Cut off one leg my dog dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream of cut off one leg my dog can suggest amenity, enchantment and cordial friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud understanding of this dream about cut off one leg my dog hints nonaligned psyche, soft sensuality, craftship and endowment.
Favourable evolutions generally are about to become true only if: cut off one leg my dog - This dream typically foretells supremacy and being a frontrunner. Nonetheless, if your dream has left bad feeling then this dream could designate vice versa content: some-one might be fallacious or ticklish in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 32, 42, 28, 38, 69; 2 extra numbers - 75, 9.
Fortunate colors for this dream: black and purple .
  • Grapes - ...grapes are red in dream then this dream announces anger and anxiety; Divorce if cut off grapes – In the dream you cut off grapes then unexpected separation; Creation if get grapes as a gift – To receive grape as a gift in the dream, then this denotes that you will make something new and unbelievable. Arabian (Islamic) Health if eat grapes – When you are eating grapes in the dream this indicates improvement of health and life; Worries if pluck grapes from the vine – In the dream you luck grapes from the vine then this means that disappointments will haunt you.... (read more)
  • Bean - ...marriage in your family; Worries if eating white beans – When you are eating white beans in the dream, unpleasant events at work; More work if see growing beans – This is a very good dream, this shows that you can achieve what you want. Arabian (Islamic) Success if sow the seeds of beans – In the dream you sow seeds of beans, announces you luck in business; Worry if cut beans – In the dream you are cutting beans, this is not a good sign, this announces concern about the future; Wish come true if beans grow and bloom... (read more)
  • Maple - ...with your actions and words; The need to use others if see – In the dream you see a maple tree, this shows that not always you want to use your own head and try to get rid of responsibilities. Arabian (Islamic) Perspectives if see – The maple tree announces you joy and perspectives; Destroyed chance if cut down – When you cut down the maple, this signifies that you will tread down underfoot your chance; Happiness is moving away if see a leafless tree – in the dream you see a leafless tree this shows that your happiness fades.... (read more)
  • Pineapple - ...Sexual symbol Pineapple indicates self-confidence and a sophisticated emotional life. Like almost every sweet juicy fruit is a mark for pleasure, sensuality, eroticism, vitality and joy of life. In the conventional psychological interpretation, the pineapple is also considered as a feminine sexual symbol. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Success if pick – In the dream you pick pineapples this brings success and luck on the whole lines in your life; Happy life if see or buy – When you dream that you buy a pineapple this announces you amusement, cheerfulness in your life, comfortable and domestic surroundings; Success if cut during preparation – In... (read more)
  • Birch - unexpected pleasure in near future; Need of help if see withered or dried – When the birch appears withered in your dream signifies that you need help from others; Satisfaction if climb up a birch – In the dream you are climbing up the birch denotes that you are reaching higher position or improving your personality which will bring satisfaction; Troubles if cut off a birch – When you cut off a birch in your dream, then this dream will bring you suffer and worries because of your irresponsibility in your life. * Please, see meaning of tree.... (read more)
  • Wart - Association: Disruptive growth; ugliness Question: Where am I ready to be more attractive in my life ? General Meanings: Fear to show weakness Warts can show your own weaknesses, and you are afraid that others will recognize it and will have an ability to affect you. When you see warts on others in the dream then you will experience weakness and disappointment because of a close relative. Psychological Meanings: In the dream to see warts then this indicates adverse characteristics. You have to learn to resist your own weakness in order to avoid unpleasant thing. The dream of warts appears only... (read more)
  • Big snakes in the road - To dream big snakes in the road might can have a lot of significant meanings. Most of them are negative, but just because it is so, it does not mean that it must happen. So, big snakes in the road dream can mean: May a swarm of frothing rats find your kidneys suddenly delectable. You friendless offspring of a motherless simpleton. You friendless, hirsute, bad excuse for shit. You crusty, earwax for brains. Also, dreaming of big snakes in the road can symbolize: May the hosts of Hades viciously sneeze on your best rug. You bloated, funky, grimy, rancid,... (read more)
  • Skyscraper - ...Psychologically: If woman is dreaming a skyscraper with no windows, so this dream indicates that in relationship she and her partner does not have emotional contact only physical (sexual). Skyscraper is the building of the pure sexual gratification. Also skyscraper symbolizes the mental frustration. Traditionally: European – To see skyscraper: it is ensured that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, what you will soon see in a person’s environment; – To live in skyscraper: you live in the wrong house and this anonymous isolation give you nothing good. Hindu – To see: do not be so arrogant.... (read more)
  • Wolf - a very uncomfortable opponent; – To be followed by a wolf: means danger; – To be attacked by one: friend will cause many difficulties to you; – To track, follow, trace or pursue a wolf: you will overcome all threats; – Try to kill wolf or to see killed wolf: you turn off treacherous opponents, who want to embarrass you. Arabian – The wolf means a greedy rulers. – Dream of fighting with a wolf: you will have a dispute; – If the dreamer kills wolf: he is a powerful person & he will destroy his opponents; – If the... (read more)
  • Greyhound - ...greyhound; Support if have a greyhound – In the dream you have a greyhound then this means that you have to help to a friend; Extra property if girl dreams of greyhound – If a girl is dreaming of greyhound then you may hope for an unexpected inheritance; Arabian (Islamic) Be fast if see greyhound – In the dream you see a greyhound then this dream signifies that you have to decide fast, because otherwise you’ll lose your income; Luck if see running greyhound – In the dream you see a running greyhound then you will make your fortune. * Please, see also meaning of dog.... (read more)
  • Knacker (slaughterer) - you see or meet a knacker this promises happiness in your life; Damage if talk – You are talking with a knacker in your dream this announces harm in your life. Arabian (Islamic) Joy if see working – In the dream you see one is working, this promise happiness; Good omen if speak with one – The dream marks good hope related with your enterprises, which will bring good earnings; Frustration if see one driving – You see a knacker is driving somewhere, signifies that your hopes and wishes will not come true. * Please, see meaning of dog catcher.... (read more)
  • Squirrel - Association: Horten, running in the wheel. Question: Where in my life I’m ready to feel safer? General Meanings: Diligence and Well-being – Squirrel is a lively busy little creatures. After the ancient dream books, this announces that you do not need to worry about your future happiness, and material well-being, because you will find helper.  It can exhort to make provisions for the future so that you will not suffer from hardship. This is especially true if the squirrels in the dream busily collect fodder. Psychological Meanings: Deception – The cute little critters flatter with us in the dream; in... (read more)
  • Snake with many heads - The one of best familiar animals have been encountered in the adventures of the dreams is, without exception, a multi-headed snake. Dreaming about snake with two or many more heads is bewildering since these mystical characters of dream are able to have conflicting connotations – pessimistic or optimistic. In order to figure out the signification of a snake in the dreams, it is beneficial to consider about your own personal experience and emotion about the snake and how it is seen in your country. For example, whenever you like to have a snake as a domesticated pet, on this... (read more)
  • Yeti - Association: Yetis: half human, half animal, legendary. Question: What part of myself sneaks on me? Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Oversized, extra-terrestrial, larger than life, protector of the earth. Description The Yeti, an oversized creature which is based on some tribal especially for those who settle in the mountains. The Indians called Sasquatch and the Tibetan Yeti, is the large creature that comes and goes at will, even under the common name Big Foot or Abominable Snowman. Some earthy people believed that the yeti lives under the earth, others that he was connected with the aliens, and others are convinced... (read more)
  • Goats - Association: – Lustful force relentless energy & omnivores. Question: – What am I determined to do? Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords: omnivores; hair; collide; horns lust; horned gods; earth-religion. Description: Goats are four-legged, horned mammals that are occurred worldwide. The goats in some parts of the world are also useful for its milk and meat. They can be relatively easy to tame and prefer to live in community with other animals.  They eat almost everything and it is difficult to keep them in a fenced area. General meaning: Your freedom-seeking part; feels constricted by the pressure of the conventions; one aspect... (read more)
  • Alabaster - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Success if see a thing made of alabaster – This dream announces a gift and one of the most important -the  success in all legal matters; Sorrow if break up the thing of alabaster – In the dream you break an item or a thing made of alabaster this will bring you grief and remorse; Losses if lose an alabaster container or vessel of incense – This dream shows that a young woman will lose a lover or property, because she does not pay attention to her reputation. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Soft, Hard, Adoptable,... (read more)
  • Break - Association: Destruction & violent changes. Question: What patterns or forms have I outgrown? General Meanings: Broken in dream symbolizes loss or injury. Needs of changes If it is about a favorite subject which has broken, then the dreamer must change something in his life and break with the past. Barrier If the dreamer has broken an arm or a leg, this means that he is possibly prevented from thriving, from making headway or from implementing a certain action. In the dream to see broken glass or porcelain (china) are considered as luck symbols, but to see, that other objects are broken... (read more)
  • Acrobat - will get favor from men. Arabian (Islamic) Warning if dreaming of an acrobat – The dream warns that your activities are very dangerous – you should consider them again, before it isn’t too late. M. Ibn Sirin dreambook: Acrobat can be qualified as a Jumping by muslim interpreter of dreams M. Ibn Sirin Islamic dream meanings and interpretations about Jumping by Muhammad Ibn Sirin Jumping — (Acrobatic; Acrobat; Bounce; Hop; Leap) To dream that you are hopping on one leg – symbolizes moving from an old place into a new one. If the dreamer takes a broad leap with one... (read more)
  • Usurper (usurper of the throne) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Troubles if be an usurper – You are dreaming that you are an usurper then you will have trouble in the enforcement of the legitimate claim on property; Disagreement if usurp other rights illegally – In the dream you want to usurp other rights illegally, this dream marks that you will have quarrels with important people; Dirty win if be an usurper – For a young woman this dream promises the participation in a dirty contest which she wins. Hindu (Hinduism) Damage if be an usurper – The dream where you are an usurper denotes that you will have worries with... (read more)
  • Signature - General Meanings: Who dreams of his own signature, deals with the concept of his identity. If it is about the signature of another person, it is as an indication, that you should deal with this man more intensely. Psychological Meanings: The signature of the dreamer in a dream, means that he holds in high esteem of himself. He is ready to recognize who is he, and to leave sign in the world. The period in which the dreamer regulates legal affairs or meets agreements, but he is not quite sure whether he does the right thing, his signature can be... (read more)
  • Stretcher - ...brought on a stretcher – To dream of being brought on a stretcher indicates that a legacy may soon change your life; Time to relax if lie on a stretcher – You are lying on a stretcher in your dream,  this means that this is time for you to relax because you are hopeless and too tired to find the solution; Success if have a stretcher – To dream of having a stretcher denotes good prospects of success and rapid progress in your life; Disease if someone is lying on a stretcher – This dream is a warning that you... (read more)
  • Drunk - Association: Complete insensitivity. Question: Where in my life am I afraid to lose control, or do I want to lose it? General Meanings: To be drunk in the dream, this shows that the dreamer desires to be free without any restraints and responsibilities. Drunkenness often denotes the fact that the dreamer does not quite “sane” . He misunderstand the reality and therefore make mistakes which later will lead to disappointment and failure. If feel drunk, this means that you are disappointed by people from your own surrounding. If you look drunk, this dream denotes that you want to eliminate... (read more)
  • Bible - ...looking for the right way and the moral guidance in your life. Depending on individual circumstances Bible as a dream symbol can also warn that you are too self-righteous and intolerant. You follow norms and rules by the letter, or you too excessively limit yourself. In ancient time Bible was always at home, this displayed that we live in a happy family or with the help of Bible found all the way out of conflicts. Psychological Meanings: The dreamer has to be very careful while dealing with religion, the myths and the legends, in which he believes, because wrong interpretation... (read more)
  • Lose weight - General Meanings: Weight loss announces your own future economic prosperity. If you lose weight yourself, you may soon feel sorrow and worry about a “life off”, or you will feel jealousy and envy from false friends. Maybe the unconscious wants to show us that there are a lot of other people who lives in poorness while our prosperity is assured. Psychological Meanings: Meagerness – Mostly, for your own, means psychological substance loss. You see yourself always thinner and thinner in your dreams, you want to “take up as little space”, to be overlooked and hardly perceived – this shows that... (read more)
  • Bluebeard - General Meanings: According to legend, Bluebeard dream marks imbalance in the relationship between the sexes, The man feels much higher then woman. The manner how the dreamer handles with current situation in a dream, indicates how the dreamer deals with this problem in real life. In dreams of women the Bluebeard may indicate the liberation of the superiority.... (read more)
  • Glasses - ...The glasses points of mistakes of our ego. If another person unexpectedly wears glasses in the dream, this has something to do with the lack of understanding or classify the concerned people incompetence. You pay attention to the color of the frame. Pink glasses can mean, for example that we see everything too rosy and besides overlook all negatives. Green glasses makes legitimate hopes for success. The badly fitting glasses denotes that you make a distorted picture of everything. To sit on the glasses of other person’s in the dream, you should rely more on your own strength rather than... (read more)
  • Pick lock (skeleton key) - ...will help you to reach or to satisfy your need; Warning if see a pick lock – When in the dream you see a pick lock then this dream is a warning that you may be robbed and you have to be very attentive. Arabian (Islamic) Warning if see a skeleton key – The dream indicates that soon someone will take advantage of you with bad intention; Troubles if be a pick lock – In the dream you  are a pick lock then your action is not legal and this will bring you lots of worries; * Please, see meaning of House.... (read more)
  • Witness - In general: If  the dreamer in his dream does the role of a witness, such as an accident, then this dream could highlighting his powers of observation. He has to watch very carefully what is happening around him. The dream, however, could also make the handling of the dreamer with authorities in question. Psychologically: Says the dreamer as a witness in, this indicates that he means to be held accountable for his actions or beliefs. Maybe he feels insecure so long until it is accepted by his peers. Spiritually: The dreamer recognizes a kind of spiritual legacy in his life,... (read more)
  • Unicorn - Association: Purity, magical consciousness; union of divine and animal nature. Question: Where in my life am I ready to bring my animal nature with my spiritual essence in harmony? General Meanings: Innocence and pure In the traditional folk belief, an Unicorn lost his ferocity when it puts his head on the lap of a Virgin. An Unicorn, that appears in the dream, is associated in conjunction with the innocence and purity of the dreamer. It is the feminine principle of the receiver and instinctive. Sexuality and virginity  The sexuality can be directed in a new way. The sexuality may be... (read more)
  • Transformation - for a poor and a slave. One will be as a breadwinner – a woman, the others need less toiling in his slave labor; because woman job is less tiring. For a rich man, however, it is bad, especially when he is in political life; because usually the women prevail and connect family in the house. Therefore, the vision will exclude you all higher offices. Athletes, it means illness, the women are more tender with nature than the men. A woman is transformed into a man, it doesn’t matter is she married or is she unmarried, she has no children.... (read more)
  • Defense - General Meanings: In the dream instinctive wishes are represented as the threat. Mostly the dreamer does not defend himself at all, but thinks of an escape. You can defend yourself only when your conscience is calm. Then he may find the most proper way to defend or to avoid damage. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Support from friends if defend someone – In the dream you legally defend somebody from threat, then this dream denotes that you will get help from your closest friends when you need it most; Trustful friend if be defended – Someone guards or defends you in the... (read more)