Little children playing with me dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about little children playing with me may betoken satisfaction, attachment and love.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud understanding such dreaming of little children playing with me connotes absolute motivation, gynic sex instinct, brilliance and electricity.
Positive remodellings are awaiting only: little children playing with me - Symbol of a dream hints the recognized superiority within a particular sphere. You are an innovator. Yet, if this dream was with negative emotion then such dream could betoken vice versa meaning: a person of great significance could be treacherous and/or alarming in regard to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 96, 32, 21, 78, 90; 2 extra numbers - 85, 87.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and purple .
  • Sink - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Slow success if sink in the clear water – The dream where you sink in the clear and clean water means that you will reach everything what you desire but only little by little. Hindu (Hinduism) Be attentive if dream of sinking – The dream about sinking is a warning that the accident is coming to you, so you have to be very attentive. Arabian (Islamic) Goals if sinking – You are dreaming, that you are sinking in the swamp, the water, etc. indicates that you will reach your aims in spite of poor conditions.... (read more)
  • Clouds - clouds are the carriers of the divine powers. Psychological Meanings: Emotions – The cloud is a vision for the current mood of the dreamer. Sunny or white clouds symbolize serenity and positive thinking. Dark clouds in the sky – they’re pictures of depressive or pessimistic thoughts. Possibly, the dreamer has a hidden depression with which he can deal only after it will accept a tangible form in the dream. Storm clouds symbolize that the dreamer will probably soon have a violent emotional outburst. They impose us the success of heaven. Traditional Meanings: Arabian – Illness If sees heavy clouds – You... (read more)
  • Acorns - General Meanings: The beginning of everything Acorns as a dream symbol indicates that from small beginning a huge growth will occur in your life. Acorn (fruit of the oak) is the bud in which the full-grown oak tree, this dream marks that you are ready to growth in your life and to seek your aims and to realize them. The seeds of the oak stand for the germinating life, a fresh start but with limited funds. Sometimes the acorn also signifies about an experience that will make the considerable influence to your future. The following meanings: To see an acorn... (read more)
  • Taxicab - At this level the taxi in a dream may be associated with practical know-how spiritual knowledge. Traditionally: European – Travel with taxicab: dreamer will be able to enjoy a modest prosperity; – Dreaming of travel with taxi or cab also means: happiness is related to a strange place; – Journey or trip with a taxi at night along with other people: you must not share a secret with this/these friends; – To be taxi (cab) driver in dream: little bit of physical work and little chance of career improvement. * Please, see also meaning of auto, car and travel…... (read more)
  • Money - Association: – Treasures & resources; Security & wealth. Question: – What is worth to me? What is value to me? Artemidoros: Accident – Some maintain that money and coins altogether mean accident. Better less than more – It is always better to possess little property and money than too much, because big wealth means concerns and grief because it is difficult to manage as well as a treasure. If somebody dreams who he is penniless or poor in the waking life, this means luck and prosperity during days, the return of the former splendid relations. If somebody dreams who is rich... (read more)
  • Slip - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Little worry if slip – In a dream you slip somewhere, then this dream announces you little accident, but without any difficult consequences; Failure if slip and fall – When in the dream you slip and fall on the ground then this dream is not so good, this announces you great misfortune in your life. Arabian (Islamic) False people if slip on a smooth surface – There are a lot of bad people around you, this indicates that falsehood will pursue you.... (read more)
  • Bedbug - General Meanings: Embarrassment The bedbug symbol usually stands for negative and unpleasant situation or phase in persons’ life. Also this announces irritation or confusion in minds. Illness Also this symbol announces about disease or even death. Your body is too polluted by bad habits or even painful thoughts. Your mind is too tired to fight with all these feelings. Psychological Meanings: Inner dirt From this side the bedbugs are associated with the dirt. You may feel dirty inside you. These bugs appears only in the places where are lots of dirt. So this symbol shows that you conscience is dirty... (read more)
  • Prison - General Meanings: Dissociation from environment The dream symbol of prison personifies unconscious isolation from the society. The dreamer is closed in his own thoughts, and hears or sees only little or nothing of what is going on around him. Blocked creation and feelings The dream of prison indicates that you are blocked in some area of your life. Your inner feelings announce that your creativity is suppressed and that you are not allowed to express yourself freely. Psychological Meanings: New start If you are locked up in the prison, this dream means new start of new beginning, usually it’s the... (read more)
  • Lion - everything is clear, pure and innocent; New family members if see a lioness with little lions – such dream denotes to increase of the family. It is a very good omen, especially for those who want to have descendants. Hindu (Hinduism) Should reject a man if lion is roaring – for the woman to see the lion that is roaring in her dream, warns about inappropriate man that is willing to take her as a wife; Pay attention to your reputation if you are chased by a lion – the chasing is the mirror effect of something that you are... (read more)
  • Rail transport - In general: Dreams of railway stations, from railways and trains, of farewell and delay of baggage and passengers are especially common. This frequency we can understand from the experience compression to everything related to travel. This is based on a set of primitive actions, but they are expressed in the phenomena of modern traffic. Even with less travel is done changing the mental place and it is always a little farewell, the voltage coming and interest in all technical, that you used with it. You meet strange people, has to do with his luggage, on a vehicle that leads... (read more)
  • Betrayal / traitor - General Meanings: A traitor or a betrayal in the dream, this means that the dreamer is unconsciously dealing with backstabbing. This can be pointed to any other person or on his own parts of personality, of which the dreamer is disappointed. He feels that his standards and attitudes are not particularly appreciated by other people. Psychological Meanings: Disappointment If the trust of the dreamer is abused in the dream by other people, and thereby he experiences and finds out a disappointment because of this. Perhaps he understands the fact that the disappointment took place in connection with the common... (read more)
  • Boat - Association: Journey above the depths of emotions. Question: What emotional depths can I navigate safely? General Meanings: Ship of life Generally boat brings to light, how you draw the “ship of life” due to the personality structure, the course you hold and how you deal with shoals, and storms. The individual meaning arises, first of all, from that what you experienced with the boat in the dream. The following accompanying circumstances can often help with the exact interpretation: A boat points to approaching changes in life whose way out seems a little bit insecure. It should bring us safety on the... (read more)
  • Threshing - will have to break your work because of some events; Wonderful life if see threshed grain – This dream symbol announces great success in business life and happiness in the family because you did your best and this is an award for you; Wasting time if thresh empty straw or straw with a lot of small grains – When you are threshing empty straw in the dream then this announces fruitless efforts. Arabian (Islamic) Welfare if see threshing – The threshing in a dream means large business success and good property; Little success if thresh a small field– When you thresh a small... (read more)
  • Vagabond (vagrancy) - a vagabond, this means that you will come to bad reputation. Arabian (Islamic) Bad company if see a vagabond – You are dreaming that you see or speak with vagrant, this dream is a sign that you are moving toward a miserable and sorrowful life. You should be careful, do not ruin your reputation because of relation with dishonorable persons; Respect people if be a vagrant – In the dream you are a vagrant, this dream wants to pay your attention that you show too little sense of honor and respect to others. * Please, see meaning of tramp.... (read more)
  • Lose / loss - losing something, then this marks that you’ll have vain efforts. This means that you will not reach any desires; Fulfillment of desires if have financial losses – In the dream you suffer from financial losses, this dream marks that you will be able to reach a huge success if you be obstinate person; More respect if lose a person – In the dream you lose a person which is really important to you, this denotes that you should act selfless with your fellowman, you have to show more consideration and respect. * Please, see meaning of playing cards, games, way.... (read more)
  • Board game - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Uncertainty if watch or play board game – In your dream you are playing board game then this announces that you will have uncertain business and operations and your success is doubtful.... (read more)
  • Baccarat (card game) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Get rid of bad feature if play Baccarat – In the dream you play baccarat game, shows that your incorrigible recklessness, has to be removed first of all in order to make better life. Hindu (Hinduism) Need to grow up if play baccarat – You are playing baccarat in the dream shows that you are irresponsible person and you need to mature. Arabian (Islamic) Wrong behavior if play baccarat – The dreams gives you a sign that you act really wrong in your life and this will bring you sadness for your family. * Please,... (read more)
  • Dolphin - Association: Natural intelligence, transcendent wisdom, compassion, ease of playing. Question: Which part of me is influenced by divine wisdom? General Meanings: Wisdom, joy and unknown part of personality Dolphins at the same time are seafarers savior and leader, because they have special knowledge and a special kind of awareness. The dolphin, stands as a symbol for our depths of the unconscious which represent the hidden side of personality that we have to realize. The friendly and playful dolphin indicates a happy and enjoyable time. To swim with a dolphin in the underwater world, this dream gives you an ability... (read more)
  • Contract bridge - Psychological Meanings: Dreams of playing chess or bridge, which depend more on mental qualities, may refer to the intellectual life. Your own habits of thought and your own views and especially on concrete complex plans. The identity of the opponent or competitors and the way we treat each other is really important because this may help you in the real life, you may have an ability to be ready for “attack” * Please, see meaning of chess.... (read more)
  • Acupuncture - General Meanings: When you are dreaming off getting an acupuncture it symbolizes your poor health. This dream wants to let you know, that maybe you need to change your lifestyle by going running, dancing, playing tennis or any other type of sport you would like to do. It is not only the exercising, it is more about changing your lifestyle like going abroad for a small trip, go for a walk or any other stuff you think you would like to do. Try to change your attitude towards the active lifestyle.... (read more)
  • Amusement - do anything. Persian (Persium) Suffer if dance, sing – In the dream you sing, dance, play flute or zither then you may expect tears and affliction in near future; Good news if recite or sing poem – If you recite something with melodious voice, you will become the person who always gets good messages and happy news; Pain if play zither – In the dream you are playing a zither for the dance, you will hear words which cause tears and pain. Arabian (Islamic) Good time if be amused – In the dream you are amused, then you will experience some pleasant... (read more)
  • Cricket - General Meanings: Cricket game in the dream usually announces that soon you will need to deal with arrogant people. The consequences may be positive or negative and this belongs only from you, how you accept critique and arrogance from other people. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Trust if see cricket game – In the dream you see cricket game, then you may expect good and trustful partners or friends; get a good friend; Worries with people if play cricket – You are playing cricket in the dream, then this dream announces that you will have some matters with arrogant people and try to... (read more)
  • Cribbage - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Changes if take part in cribbage – In the dream you take a part in cribbage then this means that you will have to make important decisions which may change your life; Give advice if watching others playing cribbage – Then you will be asked for advice, think twice before you give it because this may influence others life.... (read more)
  • Stage - Association: Show; achievement. Question: What do I wish to recognize? What am I afraid of? What do I want to show for the world? General Meanings: Your own life Stage as a dream symbol very often is common with the meaning of life and the environment. This depends on what happens on the stage, then you can recognize your own relationship with the world and make practical consequences for meaningful changes in your own attitude, expectations and behaviors. The action on stage in the dream may show your current situation in life, which may be “dramatic” then you look... (read more)
  • Backgammon - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Some changes if take part in Backgammon – In the near future your abilities and talents will be checked and this will affects your life; Oppose if play – In the dream you are playing backgammon, then this indicates that you will meet with hospitality, but your inner feelings resist for this; No success if be defeated – You were defeated during the game in the dream, this dream denotes that you are out of luck.... (read more)
  • Monkey - Association: Skillfulness, maliciousness, humor. Question: Which part of me is almost a human? General Meanings: Primitive instincts and life style Monkey stands for the animal primitive, uncivilized, materialistic-oriented people without intellectual interests; it can contain the need to develop and to mature the shades of our ego. In the dream, the monkey often points to primitive desires which the unconscious would like to make more clearly to us, sometimes it also shows fear, that our fellows can estimate us worse than we are actually, or to make fun of us. The monkey has bitten, this means that the flatterers might try... (read more)
  • Excrements - Association: Elimination & refuse from the past. Question: What I’m willing to forget? General Meanings: Excrement (excreta, feces, urine) often points to an immature personality, perhaps also on appropriate sexual perversions which arise from the immaturity. The dream of feces shows that the dreamer returns to childish forms of expression and amusement. Possibly, it has not come out on the unconscious level about the feeling, that everything what has to do with bodily functions is dirty and self-centered. Welfare – In old dream books the excrement is understood as a symbol of prosperity and happiness. New creation – Excrement in the dream... (read more)
  • Circus - must always be aware of all the dream plot. Circus may stand for creativity with which you surprisingly find solutions of problems, that you even thought it is possible. Model to cope with life  In the dream acrobatic and artistic circus events indicate controlled emotion, the discipline of thought and action. Who admires the artist in the ring, in the waking life would like to take an example or model of how to cope and master with life. Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Warning if seeing circus – This dream is a warning about impending downfall, because you act too playfully with... (read more)
  • Barrel organ - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Sad period if listen or play barrel organ – In your dream you are listening or playing barrel organ then this dream announces that melancholy and sadness will come upon you.... (read more)
  • Baseball - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Popular person if see baseball game – In the dream you see a baseball game, then this dream marks that you are easy-going person and your cheerfulness makes you a popular companion. No benefits if young woman plays baseball – You are dreaming that a young woman is playing baseball, you will enjoy your work but you will not have real gain. * Please, see meaning of ball, sports.... (read more)
  • Boy - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if be a boy – You are dreaming that you are happy in your life about everything; True friend if card of boy – In the dream you keep the cards in your hand the cross boys, so the life will give you really good friend and support; Lover if boy the knave of hearts – This card announces a faithful lover. * Please, see meaning of lad, playing card.... (read more)