Balls of fire from the sky dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about balls of fire from the sky may testify comfort, fellow-feeling and association.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud analysis such dreaming of balls of fire from the sky marks self-supporting tenor, tender sex instinct, great skill in creative endeavors and control.
Reassuring adaptations are happening in waking life only if: balls of fire from the sky - This symbol of dream represents the condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status. You are a notch above the others. In different circumstances, if the dream was more like nightmare then such dream can connote backwards nuance: a person of importance is being suborned and insecure toward your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 49, 33, 52, 38, 74; 2 extra numbers - 94, 44.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and yellow .
  • Planet Elements - Association: Earth, Water, Fire, Air – the elements of a planet, which create wholeness of universe. General Meanings: The relation with all these element – wholeness or individuality. Each of them shows your individual features which you have to develop and have as a gift from the universe. Psychological Meanings: Gift from one of the four elements. The water – power of creation. The air – intellect. The fire – aspiration and strength of character. The earth – productiveness. Spiritual Meanings: The elements – earth, water, fire and air – can not exist without the support of plants, animals, people. You... (read more)
  • Mount - for next time. – The descent may indicate the end of an important sub-section in our lives, but also that we have finally made it and that now a more peaceful time ahead of us, perhaps to be solved but also by excessive targets, but not unavailable, or arrogance store. – The fire-spitting mountain (volcano) can simply warn about risks to before haughty plans and objectives. Psychoanalysts interpret it as well as a need, certain feelings, memories and other distressing emotional content to remove from life, then it may also be important to watch what will be ejected from the... (read more)
  • Oven - General Meanings: Oven as a dream symbol stands for a change for the better, especially when one recognizes the fact of fire in the oven. The fire on a stove, indicates luck and fortune. Psychological Meanings: Symbol for “fire held in control” – denotes suppressed or at least controlled instincts. According to Freud, this is female sex symbol it is equivalent to the uterus. Mature personality According to modern interpretation when something is baked in the oven may indicate maturity. If something is pushed into an oven, this denotes that something is taken out as baked then this indicates... (read more)
  • Burn down - the mental attitude of the dreamer is disturbed, or something in disarray with the control center of the brain. Spiritual Meanings: Fire and water always symbolize emotional energy: fire purifies. Bright flames announce new ideas. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Inconvenience if see smokes – In the dream you see lots of smokes, this brings trouble or difficulty caused to your personal requirements or comfort; Luck if bright flames – This dream will bring you great joy and fast success at your work; News if (White) smoke – In the dream you see white smokes that comes from burnt down building or things, this... (read more)
  • Wipe out - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Losses if wipe out with fire – To dream of light or fire then this dream announces your losses of all kinds and unfulfilled hopes. Arabian (Islamic) No success if destroy with light or fire – The dream marks that your expectations is poor and this will not bring any satisfaction.... (read more)
  • Mountain - enmity and persecution of others; – See a fire-breathing mountain (volcano): damage and threat, also an unpleasant event can be expected; – Mountain with castle: the beginning with good financial conditions; – Dreaming mountain with ruins: profit & warns of the approaching old age; – To climb easily: is always a good omen; – See a green hill (heap) with trees: represents good hope; – Do not get up on peak: a sign of wasted effort & fruitless work; – To go down from a rocky mountain: small success and maybe a loss of a loved one; – To climb... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - vehicle, or a marriage, or a child; Official person is stamping or sealing a document with signet or seal ring – means that the dreamer will receive an important political appointment; Finding any ring or lost ring – means money from foreigners, profits from a foreign land, or having a newborn son, or it could mean a marriage to a good woman; The sky is raining rings – means that he will conceive a child during that year. If he is unwed, it means that he will marry a rich and a virgin young woman during that same year. If... (read more)
  • Airplane - more than one thing. The wings of the plane The wing of the airplane is one of the most important parts in the plane, therefore it is inseparable from it. The one who dreams of the wing or wings of the plane, feels that one part of the problem or situation is exceptionally important, depending on the circumstances of the wing if it is on fire or flying fine. If the wing or wings are on fire, such dream would mean that there are some problem which you should be aware of. Doors of the plane The doors of the... (read more)
  • Ice - still traditionally interpreted as follows: Go on Ice, fling or fall warns about speculations which will end with failures and losses because they are too risky; You should consider and pay attention to this note that comes from unconscious. See Ice in summer often suggests that an intention or a project doesn’t stand under favorable rating and should be abandoned. Eating Ice announces an adventure after which you will have “stomach aches” and this will run dangerously. Psychological Meanings: Danger The ice in the dream is always a danger symbol. It appears in a lot of different forms, for example, as an... (read more)
  • Falling - on, the new life, ideas are coming together. Somebody saved you while you were falling To dream that you’ve been falling, but then somebody have saved you, signifies the protection you fell you have from someone. According to dream, you feel that at any time of your life, when you will not know how to act someone will give you a hand and will help while going through your life. Make sure you do not attach yourself to this person to much, because sometimes the help you need might not be provided for many reasons such as the end of... (read more)
  • Billiard ball - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Uncertainty if see or have billiard balls – In your dream you have billiard balls then this dream goes as a sign that your fortune is fickle and your aims are uncertain, unclear.... (read more)
  • Car - he is in. Alternatively, the dream may be an indication of the confusion the dreamer is at the moment, especially if he is not able to find his car in the car park, because the dreamer finds it hard to relax. Probably there is a need to remove himself from others, stay on his own and think of the things he really wants out of life. Seat belt of the car The one who who wears a seatbelt in his dream is very responsible person who cares about his being and appearance. Alternatively, the dream can represent imprudence of the... (read more)
  • Volcano - your anger; Bad business if dream a volcano – For the merchant the dream of volcano announces dishonest employees, robbery, theft, or other sad events; Difficult matters if see a volcano – To see a young woman near volcano, then selfishness and greed lead you to difficult adventure. Hindu (Hinduism) Changes if see volcano – You are dreaming of volcano, then in your life you may expect some changes and new places and people; New life if see fire-breathing volcano – The dream announces major upheavals in life. Arabian (Islamic) troubles if see smokes or erupted volcano – This dream points to... (read more)
  • Numbers - air, fire and water; Characteristics of Four: loyalty, tenacity, practicality, honesty, clumsiness, slowness, conservatism, lack of adaptability; Practical Significance of Four: if dreamer wants, he can create a secure and protected home; Read more about 4. 5 Number Five symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance: General Meaning of Number 5 in dream: Five often symbolizes the body (head, arms and legs) their needs, then requests to better body consciousness. Traditionally, they indicated as the union of the four basic elements of medieval alchemy to new forms, as the abundance of individual life opportunities; Spiritual Meaning of Five: The human body, human... (read more)
  • Combustion - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Happiness if see light or fire – This dream announces you great joy and wonderful life. * Please, see meaning of fire.... (read more)
  • Ash - Association: Remains. Question: What is over me? What will I get rid of myself? General Meanings: Ash is in a dream often of remorse and grief. The dreamer is aware that he has behaved in a situation of over-anxious and stupid and that he can change it any more. This situation has been completed. After an event has gone over, or a person from the life of the dreamer, he dreamed of a burnt-out fire, perhaps, the only remains of the ashes. Ash can announce that expectations and hopes will not be fulfilled. You can also refined rise from... (read more)
  • Gangrene - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Death if see gangrene on another – In the dream you see gangrene on others body, then this dream announces you very painful message the death of a parent or a close relative; Good news if see gangrene – To see gangrene then this dream stands for joyful news; Help from friends if burn and gangrene – To burn your hand on a brightly blazing fire and then see gangrene, this dream indicates assistance of friends and good intentions; Success if feet burned – Your feet burned by the fire, then this dream marks that... (read more)
  • Attic - as our head. It may not accumulate junk and unnecessary things. Dreams about the attic are always a little suspicious. This has much to do with childhood memories, memories of curiosity, banned searching and earlier erotic experiences. In the dreams of the attic we also encounter with strange, ancient and unknown content. The negative meaning of this dream when the fire is in the attic. Then a fire breaks out in your head and this dreams can announce about starting mental disorders. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Marriage if see attic – In the dream you see an attic then for a single people this announces... (read more)
  • Ignition sticks - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Be attentive if see or set on fire with ignition stick – The dream indicates that do not play with fire because this may bring you lots of unpleasant consequences. European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if see ignition stick – This dream point to promises. You may have an ability to make changes in your life which will bring you prosperity; Success if make light – In the dream you use ignition sticks in order to make light because of darkness then this announces that you will get unexpected fortune and success. Hindu (Hinduism) Prosperity if see ignition sticks –... (read more)
  • Ignite - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Love if ignite – In your dream you ignite a fire then this may announce that soon you will  in love; No love if can not ignite – You try to ignite fire but you can’t then this dream indicates that you do not believe in love.... (read more)
  • Dog bite hand - financial way…. (Mad Dog) A dog in a dream also represents a police informer or a police dog…. (Dog) A dog in a dream also means suffering from extremely high fever and in relation to Dog star or the stars Procyon and Sirius of the constellations Canis Minor and Canis Major…. (Dog) If the dog is vicious and / or to dream that dog is growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself…. (Dog) Also you must reconsider the conceptions associated with the word dog, such as loyalty (man’s best friend) and to be ”treated like a dog”…. (Dog)... (read more)
  • Snake - Snake in a dream symbolizes a fire. It can mean that you are in a burning situation or fiery idea burns in your head. Snake dream can also serve as an alert to calm down or to take maximum of your thoughts. It is possible that such dream prognosticates a solution for your burning situation. Alternatively, the dream can represent your feelings of being burned by a relationship. Fire symbolism in a snake dream stands as a representation of current state. It brings knowledge that something special is going on right now in waking life.... (read more)
  • Islamic Ring - fired form his job. Removing one’s ring in a dream means that one maybe removed from his job. If a woman sees herself removing her wedding ring in a dream, it means the death of either her husband or of a close relative. A ring in a dream also connotes a band, an encumbrance, or a shackle. If one’s ring disappears and only the stone remains in the dream, it means that once the responsibilities are gone, good memories of the person will remain. A man wearing a golden ring in a dream represents innovation, and the results will bring... (read more)
  • Evening star (Venus) - Psychological Meanings: Pleasant events and romantic feelings Venus as an astrological planet of love usually indicates pleasant events. In the dark of the night shines a light for a new hope. Allow yourself to feel romantic feelings, find a new goal and destination, life may hold a surprise for you. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness and Wellness Evening start is a sign of great happiness. Also for sick people announces recovery. It is the time to avail the luck which the destiny gives you; Successes and benefits if see light along with other less bright stars – This dream announces... (read more)
  • Alcohol - Association: Relaxation, let yourself go; exemption from responsibility. Question: What would I like to let go or to release? General Meanings: A symbol of heightened and increased emotionalism, lack of restraint, the state of intoxication – and for lack of clarity during the discussion of current problems. In the dream you are ” pleasantly tiddly “, this expresses the wish for uncontrolled pleasure, after ecstatic sensations (also sexually). The negative variant of this dream – you feel helplessly drunk and feel extradited – symbolizes the fear of inhibitions break down, to let go, etc. – the “hangover” (repentance) is expected as... (read more)
  • Precipice (Cliff) - faced with a similar meaning: Upcoming dangers and overcoming them To look to a precipice may mean that you look into your own unconscious and perceive things, which you would not rather been detected. Perhaps this announces also about approaching dangers which can arise from your own behavior, actions and desires. However, you have to look forward bravely to upcoming dangers because you can recognize them in time, that you can avoid or overcome and master them. Stand very close to precipice often warns against a “downfall” in grief, sorrow and distress, for example, if you keep current intentions. Slip into the... (read more)
  • Atmosphere - General Meanings: Blue sky and sunshine are one of the most auspicious of all dreams, because they prophesy prosperity in money matters, happiness at home and true friends around you. Clouds, rain and thunderstorms are all signs which signify about troubles and misfortune and this also depends on the strength of the storm. The heaviest storm is the bigger worries are announced. * Please, see meaning of sky, sun, storm, clouds.... (read more)
  • Blue - The blue color is a symbol of fulfillment of desires. You will get prosperity through the work of others and the company where you work will thrive and develop continuously and this will give you an ability to improve your own financial situation; Reaching your goals if look for a blue dress – The dream indicates that you will achieve your goals through stubbornness; No worries if see a clear blue sky – This dream is a good sign that you will free yourself from many difficulties and unpleasant situations; Financial worries if sit in a blue room – In... (read more)
  • Departure (take off) - Psychological Meanings: Risky thing because of joy Somebody who has no fear of the fly, without hesitation and spontaneously engages in an intense feeling or a risky intention and proposition. Who are thinking ” Everything or nothing ” -mastered challenges brilliantly and wants to withdraw joy. The starting position, a window seat on the plane, take off, everything becomes smaller and smaller – then through the clouds into the boundless blue. What does this mean, that you want to tolerate and to cope psychologically with moments of happiness and euphoria.... (read more)
  • Thief - General Meanings: Fair of losses and secret affairs The dream of a thief indicates that the dreamer is afraid to accept losses. It necessary must be material things, it can also be love or passion. Thief can stand for secret desires that you allow only furtively, among other things also including sexual needs. Other meanings are derived from the following circumstances of the dream: Seeing caught burglar or thief, this announces a positive and favorable phase in life. Being robbed by the thief is a good sign for business purposes, professional and financial plans. The thief escapes, means that... (read more)
  • Money - a dream to spend money promises success and financial gains. Dishonor or Pride If Having Money – In a dream to have money can warn from careless spending, but also announce that you can lose prestige and influence, but not always. Sometimes comes pride. Psychological Meanings: Wealth or Poverty – There are many signals for correct interpretation of dream about money. Important are the source of the money, the place where you get it, find or lose, their colors and their numbers. Dreaming about money can indicate either riches, wealth or poverty. Power and Sexuality – A dream in which money is... (read more)