durability. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Anxiety if see a barrack – In a dream to see a barrack then this means anxiety, anger in your life because you do not have clear aims of your life. Hindu (Hinduism) Anger if be in a barrack – In the dream to be in a barrack then this marks the controversy at home because of your uncertainty. Arabian (Islamic) Disease if see... (read more)
  • Balloon - our higher intellectuality. Also the balloon as a dream symbol denotes our desire to hunt our happiness and this depends on the favorable wind. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Sadness if see a balloon – In the dream you see the balloon in the air, then this marks that you will experience a great disappointment, even if they produce good ideas or even make something new; Lost control if fly in a balloon -This dream is a sign that you move away from your achievable goals and you lost the ground under your feet; Anger if see a burst of gas-filled... (read more)
  • Old age - ...bad company and then she will become mockery; Arabian (Islamic) Honor if be an old – This dream shows that you will be honored because of your wisdom and intelligence; Anger if see an old woman – this dream indicates anger and frustration, because you acted like a child without thinking about consequences; Honor if wear old clothes – The old clothes as a dream symbol denotes that you will have high honor; Less money if see old clothes – To see old clothes in your dream announces that your wealth will decrease, because you do not listen the older people’s experience and intelligence; Initial plan if put... (read more)
  • Face - General Meanings: The mirror of the feelings The dream symbol of face appears in the dream when the dreamer is ready to face his real face, to understand himself better, to find the mistakes. The expression of the face can show the anxiety, sadness, worries or happiness of the dreamer. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Aspiration if healthy face – To dream a healthy face, announces good hopes; Success if see sympathetic face – This dream signifies that your actions will succeed; Joy if smiling face – This dream will bring you happiness in your life; Warning if angry and... (read more)
  • Alms (donations) - General Meanings: Fear to be poor Who distributes alms/donation in a dream wants to be generous, and also expects gratitude. Who dreams that he begs and accepts alms, means that he is so afraid of material hardship that he would like to secure himself “at all costs.” Even if he lets himself to be humiliating. Psychological Meanings: Generosity and fear To receive alms, this expresses fear to be a burden to other. You give charity or alms, this shows willingness to sacrifice and also notes that nobody should skimp internally. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Bad luck if request and refuse – This... (read more)
  • Aggression - Psychological Meanings: Suppressed anger inside you You killed or shot the known person in the dream, this expresses suppressed anger feelings which you have edged out in the everyday life. On the contrary you are murdered  or attacked by somebody you know, this certain person has unfulfilled and impossible expectations to you in your life. If you cannot fulfill the wishes, demands or expectations more because of others, then responsible complexes arise in your dream. The unconscious often responds by aggressive attacks from “internal pressure”. * Please, see meaning of steam.... (read more)
  • WC (lavatory) - fulfill. Hindu (Hinduism) Don’t be so angry if see – The dream wants to show you that you do not show so much grief to other people if they don’t understand your way the same as you do; Be aware if occupied – This is a warning that you do not have to be so confident, because you can make lots of mistakes, pay more attention to the details; Luck is near if dirty – Good sign that the great fortune stands at your door, you will get it; Be more attentive if need to clean – You are... (read more)
  • Wolf - ...severe anger; – To be pursued by wolf or pack of wolves: you’re not well-disposed & you have a mortal enemy; – To listen howling wolves: you shall not listen to the gossip of the neighbors, you will be under pressure from all sides; – To beat wolf in dream: you will overcome your enemies. Denise Lynn (short): Short interpretation of wolf in dreams by Denise Lynn Wolf symbolizes society and public duty; Also, it shows concern about the family or suggests care for the family. Wolf can indicate the need for more care and support. Wolf also shows fear,... (read more)
  • Pliers - ...and during this period you will be tempted by someone to violent anger; Fatigue if hurt with pliers on your own flesh – The dream may be a sign that you will get a tiresome duties; Hindu (Hinduism) Bad period if see pliers – The dream marks that bad people want to harm you, also you will undermine your happiness; Support if work with pliers – You are working with pliers in the dream then this means that you will get help in distress and unpleasant situation; Danger if try to reach with pliers – To try to access something with pliers in the you... (read more)
  • Cheese - ...and ill-smelling – The cheese in your dream has bad smell and it is too old to eat then this announces anger and strife in the private life; Disease if see sliced cheese – The dream may be a  warning of the disease or you will have to survive an operation. Persian Luck if eat fresh cheese – Eat fresh cheese in the dream shows that someone will have good fortune according to the amount of consumed cheese; Anger if cheese with peeled nuts – In your dream you see cheese with peeled nuts then in your real life you will have... (read more)
  • Lament - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Unfulfilled hopes if lament – In the dream you lament because of authority then this may show that you will have disappointed hopes. Hindu (Hinduism) Worries if lament – in your dream you feel lament because of something then this may be a sign that you will meet unexpected trouble and strife. Arabian (Islamic) Avoid anger if lament – You are dreaming of lament then you have to try to avoid anger and anxiety because this will destroy your relationship.... (read more)
  • Throw - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fulfillment if throw something – Dreaming that you throw something, then this announces that you will achieve your aims and you will fulfill your plans; Unpleasant time if throw with anger – Throw something with anger in your dream, then in near future you may have damage or unpleasant events.... (read more)
  • Mad Dog - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Real true if angry dog – In the dream you see a mad, angry or furious dog then this means that all falsehood will be unmasked and will be disproved unfair allegations;... (read more)
  • Mount - ...not too steep, we will succeed and the rise in life. – Climbing the mountain often means that you have set high goals, but may also indicate that you will overcome obstacles and difficulties, then it is perhaps in a dream at the summit. – A difficult climb up a steep mountain points to life, where you could easily fail. – If the summit is not reached, the dreamer of lofty goals. – If you arrive safely above can look forward to a success. – Be on a mountain and be looking into a beautiful landscape is a good omen... (read more)
  • Skyscraper - ...Psychologically: If woman is dreaming a skyscraper with no windows, so this dream indicates that in relationship she and her partner does not have emotional contact only physical (sexual). Skyscraper is the building of the pure sexual gratification. Also skyscraper symbolizes the mental frustration. Traditionally: European – To see skyscraper: it is ensured that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, what you will soon see in a person’s environment; – To live in skyscraper: you live in the wrong house and this anonymous isolation give you nothing good. Hindu – To see: do not be so arrogant.... (read more)
  • Globe - ...find something on a globe in the dream but without success, then you will receive an anonymous letter which will bring you surprise; News if study globe – Dreaming of studying a globe means that you will get to know a great knowledge. Hindu (Hinduism) Journey if dream of globe – Dreaming of globe may be a sign that you will do a world tour; Travel if see terrestrial globe – This dream denotes that you’re standing in front of a great journey. Arabian (Islamic) Travel if globe – Dreaming of globe announces a beautiful trip. * Please, see meaning of earth or ball.... (read more)
  • Seizure (epileptic) - Association: Extreme inner confusion; convulsive movements. Question: Where in my life am I afraid to control or to strive? General Meanings: Anorgasmia You have a seizure (epileptic) in the dream, this may be a sign of suppressed sexuality (anxiety of orgasm). Instead of orgasm and relaxation move to spasmodic seizure. The dreamer should learn to relax. Also this may be a warning about health problems. Psychological Meanings: Suppressed sexuality or health problems Emotional expression and high voltage symbol this indicates the desire to escape from the normal and boring life. Alternatively a seizure dreams is a long suppressed desire... (read more)
  • Baby / Babies - Association: Child-like self; Rebirth or revival; Trust and reliance. Question: What new is born inside me? Or was it just a rebirth? What is it that I trust? Am I confident enough? In general: – Safety and protection: In all cases (girl or boy) dreaming of baby is the symbol of the unconscious longing for security. There is nothing new – as we always are pursuing any kind of guarantees, so this part of our waking life comes in dreams with face of birth. – Work and success: To carry a baby (male or female) in dream symbolizes work... (read more)
  • Big snakes in the road - To dream big snakes in the road might can have a lot of significant meanings. Most of them are negative, but just because it is so, it does not mean that it must happen. So, big snakes in the road dream can mean: May a swarm of frothing rats find your kidneys suddenly delectable. You friendless offspring of a motherless simpleton. You friendless, hirsute, bad excuse for shit. You crusty, earwax for brains. Also, dreaming of big snakes in the road can symbolize: May the hosts of Hades viciously sneeze on your best rug. You bloated, funky, grimy,... (read more)