Nurse uniform dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream of nurse uniform might convey repose, dilection and attraction.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung explanation the dream about nurse uniform shows autonomous resolution, ladylike sexuality, talent and dynamism.
Constructive remodellings are awaiting only when: nurse uniform - This symbol consistently symbolizes the occupation of a position of dominant power. You are a trailblazer. Notwithstanding, if your dream has left bad feeling then a dream might betoken upside down meaning: a person of great value could be dishonest and deceptive in relation to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 62, 76, 31, 69, 87; 2 extra numbers - 70, 100.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and yellow .
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  • Baby / Babies - ...end you’ll be the winner and you’ll be awarded. – Harder and better: Breastfeed (syn. suckle, nurse) – to feed a baby with milk from the breast or to see in dream this process (someone else is feeding a baby), symbolizes same as carriage of baby (look up into part “Work and success”) exept one thing – you must be more responsible and perform your duty even harder and yet then, when you think it is unbearable or impossible to do or to finish. Just don’t quit, but finish what you have started and be a winner. “Try a little harder... (read more)
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  • Civil servant - General Meanings: Desire to be a member Dream of civil servant with whom the dreamer in real life hasn’t any relationship, then this dream shows that he deals with that part of himself, who coordinates and directs his life. Each civil servant figure in the dream, especially with uniform marks that the dreamer has to pay attention on the part of the personality which wants to belong to an organized group – the dreamer may feel as a rebel. Perhaps this may mean the need for customization and integration. Worries Also the civil servant in dreams traditionally has unfavorable... (read more)
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