Meaning of a lot of ripe plantain dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream of meaning of a lot of ripe plantain may connote happiness, fidelity and warm friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's interpretation the dream about meaning of a lot of ripe plantain indicates separate enthusiasm, dainty sensuality, ingenuity and quality.
Favourable reworkings are awaiting in your life only: meaning of a lot of ripe plantain - This dream commonly marks eminence and being at a higher level than others. Under other conditions, if your dream has left bad feeling then your dream might allude to upside down explanation: an unknown person might be treacherous and menacing in regard to your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 24, 76, 83, 22, 63; 2 extra numbers - 82, 8.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and yellow .
  • Fly (insect) - positive meaning for those who usually get the things easily. Alternatively, the dream might be an indication for the dreamer to grow the patience and do not be so annoying towards the others; Problems within your family if see many flies – to dream of seeing lots of flies in the room or any other area, denotes to misunderstandings, hardships in your family; Beware of troubles if see a fly in the drink – to dream of the fly that flew into your drink, warns about lurking danger. Psychological Meanings: All kinds of insects, make the dreamer to pay attention... (read more)
  • Alcohol - Contexts’ Meanings: Drinking and enjoying alcohol in moderation (a little) in s dream – Such dream marks that you feel satisfaction about you life. You are followed by success and fortune. Also this dream shows that you have relaxation period in your life. Now you can enjoy your work and achievements. However, you do not have to relax too much, not to forget your duty if you want to keep such a great and pleasure life. Drinking alcohol in excess ( a lot of, too much, plenty) in a dream – You are getting drunk or you are drinking alcohol a lot,... (read more)
  • Rise up - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if easily rise up to the mountain, stairs, slope – This dream signifies that you will reach the destination safely. You will set up very successful business which will make your life better and will make your life more interesting; Lots of efforts if climb a mountain, stairs or slope with great effort – In the dream you put lots of efforts while you are reaching the mountain or the stairs, this means that you will be rewarded only after overcoming and dealing with many difficulties; Longing for love if climb up with a lover... (read more)
  • Berry - General Meanings: To eat berries – this will bring you joy. To see berries – a sign that you will need a lot of effort and patience in your life. To look for berries and can’t find any – this denotes that you are on the wrong way of your life and have to consider thoroughly your plan and desires. To pluck and to collect berries – this means that you will have to fight in order to reach your aims. Red berries – this dream symbol indicates opponents that are in the vicinity. Black berries – show grief... (read more)
  • Brook - Association: The flow of emotions. Question: What kind of emotions do I have to flow freely? General Meanings: The dream of brook is understood as the race of life. The stream frequently indicates the ability to adapt to situation and to use past experiences. But there are some circumstances connected with the dream symbol of stream: To swim against the tide denotes that you are unable to adapt and to use your experience that is why you always meet with problems. A brook with lots of fish, this can be interpreted as a symbol of fortune, your property will... (read more)
  • Hanging - Psychological Meanings: The dream about hanging stands for harm or betray. If you hang yourself in the dream, then you will achieve your goals only with painstaking work. If see that someone else is hanging in your dream, then you should pay attention to malicious and false people. To see hanging laundry outside of your neighbors then this signals a conflict which will bring you worries. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Unpleasant events if see something hanged – In the dream you see that something is handed, then this announces that you will meet fear, illness, misfortune in the near... (read more)
  • Pineapple - General Meanings: In the dream you buy pineapples, this shows that you can often expect for a cheerful mood position. According to condition of the fruit this symbol has two different meanings: If the pineapple is ripe, juicy and sweet, it stands for self-confidence, joy of life and sexual pleasure. If it is decayed, bitter, unpalatable or uneatable, it points to insecurity, uncertainty, hardship and / or sexual disappointment. Also pineapple indicates that you will have success in your work. This helps you to see the life from the pleasant side and to enjoy this pleasure. Psychological Meanings: Personality feature,... (read more)
  • Dates - General Meanings: Need of warmth Dates are exotic fruits, so this marks that the dreamer wishes for something unique. On the other hand, the dates in a dream may be a sign that the dreamer needs some real friends or lover and support from them. Date usually has sexual meaning, this denotes the need for sex, love and tenderness, especially if you consume it in a dream. Psychological Meanings: Happy love or complexes The date symbolizes the feminine in mental and spiritual level. Ripe, sweet dates refer to satisfying partner relationships and overall satisfaction and surprising luck in love.... (read more)
  • Mow - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Prospects if ripe corn – You are mowing or see a mow of ripe corns, means that your prospects are good; Inconvenient love if green grass – This dream is a warning that you have to beware of a mismatched love affair; Worries if dry grass – in the dream you are mowing dry grass, this dream announces about a failure in business or at work, but you will overcome them because of your hard work and strong faith. Arabian (Islamic) Productive future if mowing a field – In the dream you see yourself mowing... (read more)
  • People - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Different emotions if see People’s House – People’s House in the dream means more or less time waste, also self hedonism and disputes with your family members in near future. Hindu (Hinduism) Anxiety if see a lot of people – In your dream you see a lot of people together, so this is a sign of strife and dispute.... (read more)
  • Widow & Widower - joyous impressions in our lifes. If we meet in a dream someone, who is widowed, we have good luck in the family, which is held together to form a community. Only dream, which contain many negative symbols (not only widow or widower), announce great loneliness and retirement. BUt the precise meaning of this dream may only be taken by looking into overall context. However, if a man dreams of a widow, could be a deeper understanding of the needs for a woman. Perhaps he realizes that he does not necessarily bring women into dependency on its own. Spiritually: The widow... (read more)
  • Old age - Association: Maturity; degeneration. Question: What is perfect for me? What am I ready to replace? General Meanings: Past experiences and skills To see an old objects or persons in the dream, this denotes past experiences and knowledge. The dreamer has an ability to use them in current situation or in the future. The dream of a historical person signifies that the dreamer knows how to use his talents or skills and what kind of abilities he has. Psychological Meanings: The old age as a dream symbol has two meanings positive and negative: The negative meaning – mortality, death and... (read more)
  • Fishing - friends. Arabian (Islamic) Aspiration of aims If fishing in general – This dream shows that you strive for any possessions, success or recognition; Warning If see fishing rod – In the dream you see fishing rod, means that you have to watch out for swindlers and insidiousness; Don’t waste your time If fishing yourself – Do not waste your time on not so promising earns work; Offer to marry If see anglers -When you are dreaming that you see a lot of angers, means that you will get a marriage proposal. * Please, see meaning of fish hooks, fish, power, water.... (read more)
  • Chicory - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Bad intention if see chicory – In the dream you see chicory then this symbol warns of bad intentions, even against enemies. Arabian (Islamic) Lie if see a lot of chicories – In the dream you see a lot of chicories then you have to beware of falsehood.... (read more)
  • Waterwheel - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Money if see in action waterwheel – The working waterwheel marks that additional work will bring you new friends and more money. Hindu (Hinduism) Better life if see waterwheel -The waterwheel in the dream denotes lots of work which will bring satisfaction and better life. Arabian (Islamic) Lots of work if working waterwheel – The waterwheel as a dream symbol marks that you will work a lot because you want to earn and to create wonderful life for yourself and your family.... (read more)
  • Dwarf - Association: The power from the small one, Unconscious forces, Magic. Question: Where do I perform work changes? General Meanings: Painful experiences Any type of deformity refers to a part of one’s personality, which has not yet been integrated or developed. In the dream a dwarf represents the part of the dreamer which was damaged by a painful infancy or childhood trauma or too little of emotional care or attention. Learn to use your energy Dwarf generally symbolizes unconscious energy and forces which affect the life imperceptibly, you must recognize them more clearly and more exactly so that they can be... (read more)
  • Lemons - or somebody uses you for their goals. You or that person can not defend from this. Also this indicates your sour experience that you had in your waking life. And this eats you from inside, you have to reconcile with these experiences. Picking, harvesting lemons in the dream – This dream will bring you lots of success, you will be lead thought life with fortune.  Picking lemon also announces richness and pleasures. You have deserved this because of your hard work. In the dream fresh and yellow lemons marks long and healthy life. * Please, see meaning of fruit & plant.... (read more)
  • Prison - worries and difficulties will dispel; Stop damage If Releasing someone – You are dreaming that you release or help to escape from the prison, this dream shows you that you have power to stop bad things which will bring a lot of damage and troubles; Inner growth and Trust If Seeing yourself in it – You see yourself imprisoned in a large prison in a dream, it means that you will meet really strong and wise person who will offer you an important responsibility, and from which you will gain spiritual progress. * Please, see meaning of dungeon, jail... (read more)
  • Room - General Meanings: New areas of personality In your dream the discovery of a new room in your own home is an exciting and good symbol because, it says a lot about the state of your own personality. Women more often than men dream of finding new room, especially when they have reached a turning point in their life. Isolation The dreamer feels trapped in a narrow room, then this dream may indicate isolation of dreamer’s social life, especially when doors and windows are closed in the room. Psychological Meanings: Part of dreamer’s life or personality Room is a part... (read more)
  • Dessert - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happiness if fruit for dessert – It is a happy omen and wonderful news when in your dream you have a ripe fruit for dessert; Loss if eat immature fruit for dessert – The dream where you have immature fruit for dessert then this dream warns that you should expect business losses. * Please, see meaning of all fruits.... (read more)
  • Wolf - kill a wolf – in reality you will overcome your enemies. Gypsy dreambook Wolf meaning in dreams by Romani people Dreaming of wolf symbolizes strength and independence. The New Family dreambook If you had a wolf, then this dream shows that among your staff is careless and irresponsible person. To kill a wolf in a dream – in reality you will cope with some tricky enemies. To hear the howl of a wolf – you need to expose someone’s plot and defeat it in the face of fierce competition. Chinese dreambook Chinese dream interpretation by Zhou Gong Ferocious wolf is... (read more)
  • Ear (botany) - General Meanings: Mostly Ears are the symbol of inner satisfaction and personal maturity, also partly they can be material security.  If you collect them this announces good success with a project or activity that you do. You notice that grains are missing however you must reckon with a failure. They are swaying in the summer wind: a mark of the maturity, you will detach from (unpleasant) habit. You will win a new positive attitude to the life with new friends. Empty ears point to hollow feelings which may cause mental tortures. They are bound by sheaves they point to... (read more)
  • Date tree (palm) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Aristocracy if date palms – The dream symbol of date palm signifies aristocratic women and those of imperial blood; Welfare if be in date palm grove – You go into a grove of date palms and pluck ripe palm fruits in your dream, then this dream marks that you will earn or get as much wealth as you plucked fruits; Suffer if immature fruits – The fruits of date palm is immature, then this dream marks that you will suffer from other people immaturity; Some money if tear down the palm leaves – This dream marks... (read more)
  • Iron (material) - really difficult to gain this. The transformation into the iron on the contrary prophecies unbearable strokes of fate, but the dreamer will get over it and will reach a great age. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Hard; Elastic; Culture-changing; Technology; Survival; Health; Centrality; Temper. Iron is one of the hardest minerals, in the medicine wheel together with Garnet mineral Totem is born on Ripe Berries Moon (July 23-August 22). It has changed the entire cultures and has led them into the age of technology. Iron also supplies the central ion in the hemoglobin molecule of the blood, and thus depends on... (read more)
  • Pear - General Meanings: Pear as a dream symbol mostly has the connection with interpersonal relationships such as love, affection or warmth and mostly positive emotions. The following circumstances of pear dream symbol: Nice and ripe pears in the dream stands as the desire for marriage and partnership, or this may announce an imminent wedding. Flowering pear trees or laden with fruits usually indicate an impending happy love that will change your life forever. To pluck pears in the dream may be a sign of professional and financial success. The pears are rotten and wormy point to the separation or to... (read more)