Driving a white car swiftly dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams about driving a white car swiftly can mean opulence, amity and familiar bosom friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung explanation of the dream about driving a white car swiftly betokens self-sufficient warmth, dainty passion, creativity and function.
Positive changes are going on in your life if: driving a white car swiftly - It regularly marks the state of being superior to all others in power. You are a frontrunning person. If not, if your dream has left bad feeling then such dream may forebode vice versa content: a person of importance could be deceitful and/or ominous in relation to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 68, 36, 24, 45, 88; 2 extra numbers - 43, 93.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and golden .
  • Train - a train without rails – When you dream that you glade with the train without rails, this means that you are concerned about something, which will go out without many problems; Progress and Joy If Driving a train – You are driving a train in the dream, means good and fast progress which brings you joy; Goal If Getting out of a train – In the dream you get out of the train, this shows you that  you will reach your destination and achieve aims; Secret If Coming out of a tunnel – When you see the train is coming... (read more)
  • Axis - life; Worries if broken axis – When you see a broken axis in the dream, this signifies that the purpose of the trip is so useful and your business breaks down again, but soon you will overcome all the difficulties; Stagnation if creaking – This dream shows that you will have stagnant in business and you have to work hard if you want to develop and have benefits; Progress if running quietly –  good progress in a matter which was strongly inhibited. Now nobody will stop you to reach your goals. * Please, see meaning of shaft, driving, line, car.... (read more)
  • Contexts about dog - Dogs and cats Dog bites you Big dog Dog that bites your hand Kill a dog Vicious dogs Puppies Mad dog Dog’s flea Newborn dogs Vicious dogs attacking me White dog Your dog ​​dies Dogfight Sick dog Ticks on dog (dog’s ticks) Wounded, injured dog Brown dog Bloody injured dog Pitbull dog Ticks on my dog Killing dogs Attacking dogs To be bitten in a hand Dogs birth Dog bites you in a leg Your dog ​​died   Large dogs Dogs that attack you Someone gives you a dog Many dogs attack you Black dog bites your left hand Dog... (read more)
  • Bean - of your children; Forget your plans if seeing beans in the bush – This dream signifies that you have plans that can not be realized; Earnings if harvest – When you harvest beans in the dream, this marks that you will have little merit; Luck if preparing or cooking beans – This is very good omen, which will bring you happiness in the business; Quarrels if green beans – The green beans in the dream, means strife and mischief in your life; Slander if white beans – In the dream you see white beans defamation and possibly term of abuse, especially... (read more)
  • Clouds - clouds are the carriers of the divine powers. Psychological Meanings: Emotions – The cloud is a vision for the current mood of the dreamer. Sunny or white clouds symbolize serenity and positive thinking. Dark clouds in the sky – they’re pictures of depressive or pessimistic thoughts. Possibly, the dreamer has a hidden depression with which he can deal only after it will accept a tangible form in the dream. Storm clouds symbolize that the dreamer will probably soon have a violent emotional outburst. They impose us the success of heaven. Traditional Meanings: Arabian – Illness If sees heavy clouds – You... (read more)
  • Aster - General Meanings: The dream symbol of Asters stands for dignity, prestige and honors. Asters often stands for withered hopes. White or black asters are traditionally understood as an announcement of illnesses and deaths. The flowers of autumn – the autumn of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Misfortune if see withered Asters – In your dream the aster is withered, then this announces you failure of hopes and aims; Respect if see beautiful asters – The asters are beautiful in your dream, then this marks that you will earn honor and prestige from people around you; Unpleasant news if white... (read more)
  • Band - to be seen or lug around: it has far too heavy financial obligations, debts are incurred; – blue: faithful love; – green: good hopes; – red: fun; – black: mourning; – white: pure love; – ribbons fluttering in the costume of a person: happy and have good friends; – dreaming a young woman as she is adorned with ribbons, she gets the hoped-for marriage proposal, from carelessness, but it makes a mistake. – Does she wear girls, the bands, which stands for rivals in their efforts to find a husband. – Buy tapes: they will lead a comfortable and good... (read more)
  • Coffin - Association: Includes the end Question: What am I ready to bury? General Meanings: The importance of death When the coffin appears in the dream, then the dreamer remembers his mortality. Such a dream symbol is used to recognize the importance of death and the rites related with this. Perhaps the dreamer successfully came up with “the death” of relationship, now he can pure or overcome a sense of loss. Luck and Worries Coffin also urges to bury the past, so that you can make life more carefree. If you lie in the coffin, this announces you luck, but you... (read more)
  • Zebra - General Meanings: Two sides and ways Zebra indicates black and white, good and evil, happiness and unhappiness these things are very close together. Therefore the dreamer should always look at things from two sides, and however, do not be arrogant in prosperity and in adversity and should not despair, because there are always the way out of worries. Psychological Meanings: To weight consequences The dreamer has difficulty to choose between two conflicting alternatives. The dreamer needs to take some time to weigh and watch out carefully all the consequences and perceive not only as black or white. Traditional Meanings: Arabian... (read more)
  • Departure (leave) - The departure by car, plane or train announces that you will avoid a hazard and danger. To interpret the dream you must always consider the accompanying circumstances, for example, the aim of the departure. Psychological Meanings: The wish to avoid responsibility or difficulties and run away from daily routine You pack your bags in a dream, rushes to the train station, airport or gets in the car. Your suitcase can not be closed or you missed the train, the way to the airport is blocked by a traffic jam, the car couldn’t start. It is certainly not a warning before dangers of your travel!... (read more)
  • Drive - Psychological Meanings: The dream symbol of locomotion. For more information you can obtain from the mood while driving. Think carefully – this way you can decipher the symbolism of dreams and see how you behave in your life and where your challenges and opportunities lie. * Please, see meaning of car.... (read more)
  • Eagle - help from trustful persons; Powerless enemies if see a dead eagle – This points to the powerlessness of an enemy, they can not make any damage for you; Happiness and respect if have an eagle – To dream that you have an eagle, promises fortune in business and work affairs, honor and reputation; Death if see a black eagle landing nearby – The very bad omen which brings you early death of a close friend; Inheritance if seeing white – Good omen that announces large inheritance; Risk if see one eagle kills another – This signs that you know about recklessly... (read more)
  • Waboose Spirit Keeper of the North - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords White Buffalo, acceptance, peace, strength, forgiveness, humility, end, top, gift of what we have learned on our journey through life, paradoxes. Description The Medicine Waboose stands as the Spirit Keeper of the North. The north is the time of the winter, at night it is a transitional period in which we humans are either elders or newborn babies. Waboose communicate with the earth element, the mineral Alabaster. The animal – White Buffalo and the color is white. General Meaning Who you will be when you become an elder, as you were as a newborn. Transcendent Meaning... (read more)
  • Flying - aspect, the dream about flying indicates the spiritual freedom the dreamer has or wishes to have. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Success if flying very high – to fly highly in the sky even without wings, denotes to happiness and free spirit you have; Ambitious plans if flying high above other people – to dream that you were flying very high above other people shows that you have very high expectations towards other people. Maybe you think of yourself a bit too good and make others to appear worse; Goodness if fly with white wings – to dream that you are... (read more)
  • Egg - which is seen through your own horrible intentions, which you should leave on time. Punishment and Slander – Throw rotten egg on others indicates that he does a bitter injustice and will get his punishment for it; pelted with rotten eggs, you have to reckon with falsehood and slander by other people. Losses – Egg shells are broken, announce that you will suffer from a loss – usually through your own clumsiness. Warning – White eggs show that you exaggerate things unnecessarily or even too much “to balloon”, and it warns you because otherwise you will get in trouble. Happiness... (read more)
  • Wool - In general: How wool is interpreted depends on the hair of the lamb or sheep, or whether the ball of wool. The lamb’s wool can be indication for fuzzy thoughts and feelings. The dreamer has not created right order in his thinking. Wool generally symbolize a gentle, soft feeling, the yearning for human warmth and tenderness. If you work with wool, which is understood in terms of knitting. According to ancient Indian dream book the color of the wool is also very important and interpreted as follows: – White wool warns against too much credulity. – Black wool asks... (read more)
  • Numbers - life of the soul with ego, superego and I; Spiritual Meaning of Three: The Triangle, freedom; Characteristics of Three: freedom, courage, fun, enthusiasm and grandeur, apathy, overconfidence, impatience, carelessness. Practical Significance of Three: the idea of the dreamer concerning stability and success in relationship will be realized; Read more about 3. 4 Number Four symbolism – general and spiritual meanings, psychoanalytical characteristics and practical significance: General Meaning of Number 4 in dream: Four embodies inner balance, strength, stability and resistance, sensuality and love of nature. Spiritual Meaning of Four: The square, strength, stability, practicality, the earth, reality, the four sides of the human (sense perception, feeling, thinking, intuition), earth,... (read more)
  • Babysitting - Association: Working with the inner child. Question: How much efforts do I have to take care of the child in me? Psychological Meanings: Need of care This dream is a sign that you want to relinquish responsibility because you are afraid to fail. But from other side this may be also an indication that you feel safe, because you have those who take care of everything. New beginning Also the dream of babysitter might be a sign that you trust yourself and now it is time for you to start and to create something new, you have to invest... (read more)
  • Auto racing - Psychological Meanings: Control of life The vision of car race is surprisingly common with ability to control people around you. At the same time also reflects the fascination of the car and the speed, that you move through your life. The race car is a dream often stands as a stress symbol, which shows our fear not to control our life. Often this dream is associated that you can not slow down your life because there are lots of obstacles that you can not avoid, now matter how “fast” or perfectly you drive.... (read more)
  • Boy - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if be a boy – You are dreaming that you are happy in your life about everything; True friend if card of boy – In the dream you keep the cards in your hand the cross boys, so the life will give you really good friend and support; Lover if boy the knave of hearts – This card announces a faithful lover. * Please, see meaning of lad, playing card.... (read more)
  • Apricot - denotes disappointment and confusion in your life. You are not satisfy of what you do in your life. To see others eating apricots, this dream will bring you lots of worries and problems but later you will solve them all. Come back to reality To dream apricot tree, this dream symbol shows that you waste your time to not so important thing. You are in illusion world. You do not take care of your future, you think that everything will be good, you do not pay attention to the signs which show that you must see the reality and response and... (read more)
  • Amulet - this denotes that you will finish your work that lasted for a long time; Annoyance if wear an amulet – In the dream you wear an amulet, this signifies that you will argue with your family member, but after discussion everything will be OK; Take care of your children if find an amulet – This dream marks that you have to take care of your children, they need your attention and care; Changes if buy an amulet – In the dream you buy an amulet, this means that you will make very important decision which will change your life.... (read more)
  • Ant - forthcoming psychosis. Now relaxation and tranquility are very important. In common dreams of ants are an indication of disturbances in the autonomic nervous system, especially when one perceives a tingle in dreams, which gives a reason for medical research. More trust and work – Sometimes this vision stands only for the fact, that the dreamer should be more diligent, more persevering and more active. Spiritual Meanings: In the symbolic language ants are a model of prudence, cleverness and diligence. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) More care about work If Seeing – When you see only few of ants in your dream, then... (read more)
  • Incubus/Nightmare - General Meanings: Warning to be more attentive In the nightmare you meet an incubus, this dream is a warning to you. This means that the person you trust will try to deceive you. Also this may be a sign that you have to take care of your health, your unhealthy life can bring you serious illness. Psychological Meanings: Need to take care of health The nightmares are mysterious dreams, and we still do not know much about them. The nightmare denotes fear, horror that assail us. Very often such a dream has a crushing meaning. Although they are very unpleasant,... (read more)
  • Wolf - severe anger; – To be pursued by wolf or pack of wolves: you’re not well-disposed & you have a mortal enemy; – To listen howling wolves: you shall not listen to the gossip of the neighbors, you will be under pressure from all sides; – To beat wolf in dream: you will overcome your enemies. Denise Lynn (short): Short interpretation of wolf in dreams by Denise Lynn Wolf symbolizes society and public duty; Also, it shows concern about the family or suggests care for the family. Wolf can indicate the need for more care and support. Wolf also shows fear,... (read more)
  • Shipwreck - In general: Dreaming of wreck, whether is it a car or ship wreck, indicate that dreamers plans are thwarted. He must find out the responsibility of the failure whether of himself or of another person. Wreck is often understood in the sense of ruin. In general terms, it warns of a failure in life. The dreamer should, though frustrated by what had happened, continued to fight through to reach its desired goal. Spiritually: A wreck of any kind represents a defeat on a spiritual level. Whether is it wrecks of a car or boat, they indicate in a dream... (read more)
  • Arm - good opportunities to present yourself with the help of friend. Hindu (Hinduism) Challenge if see an arm – This dream shows challenges in your life; Helplessness if injured arm – In the dream you see that your arm is injured, signifies inability to take care of yourself; Strength if see right arm – The right arm in the dream, shows that you are strong and perspective to reach your goals; Sensitivity if left arm – The left arm shows the sensibility and appreciation. Arabian (Islamic) Bad luck if arms broken or cold – Dreaming someone whose arms are broken or cold... (read more)
  • Knacker (slaughterer) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Luck if see – In the dream you see or meet a knacker this promises happiness in your life; Damage if talk – You are talking with a knacker in your dream this announces harm in your life. Arabian (Islamic) Joy if see working – In the dream you see one is working, this promise happiness; Good omen if speak with one – The dream marks good hope related with your enterprises, which will bring good earnings; Frustration if see one driving – You see a knacker is driving somewhere, signifies that your hopes and wishes... (read more)
  • Through train - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Need of travel if see driving through train – In your dream you see driving through train then this denotes that you are longing for the journey; Be attentive if see train accident – The dream of train accident denotes that you will get some suggestions so you should be completely omitted this because this may damage your reputation. * Please, see meaning of train.... (read more)
  • Lizard - instinctive. It may also happen that the lizard in the dream turned into a monster that causes the dreamer’s fear. This vision is a warning against uncontrolled driving forces of the subconscious. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) – Prosperity If Seeing – In the dream you see a lizard, this dream shows you that you will have strong turnaround in your business and other matters; – Acquaintance If Seeing – You are dreaming that you see a lizard this also can mean that you should not put off the going outs, you can acquire good friends that may be useful to... (read more)
  • Wild boar - a wild boar in the dream, warns that should be careful against a ruthless man in your environment. Of course, this dream symbol refers also to wild unrestrained driving forces and energies, that can cause trouble for you in interpersonal relationships. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Difficulties if dreaming of wild boar – This dream announces threats, but you will overcome these them with your own courage; Aggressiveness if seeing a boar in front of you – In the dream you see a wild boar that stands in front of you, this shows that you are very aggressive and hothead, you are afraid... (read more)