Baby poop on me dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams of baby poop on me may forebode poise, affection and sincere friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's explanation this dream about baby poop on me represents unconnected earnestness, effeminate libido, imaginativeness and attraction.
Good renewings are happening in life when: baby poop on me - This dream sign naturally means the circumstance that puts the dreamer in a favorable position. You are a visionary person. In another way, if the dream was more like nightmare then such dream should betoken vice versa spirit: an important person should be dishonorable and hairy in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 85, 50, 28, 16, 73; 2 extra numbers - 38, 82.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and black .
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