Big flying fish in the sky dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams of big flying fish in the sky can personify quiet, cherishing and fellow-feeling.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's analysis of the dream about big flying fish in the sky foretells unallied force, gender sex instinct, artistry and right hand.
Enthusiastic amendments are going on in waking life only when: big flying fish in the sky - This dream foreshadows the fame within a particular sphere. You are a visionary person. In another way, if the dream was more like nightmare then a dream can mirror contra context: some person might be slippery and ticklish in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 23, 54, 99, 85, 8; 2 extra numbers - 20, 38.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and yellow .
  • Albatross - omen, you will have worries and difficulties and bad period in your life; Unpleasant things if shot an albatross – The birds is shot in the dream this is a warning that you have done bad decision in your life and this will bring you unpleasant things; Good life if see flying an albatross in the sky – Very positive dream, which shows harmony in your life and fulfillment of your desire. You are on the right way; Confusion if see injured albatross – In the dream you see an injured albatross, this announces you confusion and danger in your... (read more)
  • Transformation - Artemidorus: If your dreams are about transformation, then you must pay attention to three main sections. First on the quantity, secondly on the quality, and thirdly, on the outer appearance. The quantity: It is favorable to dream that something grows from small to big one or grows beyond its natural form, but only if it does not exceed the normal size of a human. (According to ancient idea superhuman size and beauty that comes only to the gods and heroes.)The vision do not announce a physical growth, but the increase of the activities and the financial situation of the... (read more)
  • Snake - and negative. Therefore snake can show splitting subconscious into one of two directions – good or bad. Two-headed snake – Especially the snake with two heads, one on each end, in the dream represents that the dreamer is being forcefully pulled in two different directions. Maybe there is too big load for you, too many things to carry. And that makes you not going anywhere. In this case your actions are having the opposite of the desired effect. Also two headed snake can be seen as a symbol of love affair or love triangle.  The bicephalic snake (two heads on one... (read more)
  • Thief - soon you will probably have a big disappointment and a serious loss. Thief can appear in the same sense as the thief. This may also stands as a warning against carelessness and frivolity, especially in love matters, because you will have to reckon with a disappointment. You should be aware of an erotic adventure, even if it still seems so tempting. Psychological Meanings: Wasting time and energy and values If a thief appears in a dream, it embodies the part of the personality where the dreamer is wasting time and energy in useless pursuits. The thief as a symbol is a... (read more)
  • Knock-knees (x-legs) - General Meanings: Barriers and worries Knock-knees represents the problems and obstacles in the way of life for which you are responsible. Sometimes it is also expressed injustice against which we must fight back. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Hard way if x-legs – The dream of x-legs indicates that the proposed route is difficult or is considered as burdensome for you; Good appearance if have x-legs – The dream has a positive meaning that promises good shape and health for you; Responsible for failure if see others knock-knees – Dreaming of knock knees of others, then this may indicate that you will be responsible for an... (read more)
  • Evening star (Venus) - hope for the near future; Harm if darkened – You are dreaming that the star is darkened, it threatens harm and danger; Longing for lover if see (For single people) – This dream shows that you really miss your loved one; Warning if see (For married couples) – This dream is a warning that there are secrets between spouses; Arabian (Islamic) Fulfilled hopes if see shining in the cloudless sky – This dream shows that your hopes will come true; Changes if see in the cloudy sky – The signal that hope and misfortune will change with each other; Longing... (read more)
  • Departure (take off) - Psychological Meanings: Risky thing because of joy Somebody who has no fear of the fly, without hesitation and spontaneously engages in an intense feeling or a risky intention and proposition. Who are thinking ” Everything or nothing ” -mastered challenges brilliantly and wants to withdraw joy. The starting position, a window seat on the plane, take off, everything becomes smaller and smaller – then through the clouds into the boundless blue. What does this mean, that you want to tolerate and to cope psychologically with moments of happiness and euphoria.... (read more)
  • Precipice (Cliff) - throwing something, signifies that soon you will be freed from big loads and worries; News from friend if your friend falls into precipice – In the dream your friend falls into precipice you will soon hear from him good news; Relief if throw a stone – Means that soon you will be freed from a serious concern; Help from destiny if save someone – In the dream you save someone from falling into it, the fate will help you to reach your goals. Arabian (Islamic) Misfortune if see – In general a precipice in the dream announces misfortune and tribulation;... (read more)
  • Atmosphere - General Meanings: Blue sky and sunshine are one of the most auspicious of all dreams, because they prophesy prosperity in money matters, happiness at home and true friends around you. Clouds, rain and thunderstorms are all signs which signify about troubles and misfortune and this also depends on the strength of the storm. The heaviest storm is the bigger worries are announced. * Please, see meaning of sky, sun, storm, clouds.... (read more)
  • Blue - Association: Harmony, spirituality, inner peace, devotion. Question: What is the source of my inner peace? General Meanings: Blue is the color of truth, the spiritual objectivity and the intellectual superiority. Dreams in blue color is evaluated so positively. Blue color symbolizes peace, ideals, religious and other feelings. The dream of blue color often indicates sensitive, quiet, person. Blue color usually has a meaning and a context in which it stands with the other dream symbols, for example: Blue sky without clouds in the dream indicates that you will soon see everything more clearly again and will be able to... (read more)
  • Alcohol - Association: Relaxation, let yourself go; exemption from responsibility. Question: What would I like to let go or to release? General Meanings: A symbol of heightened and increased emotionalism, lack of restraint, the state of intoxication – and for lack of clarity during the discussion of current problems. In the dream you are ” pleasantly tiddly “, this expresses the wish for uncontrolled pleasure, after ecstatic sensations (also sexually). The negative variant of this dream – you feel helplessly drunk and feel extradited – symbolizes the fear of inhibitions break down, to let go, etc. – the “hangover” (repentance) is expected as... (read more)
  • Thunder - soon you will have a happy reunion if you see thunder and lightning; Loss if the lightning strikes – The lightning strikes in your dream together with the thunder then this announces a loss; Disturbance if storm in a very dark sky – You dream of storm in a very dark sky and hear thunder then this dream denotes about unrest in the your family. Arabian (Islamic) Worries if listen of a thunder – In the dream you heard the thunder then this dream marks about inconvenience or loss, also you will hear shocking news; Sign if see the thunder from distance – The dream is a sign that it... (read more)
  • Venture - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Risky time if have venture – In the dream you have a venture then in your real life you may meet a risky suggestion which may change your life to better or even to worse. Hindu (Hinduism) Think again if take a venture – The dream indicates that you are fearless person but sometimes you have to stop and think again because this may bring damage to your family. Arabian (Islamic) Warning if make venture – The dream is a warning when you make a venture because you build too much on your luck, this may bring... (read more)
  • Letter - will change your life; Earnings if received money in the letter – Very good omen, this will bring you big money income; Good news if write – This dream announces that you will receive interesting news and you can use them for good purposes; Trust if read -Reading a letter in the dream signifies that people see in you a great confidence; Marriage if find – When you find a letter in the dream, this shows that you have already found your love or this may be that he/she is near your door and soon you will meet him/her. You... (read more)
  • Bleed to death (Exsanguination) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if bleeding – In your dream you are bleeding then this goes as a sign to be attentive with your health or property because you may have worries about that. Hindu (Hinduism) Danger if you are bleeding – You are bleeding in your dream then you will come to danger you have to be very careful in order to avoid disaster; Watch your property if dream of bleeding – The dream about bleeding denotes that you will suffer from big losses be aware of your money and property. Arabian (Islamic) Difficult period if bleeding... (read more)
  • Numbers - become one. Spiritual Meaning of One: Man himself, the beginning, the first unit. Characteristics of One: independence, self-respect, resolution, determination, intolerance, conceit, bigotry, humiliation, stupidity. Practical Significance of One: the dreamer will study an ability, which he needs for his fully work; Read more about 1. 2 Number Two symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance: General Meaning of Number 2 in dream: Two shares in opposites like good and evil, light and dark, inside and outside, brings contradictions in own personality, and calls on learning to live with it and constantly to seek compensation; Spiritual Meaning of Two: Duality, indecision, balance,... (read more)
  • Adam (the first man) - attractive young man and she pays the price with nonexistence of failure. She will not be happy with him. But if she wants to achieve something in her life, she has to take a risk and she doesn’t have to be afraid of failures, only then she will reach her goals. Arabian (Islamic) Love if see Adam and Eve – To dream about Adam and Eva, announces that the dreamer has (or will have very soon) big luck in the love. Persian (Islamic) Good sign if dream Eve and Adam – It is good omen to dream Adam and Eve, a... (read more)
  • Ocean - signifies loneliness. The dream foretells you that you will become bored and not interested anymore with the activities you are doing. Zimi dreambook: Usually the ocean in a dream symbolizes greatness. Perhaps you are waiting for some very important event. To swim in the ocean – a sign of great deeds and achievements. The waves of the ocean signifies great excitement and feelings associated with some very important things or events; To dream of an ocean tide – a sign of approaching something big and important; To dream of rising level of the ocean, rising water or rising tide (tidal... (read more)
  • Urn, Urns - a premonition of the death. The vessel which holds the ash of a deceased person, indicates a bereavement, however, this could be mood position, in which we currently find ourselves. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Disease if see an urn – In the dream symbol of urn promises dangers in near future which will result sadness and illness; Honor relative if see – You are dreaming that you see an urn, this signifies that you will get news about a young relative who comes with his own big pride and will delight with honor; Unhappiness if broken urn – In the dream... (read more)
  • Eye - – This dream may show that you may not consciously perceived love for that person; Falsehood if seeing gray or stabbing eyes – in the dream you see gray or stabbing eyes, signifies that you should beware of falsehood of any kind. Also you will meet a flatterer which will make damage for you; Loyalty if seeing brown eyes – The brown eyes stand for the loyalty for another person, you can expect hot love; Dishonesty if seeing dark, inscrutable eyes – This dream may be a note and a warning against dishonest and insincere people; Changes if stranger is staring with big... (read more)
  • Abdomen / Belly - (pregnancy). To see a pregnant belly shows emotions that want to come to the surface. They can not be suppressed. The big or huge belly also shows that you are integrating your desires and feelings/emotions from the unconscious to the conscious. Spiritual Meanings: The belly is a place of the solar plexus and it is a vital center. It usually indicates sensuality and sexual passions. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Trust your intuitions if see an abdomen (belly) in a dream – This dream means that your emotions and feelings are in the first place , you have to trust yourself; Desires if see a... (read more)
  • Breast - the security and care of mother and do not want to assume any responsibilities. Success and Losses – Big breasts often promise material success, while slack breasts can warn about financial losses. Luck – A baby suckling at the breast is a general symbol of good luck. Psychological Meanings: Need for mother’s love – Although most people deny the mind’s need for mothering or “suffocating love”, this request appears on the psychological level, especially when one is under stress. From Freud understood as a sexual symbol in early childhood which suggests of sexual feelings towards the mother and the baby, by... (read more)
  • Laundry - To see nice laundry in the closet in the dream, then you may expect that you will get prosperity; Gossip if wash laundry – When you are washing laundry in the dream then this signifies about gossip, evil gossip which may damage your reputation. Arabian (Islamic) News if wash yourself laundry – In the dream you wash your laundry by yourself this means that you will soon make a big impression for important people, also you will get important news; Problems if wash clean laundry – In the dream you wash your clean laundry then you will create problems and adversity for yourself.... (read more)
  • Misery/Miserable - misery this dream symbol announces you a rich inheritance; Lower prosperity if be miserable – This will bring you sad news and that weakens your greatest prosperity; Dishonest if see others in misery – This means a real misery. Because of envy you will have dispute and dishonest transactions between friends. Hindu (Hinduism) Difficulties if feel misery – Your soul sends you a signal about upcoming worries. Arabian (Islamic) Changes if  feel big misery – In the dream you feel a big misery this announces unfortunate circumstances, which will change your life; Remorse if see misery – You have made a bad decision and now you will feel remorse; Fixed... (read more)
  • Rail transport - to independent living of our tracks to a target. Everyone has big or small railway experiences, their use of the dream as a matter of his testimony. Then there is the youthful memory of the child, where in thunder the long, dark car series, drawn by the powerful monster of the locomotive, slides in increasing speed from the hall of the railway station or with groaning brakes in this, as has almost every child the experience of the large force of the turbulent life. Of course itself seems to be more experience of a male; boys, girls and women are... (read more)
  • Iceberg - where hidden deeper in your mind; Lost strength if iceberg melts – In the dream you see that the iceberg melts, this is a sign that you are loosing your power; Obstacles if floating iceberg – This dream signifies that you will have lots of barriers in your life and you will overcome them with all your efforts; Warning if stand on an iceberg – You are standing on the iceberg in your dream, this means danger in your life you have to be more attentive; Loss if see a big one – The huge or big iceberg in your... (read more)
  • Acorns - New start Also the dream of an acorn, represents you as a confident, strong and dexterous person. This dream represents the beginning of actions you will take and you will make big and advantageous results. Spiritual Meanings: Acorns symbolize life, fertility and immortality. They also stand for the androgynous. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good life if see green, with branch acorn – In your dream you see green with branch acorn in serious advertising for the dreamer, this dream will bring you honor of old people, nice things and great profits; Hard work if search for acorns – To search for acorns... (read more)
  • Adultery - be a sign that there is some dirt in the dreamer’s life. Psychologically: Dreaming of voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a partner other than spouse might be induced by wishful conscious thinking. Such dream, in which the dreamer is committing or living in adultery or bigamy, is most likely to occur for people who are unsatisfied of marriage in an emotional and a sexual aspects. The atmosphere of the dream is important. Even if the adultery was committed only in the mind of dreaming person, still it may cause the sense of guilt. The dream about adultery... (read more)
  • Vapor - signify that you put lots of energy to your goals but there isn’t any clarity how to reach them, so this may lead to disappointments and failures. Steam engines and machines stands for internal drives and high goals, movement and big changes in life and the offer for advantage. Steamship as a dream symbol shows that your life boat which flows over the “sea of ​​life” and controls route with enough energy and ready to overcome any issues that may meet. Psychological Meanings: The steam is a symbol of heat and pressure. Also steam is a temporary experience and it... (read more)
  • Bee - business man – good sales; For parents – A lot of fun with their children. Hindu (Hinduism) Loss If Dead – A dead bee means loss, also the loss of a friend. Arabian (Islamic) A good sing If Seeing – This announces a good omen; Worries If been stung by them – This dream shows that you will have annoyances and unfortunate coincidences, tribulations and inconveniences; Good hopes If Watch them working; Happiness If Flying – Your property increases, like your love; A lot of profits If Catching;  M isfortune and Hardship If Kill. * Please, see meaning of insects, honeycomb, wasp.... (read more)
  • Balloon - achievable goals and you lost the ground under your feet; Anger if see a burst of gas-filled – This dream marks that someone will be justifiably angry about you or your ideas or actions. Arabian (Islamic) Missed chance if see flying away – In the dream you didn’t catch a balloon, then this shows that you’re missing a profit or a good opportunity in your life; Fail if see falling balloon – In the dream you see falling balloon, then this marks that you will fail with your plans and ideas. * Please, see meaning of air balloon, bubble.... (read more)