Hit and run car crash dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about hit and run car crash can show gratification, fidelity and consonance.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung interpretation such dreaming of hit and run car crash marks liberated quality, womanhood sex instinct, creativity and strength.
Constructive metamorphosis are awaiting in life : hit and run car crash - This foreshadows superiority and being an innovative person. In another way, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream can involve backwards definition: some person may be knavish and/or risky in relation to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 68, 70, 36, 49, 32; 2 extra numbers - 13, 46.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and purple .
  • Incentive - General Meanings: Incentive to move forward Motivation may manifest itself in many ways.Such a feeling incites person to do something.This does not actually incite to take care of what you do not want to or do not create conditions that run contrary to you. Maybe this inspires a person to develop or to create something, to put a process in motion. Psychological Meanings: Inspires to deal with difficulties At the psychological level, the person is inspired to move forward by aggressive or negative responses. Sometimes such a dream indicates the difficult times in your life and this motivates you... (read more)
  • Farewell - General Meanings: The wish or need to get rid of bad feelings, actions and start the new beginning A farewell dream is similar to the death dreams. It remains to find out to whom or what you say goodbye or farewell  in reality. Farewell may mean that your life will change fundamentally, for example, by separating people, things, attitudes and beliefs and also feelings or a new career. If you wish to hear or to say again  “goodbye” in the dream, this can be pointed as a positive sign. Also it is possible that you can change only emotionally, to... (read more)
  • Host - European – In general host or hostess: symbol of a primitive unconsciousness; – To see: promises a good information; – To speak with one: you spend more money than your own account can cope with; – To be host: you will get into debt by flatterers; – Dreaming of landlady: warns of jealousy. Arabian – To see or to talk to host or hostess: treat people according to their level of education, then you’ll get the best from them. Hindu – To run business: you’re going to carry yourself very well. * Please, see also meaning of guest house…... (read more)
  • Prison - better life, for which you have been waited for a long time. The prison shows that you have to lock your past life and start the new one. You should be sure, that you will be happier in this new phase of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Danger If Seeing  a prison – In the dream you see a prison, this dream means that there are some possibilities of danger, from which you can easy run away, but you have to be very smart and attentive to notice the danger; Offer If Seeing someone else – To see someone in... (read more)
  • Flying - to dream of seeing yourself flying with wings, indicates the happiness at all aspects of the future. The dreamer is becoming closer to his target, however all of the power must be used if he wants to reach the final and wanted destination; Danger if lose the wings while flying – to dream that you are flying with wings, but lose them, indicates to the danger and frustration you will suffer. Carefulness must be approached fully at this time of the life; Pleasant days if dream of a long flight – the dream about the long distance that you took... (read more)
  • Theft - ...taken literally. The dreamer is afraid of a loss. This loss threatens the dreamer but he tries to ignore this. The losses may be such as personal relationships, skills, qualities or feelings. Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Recovery if discover theft –  In the dream you discover a theft then this dream announces that you will have some kind of loss but you will recover really fast; Failure if commit theft – The dream is a sign that in near future you will have lots of failures because you do everything very irresponsibly and hastily. * Please, see meaning of crash.... (read more)
  • Sea - your soul; If you dream of seeing a sea foam, which is created by the agitation of sea water, then this dream signifies the illusory of hopes; To fall into the sea by mistake, symbolizes disaster and injury, which means that in reality you should be careful; If you dream of the image of the moon that is surrounded by dark clouds and the sea which is very stormy, it means that something negative and extraordinary will happen, where you will not have any influence to avoid it; The quiet sea with the moon and moonlight over the sea –... (read more)
  • Skating - dream may be interpreted as a willingness to “stand out” in any setting. Psychological Meanings: Successful life This dream of skating and ice dance symbolizes balance, skill, self-control and security. In the dream you walk easily on the ice and the movements are harmonious, then you will be able to solve difficult problems with ease. Worries However, crashes on the ice marks that you have to be wary of overconfidence and reckless actions. You broke something while skating in the dream, then you may expect some difficulties especially in interpersonal relationships. * Please, see meaning of breaking, ice, slide.... (read more)
  • Burglar - it, but with your courage and determination you can surely defend yourself successfully. Pay more attention to the strangers if attacked by the burglar – The dream signifies that you will have to fight with dangerous enemies. They will destroy your business and activities that you do if you’re not careful enough in your dealings with strangers; Success and award if pass a burglar to the police – In the dream you pass the burglar to the police, denotes that you will win a new process with the partners and you will rewarded for an ability to deal with challenges; Embarrassing... (read more)
  • Bridge - people promises disappointment in love, as the loved one does not promise his ideals; Warning If go across an old and insecure bridge – In the dream you go across an old and unsafe bridge, it is signal that you have to be very attentive and you be able to avoid a danger; Progress If go for a very long time – You move through the bridge for a long time in your dream this announces you great progress in life; Difficulties If See damaged or even crash with it – The specific project will not run successfully you are a little... (read more)
  • Lift - or inferiority feelings. If the elevator goes down and the dreamer felt uncomfortable, then in this dream can be expressed fears for the future. Traditionally: Arabian – In general lift or elevator: you must be careful; – Go to the top: success can be expected; – To stuck in lift: it is threatened by problems in the advancement of inferiority on your life; – To go down with lift: professional burglary and fear of the future; – To crash: an impending disaster or accident. European – To see lift or lifts in dream: you want to come up easily and... (read more)
  • Falling - in dreams can have many meanings depending on different circumstances of the dream and the reasons of the falling: Slipped and fallen Sometimes the dreamer falls because he slipped on some surface. According to dream interpretation of slipping, such dream represents very slippery surface you are walking on at the moment. Consider in what situation of your life you are at the moment, because the dream warns you to be careful and do not take risks, otherwise you will fall. Lost balance and fallen The dream represents the balance you have while dealing with your life. If the dreamer lost... (read more)
  • Collision - Association: Violent destruction or obstacle on the path to progress. Question: Who or what will stop me? Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be attentive if see crash (collision) – You dream of collision then this dream means that you may have a serious accident and disillusionment in the business sector, so you have to be very attentive with all the decisions; Disagreement if collision is made by a woman – You will not be able to decide between two suitors and there will be bone of contention.... (read more)
  • To kill a snake - If you actually manage to kill a snake within dreams, it’s a symbol of success against your close enemies, both visible and hidden…. (Snake) If you kill the snake in your dream, then it means that you can get rid of all dangers…. (Snake) Dreaming that you hit a snake on the head and kill it, may mean that you’ll overcome your problems and triumph over your enemies, or that you or one of your close relatives will be healed of a disease…. (Snake) If you are able to kill this snake, this signifies a victory against your... (read more)
  • White snake - White color snake means to have infinite views of third eye. It’s the hidden ability to see things through in unlimited ways. White color snake means being in the life unity with the Divine Oneness. White color snake means to have sacred power to hit insightful in any fight. White color snake means to be in unity with heavenly subconsciousness. White color snake means everlasting animated liveliness seen through the third eye. White color snake means to strike with exact only one possible accuracy. It’s the secret skill of living with no mistakes. White color snake means to be... (read more)
  • Ball - meanings: Playing with the ball shows mostly favorable turn of your fate. To be hit by a ball, then soon you may have the caprices of fate, usually this is an unfavorable sign. The sagging or deflated ball sometimes points to contradictions of the personality that is not rounded, but may also show lack of vigor and energy. Psychological Meanings: Need to be free from everything The dreamer is playing a ball game then this is a sign that he desires for freedom. Ball games reminds a childhood which is associated with relaxation and leisure. On the other hand, the fight... (read more)
  • Sleeve - ...see short sleeves – When you see short sleeves in your dream, this marks that you will get extra money; Journey if have long sleeves – In the dream you are wearing a shit with long sleeves, then this dream announces you unexpected travel; Pleasure if tight sleeves – This marks that you will have sexual pleasure in near future; Warning if too long sleeves – In the dream your sleeves are too long, this denotes that you have to control your temper and do not show it to everyone, because this may cause you lots of necessary worries.... (read more)
  • Eagle - who is hitting a prey – Shows that you feel that you were physically defeated by a stronger personality; Danger if being attacked by an eagle – To be attacked by an eagle in the dream, this announces imminent and threatening danger; Losses if catch an eagle in the dream – The dream shows that you will defeat an enemy, but you will have loss and grief because of this; Restriction if see an eagle in a cage – You feel restricted by your friends and the environment, this doesn’t let you to move on; Defeated enemies if shoot an eagle... (read more)
  • Military tattoo - In general: Those who experience this military signal in a dream, has been completed in their daily lives, which could prompt them to celebrate. At least it is about to hit the passing of an examination, the conclusion of a good business or affordable before a purchase. The curfew also reminds us of a time coming to an end. Traditionally: European – To see: cheerfulness, sociability; – To listen: announces a disturbed tender together. Hindu – To see: you will come into boisterous society.... (read more)
  • Watch - Also, the watch symbolizes the ticking heart of the human and this can indicate emotional side of you. In other words, we should realize that if the clock has struck, our inner world has stuck in crossroad and now you need to slow down the rate. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Learn to distribute time if see a watch – In the dream you see a watch, this shows and reminds that you have to divide one’s time better, because you miss important thing in your life; Time to start if wear self – The time runs so fast, it is time to make important decisions... (read more)
  • Bloodletting - friend – This dream announces that you will be awarded because of your hard work; Arabian (Islamic) You must know that like the hair and the blood of man means power and wealth, it refers only to a much greater degree of wealth.  Profit if bleeding from head – In your dream blood runs from your head, so the flowing blood means profit and abundance of your leadership; wealth if discover blood – You are dreaming that you discover blood and use it for any purpose, you will acquire foreign wealth according to its quantity. * Please, see meaning of blood.... (read more)
  • Gauge (Measure) - General Meanings: A warning that you do not have to work on parsimony and avarice. You could lose your savings. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good sign if gauge something – In the dream you measure something means a good omen that you will be successful in all areas of your life Arabian (Islamic) Success If measure estate – Determined by measuring the extent and size of your estate, announces that you will avoid worries and troubles that may easily run into a long process. * Please, see meaning of measure, volume, distance, level, tape measure.... (read more)
  • Evening - people this may mean the evening of their life, for young people – a low running time. Sometimes secret mental desires are expressed in the dream of the evening. Your earlier concerns will have a happy ending. Psychological Meanings: The need to illuminate your minds The image of the evening usually appears at the beginning of a dream, either as a dream landscape or as a mood position. The evening can also symbolize the evening of life (old age): this often appears to the people who are already in the second half of life. The evening can stand for twilight and the limits... (read more)
  • Wheat - has a positive meaning  which will bring you time of prosperity & profitable trade; Success if mature wheat in the fields – In the dream the wheat are mature then this signifies luck, fortune, happiness and joyous love of companion; Good life if see wheat grains – The grains marks that you will get money through hard work and you will make your life better; Wealth if large grains – Dreaming of large grains of wheat that are running through the threshing machine, then the prosperity will come to you step by step; Success if see bags or barrels of wheat – This dream is... (read more)
  • Toes - can collect enormous experience or a profitable enterprise for you; Your behavior if have dirty toe or toes – You are dreaming that your toes are dirty then this dream marks that you should consider your behavior in a specific plan. European (Judeo-Christian) Be strong if see toes – Toes in dream always goes as a reminder of strong character, which always stand strong on its own feet; Journey if see toe or toes –  The dream indicates that you will need healthy feet, because you will need to run and to walk a lot because of long trip which will strenuous you as a person. Hindu... (read more)
  • Time - ...and make it more valid. To appear to soon on a date mean, that the dreamer must wait for a specific event before he can resume normal life. A delay is alerting the dreamer to a persistent lack of attention to details or makes him possibly aware of his fear that his time is running out. To look at the clock in the dream, must be interpreted as a call: time to work for the dreamer, time to leave or time to wake up. Spiritually: On the spiritual level, the time in the dream simbolize death or major changes. *... (read more)
  • Ark - General Meanings: Desire to be safe Dreaming of an Ark may denote that you feel unprotected at home in your real life. Your conscious seeks for a place where you can feel safe and secured. Psychological Meanings: Place of safety The Ark is the ship with which Noah saved his family and different kind of animals from certain death. According to CG Jung’s Ark symbolizes the maternal womb, it stands as an image of security. For some people the ark indicates refuge and safety and survival after stressful situation. Also this symbol may indicate the desire to run away from... (read more)