Dead baby turtle dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about dead baby turtle can involve amenity, relish and attachment.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung interpretation of this dream about dead baby turtle embodies sovereign will, tender sexual drive or interest, resourcefulness and right hand.
Favourable conversions are awaiting only if: dead baby turtle - It symbols the occupation of a position of dominant power. You are a pacesetter. Contrarily, if your dream has left bad feeling then such dream may personify backwards message: a person of importance might be spurious or unsound in regard to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 27, 16, 82, 49, 23; 2 extra numbers - 91, 47.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and yellow .
  • Cannibalism - Association: Fear of integration; part of the self that is unusual and unrecognizable. Question: Which part of me is consumed? General Meanings: The dream of cannibalism is mostly defined as inappropriate and rude behavior. The symbol of cannibalism in dreams was already known in early Babylonian and Assyrian dream books and it was explained as wealth for him the the one who eats the meat with him. According to Freud, the cannibalism as a symbol represents the affections of sadism, which sometimes might be true. Closer relation Generally, the dream indicates that the dreamer wish to have closer relationships... (read more)
  • Cats - ...the effort he will have to put, if he wants to be the leader and/or the best amongst the others; Look after yourself if you are pregnant and dream of cats – such dream symbolizes, that you should give more time for yourself and the baby you are carrying; Hindu (Hinduism) The cats in the dreams warns the dreamers to be aware of the bad people. Could get robbed if dream of cat that scratched or bitten you – the dream foretells to protect everything that belongs to you and try to avoid the danger. Arabian (Islamic) Generally the cat... (read more)
  • Hair - ...the hair was founded in the soup – the dreamer will have disagreements and dissension with someone; Prudence if the hair is burning – should be aware and careful in all meanings of the life; Deference if see the hair of the dead person – shows the respect you have for people you are related to; Joy if dream of headband – the happiness and good mood will follow at work or any other activities you’re doing; Success if dreaming of hair pomade, wax or gel – shows the fortune that will lead you, because you will have the confidence... (read more)
  • Villa - ...a villa from a distance then this predicts progress in your life which will bring you better life; Baby if go through the huge villa – To dream of going through the huge villa then soon you will be happy with a newborn; Bad luck if haunted villa – Villa is located in the haunted place in your dream then this is an indication of sudden misfortune; Worries if be in own villa – You are in your own villa in your dream, then this dream brings trouble while moving forward and reaching goals. * Please, see meaning of palace .... (read more)
  • Embryo - if dream of embryo – the one who saw an embryo in his dream, is getting new tasks, ideas of his life. Arabian (Islamic) New plans and ventures if see embryo in a dream – the one must prepare for the novelty Contexts’ Meanings: Embryo while pregnant To be pregnant in reality and dream of embryo, signifies the connection the mother has to the baby she is expecting. It is very common for pregnant women to dream of embryo. Many embryos To dream of seeing lots of embryos, denotes to many new plans and ideas the dreamer has. The... (read more)
  • Moose - ...if see many – In the dream there some moose , this signifies that you control your life perfectly, you are on the right way. Hindu (Hinduism) Wisdom if see a moose – This dream wants to pay your attention to elderly people around you. You have to trust your family member, because they are wise; Arabian (Islamic) Short relax if see a baby moose – This dream signifies you some luck and happiness, this may be a short but wonderful journey. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Deer; solidly; strength; power; wise; ancient. Description The Moose is the largest member of... (read more)
  • Bed-wetting - society, or he is condemned for wrongdoing. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level the bed-wetting indicates a need to express yourself as a personality freely and without any boundaries. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fear if baby or children bed-wetting – The dream of mother that her child wets the bed, this is  an unusual sign of fear because of her children; Late recovery if wet the bed when sick – In the dream you wet a bed because you sick, this dream indicates that you will not recover as quickly as hoped. * Please, see meaning of bed.... (read more)
  • Cradle - start for us will give a very happy time in which we can really swing through any difficulties. If a baby in the cradle, then we should appreciate the security, which instantly beautifies our life. Spiritually: Sometimes the material body as opposed to the spiritual is displayed as a cradle. Traditionally: European – Dreaming of new & unused cradle: singles could be married soon; – To see empty, which is used: announces a happy family event and long life; – An orphaned see: approaching accident, probably due to illness; – To see cradle with a screaming infant: one is... (read more)
  • Diaper - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Two sides if see diaper – In the dream you see diaper then this dream marks that everything has two sides in life, so think what you do or say; Joy if dirty diaper – If the diaper is dirty in the dream, then in real life this will bring happiness into you house. Arabian (Islamic) Job if see diapers – The dream of diaper announces that you will get permanent work and salary. Hindu (Hinduism) Pregnancy if see baby diaper – The dream sign may show that you may be pregnant. * Please, read dream meaning of feces.... (read more)
  • Fire - ...(to parallel the Babylonian astrology ). Enemies and Danger Where the fire appears or from which direction it comes, whether from north or south, from west or east, from there the enemies will come near or rule infertility in these areas. Worst of all is, when you see falling down fire on the earth. Burning torches in the sky mean the same. All these phenomena bring on danger over the head of the dreamer. Because like the sky (above-ground) towers above the universe, so the head – the body. Looking at the fire, which is used in everyday life, with small... (read more)
  • Twelve (12) - Psychological Meanings: Your time The number twelve 12 indicates the hour of the Messiah, this means that you can reach everything by your own efforts. In a dream the clock shows eleven fifty-five, then it is right time to take the initiative in waking life. The Twelve (12) is like the number Ten (10) – a whole symbol. Completed tasks The ancient Babylonians number 12 meant the whole sacred number symbolism. The Twelve is understandable as a picture for completeness, because we have twelve months in the year, also the twelve signs of the zodiac and the twelve apostles. *... (read more)
  • Carrion - General Meanings: Carrion is often equated with corpse. Only the corpse of a horse (in ancient dream books) is partially understood as a promise of long life. Find or see a corpse: You have left difficult or not very successful period of life behind yourself. A plan or a task is completed or abandoned. If we see a dead animal in front of you, the importance of the animal should be stated as a symbol to experience and to to learn more precise details. Psychological Meanings: The symbol of carrion appears in a dream, means that a problem is solved, in addition... (read more)
  • Customs - ...bag. For sicks requires a worsening of the disease, because the tax collector is reminiscent of the guard in front of the dead. For travelers this type of dreams says, that a delay might be possible. Psychologically: What will be called in a dream at the border are translated that life offers us the demands . If we are caught by customs officials for smuggling, we are in waking life cope likely fend a very specific thing honest. Traditionally: Arabian – To see: you will be deceived. European – To see: beware of scams; also it indicates rivalries out in... (read more)
  • Adversary - have to be attentive; No disaster if defeated adversary – The dream where you overwhelmed your adversary or adversaries, then this means that you will escape from the consequences of a disaster. M. Ibn Sirin dreambook: Adversary is qualified as an opponent by Muslim interpreter of dreams M. Ibn Sirin Islamic dream meanings and interpretations about an opponent by Muhammad Ibn Sirin Opponent  meaning in Islam: (same meanings for dreams about adverse, contrast or opposite) If the dreamer’s opponent is a dead person in the dream, then the happiness and the good luck will come in life. If the opponent is alive, then the... (read more)
  • Wine - ...another – It is sign of changes and announces pleasure trips to many famous places; Better life if trade or sell wine in a dream – The commitment in the occupation will be worthwhile for you to make your life and position better. The involvement in the profession activity will pay off; Health if see flourishing wine – Very good sign which announces you good health and happy family; Worries if see dead grapevines or plants – Signifies that an important business will not succeed; Warning if tasting poisonous or toxic wine – You will be the victim of a clever plan... (read more)
  • Analysis of Water - ...of business, decrease in prices or gains of war. Water helps for everything to come to life. Water in dreams represents a semen, a birth, a life. Water can symbolize a marriage, a fertility and a delivery of one or more children. Water can be lifegiver and sustainer or it can be a deadly foe and lifetaker. Water is the same in dreams as it is on the earth. On one side, water is symbol of purity, peace and justice, but on the other – symbol of worries, pain, sorrow or destruction and death. Positive & Negative Symbols Most common... (read more)
  • Alligator - ...aggressive, survivor, fundamental, primitive. Description The alligator is like the sturgeon, an animal which exists in today’s nature for thousands of years. He has only few enemies – the man is one of them – and feeds itself with meat in any form, whether dead or alive. With his sharp teeth he can chop up his food in the appropriate chunks. Now and then alligators reach a length of nearly five meters; copies of this size are easily able to overwhelm even a cow. General Meaning The most fundamental survival requirements of your nature: where do you live, how do... (read more)