Being trapped on a mental hospital ward dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about being trapped on a mental hospital ward can register contentment, love and fusion.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's understanding of this dream about being trapped on a mental hospital ward symbols self-contained enthusiasm, soft lust, originality and omnipotence.
Affirmative remodellings are afoot in waking life if: being trapped on a mental hospital ward - It predicts advantage and being a notch better than others. Under other conditions, if the dream was more like nightmare then your dream could symbolize backwards essence: some person may be dishonest and/or misleading toward your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 6, 58, 80, 66, 33; 2 extra numbers - 13, 47.
Fortunate colors for this dream: purple and brown .
  • Fire - It is an archetypal sign of the spirit and love. One of the most important dream images at all, because it had fundamental importance for the people and civilization. Generally, dreamer can understand fire as expressions of: strong feelings, devouring passions, high ideals and fundamental strength and energy, which are not always harmless; fire can be the passion and desire in a positive way; in the negative sense point to frustration, anger, disgust and destructiveness. Positively, fire can also be regarded as a sign of spiritual cleansing, or for transformation and rebirth. More generally, these dreams are for mental energy.... (read more)
  • Fire - Dreaming about something is on fire symbolizes situations or relations by which you are engrossed. Your mind and attention is fully occupied. It might be a strong passionate emotions or prolonged intensive obsessions. Maybe you are bothered with uncontrollable persistence of some idea. Or it could be some person who is bothering you. Fire is mostly seen as a symbol of anger. Also, it represents some combination of difficult circumstances in waking life that is mentally painful and very hard to accept. Do you feel intense bitterness currently in your life? Or maybe there is a situation that goes... (read more)
  • Forced (restrained) - Psychological Meanings: Mental constrains In the dream you see some very important events, which are related to force or pressure or restraint, often the right to undertake physical predicaments (shackles, etc.), then this dream refers to mental constraints (case of emergency and sometimes obsessive compulsive disorder). Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Higher position if be forced – If you were restrained in your dream, then you will be able to keep your head high and will not be so shy.... (read more)
  • Cod, cods (fish) - you are seeking for mental balance and with patience you will recover; Happy life if catch cods – To catch the cod or many of cods in your dream promises money, wealth and overall success. Hindu (Hinduism) Marriage if fish cods – Fishing of any kind of fishes including cods then this dream is  interpreted as symbol of wedding and most often relates with wedding of one of your friends. Arabian (Islamic) Take care of health if eat or see cod fish – In the dream you see many cods and eat some of them, then this dream announces some health problems.... (read more)
  • Borage - Association: Wonderful gift of balance or transfer (physically and mentally). General Meanings: Borage as a dream symbol indicates the healing process. The confidence and the trust in the power of growth of personality. The nourishing – both physically and mentally.... (read more)
  • Decay - General Meanings: Important changes caused by mental crisis Decay (often of a building) frequently points to a deep mental crisis in which the previous ideals, values and principles have lost their importance and meaning, unless they were replaced by new ones. You will get through these changes without loss only with psychotherapist help.... (read more)
  • Constipation - Association: Fear to release Question: What do I hold back? General Meanings: Greedy Constipation in the dream has the metaphorical sense which may symbolize the inclination to stinginess or the inability to show feelings openly. It is difficult to give something to others, whether they are mental, physical or spiritual values. Psychological Meanings: Suppressed emotions The constipation as a dream symbol, indicates that you keep inside yourself your desires and fears (especially subliminal and instinctive needs) and you do not express them and do not show them, they stuck inside you. There is also the mental constipation, which points... (read more)
  • Snake - and negative. Therefore snake can show splitting subconscious into one of two directions – good or bad. Two-headed snake – Especially the snake with two heads, one on each end, in the dream represents that the dreamer is being forcefully pulled in two different directions. Maybe there is too big load for you, too many things to carry. And that makes you not going anywhere. In this case your actions are having the opposite of the desired effect. Also two headed snake can be seen as a symbol of love affair or love triangle.  The bicephalic snake (two heads on one... (read more)
  • Castle - courtyard of the castle indicates communication and success in business. The dungeon and the torture chambers of the castle marks the oppression and inability to solve the problems by yourself. The castle dungeon depth refers to the need of maternal protection against hazards. Usually this means your mental imbalance which one you have to bring in order. A ruin of the castle marks mental disorder and a chaos of conflicting emotions that can lead to the crisis. Spiritual Meanings: The castle as a dream symbol is an indication of spiritual testing and the ability to overcome obstacles in order to gain... (read more)
  • Alcohol - an inevitable consequence. Desire to escape from responsibilities Frequent intoxication dreams generally point to the tendency to avoid or to escape from unpleasant situations – the harsh reality. Also the meaning of the dream depends on the type of alcohol: Drinking wine in the dream – The red wine signifies blood. Consumption of wine marks sociability, satisfaction, relaxation, pleasure, luxury and wealth life. Drinking beer – The beer represents youth and free of worries and troubles. Enjoyment of life and company. Harmony with yourself and the environment. Drinking champagne – The joyful period of your life. Luxury and richness is announced... (read more)
  • Train - on the type of train: Troubles – In the dream The freight train announces about problems and burdens around you; Wise – The passengers train in a dream, is associated with mental and spiritual work; More  power – To dream model (toy) train indicates the wish to control and use more power of ruling your own life. Psychological Meanings: Sexual symbol For woman, the train in the dream is generally regarded as a sexual symbol, particularly when train drives into tunnel or out of it. For man, according to Freud, a train is analogous to the male penis. Missed chance In the dream... (read more)
  • Bulldozer - Association: Fundamental change. Question: For what kind of fundamental changes do I have to prepare myself? Psychological Meanings: Bulldozer is a symbol of foreign force “is something out of the way.” When the dreamer often dreams of bulldozer, then this dream shows that the dreamer wish for power and strength, but he does not prefer to dirty his own hands. * Please, see meaning of excavator.... (read more)
  • Numbers - meditation and higher insights,realizations. Sometimes they also indicated as a circle or letter O (see meanings of dreams under those keywords); Spiritual Meaning of Zero: The feminine, the unconscious, the absolute or completely hidden; Practical Significance of Zero: contains potential for everything. 1 Number One symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance: General Meaning of Number 1 in a dream: One symbolizes the indivisible who rises in all other without changing, and the foundation upon which the life is founded. We understand that often in the sense of individuality, intellectual independence or desire, with yourself or with all beings to... (read more)
  • Wound - Seeing – This announces that you will keep up in time to avoid losses; Success If Taking care or Curing – The dream means that you will be able to congratulate a successful future, you worth it, your hard work will be rewarded; Guilt for unfairness If injure other -To hit someone and inflict a wound, this is a sign that you’ll be guilty because of injustice; Losses and Mental pain If Sores (sore spots) – Promises that you will suffer from losses due to disease and get into emotional distress; Depending on others If Treat sores – Your wishes... (read more)
  • Fire - regarded as a sign of spiritual cleansing, or for transformation and rebirth. More generally, these dreams are for mental energy. Sometimes fire is also an indication that the dreamer has to transform his sexual power. Spiritual Meanings: At spiritual level dreaming of fire symbolizes a new consciousness of spiritual power and transformation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fire is one of the most important symbols: depending on the situation it is destructive or inspiring, warming and stimulating; Get rid of past If seeing fire – Fire often alerts you about liquidation of past things; Regeneration If house on fire – If... (read more)
  • Demolition - Association: Work on the removal of the old thing. Question: What part of my life is no longer appropriate? General Meanings: Positive changes in your life If you are often dreaming of the demolition of a house, which stands as “life building”, that is interpreted as a (mostly) favorable and positive change in your life, that can overcome all existing problems and concerns, also often means a better professional position. Fear to lose reputation However, the demolition of a house can indicate fear that someone’s personality or reputation may be tarnished. Removal of a mental disturbance If you are dreaming... (read more)
  • Abstainer - General Meanings: Desire for mental and spiritual self-realization Abstinence is the form of self-control, suppression of needs and abandonment of proclivities and desires, especially from physical desires. This means that the dreamer takes care of and seeks for a higher degree of mental and spiritual self-realization and would like to remain faithful to his principles. The dream in which one rejects a drink is a good sign of coming happiness and that will not be permanent. Psychological Meanings: Strict morality and strong personality In the dream abstainers often stand for a very strict morality and rigid observance of standards and rules... (read more)
  • Abbey - General Meanings: Relaxation and peace in your soul An abbey is a place for rest and relaxation. Now the dreamer is in the long awaited and expected peace. On the other hand, an abbey in the dream may also indicate that the dreamer develops a tendency to escapism. Psychological Meanings: Mental peace Everything what is connected with a abbey or church refers to mental peace and freedom from stress. The more weighty the construction, the better is the prospect. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Destroyed plans if see a dilapidated (ruined or destroyed) abbey – In your dream you see a dilapidated abbey,... (read more)
  • Academy - and feelings An academy is a dream for systematic learning and suggests a further development. On the other hand, it can also indicate restraints that prevent the dreamer’s mind and his creative potential to develop freely. Maybe he puts too much into a tight corset his way of thinking, habits and prejudices, which hindered him now. Live in reality and use the possibilities Dreaming of academy can stand as the “ivory tower”, suggests to live more in reality and to exploit the fullness of the possibilities. Dream about visiting a school may also symbolize the development of the spiritual and the mental... (read more)
  • Merchant - In general: Merchant embodies material or spiritual values ​​and profits, and sometimes greed and selfishness. The individual meaning of dream depends on the circumstances. Psychologically: Merchant symbolizes the exchange of values ​​between people. The possession of the merchant may give an indication of the “mental reserves” of the dreamer (his talents development would be promising). He is also the agent who will guide our spiritual “purchasing power” on the right merchandise in the mental deficiency resolves by acting. Often we are merchant in dreams, because we want to do something for us by our own initiative. Further information arising from interpretation of visible merchandise in the dream . Traditionally: Arabian – To see or to be merchant in dream: you will increase your own property. European – To see: you will get profit in the trade; – To be: you will or you want to start your own business; – To receive a letter from a merchant: you will be forced to pay your debts; – To dream, that you are together with many merchants in some place: announces a major conference. Hindu – To see: big gain is waiting... (read more)
  • Fishing - Association: Search of food; underground or inside. Question: What do I hope to catch? General Meanings: Recovery and Patience -Fishing shows that you are in the mental balance or it will soon recover. This is an indication that you should never lose patience. Prosperous and wonderful time – If something bites on fishing hooks, a favorable change is in sight. If you pull fish from clear water, then this promises success and happiness for the coming period. Warning about intrigues and vexations – Cloudy, dirty water where you fish,  warns of intrigue and similar dark machinations, which you yourself apply... (read more)
  • Medicine drug (medicament) - General Meanings: Worries and a warning The dream symbol of drugs announces you troubles and worries in professional and financial situation, but you will overcome this by your own efforts. Also this dream signifies about changes in your life. For individual cases that might be a warning about a disease, you have to find it out. Psychological Meanings: Fear and support The drug symbolizes mental or physical distress and the desire for sympathy, consolation and advice. Also the dream of medicine drugs express fear of pain, illness and disappointment. Solved or unsolved problems In the dream to take a... (read more)
  • Alligator - Association: Primeval fear. Question: What are the basic fears I have? General Meanings: Threatening feelings Alligator (crocodile) is often experienced as threatening creature because he embodies superseded needs, experiences, fears, feelings and the other unconscious contents. However, at the same time he also stands for wisdom and experience of the unconscious and may request to use it more. Psychological Meanings: Warning about enemies In the dream the alligator is understood as a warning against enemies – the one for life – here figuratively means almost always about business. In the dream the alligator or the crocodile can be also... (read more)
  • Leaf - mental balance. Spiritual Meanings: Leaves symbolize fertility and growth. Because each leaf is unique, the dream can be interpreted as an indication of the beauty of creation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Success if see green leaf – To dream of green leaf then this announces you success in business, fulfilling of desire and new ideas; News if pluck a leaf – In the dream you pluck one leaf from the tree then you may expect good news or pleasant surprise from your closest friends; Bad period if see falling leaves – The leaves are falling in your dream, then this... (read more)
  • Breathing - General Meanings: Breathing is the symbol for life itself. When the dreamer breathes deeply and consciously, then this dream indicates his deep connection with life. Psychological Meanings: Warning The emotional state of a person often has an impact on his respiratory rate. In the dream increased respiratory rate can be a sign of a panic attack. However, in the dream it is hard to breath because of strangling then this is a sign of a deterioration of personality development. And when such a dream triggers strong feelings of anxiety, then this denotes a physical illness or a mental disorder. Development Breathing... (read more)
  • Doctor - a mental balance or a psychological function of the dreamer is threatened or is fallen ill. The doctor can often point to the dreamer which problem must be solved. Sometimes he also appears only as a warning. However, from experience you know that the doctor already signals in the dream before outbreak of the real disease or the psychological conflicts.  The dreamer himself a doctor, this is a sign to the fact that he wishes the qualities and  characteristic of this occupation, namely authority, knowledge and dominion over life and death. To interpret this dream correctly we need to include... (read more)
  • Pharmacy - General Meanings: Find the way to be cured The dream symbol of pharmacy is a warning signal. You have to pay attention to your physical and mental health. The pharmacy has a recipe that knows how to help and advice you. This may remind you a remedy what was long forgotten and was useful to you. Psychological Meanings: Need of help The pharmacy in general marks a physical or mental distress. You may also signal for a request for help. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Hope if watch a pharmacy from afar – This dream gives you an advice not to lose your hope; Marriage... (read more)
  • Root - Association: – Ground & approximation. Question: – What connects me to my source of life? In general: Root symbolizes the fundamental needs, values ​​and principles upon which all life is built. Roots in dreams can show also close, that ties to other people become visible. Depending on circumstances in dream, meanings of dreams about root or roots: – To see roots: means, that you have talents, which could be very usefull, but they still is not used yet. – Dreaming that you are eating root: promises good health. – To dream, that you are digging roots: suggest to go... (read more)
  • Plow - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Reward if plow – This dream will bring you reward for your hard work, good design and progress in his or her personal affairs.... (read more)
  • Incentive - General Meanings: Incentive to move forward Motivation may manifest itself in many ways.Such a feeling incites person to do something.This does not actually incite to take care of what you do not want to or do not create conditions that run contrary to you. Maybe this inspires a person to develop or to create something, to put a process in motion. Psychological Meanings: Inspires to deal with difficulties At the psychological level, the person is inspired to move forward by aggressive or negative responses. Sometimes such a dream indicates the difficult times in your life and this motivates you... (read more)
  • Car - has. Maybe there are some things that has not been fulfilled or something you already done did not work the way you wanted, therefore you did not achieve your goals and tasks. Car on fire The car that is burning, shows the exhaustion of the dreamer. The one is completely tired and not able to perform mentally or physically. Alternatively, the dream might indicate the end of something either good or bad, depending on the circumstances of your life. Maybe there are some things you are over with, therefore the dream of the car being on fire finishes it.... (read more)