Birth of dead twin babies dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream about birth of dead twin babies may portend pleasure, worship and affinity.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud understanding the dream about birth of dead twin babies means nonaligned boldness, womanly lust, mastery and talent.
Positive alterations naturally are happening only when: birth of dead twin babies - It means the opportunity to gain some profit. You are a pioneering person. But, if this dream was with negative emotion then your dream should manifest backwards significance: an unknown person should be disingenuous and/or alarming in regard to your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 69, 96, 66, 97, 21; 2 extra numbers - 83, 84.
Fortunate colors for this dream: purple and golden .
  • Mutilation - General Meanings: Lost  abilities The dream about mutilation of the body, doesn’t matter what form, so the meaning of such a dream shows that the dreamer feels powerless and hopeless. Perhaps you feel “torn” in a certain situation in your real life and you can recover and can make balance again only by your enormous effort and hard work. Psychological Meanings: Loss The dreamer has to “disassemble” old feelings and images in order to attain certainty about himself. To be mutilated in the dream or you see persons who are mutilated, then such a dream indicates that you may... (read more)
  • Analysis of Water - of business, decrease in prices or gains of war. Water helps for everything to come to life. Water in dreams represents a semen, a birth, a life. Water can symbolize a marriage, a fertility and a delivery of one or more children. Water can be lifegiver and sustainer or it can be a deadly foe and lifetaker. Water is the same in dreams as it is on the earth. On one side, water is symbol of purity, peace and justice, but on the other – symbol of worries, pain, sorrow or destruction and death. Positive & Negative Symbols Most common... (read more)
  • Funeral - living independently and do not be afraid to express your opinion or thoughts. This symbol encourages you to make the first move to your independence, because unconscious shows that you are ready for this. For parents’ this dream shows that you have to release your children, they are grown enough to live their own life. Dreaming of a funeral of already dead persons ( parents, grandparents etc.) – This dream displays that you still miss them, and you did not free them from your mind and thoughts. You missed their care, love and understanding and support. * Please, see meaning of burial. ... (read more)
  • Diaper - General Meanings: Success and Joy Dream of diaper then the ancient Indian dream book explains that the dreamer has a good and pure spirit. Babies diapers always have a good meaning – brings good luck and satisfaction of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Two sides if see diaper – In the dream you see diaper then this dream marks that everything has two sides in life, so think what you do or say; Joy if dirty diaper – If the diaper is dirty in the dream, then in real life this will bring happiness into you house. Arabian (Islamic) Job if see... (read more)
  • Waboose Spirit Keeper of the North - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords White Buffalo, acceptance, peace, strength, forgiveness, humility, end, top, gift of what we have learned on our journey through life, paradoxes. Description The Medicine Waboose stands as the Spirit Keeper of the North. The north is the time of the winter, at night it is a transitional period in which we humans are either elders or newborn babies. Waboose communicate with the earth element, the mineral Alabaster. The animal – White Buffalo and the color is white. General Meaning Who you will be when you become an elder, as you were as a newborn. Transcendent Meaning... (read more)
  • Embryo - Meanings: Embryo while pregnant To be pregnant in reality and dream of embryo, signifies the connection the mother has to the baby she is expecting. It is very common for pregnant women to dream of embryo. Many embryos To dream of seeing lots of embryos, denotes to many new plans and ideas the dreamer has. The state of mind and thoughts reflects in the dreams. Make sure you concentrate and organize everything to smallest detail. Desire to become a parent The embryos often could signify the desire of the dreamer to become a parent and have your own babies.... (read more)
  • Rabbit - particular person or could even symbolize babies and/or young children; The rabbit is known as soft and gentle animal and in the dream could show sensitive and gentle side of the person. Denise Lynn (detailed): Detailed interpretation of rabbit in dreams by Denise Lynn Rabbits are known as very prolific and productive animals, therefore they symbolize prosperity. They are most common and favorite image of Easter celebrations, where the rabbit and eggs stands for fertility and profusion. Rabbits could also indicate the fear and timidity. The dreamer should ask himself if there is someone in his life that causes all... (read more)
  • Wine - another – It is sign of changes and announces pleasure trips to many famous places; Better life if trade or sell wine in a dream – The commitment in the occupation will be worthwhile for you to make your life and position better. The involvement in the profession activity will pay off; Health if see flourishing wine – Very good sign which announces you good health and happy family; Worries if see dead grapevines or plants – Signifies that an important business will not succeed; Warning if tasting poisonous or toxic wine – You will be the victim of a clever plan... (read more)
  • Fountain (Water well) - Association: Source, shared resources. Question: What feelings do I want to share? General Meanings: A fountain symbolizes the access to the most hidden feelings and emotions of the dreamer. Water well may represent the accumulated experience of life, which rest in the depths of the unconscious. This dream symbol requests you to take advantage of this wisdom for deeper self-knowledge and try to reach the inner harmony. The following special meanings of the dream: Water poured off the well – This shows your fear of selfish motherhood and shows inhibitions against the female gender. Broken fountain – Something is wrong with... (read more)
  • Bloom - General Meanings: Right way or fear The dream of blossoms are like flowers, they are closely related with human life or emotional world. The certain flower has a specific relation with the dreamer. A fresh blossom indicates that the dreamer is on the right way to realize his aims and to meet his destiny. He is on the right track. However, the blossom is shriveled and dried in the dream, then the dreamer feels fear and uncertainty about his plans and he is afraid of failure. Psychological Meanings: The dream symbol of blossom symbolizes the birth and the death... (read more)
  • Flower - was a symbol of light, as he also appears in today’s dreams. Certainly resonates with the dream symbol of Crocus also, that he belongs with the snowdrops together with the first flowers of the year. It indicates that the cold time of winter is over. – Lily: the lily with white calyxes symbolizes purity. Starting from Persia to spread the symbol of the lily as a symbol of the birth of light from all over Europe and became a popular heraldic symbols. This is called the “royal lily”. As a dream symbol it usually occurs when the dreamer wants to... (read more)
  • Bed - or domestic partners many years ago, the state can give information about the relationship of the bed. Spiritually: A bed can be a sort of spiritual sanctuary and a sense of purity. It is the site of regeneration, love, death and birth. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) – to see nice bed: does happiness; – See clean white: are worries disappear; – See the bed in his own mess: the hidden secrets will come out soon, and this can be embarrassing; – Sit in it when it is clean: does early marriage; satisfaction; – Alone in bed: risk; – See yourself lying... (read more)
  • Alligator - aggressive, survivor, fundamental, primitive. Description The alligator is like the sturgeon, an animal which exists in today’s nature for thousands of years. He has only few enemies – the man is one of them – and feeds itself with meat in any form, whether dead or alive. With his sharp teeth he can chop up his food in the appropriate chunks. Now and then alligators reach a length of nearly five meters; copies of this size are easily able to overwhelm even a cow. General Meaning The most fundamental survival requirements of your nature: where do you live, how do... (read more)
  • Carrion - General Meanings: Carrion is often equated with corpse. Only the corpse of a horse (in ancient dream books) is partially understood as a promise of long life. Find or see a corpse: You have left difficult or not very successful period of life behind yourself. A plan or a task is completed or abandoned. If we see a dead animal in front of you, the importance of the animal should be stated as a symbol to experience and to to learn more precise details. Psychological Meanings: The symbol of carrion appears in a dream, means that a problem is solved, in addition... (read more)
  • WC (lavatory) - General Meanings: In the dream lavatory (toilet) has little to do with the fecal elimination, but is interpreted as positive or unfavorable symbol depending on the circumstances. The following meanings are very common: Closed lavatory warns against too much optimism and carelessness. Excrement in the toilet, or even plunge into the bowl may be understood as an announcement of opportunity, joy and happiness, and it may also involve material gains (popularly speaking, too drastically from “shit money”). The fall into a bowl some modern dream researchers interpret as a reminder of the birth drama or as a symbolic escape back into... (read more)
  • Dinner - food. Too tired and exhausted The dreamer is often overwhelmed and expected too much for family expectations, he should constantly “work”, he has no free space within the relationship, etc. – “the appetite has gone” in family life, he is tired and “full enough”. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Luck is everywhere if having dinner – In the dream you are having dinner, this will bring you good news, news of a birth. Also this shows that the luck stands during the other day. Satisfactory completion of a matter and affairs that you do. * Please, see meaning of supper, eating.... (read more)
  • Adversary - have to be attentive; No disaster if defeated adversary – The dream where you overwhelmed your adversary or adversaries, then this means that you will escape from the consequences of a disaster. M. Ibn Sirin dreambook: Adversary is qualified as an opponent by Muslim interpreter of dreams M. Ibn Sirin Islamic dream meanings and interpretations about an opponent by Muhammad Ibn Sirin Opponent  meaning in Islam: (same meanings for dreams about adverse, contrast or opposite) If the dreamer’s opponent is a dead person in the dream, then the happiness and the good luck will come in life. If the opponent is alive, then the... (read more)
  • Customs - bag. For sicks requires a worsening of the disease, because the tax collector is reminiscent of the guard in front of the dead. For travelers this type of dreams says, that a delay might be possible. Psychologically: What will be called in a dream at the border are translated that life offers us the demands . If we are caught by customs officials for smuggling, we are in waking life cope likely fend a very specific thing honest. Traditionally: Arabian – To see: you will be deceived. European – To see: beware of scams; also it indicates rivalries out in... (read more)
  • Xavier - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be patient if see the Saint Francis Xavier or to be in his birthplace – The dream is a sign that you have to be patience in suffering and later you will have relief.... (read more)
  • Baker - Creativity The baker presents the creative side of the dreamer, that provides emotional and spiritual nourishment for the dreamer. Properties of the female In a dream an oven and a baker indicate procreation and birth. In the dream woman is occupied with the preparation of food in the oven, this is always an indication to the maternal giving and nourishing properties. The “fire” in the oven also has an importance because ancient people say that the fire is one of the four magical forces of nature. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fulfillment of wishes if see in front of the house a baker – This dream... (read more)
  • Ageing - Artemidorus Meanings: Everything that belongs not to a child’s age – marriage, birth, getting older and death is our circle of life. This is very good sign and ability to live all these periods. Because the nature gave us the posibility to develop and to improve ourself. To grow as independent personality with the ability to choose and to live like we want. * Please, see meaning of transformations.... (read more)
  • Descent - General Meanings: Solution of the problem is inside you The dream of a descent down, for example, a mountain, stairs or a ladder, is an indication for the dreamer that the solution of a certain problem is in the unconscious, you can find it in the past or in accomplishment trauma. Fear of losses The dreamer may fear a loss of status on occupational or social level and nevertheless understands the positive aspects of this loss. Psychological Meanings: It is also important how you descent hastily, rushed or easily. In this dream the symbol is more important than the feeling... (read more)
  • Winter - Association: – Cycle of decay. Peace. Re-birth. Question: – What I want to bring forth? In general: The winter as a dream symbol of a fruitless time in the life of the dreamer. Also winter is symbol of increasing age and decreasing forces. Psychologically: Winter is the season, that points to our retirement. When winter in the dream is described as particularly hard, we feel, even when we are young, perhaps lonely, because love has cooled to a fellow human being. In this case we should move completely to through new contacts and change our real position to effect... (read more)
  • Fire - Association: – Spirit, energy, clean and purifying. Question: – In which areas of my life do I search for influence, inspiration or renewal? Medicine Wheel Meanings: – Huichol shamans: wisdom Artemidoros Meanings: Fire is functionally distinguished in two different kinds: firstly the heaven and divine, secondly the earth and the one which is used in everyday life. In the interpretation of the heaven fire you have to proceed as follows: to look at radiant, pure and small fire in the sky means a threat from power, however, a large but immeasurable predicts the approach of enemies, infertility and famine... (read more)
  • Cradle - In general: A dream of a cradle may offer a new life or a new beginning. In a clairvoyant’s dream the birthplace can stand for a possible pregnancy. In the dream of a man it can also symbolize a desire in the womb or in a protected state return. Cradle often contains a warning against too much confidence, it is lulled into security rocked, although caution and suspicion are attached. Psychologically: An empty cradle (depending on the other dream elements) can represent the fear of a woman in front of childlessness or motherhood. This dream suggests sometimes that any... (read more)
  • Crying - Sometimes it is the need to express the remorse of a day, what may be associated with self pity. The crying crocodile (slang for crocodile tears) warns against hypocrisy. Old dream books represents crying as a reason for joy in the everyday monotony. Psychological Meanings: Happiness – Crying in dream is usually used to describe the tears of joy, which shed light on the everyday life. Recovery and New start – Anyone who incidentally cries for a dead man, he will recover, if he just feels sick. In other words, he will be able to venture a new beginning, because the... (read more)