Indian woman dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams of indian woman may register good feeling, flame and regard.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung understanding of the dream about indian woman expresses uncontrolled enthusiasm, womanly lust, imaginativeness and might.
Affirmative transfigurations are ahead if: indian woman - It symbols advantage and being a notch above the others. In spite of that, if it was bad dream then such dream may attest upside down implication: a person of importance may be criminal and unreliable in relation to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 34, 12, 19, 67, 22; 2 extra numbers - 90, 71.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and yellow .
  • Dog - The dream about a dog is fully interpreted and completely explained. The interpretation of the dream is multiple, because of the research on various levels (general, psychological, spiritual, medicine wheel {by Indians} and traditional: for Christians, Muslims, Hindu), and based on many conditions (biting, chained, black, etc.). To see the meaning and the analysis of single context, use ctr+f command or live search on page box. Association: – Dog in the dream is usually associated with a male aspect or unconditional love; Also with obedience, loyalty and reliability. Question: – Am I reliable? What or who do I love unconditionally?... (read more)
  • Hair - ...then such a dream can symbolize sensuality, purity and divinity. Haircut meanings in dreams: Sometimes haircut could show the fear and mostly of the times it represents grief, loss and sorrow; According to Indian dream journal “Jagaddeva”, haircut signifies poverty and miserable life, which the dreamer will have. Hair loss or hair falling out in clumps meaning in dreams Powerlessness if losing hair – The loss of hair mostly shows the lack of strength in the dreamer’s life. It could also show the fear of becoming older and unattractive. The hair is one of the most important part of the beauty, especially to women,... (read more)
  • Tree - ...lightning – Such a dream indicates about misfortunes which you can avoid under favorable circumstances, you have to trust your family and ask for help; Careless way of life if tear out with roots – In the dream you tear out the tree with roots means that you waste your energy and wealth. Hindu (Hinduism) Different explanation of several kinds of tree: The Indian and the ordinary walnut mean a man of high nobility, because the nut has a solid, rock-hard shell; The Cypress, the Empress, or Noble – beautiful lady, The Pomegranate – a well-born, strong and very wealthy man.... (read more)
  • Water - ...Women dream water more often. Particularly intense aqua-dream can be for women who have experienced a pregnancy: child’s movements in the amniotic fluid has been imprinted in the subconscious mind and dissolves easily in water, always dreaming. If women who has not yet experienced any pregnancy, purpose of the dream about water is to express the desire for a perfect life change; To see in the dream a woman in the water, even if she swims with relish, it shows a healthy, positive attitude to sexuality. Spiritually: Water symbolizes the spiritual rebirth,  the power of life, the unconscious powers of the soul. Water... (read more)
  • Driving into water - Deep water points out that the dreamer either loses the ground under his feet or penetrates into his unconscious. Women dream water more often. Particularly intense aqua-dream can be for women who have experienced a pregnancy: child’s movements in the amniotic fluid has been imprinted in the subconscious mind and dissolves easily in water, always dreaming. If women who has not yet experienced any pregnancy, purpose of the dream about water is to express the desire for a perfect life change. To see in the dream a woman in the water, even if she swims with relish, it shows a healthy, positive attitude... (read more)
  • Bed - ...a woman moved her bed to the right dream, a ghost appeared to her nature. Ghosts appear, however, if a natural order is disturbed. If untoward happens, it is “tremendously”. Psychologically: Traditionally, the bed is seen as a symbol of the circle of life: here are conceived and born children, the sick and healthy, it is the place of the dying. Bed can symbolize sexual needs that are not acting out enough. It is the stronghold of security in which we sometimes detected deep trouble, you should pursue this feeling in the waking state, because it may indicate some hidden... (read more)
  • Monkey - fool us. In dream interpretation of Indian’s, the monkey was considered as holy, but often connects with our instincts and passions, when it appears to us in the vision. Psychological Meanings: Similarity with human The monkey appears very frequently as a dream symbol. This shows monkey’s similarity with the people, with their animal side. In the Middle Ages the monkey was often equated with the devil because it embodied the animal who was considered as sinful.  In ancient times, the monkey belonged to Thoth, god of death and was honored with this. In this epoch, the monkey was considered as a... (read more)
  • Nose - Association: The instincts and knowing. Question: What do I know only depending on the senses? How nosy I am? General Meanings: Positive meanings: Honor and prosperity in ancient Indian explanation if nose is red – the one who has nose that is red will get rich and respected by others; Symbol of sexual needs if dream of nose – sometimes the nose can be interpreted as the sexual symbol, because of it’s senses. The bigger the nose, the bigger sexual desires the dreamer has. Negative meanings: Nose as the symbol of curiosity – the one who is too curious... (read more)
  • Field - Association: Harvest, Work General Meanings: Field is an ambiguous symbol where you must pay attention, first of all, to the following peculiarities: Uncultivated field stands mostly for failures which you have to ascribe to yourself, because you did not appoint your field correctly; However, the symbol is not completely unfavorably, because you can gain or return the success by your own effort. Cultivated field can promise a rich harvest for the effort. According to Indian dream books it is an encouragement, if grains that grow in the field promise you, that you will find out happily the way from... (read more)
  • Prostitute - she is highly dependent on social standards and extremely worried about her reputation. In the dream of woman or man, in which a prostitute is found, often indicates that they are afraid of feelings related to sexuality. In addition, feelings of guilt can appear because one “has abused someone”. Also the tendency towards material possession as a substitute of love, expresses itself in the dream. After old Indian dream books the prostitute warns about defamation. Psychological Meanings: Connection between love and sexuality The vision of the prostitute, call girls, ladies of the night or the other love servants symbolizes the sides of... (read more)
  • Death - ...Indian dream theory foretells that the dreams about death denotes to vitality and health. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level death in the dreams is part of human’s life, which is indicated as omniscience, rebirth, resurrection and reintegration. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) News of someone’s birth if heard of someone’s death – to dream that somebody you know or not necessarily know has died, signifies that someone will give a birth; Long life if see someone dying – to dream of someone’s death that you see happening, denotes to long life for you or the person that died; Will overcome... (read more)
  • Flower - ...blooming mainly can be viewed positively as an expression of beautiful thoughts and feelings and it is important also to the color (see below). – Destroy flowers from you and throws it away, gambled away his fortune is probably through your own fault. – If they wilt, wither a bit in the life of the dreamer. – Wilting flowers announce failures and disappointments. – You trample flowers, as you may trample on the feelings of most of the partner around, which one pretends to love. The Indian dream journal “Jagadeva” writes to a floral dream highest auspiciousness. – Does the... (read more)
  • Scales - ...tolerance. Often it also indicates that one must consider carefully all aspects before making a decision . The ancient Indian Dream interpretation it is rich additional profits, arms of announce even more distress. Psychologically: The scale is a dream symbol of justice, order, harmony, balance and harmony. It can be that the dream is weighed on the scale something, while it is always important to what items you have. Generally weighing is a dream for weighing and testing.The type of scales in a dream may allow more accurate interpretation. A scale would be indicative of more personal assessment as a... (read more)