Eating ripe banana dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about eating ripe banana may express sufficiency, allegiance and comity.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's analysis this dream about eating ripe banana expresses self-determining will, soft lust, originality and ascendency.
Encouraging restylings are ahead : eating ripe banana - This symbol of dream frequently presages eminence and being a frontrunner. Or then, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream could foretell vice versa nuance: someone might be fraudulent and unreliable in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 19, 4, 76, 23, 100; 2 extra numbers - 22, 67.
Fortunate colors for this dream: purple and golden .
  • Rain - In dreams, the rain has a beneficial meaning of wealth and abundance, although dreaming of pouring rain indicates that there will be some type of interference before these benefits arrive…. (Rain) If you crave rain when you’re awake, and then fall asleep and dream that it is raining and you’re not getting wet, it suggests that the you have a potential fortune and will soon receive a substantial and unexpected income, otherwise the dreamer lacks true love…. (Rain) When a woman dreams that rain has got her wet and that it also stained her clothing, it indicates... (read more)
  • Music - Association: Expression of the feelings, harmony. Question: How my feelings are flowing without the environment? General Meanings: In General music and the rhythm of it represents the view and lifestyle of the dreamer. Usually when the dreamer listens to the music, it shows the connection he has with the world. Consider that the type of the music says much more about your dream, depending on how loud it was and the instruments that were dominating in that particular music. It is known that for example the saxophone represents harmony and sexuality and drums denotes to anger and/or unexpressed... (read more)
  • Cannibalism - ...with the one he was eating. It is not necessarily have to be the love relationships it could be a friendship that he wish to be closer than it is at the moment. Desire to get rid something and the need to survive If the one that is cannibal in his dream feels disgusted and horrified by his own actions, then it could simply show the rejection of inappropriate food or wrong actions he is doing. The dreamer has some of the personality aspects which he wish he could get rid of. In a dream, to eat the flesh of... (read more)
  • Snake - ...and criminal deception – On the spiritual level, the snake or the serpent in the dream symbolizes depravity, wickedness, acts of moral turpitude or fraud. Perfection, energy, power, spiritual independence, rebirth, knowledge – The Ouroboros or Uroboros, a serpent or dragon eating its own tail, symbolizes the perfection, an infinite energy and the power. This ancient symbol appears in the dream when the dreamer is ready to engage with complete spiritual self-sufficiency. Dreaming of the snake eating its own tail has symbolic significance not only as the symbol of self-renewing life, but also as the symbol of the penetrating knowledge... (read more)
  • Dog - ...clothes means damage – If the dog in the dream damaged clothes of the dreamer, by tearing or ripping off, then it shows that a dishonorable enemy will inflict damage to his property and his honor; Killing the dog means victory – If the dreamer kills the dog, then he will destroy an adversary; Eating dog’s meat means property – In the dream to eat meat of the dog, suggest that an enemy will bring his assets to you himself; Disadvantage if dog is eating meat – If the dreamer sees that dog eats meat, then it might be a... (read more)
  • Organs/Viscus - ...people if eating other people organs – the dream in which the one was eating organs of somebody in his dream, will become wealthy, but with the help of others; Possibilities of treasures if find the organs of another man – the one who finds the organs, such as liver, lungs or any other ones will become wealthy, as unexpected gifts and riches will arrive to him. Arabian (Islamic) Loss of riches if the organs goes through anus – if the liver or any other of the organs, go through the anus of the dreamer in his dream, then it... (read more)
  • Worms - ...can change his life and do something more fruitful. It may be that the dream consciousness with this image of sexual desires, which the dreamer is considered immoral and indicating his guilt. Spiritually: To transfer (hand over) the worms is a metaphor for death. The dreamer should therefore be prepared, that something will occur on the spiritual level and it may soon change. Traditionally: Arabian – Dreaming that you are eating worms: you will get transitional sojourners and collect pension money from them. – Separate worms from someone through the anus: he will be saved from worry and annoying people.... (read more)
  • Abdomen / Belly - General Meanings: Belly can sometimes appear in the dreams as a sign of an illness which still cause no complaints in the awake state, or point to wrong eating habits which can endanger our health. The belly is often interpreted as a symbol of physicality, sensuality, sexuality or the material things of life. Sometimes the belly also indicates the repressed experiences and the unconscious should finally processed them. The sunken belly and hunger feeling indicates that the dreamer is unfulfilled and unsatisfied sensually. A repulsive fat, bloating belly points to surfeit also this indicates sexual supersaturation or, more generally meaning the debauchery.... (read more)
  • Antelope - ...and unpleasant events in near future; Success if antelope is running in the fields – In the dream you see an antelope what is running in the field, this announces you great wealth and wonderful life. Arabian (Islamic) Richness if see an antelope – This dream shows that you will earn wealth, because of your hard work; Good news if see eating antelope – When you are dreaming of an eating antelope, this dream will bring you good and perspective news, which may change your life to better; Marriage if see many antelopes – Very positive dream which shows that you... (read more)
  • Supper - ...strength back and the next day will be very successful at your work; Cooperation reaching the success if eating dinner with others – This dream is a sign that there is a possibility for success, but you have to join together with somebody. Very good for team work and new joint decisions. Hindu Success if enjoy with another – You are dreaming that you have supper with other people, this announces that soon you will be able to enjoy the success; Luck If eat – Your way is convenient to reach the target and the happiness is waving to you... (read more)
  • Eel, eels - ...enemies and marriage if dead eel – This dream is a victory over enemies. For lovers – happy ending and marry marriage; Defeated opponents if dissected – When you are dreaming that you see a dissected eel announces about completely defeated opponent or dangerous rival; Troubles if eat eel – In the dream you are eating an eel meat, announces approaching annoyance and problems. Advantage and benefit you will get only with courage and determination. Arabian (Islamic) A symbol of a slick man that you have to worry about; Good news if see an eel – This dream says that you will receive... (read more)
  • Wild boar - ...making an acquaintance with bad people, who will make damage for you and your work; Joy if eating wild boar meat – You are eating wild boar meat in the dream, signifies that you will enjoy a cheerful mood because of success in your life; Defeated enemy if shoot a wild boar in a dream – Very good sign that you will make a dangerous enemy harmless. Hindu (Hinduism) Overcoming difficulties if dreaming of wild boar –  In general the wild boar means, that you will find trouble, but you will overcome the with your own courage and hard work.... (read more)
  • Fire - ...Burning without flame – But if the fire burns without flame, and it’s not all destroyed only parts, the disaster will be lower. Support for others If Eating coals – you are eating burning coals without smoke and flame, you will gain so much money for orphans or poor people, as much as you ate coal. Incomes If Burning coals – To find a burning coals without flame and smoke, you will receive according to the amount of coals, a lot of money or incomes. Retribution If someone is taken by flames, but not destroyed – you will be punished... (read more)
  • Rabbit - ...propose or someone is going propose to you; To feed the rabbit – marriage or success in business; When someone gives you a rabbit as a present it means love; Eating the rabbit shows unsuccessful period in life, sickness, mystery; Rabbit eating anything – poverty; When the rabbit is being caught up and the dreamer is holding it in his hands it symbolizes short illness, which will be defeated; Breeding the rabbits – fortune; When the dreamer sees many rabbits it shows his fear, there is something that he is afraid of; Bunny or rabbit that is seen in the dreams... (read more)
  • Bear - ...there is no danger, you will succeed in everything! Happiness If see a dead or a bearskin – The happiness doesn’t come without obstacles, all uncertainties will be cleared up the last time; More strength If see more – The signal about imminent events which will change your future, it will require all your strength; Luck If scare away or kill – You can expect some success; Danger If  a young woman sees – The dream is a warning that you  must reckon with a dangerous rival, or other mishap. Weddings If eating bear’s meat – this dream announces you... (read more)
  • Goats - ...with disgruntled moaners, which want to use your success; Worries If Seeing black goat – Black goats in the dream shows that you have to deal with moaners, the bargain with an evil character who wants to inflict a large damage; Illness If Eating goat meat – This dream is a warning about a disease, according to the amount consumed, disease is more or less dangerous. Pay attention to your health; Richness If Seeing goat’s hair or wool – Such a dream means wealth, material prosperity, opulence; Hard work and Earnings  If dressed in goat wool or hair – To dream, that you... (read more)
  • Bleat - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) New duties if bleating lamb – To hear bleating lambs in a dream then this announces new tasks and duties that will be pleasant for you.... (read more)
  • Field - ...fertility The symbol of the field in the dream is ambiguous. It either means that the dreamer enters into a fertile phase of life, or that he has a certain problem and soon “work on” this. The field is considered as an archetype of the maternal and fertility, the solidarity with our forces of nature. Mental force Its appearance in the dream indicates the inner, psychological roots and power. Also symbolizes feminine nature interests – the more beautiful and healthier the field appears in the dream, the stronger is our own primal psychological force. Longing for natural life Dreams of ripe... (read more)
  • Date tree (palm) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Aristocracy if date palms – The dream symbol of date palm signifies aristocratic women and those of imperial blood; Welfare if be in date palm grove – You go into a grove of date palms and pluck ripe palm fruits in your dream, then this dream marks that you will earn or get as much wealth as you plucked fruits; Suffer if immature fruits – The fruits of date palm is immature, then this dream marks that you will suffer from other people immaturity; Some money if tear down the palm leaves – This dream marks... (read more)
  • Ear (botany) - want to start, this will be very successful; Somebody cares about you if you go on them – This dream warns that somebody is worried about you and the things you do; Turn back if ginning – This dream shows that you are too reckless and you must to turn back before it isn’t too late. Arabian (Islamic) Enjoy your life if see ripe – The dream shows that a long planned project has good chances to be realized and this is a reason for joy and satisfaction; Fail if becomes stunted and inaccessible – In the dream the fields... (read more)
  • Iron (material) - ...really difficult to gain this. The transformation into the iron on the contrary prophecies unbearable strokes of fate, but the dreamer will get over it and will reach a great age. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Hard; Elastic; Culture-changing; Technology; Survival; Health; Centrality; Temper. Iron is one of the hardest minerals, in the medicine wheel together with Garnet mineral Totem is born on Ripe Berries Moon (July 23-August 22). It has changed the entire cultures and has led them into the age of technology. Iron also supplies the central ion in the hemoglobin molecule of the blood, and thus depends on... (read more)
  • Wolf - Association: – Instinct & Appetite; Threat & Loyalty. Question: – What instincts are a threat to me? Who or what is my instinctive loyalty? In general: Wolf symbolizes aggressive impulses, instincts and desires, which can be dangerous, if dreamer has not mastered it better. Commonly it is understood as a reference to an external threat or a hostile people. Psychologically: The wolf is a very dangerous animal. In the dream, he appears as a sign of recklessness, aggressiveness and impulsiveness. The wolf in the dream points to the irrepressible point in us, the second self, with which we... (read more)
  • Dessert - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if fruit for dessert – It is a happy omen and wonderful news when in your dream you have a ripe fruit for dessert; Loss if eat immature fruit for dessert – The dream where you have immature fruit for dessert then this dream warns that you should expect business losses. * Please, see meaning of all fruits.... (read more)
  • Broth - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if make broth – You are dreaming that you are making broth then this stands as a sign of happiness, also your business will grow and will bring you prosperity. Arabian (Islamic) Marriage if eating or drinking broth – The dream announces that you will fall in love and will get early marriage. * Please, see meaning of meat broth.... (read more)
  • Venison - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if have venison – Dreaming of venison this may be a sign that with all your efforts and stubbornness you will reach good financial status and prosperous life. Arabian (Islamic) Good life if eat venison – You are dreaming that you are eating venison so this points to well-being.... (read more)
  • Biscuit - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Love if see biscuit – The dream of biscuit marks that love is like a sweet for you, you enjoy it; Celebration if bake biscuits – In the dream you are baking biscuits then this dream is a sign of engagement in the family or another enjoyable feast; Miss something if eat biscuit – You are eating biscuits in your dream, then this shows that you long for something, but you’re still not quite clear about it.... (read more)