Killing a little boy dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming of killing a little boy can connote complacency, relish and understanding.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud interpretation of the dream about killing a little boy signifies separate temperament, girlish sexuality, talent and ability.
Reassuring conversions are happening in waking life : killing a little boy - This dream ordinarily hints primacy and being one step ahead of other. Otherwise, if the dream was more like nightmare then a dream might foretell upside down effect: someone can be treacherous or ominous in regard to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 100, 95, 68, 49, 12; 2 extra numbers - 68, 37.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and blue .
  • Vase - this shows that you will have pleasure everywhere because of a huge popularity; Admired person if have a vase with beautiful flowers – The vase with beautiful flowers in the dream signifies that you are very popular person and lots of people admire you; Richness if get a vase as the present – In the dream you get a present and it is a vase, then this means that you will increase your wealth only by your own efforts; Loss if break a vase – This dream denotes that you will lose a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Arabian (Islamic) Good... (read more)
  • Silver ring - And these souls are ready to help each other in case of difficult times. Silver wedding ring symbolizes a permanent bond of souls; Silver engagement ring is a symbol of an deeper loyalty – mental and material. Two silver rings in dream can be indication of two very different individuals, these are willing to give up singularity in exchange for being together; For young couples, girlfriend and boyfriend, silver ring can occur in dream not only as indication of deeper feelings, but also as a suggestion for joint budget. Spiritually: At the spiritual level silver represents the femininity. Ring stands... (read more)
  • Death - the death of your wife usually has a good meaning, which promises better and wealthier life; Will have a healthy baby if pregnant women dies – to dream of the pregnant woman’s death, means that she will give a birth to healthy beautiful baby boy; Marriage if bachelor dies – to dream of the death of the bachelor, shows that very soon he will marry the one he chose; Unexpected worries and troubles if death came out of nowhere – to dream of the death that was very quick, unexpected shows that the dreamer will face barriers while dealing with... (read more)
  • Gravestone / Sepulcher - have to take care of your health if you want to avoid serious disease. Dreaming a gravestone (headstone, tombstone) with your name – This dream doesn’t mean the end of your life. This is the sign that you are now in the new phase of your life, the new beginning, radical changes. You have left the old life behind you and don’t look back you have to move forward and reach the new goals. In the dream  the tombstone (headstone, gravestone) of former partner (ex-husband, ex-wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or partner) – The unconscious shows that you still miss one of them... (read more)
  • Coffin - ill, but you will recover. If you want to avoid disease , now you have to rest a little bit. Contexts’ Meanings: Seeing coffin in your dream – In the dream this symbol can mean great wealth. The coffin might mean the death of some part of yourself – this might be a hope, feelings connected with a relationship, buried behavior or habits. Also this shows that you have buried your past and now you are ready to create new future. Dreaming that you are in the coffin / Being in the coffin – This dream symbol appears when you are thinking... (read more)
  • Blow - General Meanings: While stringed instruments define female, then wind instruments interpret male. This is a warning a gay sex partner for the women, for men the risk of their power. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Negative feelings if blow something – In a dream you blow something , then this is a sign of sorrow, you may lose your boyfriend or girlfriend because of your wildness and desire of freedom. Arabian (Islamic) Unpopularity if blow on brass instruments – In the dream you blow on a brass instrument, this dream marks that you will make yourself unpopular by being cheeky... (read more)
  • Criminal - a temporary disease; Distress if a woman holds for a criminal her husband or friend – This dream signifies that she will grieve very much because of neglect of her boyfriend or husband. Hindu (Hinduism) Warning if see a criminal – In the dream you see a criminal. then this dream warns you that you have to be careful, someone wants to cheat you; Be ready if be a criminal – You are a criminal in the dream, then you will fall with superiors in disgrace, think before you make really important decisions and always be ready for your work, do... (read more)
  • Competition - General Meanings: Need of acceptance In dream to be approved for competition is a good omen for everyone. The competition in boyhood appears in dreams because of the age-related admission to society. Wrong behavior But when dreamer dreams of being excluded, it brings harm to everyone. If someone who is dreaming that he was excluded from the Olympics. This may mean that he did wrong and unacceptable things that are not allowed in the society. * Please, see also pankration, boxing, pentathlon, wreath, sprint, Olympiad.... (read more)
  • Advocate - the trial: means that serious disputes will arise between parties; Enemies will flatter themselves with a false claims on you; Problematic Friends if Defending – If in a dream you are defending an advocate: means that you will have friends in difficult times on your side, but they will give you more trouble than your enemies. Arabian (Islamic) Fraud if Seeing – In a dream to see an advocate or a lawyer: indicates the possibility of deception and fraud; Possible Victory if Being Advocate – In a dream to be involved in a process as an advocate: there is little... (read more)
  • Wound - your own or others aggression. Graze: abrasions are common injuries in dreams, that are generated as a certain superficiality. Spiritual Meanings: Lesson which you need to learn A wound represents a unpleasant experience in the life of the dreamer. He has to understand and try to learn something from this experience. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Stimulus Wound in general: a little pushing to change or clarify; Pain and Disadvantages  If Been wounded – This means pain and an unfavorable turnaround of business; Unfairness If Seeing others wounded – This is a sign about an injustice inflicted by friends; Harm If... (read more)
  • Drink up - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Little worries if drink up – In your dream you drink up something then this dream denotes that you will have some uncertain promises which may cause difficulties and intemperance with the situation.... (read more)
  • Gulch - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Stay aside if see gulch – The gulch in a dream means that it is better to be far away than close to the “gulch” because soon will come some seductive things closer to you; Success if climb down gulch – You are dreaming that you are climbing down the gulch then this means that with a little care you will achieve great successes; Stress if fall down the gulch – In your dream you fell down the gulch then you will experience disappointment, sorrow, distress in near future.... (read more)
  • Lost - (Hinduism) Wrong way if lost key – You have lost your keys in your dream means that you try to enter incorrect doors or building. Arabian (Islamic) Wasting time if lost and search – In the dream you are searching for something and you ca not find it, the pursuit of pleasure that you are trying to have will show that you are only wasting your life; Compensation if lost and found – You are dreaming that you are looking for something and you found it then this denotes that with a little effort you will compensate the losses you had.... (read more)
  • Sugar - one has to grapple with problems, but they go better than initially expected; – Ask for sugar: enemies will do to you a somewhat unpleasant; – To buy sugar: you want someone to win for their own plans; – See in large quantities: you may soon lose something; – From a bag of sugar trickles: you will lose only a little portion of something; – To eat: you are very susceptible to flattery. Hindu – To eat: avoid for a short time the people you are surrounded by flatterers; – Too see sugar: good life; – Thrust: Do you love... (read more)
  • Gypsy - In general: If you are dreaming gypsies, then you maybe feel restricted in your life and have the desire for more freedom. Maybe you want to escape the problems of everyday life, but you should not forgot your duties. Sometimes the dream of gypsies, also symbolizes the simplicity of the dreamer, who already know, how to deal with the small pleasures of life and this dream also means, that the dreamer is a little arrogant. Psychologically: Gypsies in dream symbolizes intuition, distinct individuality, which submits to difficult social norms, independence and an unsettled life. The interpretation is based on... (read more)
  • Pull - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Flirtation if pull thread – To pull a thread through a needle’s eye in the dream, then in near future you will experience a little flirtation and will glad your heart; Anxiety if pull something – Pull something with difficulty on the road in your dream, then this indicates concerns and a serious threat in your progress; Much work if pull wagon, cart or car – Such a dream when you pull wagon then this dream will bring hard work and your reward will be bad; Good time if pull yourself – In the dream it looks like you pull yourself then... (read more)
  • Zeppelin - General Meanings: Limits Zeppelin (airship) can represent as a phallic symbol for sexual needs that were spiritualized and may become the source of creativity. The Zeppelin moves through the air, it can mean that your sexuality, the intellectual capacity are currently disabled. This also implies a social promotion, with a lot of reputation or rapid results. Psychological Meanings: Support and unpleasant emotions A floating zeppelin over our heads can be a sign that you may feel a little bit depressed because of everyday life. To travel in an air ship so this indicates that you will get help from... (read more)
  • Tent - position is uncertain; also: you can have satisfaction only then, when you will live in a small home; – To live or to sleep in tent: you will get rid of an unnecessary ballast or prejudice, and recognize the beauty of this world; also: in other hand, it proclaims the bourgeois domesticity insecure; announces changes; you should be the next time a little more economical and modest; – Dreaming of several tents: this dream prophesy to you a travel with unpleasant friends; – Broken tent in dream: there was problems before; – Creep into tent: you will find an emergency... (read more)
  • Indicator - General Meanings: Be ready Indicator as dream symbol (often the Clock) urges you to take a decision before it isn’t too late. The time is given to you and this is time to make decision. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Now it is time if see indicator – To dream indicator as the clock, then this dream stands as a sing that you have act before it isn’t too late, because this is decisive moment; Faster moving if reset the indicator – You are dreaming that you reset the indicator then this dream shows that everything will happen a little faster, than one... (read more)
  • Fence - In general: Fences in dreams are often as symbols of barriers to social or class barriers, however, they may reflect also the desire of the dreamer for privacy. Perhaps he is aware of the limits imposed upon him by a relationship, he feel their restrictive effect on his life. On the other hand, the fence could be a symbol of the difficulties which the dreamer has to express itself. Fence may stand for the need for safety and security. Dreamers often sees this as well as obstacles that can sometimes set themselves because they predict too little and thus... (read more)
  • Yankee - In general: Yankee (Americans) stands for business acumen, enterprise, pioneering spirit and behavior with which we successfully realized our purposes, but it is also urged to take a little more consideration of others needs. Traditionally: European – To see yankee or communicate with him (or them – Yankees): means that dreamer can expand his business to advantage; promises a success; promises and obligations you will be faithful; – Also dreaming of yankee: renewed friendship with someone, with whom you has been separated long time ago.... (read more)
  • Wild boar - General Meanings: Courage, assertiveness and aggressiveness The meaning of wild boar is similar to pig meaning in the dream, but it warns more against ruthlessness. Because boars are the most unpredictable and aggressive animals (like enemies). They can attack and make damage for you when they have a chance. In ancient times the boars were symbols of courage and warrior. So this indicates your own honor. The ability to face with problems. Protection Also the wild boar has a positive meaning. This can indicate protection and little success in difficult times in your life. Psychological Meanings: Wild elements You were attacked by... (read more)
  • Pharmacy - if view from outside – In the dream signifies that you have an opportunity for rich marriage and wonderful children; Illness if go to pharmacy – In the dream you go to pharmacy, then this means an impending health disorder for sick and healthy people ; Loss if walk in and buy medicine – This dream announces loss of money, but you will recover after that. Hindu (Hinduism) False friends if be in a pharmacy –  This dream is a warning that you have to be careful and do not let closer bad people who didn’t deserve your trust; Financial worries if pharmacy in general – The pharmacy has little... (read more)
  • Poacher - In general: A poacher steals creatures. So he is as the burglar and this stands for a penetration in the way of life to understand others. Psychologically: Poachers (or poaching) brings unconscious processes to express that impede or jeopardize and disrupt the internal harmony, often dreaming of poaching (or poachers) is related to sexual needs. Traditionally: European – To dream poacher (or poachers): a very favorable dream; just a little you must care for a while on your speeches, and all businesses will be crowned with success. * Please, also read dream meaning of burglar, crime.... (read more)
  • Weather - General Meanings: Weather as part of the environment usually shows the mood and emotional state of the dreamer. Weather is the emotional “weather”, this shows the prevailing mood. The following weather conditions are often recognized as: Sunshine stands for optimism, arising from energy and confidence. Clouds symbolize pessimism, anxiety, depression (especially when dark clouds). Tearing clouds announces a difficult situation, but with a little hope, the end is in sight and will be less bad than feared. Rain marks repressed emotions that are coming from internal voltage, which can also lead to flooding. Storm or strong wind announce different... (read more)
  • Wine - a barrel of wine, this indicates anger and loss in your family; Arabian (Islamic) Happy life if dreaming red wine -Shows that you are always in a good mood and this helps you to reach all your goals and desires; Satisfaction if dreaming and drinking white wine – Announces that you will obtain satisfaction of what you do in your life; Little joy if drinking apple wine (cider) – You will have only a humble pleasure; Have a rest if drink wine and feel drunk in a dream – You will attract a scandal by your own behavior. You have to relax... (read more)
  • Lose weight - General Meanings: Weight loss announces your own future economic prosperity. If you lose weight yourself, you may soon feel sorrow and worry about a “life off”, or you will feel jealousy and envy from false friends. Maybe the unconscious wants to show us that there are a lot of other people who lives in poorness while our prosperity is assured. Psychological Meanings: Meagerness – Mostly, for your own, means psychological substance loss. You see yourself always thinner and thinner in your dreams, you want to “take up as little space”, to be overlooked and hardly perceived – this shows that... (read more)
  • WC (lavatory) - General Meanings: In the dream lavatory (toilet) has little to do with the fecal elimination, but is interpreted as positive or unfavorable symbol depending on the circumstances. The following meanings are very common: Closed lavatory warns against too much optimism and carelessness. Excrement in the toilet, or even plunge into the bowl may be understood as an announcement of opportunity, joy and happiness, and it may also involve material gains (popularly speaking, too drastically from “shit money”). The fall into a bowl some modern dream researchers interpret as a reminder of the birth drama or as a symbolic escape back into... (read more)
  • Field - grain in arable landscape in summer, stand for the desire of a natural-native way of life without stress and large city bustle. You want to escape from the everyday life, like “get out” and relax. Be more flexible The arid fields and hardly crusted earth, this calls to pass your rigid attitude and to become a little bit more “permeable” for the opinions of others. Spiritual Meanings: Field is the symbol of fertility, the womb of mother earth, the solidarity with the forces of nature. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if see plowing and cultivating – This dream brings you... (read more)
  • Alchemy - Psychological Meanings: Time for improvement Alchemy is not just about the transformation of a simple metal into gold. This means that you have to consider what do you need to improve in your life. You have to work on your thoughts, emotions and feelings to make your life better and transform it to “golden life”. The transformation from the basis Your mind is like “a metal” which you need to improve in order to make it “gold mind”. The conscious sends you a sign that you are on the right way but it needs only a little improvement. * Please,... (read more)
  • Alcohol - Contexts’ Meanings: Drinking and enjoying alcohol in moderation (a little) in s dream – Such dream marks that you feel satisfaction about you life. You are followed by success and fortune. Also this dream shows that you have relaxation period in your life. Now you can enjoy your work and achievements. However, you do not have to relax too much, not to forget your duty if you want to keep such a great and pleasure life. Drinking alcohol in excess ( a lot of, too much, plenty) in a dream – You are getting drunk or you are drinking alcohol a lot,... (read more)