Lord shiva temple in dreams dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming of lord shiva temple in dreams can bode quiet, worship and intimacy.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud analysis of the dream about lord shiva temple in dreams announces nonaligned gameness, gender sex drive, craftship and attraction.
Supportive revisions are awaiting in your life only: lord shiva temple in dreams - This dream sign means the state of being superior. You are a vanguard. Even so, if it was bad dream then a dream could attest upside down effect: a person of authority may be crafty or tricky in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 76, 45, 72, 64, 10; 2 extra numbers - 6, 28.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and golden .
  • Lord’s Prayer - Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) – In the dream you pray Lord’s Prayer: means well-being; also: you are threatened by secret enemies; you need the support and help of friends so that you can overcome these difficulties. -You are dreaming that you see other praying: a friend is in danger, do not leave him alone, he needs your help and support. Hindu (Hinduism) – In the dream you are praying: at last, your concerns will pass; – You are dreaming that you see and hear others praying:you are not so credulous; think of your last loss; – Children reciting: your belief... (read more)
  • Jesus Christ - can also become the teacher and the counselor. Sometimes he is known as an invitation not to lose the belief in yourself and to trust in God or a favorable fate. Psychological Meanings: Loss of inner balance Dreams with religious significance occur relatively frequently in our time, where faith occurs more and more in the background – most often for people who are in the second half of life. The dream wants to indicate that the dreamer should deal with the question about the meaning of life. Such dreams can often be interpreted as a loss of inner balance. Traditional Meanings:... (read more)
  • Lion - lion is a symbol of the king among of the other animals. Physically the lion is strong, beautiful, powerful and potent. In ancient times the lion was a symbol of the sun. It also symbolizes power and energy, that usually scares us in the dreams. Consider, that in ancient times the lion was always a positive symbol, therefore we should not be afraid of dreams that are related to lions. The main explanations of the dreams that are related to lions are: The lion express the creativity and mental strength of the dreamer. These are the fundamental characteristics of the dreamer... (read more)
  • Islamic Water - says: “And He it is Who hath created man from water, and hath appointed for him kindred by blood and kindred by marriage; for thy Lord is very Powerful.” (“Al-Furqan” [The Criterion], verse 54.) (4) Semen, because God Almighty has called sperm water and Arabs call notfa, or semen, abundant water. (5) Money, because it generates profit. (6) Purity. (7) Birth of one or more children. (8) Price decreases. (9) Justice. (10) War spoils or gains and acquisitions of any kind. (11) Worries, pain, and sorrow. (12) Death and destruction. In any case, running water is better than stagnant water.... (read more)
  • Eagle - and take another point of view. Eagle of the Lord of the skies can be interpreted positively as earthly ties, it is the exhilaration of great ideas, but often also for the consuming passion of the mind. Realization and happiness Who sees the eagle flying high up in the sky -there is a hope that he can realize and move high-flying plans into action. Who catches the eagle will be able to enjoy success on their own. Who gambles high, may fall deeply An eagle, which falls down and dives for its prey, points to the speed of thought and the... (read more)
  • Three (number 3) - Association: Trinity, balance of opposites; sociability. Question: How to connect the opposites that are inside me? In general: The three since the immemorial time is as a magic number.  In the dream,  three has the symbolic meaning of spirit and creative power. But also in the various religions the three has a great importance.  For example, of the Holy Trinity and in the Hindu religion Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are a divine trinity. Psychologically: Three as a number may indicate opposites and contradictions that are united to create something new at a higher level , which brings happiness, satisfaction and success.... (read more)
  • Devour - When the dreamer devours something, then the dreamer has to think about how he can better to ensure the satisfaction of his needs in the future. Spiritual Meanings: On a spiritual level, devour in the dream is interpreted as a process in which evil clarifies or transforms into good will. Kali, the most terrifying goddess, wife of Shiva. She is typically depicted as black, naked, old, and hideous creature. She is a guardian of the cemetery and this symbolizes the other devouring divinity – to be devoured by eating. Devour is the way to come back to the origin.... (read more)
  • Weather Vane - make friends. Traditionally: European – In general dreaming of weather vane: by inconstancy you are preparing yourself to big trouble; – To see it on roof: you do not know what you want. Hindu – To see weahter vane or weather cock (rooster) on roof: do not be so fickle. Arabian – To see weather vane (weather cock): you will do well to leave yourself at the mercy of great lords; – To hear its hinges squeaking: you will receive a message of great changes. * Please, also read dream meaning of weather cock, flag, banner, vane, cardinal points.... (read more)
  • Aristocrat - Psychological Meanings: Desire of status To dream blue-blooded lords in a representative environment, this dream exactly shows what the dreamer is really missing: social superiority, respect from others, status. This dream release your own values such as exaggerated desires and illusions.... (read more)
  • Bed - medieval book of dreams to this promise happiness in love, if it is dirty, bad luck. – If you dream of going to bed alone, this may symbolize the desire then to return to the safety and security of the womb. – If the dreamer in his dream is with another person in bed, this can be either express sexual desire for that person or show that the dreamer is not in front of his sexual impulses need to fear. – Lying in bed is defined as the need for more rest, or as an escape from reality, but partly... (read more)
  • Weapon - Association: – Working on expressive power, attack and defense, aggression. Question: Where in my life I can be more pen and more receptive? In general: Weapon generally stands for aggressiveness, recklessness, strong desires and immature sexuality (especially young males). It may also warn of disputes with rivals. The useless weapon suggests that it will solve problems only with prudence, not by force. The dream of weapons usually refers to the desire to hurt someone or something. The dreamer has internalized his aggression, and it is perfectly acceptable that he dreams of weapons and against other people in the dream... (read more)
  • Castration - Association: – Denial of sexuality , limiting the power of creativity. Question: – What do I feel in relation to my creativity or sexuality as being threatened? General Meanings: If any man is dreaming of being castrated, then such a dream brings very negative emotions. For a woman it causes as much distractions as to any of the men. Such dreams can be explained and listed as a nightmare, because the castration is not only painful, but also it is the part of you which is taken away.There are several ways the castration is done, therefore it is very... (read more)
  • Jaguar - General Meanings: In General Jaguar symbolizes emotions, fierce, power, aggression and force. In dreams Jaguar shows the feminine and aggressive side of your personality. Maybe now is the time of your life, when you feel overprotected, therefore you dream of the Jaguar. It also could indicate your desire to be alone. Psychological Meanings: Psychologically Jaguar represents the beauty, especially for the women. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Passion will overcome you if dream of Jaguar – such dream shows how big is the part of fashion in your life. Hindu (Hinduism) Business will go smoothly if see the Jaguar –... (read more)
  • Horse - Association: The horse associates with fast, usually elegant, feelings of developed consciousness, sometimes unexpressed sexuality. Question: How do I find my own power? What kind of natural forces I suppress or express? General Meanings: Horse is one of the most ambiguous dream symbols. Mostly the horse symbol embodies instincts, impulses, passions, desires, sensuality, awareness of the body and sexuality. The horse or the mare also represents femininity, gentleness and harmony. Different conditions in the dreams have individual interpretations. These meanings can arise from the following circumstances: Free-running horse means freedom – usually if the horse is running, the dream... (read more)