Locked doors not really locking dream meanings

Positive reworkings are going on in your life only: locked doors not really locking - It normally forebodes the recognized superiority within a particular sphere. You are a vanguard. Despite that, if it was bad dream then a dream can manifest contra value: some person is being bum or wicked in regard to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 66, 29, 96, 89, 59; 2 extra numbers - 92, 59.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and green .
  • Lost - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wasting time if lost something – In your dream you have lost something and try to find then this marks that you are wasting your efforts and time for useless things and people. Hindu (Hinduism) Wrong way if lost key – You have lost your keys in your dream means that you try to enter incorrect doors or building. Arabian (Islamic) Wasting time if lost and search – In the dream you are searching for something and you ca not find it, the pursuit of pleasure that you are trying to have will show that you are... (read more)
  • Bench - ...walk past by you – This dream marks that you will make new and trustful friends; Be careful if sit with others on a bench – The dream warns you that you do not have to trust your debtors, because they are trying to pretend your friends in order to avoid their responsibilities; Friendship if see others sitting on a bench – The dream denotes that partners or friends, who were separated by a misunderstanding will be together again; Adventures if sitting on outside – In the dream you are sitting on a bench outside, then this dream will bring... (read more)
  • Code - ...own thoughts are probably so confused that you can no longer understand this message, then you have to ask others for more information. Psychological Meanings: Warning The code in our dream is a coded message of the soul that you do not understand. However, it can also represent a risk of fraud. But when you forgot the code then this means that you have to be attentive with your future decisions. To use code to lock doors marks that you have an ability to use important information. The code may be a sign how to behave in your life.... (read more)
  • Horse - ...easily overcome obstacles; Good luck if dream of horseshoe – if the dreamer saw the horseshoe it signifies happiness and joy also a joy. The horseshoe is known as a talisman of affluence which brings good fortune. Very often people hang the horseshoe on the doors, therefore it will bring joy into their homes; Necessity for a rush if horse been walked by the halter – there is a particular situation or a matter that has to be sorted out as soon as it is possible; Hard work if see the horse with carriage – the carriage symbolizes the effort... (read more)
  • Gout - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Barrier if have gout -In the dream you have gout then in your real life you will be blocked from advancement; Better life if healed of gout – The dream has positive meaning that you have an ability to make changes in your life in order to improve your own life; Be attentive if someone has gout – When someone else has gout in your dream, then you have to be careful in your business, because there is a person which will not let you to  do progress.... (read more)
  • Can - General Meanings: A closed can in the dream indicates that you want to know something that is kept secretly from you. An open can in the dream stands as an invitation for you to take an opportunity in your life. Also the can may symbolizes female sexuality. Psychological Meanings: In the dream a closed or a locked can that can not be open denotes you emotions and feelings that you want to keep hidden and for yourself. An open can in the dream indicates that you want to give something or to share with everyone. The contrary meaning of dream of open can marks your... (read more)
  • Snake - Snake in a dream symbolizes negation. To dream it can mean that you are in negative situation, but still you are denying it. It is possible that such dream is a reminder for you to stop lying for yourself. Also, it can indicate that your insightful thoughts are blocked right now. Thus the dream is just a subconscious representation that you are stuck in a negation and thus you need to rethink your actions in order to overcome current obstacles. Negation symbolism in a snake dream can be seen as prognosticating good luck, because of insightful message that... (read more)
  • Departure (leave) - ...The departure by car, plane or train announces that you will avoid a hazard and danger. To interpret the dream you must always consider the accompanying circumstances, for example, the aim of the departure. Psychological Meanings: The wish to avoid responsibility or difficulties and run away from daily routine You pack your bags in a dream, rushes to the train station, airport or gets in the car. Your suitcase can not be closed or you missed the train, the way to the airport is blocked by a traffic jam, the car couldn’t start. It is certainly not a warning before dangers of your travel!... (read more)
  • Submarine - ...Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Past mistakes if see submarine – In the dream you see a submarine signifies about your past mistakes which will become known and affect the life negatively; News if be locked in a submarine – You are dreaming that you are located in a submarine, then you will reveal disturbing news. Hindu (Hinduism) Troubles if see a submarine – When you see a submarine in your dream, then this dream indicates that you have worries that are hidden deeply in yourself. Arabian (Islamic) Worries if see a submarine – The submarine in the dream stands as a... (read more)
  • Adolescence - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Intensity; Sexuality; New beginning; Frustration; Fulfillment. Description The adolescence is a time when a young man or a girl looking for visions and come back as an adult. It is a period of increased freedom of vocational and sexual experimentation. Today, the adolescence for many young people is connected with frustrations, because their natural desire to explore and experiment is largely blocked. General Meaning Increase of sexuality, sensuality, intensity, the urge of the research or the frustration. Association You’re still wet behind the ears. Transcendent Meaning Understanding your own sexual nature or the chosen... (read more)
  • Tree - ...hopes and abilities to reach something. You fall from a tree, frequently warns that you will soon suffer from damage and also you will reap ridicule; Maybe you wanted to get too high and now therefore you must fail. Bald, dead or charred trees announce that you will not harvest the fruits of your work, but have to work out with failures and concerns. Sometimes, this symbol can also be understood positively as a warning before wrong position, attitudes, convictions and ideals which you should pass or leave, because they simply do not help in your life any more. A... (read more)
  • Dwelling - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Chaos if dream other people’s dwellings – In your dream appeared other people’s dwellings then people’s around you affairs are in a disordered, but this is not your fault because you have done everything correctly; New things if enter someone’s dwelling – The dream is a wonderful sign that you are ready to step into new world, this means that very soon you will tackle a new business or a position; Warning if the entry is locked and can not get in a dwelling – This dream is a warning that you have to be... (read more)
  • Rail transport - ...more interested in the human trappings, like the more emotional than technical references. Railway dreams talk about everything that can happen between the departure of your home and arriving at your destination after operation. If we dream on hundreds of trains, then you realize that every possible detail can appear in a dream and every detail has its special significance. Given the importance of railway dreams is not to overlook the fact that it unlike on a hike or a bike ride to a fort being led is on all entitled, usual tracks, see is more general than the individual... (read more)
  • Warning - General Meanings: A warning in the dream wants to pay your attention to your internal state or to external circumstances which require attention. Perhaps the dreamer puts himself into danger and the unconscious sends you a sign. Psychological Meanings: To receive a written warning, may indicate that something is bad going to happen for a dreamer. To escape from a locked room and to wander happily in an unknown landscape warns about exhaustion and the need of relaxation. All the dreams which have any kind of danger for the dreamer send a signal to stop and to think again... (read more)
  • Indigestion - General Meanings: Rejection If the dreamer suffers from an indigestion, this dream shows that there is something in his life, what particularly does not acceptable for him or maybe even with what he does himself. Also it says that certain food may trigger terrible dreams. Psychological Meanings: Find the other way If something is indigestible in the dream, it can be a sign that the dreamer has to realize that his progress on the intellectual level is blocked in any way. Perhaps he must go forward in other ways – the solution often lies in smaller steps. Spiritual Meanings:... (read more)
  • Highway - Association: Travel; way to freedom; movement. Question: Where in my life do I have freedom of movement? Psychological Meanings: Ordinary life On the highway we move quickly and easily, unless there is a traffic jam then this links to blocked vital energy. Usually on the broad highway we can reach a target quickly, without particularly interesting environment. So this means that we reach our goals without any satisfaction. Also a symbol of constant traveling – frequent drivers, truck drivers and others, this signifies ordinary people life without any worries or barriers. * Please, see meaning of vehicles, road.... (read more)
  • Wasps - Association: – Stabbing rage. Question: –  Where in my life I really would like to sting? General Meanings: Low instincts – Wasp stands for “low” instincts, desires and feelings, especially rage, blind aggressiveness, hate or revenge about which the dreamer is warned. Sometimes it also symbolizes a familiar persons of whom you were (are or will be) deceived and harmed. Psychological Meanings: Worst character features – Wasp is a very aggressive insect, therefore dreaming of wasp often indicates aggressiveness of the dreamer and also egocentricity, arrogance, and his overly flaunted individualism. Dreaming of many wasps is not a good sign. If it is... (read more)
  • Toothache - General Meanings: In the dream you have a toothache then this dream symbol indicates problems, that you should not let them to get into your life. If you act early, they can be resolved soon. Psychological Meanings: Inner rebuke Dream of toothache occurs very rarely when the dreamer really have it. Dreaming of toothache may go as a warning that we have done something wrong. Or something that our conscience can not agree with. Sometimes the tooth pain is nothing else just love sickness. Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Happiness if have toothache -In the dream you have a toothache then... (read more)
  • Rack railway - General Meanings: Cog railway as a dream symbol announces a slow, arduous, but certain promotion in life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Solving troubles if see rack railway –  The dream of rack railway denotes that you will have a difficulty which one you will have to overcome in an ingenious way. Hindu (Hinduism) Think again if see rack railway – In your dream the rack of railway appears then this dream marks that what you are thinking to start should be considered really carefully; Be attentive if go on rack railway – This dream is a sign that you have to... (read more)
  • Windmill - ...powers stimulation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Some money if see windmill – Dreaming of windmill announces unsafe conditions and also some profit, but only small one; Wealth if working windmill – In the dream you see a windmill with rotating wings then it is a sign of growing wealth and satisfaction; Ability to avoid worries if windmill is defective or standing still – The broken windmill in the dream is a sign which indicates unexpected separation that is really needed in order to avoid huge troubles; Love troubles if be covered by wings of windmill or a mill wheel – Then this dream announces a... (read more)
  • Cradle - ...new start for us will give a very happy time in which we can really swing through any difficulties. If a baby in the cradle, then we should appreciate the security, which instantly beautifies our life. Spiritually: Sometimes the material body as opposed to the spiritual is displayed as a cradle. Traditionally: European – Dreaming of new & unused cradle: singles could be married soon; – To see empty, which is used: announces a happy family event and long life; – An orphaned see: approaching accident, probably due to illness; – To see cradle with a screaming infant: one is... (read more)
  • Heel (shoes) - Psychological Meanings: Desire for higher position You go with high heeled-shoes and it is comfortable. Sometimes you stumble but at any price you do not want to change shoes. This is an ambitious dream : You want “to look down” on others, even if it is still so hard to stand. You want to stand out from your surroundings and enjoy this because you appear bigger then you really are – and it is for the cost of security, respectability and reliability. To lose the shoe, you will probably fall in spending which are not necessarily required.  The heels are renewed, you... (read more)
  • Grapes - General Meanings: Need of joy The dreamer perceives grape this points out that he has a need for celebration and ceremony. A dream of grapes shows that the dreamer needs fun and laugh because he is too strict and serious. Best way to change this is to bring creativity into life. Psychological Meanings: Need to give When grapes appear in dreams, then this maybe indicate a sacrifice. The dreamer has to give or to make something in order to achieve exactly what he is really looking for. Wine often symbolizes a sacrifice, because of so obvious similarity with blood. Spiritual... (read more)
  • Wine - ...Desire to rest if drinking sour or acidic wine – This signifies that you want to enjoy your rest alone, you tired of company. Now it is time to be with yourself; Reprehension if spill wine – In the dream you spill wine, this indicates a rebuke and the dreamer should not open up his mouth so far, you can insult people; Respect if intoxicate and get drunk yourself with wine – Very good omen, that you’ll earn the respect of an influential person. This helps you to improve your life; Changes and journey if filling wine from one vessel to... (read more)
  • Afterglow - General Meanings: Happiness in life As well as the sunset in the dream, this announces fulfillment of wishes, love, happiness, and possibly improvement of financial position. This almost always shows that the mind attracts and brings pleasant events. Psychological Meanings: Need to regenerate energy to move forward It is the sign that the sun sets and brings the night. The time is over to realize a plan. Consider carefully whether you really stand for and work with all your soul for that. Now go more to your inside, look for more rest and relaxation to rejuvenate declining energies. Traditional Meanings: European... (read more)
  • Evening star (Venus) - ...success and financial benefits in the near future, but also there can be some anxiety and stress; Realization of plans if shines alone – In the dream you see shining star, signifies that your intended plans can be realized; Don’t lose your hope if temporarily covered – When you dream that you see when the star temporarily covered, means that you  don’t have to lose the hope, the goals are still attainable; Bury your hopes if veiled by clouds – In the dream you can not see the star so brightly because it veiled by clouds, denotes that you must bury the... (read more)
  • Refuse (trash, rubbish, garbage) - to free yourself from the “soul trash” and you do not really know where to start. At last you would like finally “dispose” old problems, but have no concrete plan. You throw the trash away, you will gain a psychological relief or get rid of any worries. Spiritual Meanings: Shows “Energy leak” Perhaps the dreamer experiences an energy crisis, which he does not understand. He should go and search for the “energy leak”.  In the dream, waste can announce financial successes, which are not expected. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Welfare if possess refuses – In the dream you possess them, means... (read more)
  • Lose weight - ...it does not have any affect for reaching further efforts and expectations. However, if you really suffering from obesity in your dream, you will finally reach the ideal of beauty. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Adversity If lost weight – This dream displays that you will have adversities and worries in your personal life or at work; Advantages If see other skinny – This mean that you will get some advantages but you will be grudge for them; Wealth If see others lose weight – This shows that you gain benefits at the expense of others and soon you will come... (read more)
  • Note - this may be a sign that you will have something that brings a lot of headaches. Hindu (Hinduism) Wealth if see notes – You are dreaming that you see some kind of notes then this denotes that you have to be diligent, and you will achieve what the others already have a profit; News if see around many notes – In the dream you see everywhere a lot of notes around you  then you will experience a lot of news; Travel if write notes – Writing notes in the dream then this announces journey; Curiosity if read note – You are really curious... (read more)
  • Magician - ...strength against the shaman. Great talents The magician is a figure with superhuman and magical powers. This may be a warning to the dreamer, to keep himself not so powerful and not so important against others. A magician may reflect an amazing display of talent or skill. Black magic The magician  also stands for dark side of the person. You want to reach your goals and wishes by deceiving people and underhanded tricks. This signifies deception, evil and treachery. You try to fool others in order to make better position for yourself. Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Warning and changes if seeing or... (read more)
  • Genteel - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be skepticism if see genteel man – In your dream you see genteel man, then this appearances are deceptive, you should show more skepticism in your life; Arrogance if be genteel man – You are dreaming that you are a genteel man then this dream shows that you’re too arrogant in your life. Also you may loose lots of friends and partners because of this. Hindu (Hinduism) Be more simply if be genteel man – The dream marks that you are really clever and wise person, but you represent yourself too proud and this will not bring you real and... (read more)