Finding a purse with money inside dream meanings

Affirmative revisions commonly are going on only if: finding a purse with money inside - This dream sign augurs the state of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status. You are a trailblazer. If not, if your dream has left bad feeling then a dream may mean vice versa subject: an unknown person might be tricky or menacing in regard to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 6, 61, 36, 28, 20; 2 extra numbers - 75, 24.
Fortunate colors for this dream: purple and brown .
  • Sleeve - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Honor if see a sleeve – The dream of sleeve means great honor for you; Wealth if see two sleeves – In the dream you see two sleeves, this announces you richness; Poorness if see torn sleeve – This dream shows that you will experience poverty, but you will overcome this because of your hard work; Extra money if see short sleeves – When you see short sleeves in your dream, this marks that you will get extra money; Journey if have long sleeves – In the dream you are wearing a shit with long sleeves,... (read more)
  • Bloodletting - money and property depending on the quantity of blood; Happiness if bloodletting from an old man – This dream announces about your destiny, it means that you stand under the lucky star; Expenses if let blood because of illness or to cure – According to the blood loss you will have  money spending, but you will have incomes for life and health; Award if someone lets blood of a friend – This dream announces that you will be awarded because of your hard work; Arabian (Islamic) You must know that like the hair and the blood of man means power and... (read more)
  • Reject - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if please or ask for alms and were rejected – This dream is regarded as a warning against spending too much money and money transactions. You have to be very attentive.... (read more)
  • Fire - Burning without flame – But if the fire burns without flame, and it’s not all destroyed only parts, the disaster will be lower. Support for others If Eating coals – you are eating burning coals without smoke and flame, you will gain so much money for orphans or poor people, as much as you ate coal. Incomes If Burning coals – To find a burning coals without flame and smoke, you will receive according to the amount of coals, a lot of money or incomes. Retribution If someone is taken by flames, but not destroyed – you will be punished... (read more)
  • Worms - can change his life and do something more fruitful. It may be that the dream consciousness with this image of sexual desires, which the dreamer is considered immoral and indicating his guilt. Spiritually: To transfer (hand over) the worms is a metaphor for death. The dreamer should therefore be prepared, that something will occur on the spiritual level and it may soon change. Traditionally: Arabian – Dreaming that you are eating worms: you will get transitional sojourners and collect pension money from them. – Separate worms from someone through the anus: he will be saved from worry and annoying people.... (read more)
  • To get lost (strayed) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Confusion if lost – You got lost in the dream, then this may show that yu do not know what to choose or where to go in your life, because everything will be new for you. Hindu (Hinduism) Wealth if get lost – You are dreaming that you lost your way and stray in the unknown place, this dream announces good profits.The financial gain – you will earn more money from investments, a payment or a gift from somebody, or win the prize or any kind of the winnings. This dream shows that you will... (read more)
  • Take - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good omen if take money – When you take money in your dream, then this displays good business and matters; Recovery if take drugs – In the dream you take drugs of medicine because sick, then soon you will recover after illness or difficult period of your life; Mistake if take drug but healthy – You are healthy and you take drugs then this announces failures.... (read more)
  • Borrow - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Worries if borrow money (loan) – In the dream you borrow money then this indicates that you will have worries, will bring losses in business and discord in the family; Best things if repay a loan and get back – In your dream you repay a loan then this announces that you will everything what is the best for you.... (read more)
  • Spend - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Worries if spend money – The dream where you spend money then in your real life you may have some troubles because of irresponsible actions.... (read more)
  • Arm - this leads to success. Too short arms – announces despondency, because everything goes wrong and fails. Too long arms – means that can not detect small but important details. Weak or drought arms – in some cases show helplessness. Strong hairy arms – indicates money growth. Arms which embrace us – the help is coming. Own arms – announces hard and difficult work. One arm – may indicate inhibition or other obstacles in life and feeling of weakness. Broken arms – can indicate impending disputes and losses. An arm amputation – indication of restrictions and limitations of own personal opportunities for... (read more)
  • Stock market - General Meanings: Budget stands for financial matters – the empty purse promises financial success, the full one warns of possible losses. Also psychological and spiritual values ​​may represent the stock market. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Bad things if see stock market – In a dream you see a stock market, then this dream marks that all dark and unpleasant things will soon be revealed; Loss if empty stock market – The empty stock market in the dream announces you loss and unpleasant situation; Wealth if full stock market – When you see a full stock market in you dream,... (read more)
  • Occupation - General Meanings: The value of the dreamer Dreams of employment have a lot to do with status, many people indicates the value of profession. For example, a physician is set with a very high status, while a housewife is set with very low. Such dreams request to find the value that describes the dreamer himself. Psychological Meanings: Finding your own occupation A dream of a career may therefore be an indication that the dreamer should think about what work he wants/works and whether it allows him to have the life he wants. Spiritual Meanings: Use talents On a spiritual... (read more)
  • Sealing (seal) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Some troubles if sealing – The dream about sealing is a dream symbol which will bring uncertainty and insecurity in near future which may lead to worries. This will annoy you, but only for a short time. Hindu (Hinduism) Solving troubles if dream of seal – In the dream you seal something then this may show that you are trying to solve or to find the solution of a trouble. Arabian (Islamic) Finding solution if sealing – In your dream you are sealing so the interpretation of this dream is that you are ready to fix worries or unpleasant... (read more)
  • Room - General Meanings: New areas of personality In your dream the discovery of a new room in your own home is an exciting and good symbol because, it says a lot about the state of your own personality. Women more often than men dream of finding new room, especially when they have reached a turning point in their life. Isolation The dreamer feels trapped in a narrow room, then this dream may indicate isolation of dreamer’s social life, especially when doors and windows are closed in the room. Psychological Meanings: Part of dreamer’s life or personality Room is a part... (read more)
  • Y (letter) - In general: Y as a spoken, written or formed letter usually points to something unknown, which is to be further explored. More rarely it shows sexual needs. The Y symbolizes the man who takes up with outstretched arms to spirituality or God. Psychologically: Ypsilon, the second last letter of the alphabet is the symbol of the union of male and female in our soul (the Yin and Yang in Chinese mythology), which makes a burden lighter. A ypsilon shaped piece of wood (such as a branch fork), placed under a load means, for example, that a particular burden is... (read more)
  • Wolf - Association: – Instinct & Appetite; Threat & Loyalty. Question: – What instincts are a threat to me? Who or what is my instinctive loyalty? In general: Wolf symbolizes aggressive impulses, instincts and desires, which can be dangerous, if dreamer has not mastered it better. Commonly it is understood as a reference to an external threat or a hostile people. Psychologically: The wolf is a very dangerous animal. In the dream, he appears as a sign of recklessness, aggressiveness and impulsiveness. The wolf in the dream points to the irrepressible point in us, the second self, with which we are... (read more)
  • Resurrection - General Meanings: Renewal – The resurrection stands for energy, self confidence, a new beginning and rebirth. After a period of great difficulties, you can now breathe much easily: the obstacles have been overcome and it certainly goes up. Finding success – Perhaps the dream also refers to a close friend or relative. Also brings a long journey to places of religious interest, where will be prepared the best luck. Psychological Meanings: Resurrection and Rebirth – A resurrection dream is clearly a dream of hope, when it deals with the “resurrection” of a disease or the “rebirth” of an idea... (read more)
  • Bee - – Threatening bees or destroying bees honeycomb point to tensions between one’s own personality and the environment. The dreamer has difficulty finding a place in society and feels uncomfortable in teamwork. Opportunity – The dreamer was stung by a bee, this means that he stands in front of an important event or a change in his life situation. Pleasure and Protection – He meets a non-aggressive bees swarm this means he will enjoy many small pleasures in life. The bees sit on his head, he should be very careful from harm of any kind. Award – According to the old... (read more)
  • Bridge - consideration of the dream, the dreamer has to meditate to understand why it is so happy to reach beyond.Is his sense of the other side has risen, he will bear the fact of this bridge as a powerful element in his life. Weakness, Fear, Uncertainty – The dream of engineer built bridges from the wide variety of material. The bridge can only be under construction, but we have to cross. The dreamer is in fear to climb, in fear of falling down between beams and supports, anxious about the bridge construction. Sometimes the bridge on one side is without frames... (read more)
  • Crow - symbol of curse, which meant both short and long life at the same time. Will meet an old, greedy man if found a crow – for a dreamer to see himself seeking for something and then finally finding it as the crow, shows that on the journey of your life will be one person that you will meet – greedy, poor, strange and old one; Dreaming of crow more than once luck or misfortune – if the dreamer was dreaming about crows more than once a night, than such dreams shows misleading fortune or misfortune, therefore should be aware both... (read more)
  • Fight - Association: Violent behaviour when finding solution; release of energy; conflict side of personality; confrontation. Question: How do I deal with conflicts? What kind of conflicts do I have? Which parts of my personality is at conflict? General Meanings: In general the dream about fight can indicate doubts the dreamer has. It means that individual is confused, fighting with himself and trying to find the solution to the problems he has. When the dreamer finds himself in a fight with somebody, then such dream signifies his need for independence. Maybe he is frustrated and feels helpless in particular situation. The... (read more)
  • Animals - that have the characteristics just like people have, indicates the creativity of the dreamer. Consider not to be afraid of such dreams, because the aspects of humanity that are integrated in animals shows your ability to see things differently and positively. Make sure you keep that connection within yourself and try to improve it even more; Killing of animals – if the dreamer killed the animal it could have both – good and bad meanings. As the bad omen, it is said that when you kill the animal, you kill the instincts that lies within you, otherwise it shows your... (read more)
  • Driver’s license - Authority, changes and self-confidence To see your driver’s license in your dream represents your authority and rightfulness. If you lose your license, it symbolizes your inability to cope with changed status of yours. Possibly you have lost the sovereignty to move forward towards finishing your goals. If you find it, it means that you become stronger by overcoming obstacles. Additionally, it shows that fortunate changes in your influence to others. Also finding of lost driver’s license shows increased self-confidence. You will have more weight in any given situation, related to work or relationship. You are the one with the... (read more)
  • Picture - General Meanings: In the dream a picture is usually the illustration of a part of life. Image (photography, painting) often leads to the expression, that seeks greater self-knowledge, to complete the picture of yourself or to correct it. Dreaming self-painted picture, then this can go to this very deep feelings and thoughts about relation with a person or a life circumstance. A painting of an old master in the dream, so it may be an indication of the attitude which the dreamer has to the past. In the dream the images of known people (like parents, friends) can announce quick and... (read more)
  • Aura - field of force with which he pulls or pushes off people. Spiritual Meanings: Inner subtle body -The aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body. It is an expression of self. The aura holds information about your feelings, emotions, spiritual health. It also maintains all the information about your past, present and even future. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Force which propels you inside – When talk about something that has to do with the aura,  then you will get mental restlessness and work on to explore the force which drives you internally. * Please, see meaning of religious images.... (read more)
  • Oyster - Association: Hard shell, soft core, erotic effect. Question: What do I starve for? General Meanings: Connection with sexuality It is claimed that oysters can have an effect as an aphrodisiac. Therefore, in dreams they possibly symbolize the sexual act or everything what relate with sexuality, or point to sexual needs and problems with which you should handle. Armor of security However, partly they also represent as a cover from outside, a grumpy-unfriendly being or seeming hardness in dealing with others. Behind it very often hides a sensitive being which wants to protect itself apparently with hard shell from violations.  Sometimes... (read more)
  • Balloon - General Meanings: Balloon may have a similar meaning as a ball. The balloon floats in the air with no connection with the ground and moves because of he wind, so this dream warns you against too arrogant plans, because you may lose the ground under your feet of the reality and therefore you may have problems. The balloon slips quietly through a beautiful landscape, you will gain a better understanding of your life in the near future. To blow up a balloon, then you have to inhibit anger, because this symbolizes that you will explode from inside because your... (read more)
  • Command (order) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Too arrogant if accept a command – This dream is a signal that you will be blamed for the mockery because you have placed your status in higher position against other people. You have to be not so arrogant in order to find the solution with others; Trustful person if get a command or order – This dream marks that you are we irrepressible person, you always finish your work no matter how much efforts you put in this; Strong personality if have issue – In the dream you have an order to do something... (read more)
  • Bedbug - General Meanings: Embarrassment The bedbug symbol usually stands for negative and unpleasant situation or phase in persons’ life. Also this announces irritation or confusion in minds. Illness Also this symbol announces about disease or even death. Your body is too polluted by bad habits or even painful thoughts. Your mind is too tired to fight with all these feelings. Psychological Meanings: Inner dirt From this side the bedbugs are associated with the dirt. You may feel dirty inside you. These bugs appears only in the places where are lots of dirt. So this symbol shows that you conscience is dirty... (read more)
  • Bread - what he wants from life. Maybe he made wrong decisions. Brotherly love The loaf is also a symbol of humanity, friendship and sharing. Inner growth Food of life which strengthens both equally body and soul. Who dreams of the bread, whose life gets a sense, because he grows inside together with a community. Prosperity Pay attention to the size and form of bread in the dream. The prosperity and success is announced if you see big loaves of bread. More humility The bread sometimes requests more modesty. Anxiety, sorrow Only old, hard or moldy bread announces distresses and crisis from which you will... (read more)
  • Conflagration - or external experience, here your mental energy may become destructive. The fire in the dream may be suppressed emotions of anger, revenge. The dreams of fire have to be taken very seriously, because the person may “burn” himself from inside or these negative feelings may bring serious disease. Spiritual Meanings: The dream of conflagration symbolizes ambiguities, uncertainties. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happy time if see conflagration without smoke – This dream announces that you will have great joy and wonderful time with family; Benefits if see a house burning in flames – To see a house burning in flames in your dream,... (read more)