Engagement ring is broken or falling apart dream meanings

Short meaning: dream of engagement ring is broken or falling apart can typify enjoyment, fidelity and agreement.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung analysis of this dream about engagement ring is broken or falling apart hints self-determining temperament, womanliness sexual desire, proficiency and dynamicenergy.
Encouraging changes are awaiting in your life only if: engagement ring is broken or falling apart - This normally presages the opportunity to gain benefit of something. You are a trailblazer. Diversely, if this dream was with negative emotion then such dream may connote backwards understanding: a person of importance might be cunning or risky in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 85, 36, 33, 74, 57; 2 extra numbers - 93, 49.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and brown .
  • Loom - General Meanings: In the dream, the importance of the loom goes beyond its proper function. A loom refers to trade or craft creativity. Every person is capable to produce beautiful objects, and the loom symbolizes this fact. Loom symbolizes the network of social relationships in which you live, you may extend and maintain this. The back and forth of the shuttle, which is always in motion, indicates a task in which the dreamer will have a lot to do, and will probably have to travel too. The thread is running low or even tears, then this dream marks that... (read more)
  • Bellows - Psychological Meanings: Bellows is a symbol of busybodies – someone who “inflates” and does more than he is able. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Troubles if have bellows – This dream symbol stands for recklessness and dishonesty which will cause disputes and difficulties in your life; Wealth if work with bellows – In the dream you are doing something with bellows then this dream shows that with patience and energy you will defeat the poverty; Good experience if hear the sound of bellows – In the dream you hear the sound of bellows then this marks that you will get... (read more)
  • Urn, Urns - you see a broken urn, indicates that accident stands at your door, the misfortune is coming. Hindu (Hinduism) Blamed if see an urn – In the dream you see an urn means that you are assigned responsibility for so many inconveniences and domestic strife; Long life if see buried urn – In your dream the urn is buried, this shows that you can hope to live a long life. Arabian (Islamic) Embarrassment if seeing and using – You are dreaming that you see an urn or you are doing something with it, denotes that soon this will bring you in a big... (read more)
  • Scales - solid. Mutual fidelity is coupled with love. Hindu (Hinduism) – Will weighed in one place on the scale or the so-called fast scale, interpret it as the official act of the judge. – Executes the dreamer a lawsuit in court and he noticed that the scales hold in equilibrium, if not he will come into its own subjects. – The scales mean shifting the ears of the judge, the things in the speeches of the litigants. – If the scale is fine and clean, is the judge of the place justice, but the scales is bent or broken, so you... (read more)
  • Bathtub - bathtub – To dream of empty and dirty bathtub indicates misfortune and loss of property, and this will be very hard period for you; Concerns if broken bathtub – Your bathtub is broken in the dream, then this dream goes as a sign off upcoming family disputes. Hindu (Hinduism) Bad sign if see bathtub – The bathtub as a symbol in the dream is not a good sign for business or for serious decisions; Warning if bathe in bathtub – When you bathe in bathtub in the dream, then this dream warns you that you have to be attentive in order... (read more)
  • Banjo - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Pleasure if see banjo – The banjo is a pleasant entertainment, with the music which brings pleasure; Learn to enjoy if see broken banjo – The broken banjo in the dream indicates that you have to learn to enjoy your life and to relax.... (read more)
  • Dragon kite - future. Spiritual Meanings: A dragon represents the need for greater spiritual freedom or desire to be free from restrictions. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Use experience if see dragon – In a dream you see a dragon then this dream indicates that you have to use your knowledge in order to achieve something in your life; No reality if see flying dragon – The flying dragon in the dream is associated with false happiness and unreal ideas. Arabian (Islamic) Respect if see flying dragon – In the dream you see a flying dragon, then this dream announces that you will gain favor of great person,because of your... (read more)
  • Aquarium - Association: Microcosm of emotions. Question: What feelings am I ready to show or willing to look at? General Meanings: Joy in life The dream symbol of aquarium symbolizes happiness and success, especially in matters of love. Hidden and unreal emotions Also an aquarium was created artificially, so this dream may indicate superficiality and artificiality. This dream marks that the dreamer should open the facades and to to beware of false emotions. Psychological Meanings: Stuck behind the glass The aquarium is a symbol of a protected and artificial habitat, which is presented like natural conditions of life. The aquarium signifies... (read more)
  • Clay pigeon - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Changes if see clay pigeon – Dreaming of clay pigeon discs or shooting them, this dream announces upcoming changes in existing conditions, possibly even losses; Worries if broken clay pigeon – In the dream you see broken clay pigeon then you may meet some worries and misunderstanding while reaching your goals.... (read more)
  • Bolt - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Development if see bolt – The bolt as a dream symbol announces big obstacles but this will help you to make progress in your personality; Dark period if old and broken bolt – The dream where you see old and broken bolt then this signifies that all your failures darken your expectations.... (read more)
  • Ewer (water pitcher) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be attentive if see ewer (water pitcher) – You will have to beware of the secrets, the observance of this is at the risk, especially if you break the pitcher. Hindu (Hinduism) Hard period if broken ewer – The dream of broken ewer is a sign of upcoming difficulties and difficult period. Arabian (Islamic) Doing good things if see ewer – The dream symbol of ewer marks that you will do good things on your own without anyone support; Disputes if break ewer – In the dream you break the ewer then you will have dispute... (read more)
  • Washbasin - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Making joy if see washbasin – In the dream you see a washbasin, then this marks that you will assume new tasks and will make other people happy; Fulfillment if wash yourself in washbasin – To wash your face and hands in a washbasin in the dream, then this marks that all your deepest desires will fulfill; Pain if washbasin is dirty or broken – The dream where you see that you washbasin is dirty or broken then this dream is bad sign which indicates that you will regret for a disreputable relationship which caused sorrow. Hindu (Hinduism) Joy if... (read more)
  • Xylophone - see or hear xylophone -You are dreaming of xylophone then this dream may show that you will experience short but wonderful pleasure; Talent if play a xylophone – In the dream you play a xylophone then this means that you will discover in yourself a talent, which you have not noticed yet. Also this dream is approaching you a joyous, happy occasion; Useful advice if see broken xylophone – When you dream of broken xylophone indicates that you will get into difficult situations, you will get good advice and opportunities, which will help you to such an unpleasant situation in the future.... (read more)
  • Axis - General Meanings: Success and Moving toward Axis of a car shows continuing success and overcoming obstacles, if it runs like well lubricated. The axis creaks or breaks this indicates your stagnation or failure in a thing that you do or this may go on a good deal for you. Psychological Meanings: Life is running A quickly turning axis points to the fast way of life of the dreamer. The axis often represents also a perpetual motion machine – in the awake life the dreamer will rotate everything what is important to him and slows down his running through the life.... (read more)
  • Antenna - are related to a specific person or situation, which was suspicious for you; Finished work if buy new antenna – In the dream you buy the latest antenna, this indicates that with the strength that you have you will complete the great work; Don’t waste your time if see a broken antenna – The dream of broken antenna indicates that no matter how hard you try to finish the task , you will not be able to do this; Worries if cut antenna – This is not so positive sign, this announces that you will get bad news, which will make you worries.... (read more)
  • Signpost - Psychological Meanings: Signpost as a dream symbol indicates the way, where the subconscious advises you to go. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Changes if see signpost – Dreaming of signpost (guide post) means that you will face with a difficult choices which will make changes in your life; Wrong way if see broken signpost – The broken signpost in the dream denotes that uncomfortable situations will occur, you are on a wrong way, but it is a sign of coming changes and good advice will be given. Hindu (Hinduism) Forgotten things if see signpost – In the dream the signpost appears then... (read more)
  • Watch - wear self – The time runs so fast, it is time to make important decisions and to be ready to stat new period of life; Happiness if give to someone – In the dream you give a watch to someone, this means that you will create your own happiness and merry life; Success if see on other people – Other people are wearing watches, this dream announces  that huge success is approaching to you; Obscurity if brokenBroken watch in your dream indicates that you are not sure of your own feelings or how to express yourself. * Please, see meaning of clock.... (read more)
  • Parapet - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) No worries if see parapet – The dream of parapet marks that all risks and worries you will overcome by your own efforts. Hindu (Hinduism) Warning if broken parapet – In the dream you see broken parapet then this dream is a sign that you are vulnerable and others may use this situation, so you have to be attentive. Arabian (Islamic) Relax if see parapet – To dream of parapet signifies that you free from disasters and unpleasant events in your life, now it is time for you to relax.... (read more)
  • Armchair - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Bad news if see a broken armchair – To dream an armchair which is broken, then this indicates that you will get hasty news or the situation in which you are now, is not so good as you expected; Pay attention to small details if see a small armchair – This dream denotes that you have to pay attention to small things and only then the situation will be clear to you and you will be able to reach your goals; Reaching aims if sit on a solid armchair – This dream marks that you stand tightly on... (read more)
  • Beer bottle - illness because of your insouciance. Contexts’ Meanings: Dreaming bottle of beer – This dream marks that at this time you have carefree period in your life. You want to relax and enjoy your life. But do not relax too much, because you can destroy everything what you have built. Dreaming broken or damaged bottle of beer – This dream wants to pay your attention to your health. You are too tired and have to relax. Also the negative side of this dream is that you have destroyed all your plans, because you weren’t responsible, you were too irresponsible and carefree.... (read more)
  • Hatchet - ...with a hatchet – This dream marks that you have to be very attentive and do not make and trust new people, do not make too fast close friendship; Sorrow if have a rusty or broken hatchet – In the dream your hatchet is broken and rusty, then this denotes that wayward people will make you sorrow because of their insensibility. Hindu (Hinduism) Worries if see a hatchet – The hatchet in a dream means that you will have had nothing good but only trouble. Arabian (Islamic) Danger if see or have in your hand a hatchet – This dream... (read more)
  • Glasses - more exactly – a new sight, perspective and more transparency. Broken glasses must not necessarily symbolize bad luck. Rather, it means that you must overcome a barrier or to accept a constraint to solve a problem. Spiritual Meanings: Different perspective At the spiritual level glasses reminds us to take and consider a different perspective. It stands for virtue and it is a symbol of the moderateness and balance. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Better life if notice – When you notice glasses in the dream, this means internal restlessness because of your family but you will find preoccupation with yourself to... (read more)
  • Balustrade - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Quarrel if see balustrade – In the dream you see a balustrade, then this indicates that you will be exposed in love. This will bring you disappointment, jealousy and misunderstanding with your partner; Worries if see broken balustrade – In the dream you see that balustrade is broken, then this signifies that you will have worries about your occupation. * Please, see meaning of railing.... (read more)
  • Car - Association: Personal power, ego. Question: Where I am going to arrive ? Who  I am? In general: In General, car symbolizes the facts and subjects which motives that dreamer. The car in dreams shows the path of the dreamer, not only professional one or the personal one, but in all aspects of his life. To understand the dream that is related to car better, the dreamer must associate the symbols with the reality he is at the moment, only then he will be able to interpreter his dream. For example, if the engine of your car does not work... (read more)
  • Branch - Association: Growth stages. Question: In which direction do I grow up? General Meanings: The branch with leaves indicates that there are groundless worries, everything will be perfect. The branch is bald, dried up or broken, then this dream denotes failures and disappointments. To stumble across a broken branch and to stop for a while, sometimes it starts an inner change in waking life. Psychological Meanings: Most part of the tree of life marks something about our mental state: – where thriving or verdant branches reflect our inner balance; – dry or dead branch denotes worries and disappointment; – sit... (read more)
  • Bread - Association: Food, shared resources; association. Question: What nourishes me together? General Meanings: Bread stands as basic food for the material needs of the life, also can embody friendship, experience of life and wishes, or can emerge as a religious symbol. Often it is understood as an indication to a positive development of further life in material, social and spiritual or intellectual aspects. Desire of fulfillment of wishes Fresh bread in sufficient amounts stands for the wish of fulfillment of physical desires. The dreamer is not sure Bread tastes badly and strangely in the dream, then the dreamer is not sure,... (read more)
  • Rent out - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Sharing if rent out property – In your dream you rent out your property then in your life you want to share your life and property with others. Hindu (Hinduism) Worries if rent out things – You are dreaming that you rent out something (boat, apartments, land ect.) then you will have worries at work or in the family. Arabian (Islamic) New people if rent out a house – This dream means that you want to meet new people in your life.... (read more)
  • Menstruation - late or not knowing if it will show up at all; Take things slowly if you are pregnant and dreaming of menses – for a woman who is pregnant dream of menstruation is a warning of the danger, which means that she has to look after herself more careful; Suggestion to move forward if dream of blood or menstruation – for a dreamer to see herself having a period or bleeding out from vagina for no reason denotes to jamming in the past, which means that the dreamer is looking more to the past and things that happened instead of... (read more)
  • Adulation - General Meanings: When you dream of looking for adulation, this represents you reaching the achievement while being dishonorable. If you see yourself giving someone an adulation this symbolizes that you are taking apart from someone because of financial aspects.... (read more)
  • Agreement - into an onerous obligation, which may bring you little reward and gratitude, but also resistance. You can not avoid this but you have to learn to accept, to agree and keep going forward. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Important events if complete agreement – To dream of completed agreement then in your real life you may have some serious and important business events which may be burdensome task; Quarrels if agreement connected with rent – If you lease an apartment, a flat etc. and write an agreement in your dream, then you will have some dissensions in your family or at work.... (read more)
  • Organs/Viscus - see your own organs – the dream in which you see the organs of your own, symbolizes the disappointment and sadness you’ll have; Happiness if feel the organs – to dream that you feel, for example, that you heart is beating symbolizes love and sensitivity you are going to feel. Alternatively, the dream may suggest to look closer into your health, as the dream could be a warning of the problems from certain parts of your body; Somebody will get tricked if tear the organs of another human – to dream that you or somebody else tearing apart the organs... (read more)