Gets shot in the eye dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream about gets shot in the eye can foretell restfulness, emotion and welcomeness.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's understanding this dream about gets shot in the eye presages nonaligned willpower, dainty lust, talent and turn.
Favourable renewals mostly are happening : gets shot in the eye - This symbol hints ascendancy and being a pioneering person. Else ways, if the dream was more like nightmare then such dream might name upside down sense: an unknown person is being oblique and dangerous in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 92, 59, 40, 80, 6; 2 extra numbers - 17, 13.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and purple .
  • Wind - To listen how wind buzzing: unpleasant things will touch you; – If you are forced by wind: you will come forward easily in life. Hindu – Dreaming that a strong wind lift up and carry him from place to place: he will make a long journey and gain as much power as the wind was favorable to him and beneficial; – If a wind showered with dust, without damage to his eyes: he will get what it wants; – But if the dust reduces his vision: he will have sorrow and fear of the authorities, his faith will be as... (read more)
  • Cupid (God of love) - loved person is thinking about you; Not your love if see the arrow directed to you – This dream points to a love affair that is not for you; Stay aside if someone was shot with an arrow – You should not meddle in other people’s affairs; Fear if heart is pierces with an arrow – You were hurt deeply and you are afraid to start new love affair; Desire for love if look at the cupid – In the dream you are looking at the cupid, this may be the sign that you are looking for new relation in your life.... (read more)
  • Archery - In general: A symbol of the concentration on the essentials and the targeted approach. Despite “high tension” of success is already in sight – a symbol of good luck that will encourage them to persevere. Psychologically: Archery is marked in a dream as in the everyday lives of the meeting a goal. You really want to accomplish a purpose, it is important, whether made ​​in a dream or not. It does not necessarily matter whether the dream-self or another person dream shot. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) – Archer in a dream: for the unmarried, it means rapid engagement, for people... (read more)
  • Moose - Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Disputes if moose is in an unnatural captivity – This dream announces quarrels or dispute in your life; Wealth if see a moose in the forest – This dream signifies that you will have good changes in your life, which will bring you prosperity; Worries if shoot a moose – In the dream you shot a moose, indicates worries and tribulations in your family; Ability to deal if see beautiful moose – You see a beautiful moose in your dream, this means that you are able to deal with everything what life gives to you; Good life... (read more)
  • Aggression - Psychological Meanings: Suppressed anger inside you You killed or shot the known person in the dream, this expresses suppressed anger feelings which you have edged out in the everyday life. On the contrary you are murdered  or attacked by somebody you know, this certain person has unfulfilled and impossible expectations to you in your life. If you cannot fulfill the wishes, demands or expectations more because of others, then responsible complexes arise in your dream. The unconscious often responds by aggressive attacks from “internal pressure”. * Please, see meaning of steam.... (read more)
  • Quails - General Meanings: The dream of quails announces bad news in near future, also some unpleasant events and risky decisions. Quails also indicates the negative emotion which the dreamer has especially of woman, so it is aggressively quarrelsome. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Love if see quail – In the dream you see a quail then this dream announces good news in love, also happy family; Negative emotions if shoot quail – When you shot a quail in the dream, then you may show negative feelings for friends because of their wrong and inappropriate behavior; Warning if see killed quail – The killed quail... (read more)
  • Fire (many authors) - Fire The element of fire in a dream represents might. Fire in a dream also means love. A product that is touched by fire in the process of its manufacturing or cooking in a dream means arguments and disputes. In a dream, fire also signifies glad tidings, a warning, war, chastisement,… Fire To dream that something of your property is on fire, and the fire is stunning, it suggests that you’re at risk of losing something, and it’s worse if there are victims in such fire. In case there are no victims, and you can see yourself as a... (read more)
  • Teacher - Association: Learning, Discipline and rules. Question: What do I want to know and learn? General Meanings: The teachers itself as the person is the authority for most of the people, especially children. Because of the influence the teacher makes to children, they respect and love the person as much as any of the family member. Depending on different circumstances of the dream, different meanings of the dream following out of it. For example, the one has finished the school long time ago, therefore the teacher would be a sign of learning something new, or the one should listen to... (read more)
  • Nakedness - Association: Vulnerable, bared, exposed and empty. Question: How much of me the others see? General Meanings: The nakedness in dreams have many meanings, but the most popular one is the self-image of the dreamer. Such dream indicates the desire to be seen and understood the way the one is. Being naked associates with clear image, openness, clearness and goodness because it is hard to be able to feel comfortable in wearing no clothes at all. Sometimes being naked indicates the sexual needs and desires the dreamer has. The lack of attention from the partner causes frustration on sexual level... (read more)
  • Coffin - take care of your health because you are near very serious disease. Grey coffin – This symbol appears when the dreamer step by step gets rid of painful feelings and thoughts. His mind is getting brighter. Seeing empty coffin in the dream – To dream of an empty coffin presents a desire to change your thoughts or your life about something. Perhaps you have started to create new personality and get closer to yourself, your desires. Dreaming the coffin with a child (kid, baby) – The coffin with a child appears when the dreamer has a desire to have children,... (read more)
  • Rosa damascena - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fulfillment if see full bloom and blossom rose of Damask – The dream points to an imminent wedding in your family and all your great hopes will be fulfilled soon; Betray if see rose in hair – For a lover to put this rose to woman;s hair, then this is a sign that you will betray her; Love if have bouquet of roses – The woman enjoys a bouquet of roses in the spring in her dream so she will have a new lover; No hopes if she gets the bouquet of rose in the winter – Then the... (read more)
  • Nose - Association: The instincts and knowing. Question: What do I know only depending on the senses? How nosy I am? General Meanings: Positive meanings: Honor and prosperity in ancient Indian explanation if nose is red – the one who has nose that is red will get rich and respected by others; Symbol of sexual needs if dream of nose – sometimes the nose can be interpreted as the sexual symbol, because of it’s senses. The bigger the nose, the bigger sexual desires the dreamer has. Negative meanings: Nose as the symbol of curiosity – the one who is too curious... (read more)
  • Get off - General Meanings: Desire of changes This dream indicates the character who wants to escape or to refuse the previous way of life. Sometimes this dream actually reflects your natural life desire to change something. But more often this dream denotes women concrete plans such as divorce. Psychological Meanings: New life The dream where the person gets off or drops out from somewhere, this marks that he seeks for a new path of self-realization. If we get off a vehicle, this signifies that we can not continue our path of life no longer. That we want to find a new... (read more)
  • Interest - General Meanings: Work hard In the dream interest points out that you have to work harder to fulfill the goals and hopes that you have planned in your life. Interest also may warn you against false targets, for which you give too much efforts and beliefs. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Reward if pay interest – In the dream you pay interest then you will get a reward in your life; Warning if get interest – To receive interest in your dream, so this is a sign that you will make a wrong decision which may cause damage and you have to be aware.... (read more)
  • Cinnamon - then you may have a foreign land joy and a wonderful journey; Hindu (Hinduism) Earned respect if someone eats cinnamon – Someone eats cinnamon in the dream so this denotes that this person will gain power and a good name; Richness if get cinnamon – When someone gets paid with cinnamon or buys or finds it then he will gain joy and richness of such a personality; Honor if see Cinnamon tree – In your dream you will become a mighty person; Support if get cinnamon tree fruit – In your dream someone gives to you the fruit of Cinnamon tree, then this denotes that... (read more)
  • Objectives - In general: When in dream you are close to reach your goals, this suggests that must place new objectives in your life. When a target is missed, this may be an indication that the dreamer has not considered all the conditions of a situation. Psychologically: If in the dream the dreamer is dreaming life goals, then this can be interpreted as an indication that he is with his inner sense of purpose here. The exterior reflects the interior often, and goals may indicate that the dreamer knows instinctively what he must to do next. Spiritually: This dream demonstrates the... (read more)
  • Lift - similar dream symbols as the ladder and the stairs, and lift also is a sign of transformation processes. However, this change does not happen on its own. If dreamer in lift or elevator moves fast and weightless, then this dream interpretation is same as flying. This may be a sign of overconfidence and ideas that do not correspond to reality. If dreamer go up in lift, then it reflects the wish of the dreamer for success and self-affirmation. When the elevator gets stuck in a dream, this is a sign of a disturbance in the personality development of the dreamer... (read more)
  • Clouds -  Dreaming of heavy or dark clouds you will have strife, conflict and misery in prospect, and it threatens a disaster; – Worries If Yellow clouds – In the dream you see yellow clouds, this shows bad company. European – Attention If the sky gets darken – You are dreaming that the sky from the clear sky is getting darker: means, that you should pay attention to a clear situation, because it may change soon; – Pleasure If sees white clouds – In the dream you see white clouds, the next period will be very pleasant; – Hard days If dark and black – This dream announces anxious days,... (read more)
  • Hurricane - Association: – Destructive emotions. Question: – What are the overwhelming emotions I’m willing to go through? In general: The occurrence of a hurricane in a dream symbolizes a tremendous energy. Often these are strong feelings and impulses, against which the dreamer feels powerless. The hurricane symbolizes the energy that is directed against oneself and therefore destructive acts. Psychologically: Although the hurricane in a dream at first glance seems especially to be destructive, but he may also have a very cleansing effect and also have equivalent importance for the dreamer. Hurricane cleared everything out of the way that gets in... (read more)
  • Dog - it has two different symbolism. On the one hand he is a friend and protector of the people and a guard of the property, on the other hand, he is an attacker of his master’s enemies and because of that gets a clear symbolism of aggression in the interpretation of the dream. Understanding and releasing emotions – When the dream is about a pack of wild dogs, then this represents feelings, that are confronting with fears. It is very possible that the dreamer has worries about his emotions or impulses or maybe he even hide something deep inside under the... (read more)
  • Supper - General Meanings: Returning force The importance of the evening meal (supper) is explained as a symbol of declining powers. Taking supper for yourself means that you will recover your strength and the next day will be successful. Psychological Meanings: Calmness and Relaxation A richly covered table can suggest with older people a particularly happy old age which allows to have dignified old age. For younger people shows that they have to complete the work they do, so then they can harvest its fruits. Often this points to the fact that the life ship soon gets into a quiet and calm waters... (read more)
  • Departure (leave) - The departure by car, plane or train announces that you will avoid a hazard and danger. To interpret the dream you must always consider the accompanying circumstances, for example, the aim of the departure. Psychological Meanings: The wish to avoid responsibility or difficulties and run away from daily routine You pack your bags in a dream, rushes to the train station, airport or gets in the car. Your suitcase can not be closed or you missed the train, the way to the airport is blocked by a traffic jam, the car couldn’t start. It is certainly not a warning before dangers of your travel!... (read more)
  • Shooting - Psychological Meanings: Aggression symbol and sexual desire You don’t have to be a hunting enthusiasts to “enjoy” your victory in a dream – whether it is like a game or hunting of wild animals, or clay pigeon shooting targets. Particularly the dream of shooting is a symbol of aggression, you want to “kill” someone or “take down”. From the psychological side if the target is successful and and you feel satisfaction with the prey, then this stands for sexual desire and the male orgasm. * Please, see meaning of hunting, rifle.... (read more)
  • Africa - more vivacious life For many people when Africa gets dark becomes both fascinating and frightening continent, the “dark” symbolizes unconscious parts of our personality and encourage us to explore them more. When the dreamer considers Africa in the Atlas – often means that you long for change, because you are dissatisfied with the current life situation,  you desire for more variety and adventure. It doesn’t mean that now you must travel to Africa, but you should try to make the monotonous life more varied. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Satisfaction if see – You dream Africa, this means that soon you may have... (read more)
  • Ear (botany) - this announces you good hopes, fulfillment of the desires; Good time if see gleaners working at harvest time – Working gleaners in your dream, this will bring you thriving business and for farmers indicate rich crop yields; Property if working together with gleaners  – In the dream you work together this shows that after some problems, you will gain property; Prosperity if collect – After hard work as a farmer gets his harvest, so this is the same for you. You will get prosperity; Satisfaction if single – The dream shows that you will have satisfaction in your life; Award if corn field... (read more)
  • Suit - Association: Formality and professional identity Question: How i would like to be recognized, including my ability to perform? General Meanings: In General, the dream that is related to suit, shows the garments everyone wears in order to represent themselves. Psychological Meanings: On psychological level the suit is worn by those who have conservative views and mostly by men. There are also the desire to fit into standards and be able to merge with the crowd. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Riches and wealth if buy the suit – the one who bought the suit will become successful and will get... (read more)
  • Ash - then it may be an indication for the dreamer to escape a long grieving process already pending in any longer. From his experience, only ash remains. Ash points to the conclusion of a matter: It has burned a little and gets a sense like a phoenix from the ashes. Sometimes you have also acted wrongly and then spread as a penitent “ashes on his head”, or it is sad for any reason and will – according to biblical model – “in sackcloth and ashes.” Spiritually: Ashes symbolizes purification, repentance and death, the mortal human body and its mortality. Traditional Meanings:... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - that she is going to have children; If the women gets a ring, but is already married and has children, she will inherit riches; For a men to get a ring – predicts trouble; If single women receives a ring – soon she will be married; To wear a wedding ring – happy marriage; If the ring have been lost – shame. Shuvalov Dreambook: Jewellery ring dream meaning by Shuvalov The ring is a symbol of the power and social dominance. It shows the respect for social dogmas and rules that were made by man. The dreamer should consider, that... (read more)
  • Train station - General Meanings: Train station stands for movement, which comes into development, or urges for more private activity. Our life train stands in dimly lit indoor track of the station . Such stations are important, they are the starting point for our various life because all life begins in the unconscious (the station is the unconscious). The dream of a station master often indicates personal authority that directs our fate and only we decide to travel because we do not take what we don’t want to. There are some other meanings and its depend on the circumstances: To see the... (read more)
  • Elephantiasis - General Meanings: Hidden abilities The elephant’s disease gets higher reputation and bigger importance to wealth, because they suffer when they are moving. From other side this illness hides gains and power. So it is really good sign to have such a dream. Wrong attitude In the dream Elephantiasis shows wrong dreamer’s love and attitude to the world.... (read more)
  • Band - to be seen or lug around: it has far too heavy financial obligations, debts are incurred; – blue: faithful love; – green: good hopes; – red: fun; – black: mourning; – white: pure love; – ribbons fluttering in the costume of a person: happy and have good friends; – dreaming a young woman as she is adorned with ribbons, she gets the hoped-for marriage proposal, from carelessness, but it makes a mistake. – Does she wear girls, the bands, which stands for rivals in their efforts to find a husband. – Buy tapes: they will lead a comfortable and good... (read more)