Heavy legs dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream about heavy legs can prophesy sufficiency, tenderness and fraternity.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung interpretation of this dream about heavy legs signals sovereign mood, effeminate passion, accomplishment and influence.
Positive conversions are going on in waking life only when: heavy legs - It typically augurs eminence and being a pioneering person. Alternatively, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream may show contra essence: some-one may be mendacious and/or perilous in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 90, 57, 89, 49, 35; 2 extra numbers - 13, 91.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and brown .
  • Resuscitation - In general: Dreaming of resuscitation – to be self back to life (revive yourself) means, that you suffer heavy losses, but it will finally return more than was lost, and happiness come again in your life. To see resuscitation on someone else (to revive another person) means, that you will make new friends and they will bring recognition and joy.... (read more)
  • Mountain - ...down on a green and comfortable way: you will get rich quickly & gain fame; – Also climbing down on nice path: you’ll overcome the difficulties, a new insight will be gained, and you’ll also get a well-earned harvest after heavy work; – Dreaming that you are standing on peak: means joy and surprise; – To fall down of one: means loss of money or property & also brings a disappointment; – If you see blood after falling down of mountain: means serious crisis in situation of your life; – Climbing in rocky mountain without success to reach the summit:... (read more)
  • Charges - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning If see charges – Dreaming of charges mean, that the emergency must be obeyed, if you want to avoid huge troubles. Self-sacrifice if pay (taxes) – In the dream you pay taxes this signifies that you have to make sacrifices, otherwise you will have heavy grief. You will sacrifice for better relations or family life.... (read more)
  • Eye - ...and signifies that you do not have to forget that you have someone who is faithful to you and he will always help you; News if blind -You are blind in the dream, soon you’ll get a good message; End of hard times if crying or dripping eyes – This announces that after short time your heavy days will over; Warning if cross-eyed – In the dream your eyes are crossed, this dream warns that you have to avoid too-friendly people, because they are trying to involve you in an awkward and unpleasant situation; Beware if seeing one eye –... (read more)
  • Calculate - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Worries if calculate something – In the dream you calculate something and can not calculate it correctly then this indicates business concerns or worries at work; Joy if calculate and find the right solution – This dream symbol is very positive, because heavy work always brings a rich harvest.... (read more)
  • Brook - ...friends; Good work if see clear flowing water – Such a dream signifies that all your projects will run without any complications and will bring you satisfaction and good results; Worries if heavy water because of mishap – In the dream to see intensively flowing water then this marks dissatisfaction, disturbance in your life; Adversity if brook dirty muddy – The water is muddy and dirty in your dream, then this a bad sign which will bring you unpleasant news or even sad events; Joy if see a stream or a flowing through green meadows – Very positive dream symbol... (read more)
  • Rain - ...with one’s enemy, or it could mean helping a needy person…. (Rain) (See Water level)… (Rain gauge) Emotionality, fertility, and purification…. (Rain) This dream is a warning that she should better be discreet, especially with strangers…. (Rain) If the water is dirty and polluted in the dream, it means a sickness…. (Rain) It means purification of feelings and desires to reach the most sublime form – goodness…. (Rain) Drinking from rainwater and if it is clear and pure in the dream, it means receiving blessings and benefits…. (Rain) (Also see Water)… (Rain) This foretells trouble especially when it is heavy... (read more)
  • Mount - ...a new understanding gained and now get a well-earned harvest after heavy work; – wake up when you arrive on the way down to a dangerous point: dreary affairs will get a positive change; – to climb with great effort: to show us how hard we will arrive at the destination; – rugged climb and reach the summit is not: expect setbacks in life; – come up at all: is a sign of wasted effort, fruitless labor, you have put a lot of his goals in life is too high; – stand on one: is joy and surprise; – overthrow... (read more)
  • Islamic Water - ...the water from the well, large water jar, or water skin and poured it in the container. • Water flowing and inundating or simply entering people’s houses: Bad dream for the whole area, meaning violence, heavy losses and fines, women and children getting captured by the enemy and considered war booty, and epidemic diseases or plagues (bubonic or others). • Water, ooze, or spouts entering a specific house or a spring erupting in that house: Tears for a sick person who will pass away in that house, a dear one whom the inhabitants of the house will bid farewell to,... (read more)
  • Exuberance - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be attentive if be exuberance – Too much fun in a dream is a bad omen. Be careful with your speculation, or you will suffer heavy losses. * Please, see meaning of pleasure.... (read more)
  • Conflagration - ...flame without smoke at your own home – The dream announces you an improvement of the situation in which you are at the moment. You will have possibility to deal with all your worries; Worries if flame with heavy smokes– The dream has a negative meaning which indicates that your situation will become even worse and you will have harm. Arabian (Islamic) Darkness if see conflagration – The dream of conflagration indicates that your joy will soon turn into gloom; Dark joy if see conflagration with lots of smoke – Lots of smokes which are caused because of conflagration marks that you will have... (read more)
  • Guillotine - In the dream to see machine with a heavy blade sliding vertically in grooves is unfortunate sign. Anger and/or hostility is represented by the dream of guillotine. The purpose of this device is to put an end to the life and that symbolizes the need to finish something immediately. Otherwise, sudden movement of guillotine can be interpreted as the eruption of strong emotions in waking life. Maybe subconscious mind is sending the message to the dreamer. It may suggest that now is time to relax, forget something or to think more clearly. Is it possible that the dreamer is... (read more)
  • Weapon - ...rich as the breastplate is heavy. – Dreaming a woman, she’ll take a gun in his hand, a spear, a sword, a dagger, or arrows, she will give birth to a boy when she is pregnant, the bow is on the interpretation of Egyptian wife or daughter. – Dreaming of the emperor, he and all his army and deceiving weapons feel proud about it, he will have joy of his soldiers and they will cast a foreign people. – He does not carry weapons, but looks with pride his troops under arms, he is a happy message that he desires... (read more)
  • Pus - ...Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Freedom if see pus in a dream – In the dream you see pus, this dream signifies that you will be freed from heavy sorrows and concerns; Expressed emotions if squeeze pus – In the dream you squeeze pus, this signifies that you are expressing your emotions which were suppressed. Now it will be even better for you, do not be afraid to show your feelings; Success if with wounds and ulcers – This dream announces you happiness and property. Hindu (Hinduism) Tribulation if see pus – In the dream to notice pus indicates disease and... (read more)
  • Rail transport - ...At the spiritual level, the railroad represents a person who has made the decision for a direction and then persistently or stubbornly pursued. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) – new, clear planning is underway you will work intensively with his business as enemies want to move one body; – see: announces a farewell; – the departure of a train experience: you will have to part with a heavy heart of one man; – ride: good and fast progress in life; – from an off: you will achieve its objective; – see a train coming out of a tunnel: you will learn a... (read more)
  • Flail - ...flail – In a dream to see a flail announces an unusual heavy work, but it also points that you will meet rude and vulgar people which will bring you grief. Hindu (Hinduism) Think twice if see flail – The dream of flail is a signal that you have to think about all pros and cons before you come to a decision. Arabian (Islamic) Luck if see flail – When a flail appears in the dream then this announces success in all things; Sad weddings if work without flail – When you are working without flail then this announces that you will get married with an unlovable... (read more)
  • Bramble - ...come in a very complicated situation; Damage if hurt with bramble – You hurt yourself with a bramble stick then this dream is not so good, this signifies that you will have damage by secret enemies; Loss if get bloody scrapes – In the dream you got bloody scrapes because of bramble bush, then this you may expect to have heavy losses and damage. Arabian (Islamic) Warning if see bramble – In a dream you see bramble and get stuck, then this dream marks tat you have to be aware and do not trust your neighborhood. * Please, see meaning of thorns.... (read more)
  • Boxing - ...look for a boxing match – Dream announces that soon you will have a quarrel at home. Psychological Meanings: Boxing is one of the aggressive sports. Who dreams of boxing, should be either aggressive or more assertive if you want to reach your aims. The dream of aggressive behavior is often related with crises or exciting phase of vocational training to develop strength and power. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fight if see yourself boxing – In the dream you are boxing, then you will have heavy battle for a plan or aims; Misfortune if be defeated – In the dream... (read more)
  • Lead - ...aware of slander and quarrels at home. Love if pour some water – In the dream you pour some water on the lead, then you may expect happiness in love or marriage; Luck if carry a heavy amount of lead on back – In the dream you are carrying a lot of lead on your back, then this dream is a very good sign that you may win the lottery; Fraud if be in a lead mine – When you are in the lead mine in your dream, then your friends will be suspicion on your money-making. Also you someone... (read more)
  • Band - ...to be seen or lug around: it has far too heavy financial obligations, debts are incurred; – blue: faithful love; – green: good hopes; – red: fun; – black: mourning; – white: pure love; – ribbons fluttering in the costume of a person: happy and have good friends; – dreaming a young woman as she is adorned with ribbons, she gets the hoped-for marriage proposal, from carelessness, but it makes a mistake. – Does she wear girls, the bands, which stands for rivals in their efforts to find a husband. – Buy tapes: they will lead a comfortable and good... (read more)
  • Picture - ...will  involve heavy losses; Desires for success if you are surrounded by the images of the great ancient and modern masters -You have an insatiable urge and desire for something higher. In contrast, your current success will be miserably. Arabian (Islamic) Irritation if see a male in the picture – This dream symbol will bring you annoyances; Love if seeing a good-looking, beautiful man in the picture – In your dream you see a beautiful man in the picture, means that you’ll fall in love; Happy marriage if see a picture – Very good omen about good marriage; Anger if... (read more)