Pins under skin pulling them out dream meanings

Short meaning: dream of of pins under skin pulling them out may pinpoint cheerfulness, crush and favor.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's interpretation of the dream about pins under skin pulling them out hints unallied stoutheartedness, female sexual urge, resourcefulness and authority.
Supportive reshapings are about to become true in your life : pins under skin pulling them out - It mostly signifies advantage and being a visionary person. But, if it was bad dream then such dream might announce contra effect: a person of great value should be false and difficult in relation to your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 1, 13, 36, 42, 59; 2 extra numbers - 93, 15.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and yellow .
  • Siskin - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Trouble if see siskin –  The dream of siskin warns of curiosity which may bring you mischief; Wrong environment if see siskin – The siskin as a dream symbol shows that there are uneducated people are around you and you have to change them in order to grow as a personality. Hindu (Hinduism) Need of development if see siskin – The dream of siskin marks that you live with uneducated people, so you have to step higher. Arabian (Islamic) Fun if see or hear siskin is singing – the singing siskin in the dream announces that love affairs will... (read more)
  • Snake skin - The one of most interesting snakes dream which shows the magical side of these animal is when the snakes shed skin. The dream about snake skin is complexed. This mystical symbol is capable to have opposite meanings: good and bad. To see snake shedding it’s skin augurs separated will, fertile sexuality, mastery and transformation. It indicate that your life is going into new phase. The snake as a magical symbol is very strong in many cultural customs, therefore personal cultural background should be very valuable factor in how your dream is explained. Dreaming about a snake shedding it’s skin... (read more)
  • Cream (skin) - Psychological Meanings: Skin cream usually stands as a symbol for soul balm, which you can not currently get so simply. You want to be pampered and do not want to come back to “harsh reality”. Such a dream appears for women especially in stressful times. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Friendship if see cream – In the dream you see cream, then this dream marks that you will have friendships that are very useful and pleasant for you ; Theft if apply or prepare cream –  In the dream you prepare cream or you apply it on your body, then this dream announces... (read more)
  • Transformation - its skin. Caterpillars, butterflies and snakes represent common archetypal images of the process of personal transformation. The Caterpillar occurs in our dream , this indicates that process of changes has just begun and would perhaps tell us, that we have to spin up first, then we must withdraw and become a light butterfly. Who dreams of a caterpillar, you should try with the technology of the day-dream, to leave a caterpillar and become a butterfly, then identify yourselves with the butterfly. That has on the symbolic level, completed transformation – and what we understand at the symbolic level, we can... (read more)
  • Snake - strong sexual needs; – To see an orange snake: shows a combination of idealism, emotions and sexuality; – Blue serpent: stands for religiosity; – Purple snake: symbolizes a lot of mental energy; – Green serpent: promises a lot of mental energy and newly burgeoning hopes; – Skin (snake shedding skin or skinning of snake): the dreamer outgrows himself, because he leaves behind his old existence and personality; – The Serpent of Aesculapius: one will be cured soon from his inner conflicts or illness; – Standing erected snake or cobra: symbolizes the pursuit of high ideals and spiritual development; – Snake... (read more)
  • Horse - ...the loss or just will get sad about something; Wishes will come true at unexpected time if the girl dreams of black horse – to dream of the horse that is black, and the girl riding it, signifies the desires she has. However those wishes will come true when she will least expect for them; Attention from men if woman riding a horse and someone is riding another one behind her – such a dream promises attention from the opposite sex members; Disappointments within marriage if the horse turns out to be a big – prepare yourself for the time when... (read more)
  • Islamic Water - ...Stagnant water: (1) Prison, especially if the dreamer falls in it. (2) An unhappy life, full of miseries. Limpid water: Cheap prices and better justice. Underground water: Isolation, humiliation, and misery in view of the verse in the Holy Quran that reads as follows: “Say: Have ye thought: if [all] your water were to disappear into the earth, who then could bring you gushing water?” (“Al-Mulk” [Majesty], verse 30). • Salty water: Trouble and worries. • Stinking water: Illicit gains. • Yellow water: Illness. • Seeing black water: Bankruptcy, havoc, and destruction. • Black water coming out of a well:... (read more)
  • Arnica montana - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Relieving pain, Healing, Useful in emergencies, Help for skin. Description Arnica grows in the northern mountains of the United States and Canada. It is a plant with yellow flowers. It helps against shock and pain. Arnica ointment helps against sprains, wounds, bruises and skin lesions. General Meaning Look at your old pain, wounds and scars. The help for skin, either real or in a figurative sense. Transcendent Meaning A gift of healing. First aid.... (read more)
  • Bear - Association: Possessive love. Question: To what extent love is dangerous for me? General Meanings: Strength and Power – Bear in a dream most often goes as impetuous and brute force, which you should use with caution in order not to overshoot the target. Positively such a force, energy and perseverance can help you to handle with hard situations. Leadership and healing ability, strength for defense. Danger and Menace – The dream about bear also has a dangerous, threatening meaning in itself. In the fairy tales and mythology of the Nordic nations and Russia the bear is the king of... (read more)
  • Abscess - General Meanings: Fear of disease and The Need of cleaning The dream of disease shows the opposite sides and includes that you enjoy good health or a speedy recovery, if you are sick. Generally, this symbolizes exaggerated fear of (infectious) disease, but sometimes unacknowledged disgust at your own body and needs of compulsive cleaning. Psychological Meanings: A mark on your skin as a signal of mental illness Abscess is a warning sign of negative thoughts and feelings, with which you can hurt yourself mostly because you “decompose” success and joy for life. Soon you have to free yourself from this.... (read more)
  • Animals - in are useless, or the love life is going not according to plan, or you should be aware of making important business deals. Lizard – to see the reptile called lizard, denotes to your primal instincts. Because instincts have big influence of your life, sometimes you are controlled by them more than you like. Otherwise, there is a positive meaning, which shows your creativity, tough skin and high opinions. Unicorn – the main meaning of this dream symbolizes purity. In old book, it is said that unicorns can be seen only by women. The unicorn represents the goodness and innocence... (read more)
  • Yucca - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Healing, purification. Description The yucca is a plant that belongs to the lily family, and has stiff, almost sword-like leaves and white flower clusters in the middle. It grows in the Southwestern United States and in Central and South America. From earthy people, it was as used as a skin cleanser, which could heal skin irritations. Science has found that the powdered leaves contain a powerful precursor of cortisone. General Meaning A dry or neglected part of self-study. Prepare for a cleaning & healing something that is on the surface of your body or in your... (read more)
  • Rash - General Meanings: Inability to communicate According to ancient sources, the rash as a dream symbol predicts large cash prizes. Actually, the skin is the organ with which we sense the world. So the dream rather indicates that you are not sure about your role or your behavior, maybe you have an inferiority complex, you may not find the way to deal or to communicate with other people. You have to think what do you wrongly in order to avoid bigger problems. Also such dreams also cause actual skin diseases and then have no deeper meaning. Psychological Meanings: Rash, sores... (read more)
  • Lion - ...Aggression and dis-control are inherent features of those who dream of lions. They find it hard to control themselves in critical situation. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level, the lion in a dream symbolizes the power that must be tamed, otherwise it will get out of control. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) The lion is a symbol of strong power and force. The gain of power and influence if see a lion – such dream shows that you will obtain the power to control anything you want; Will have a very powerful enemy if see the lion in the freedom –... (read more)
  • Fire (many authors) - ...If you burn yourself, you… Fire Fire is one of the archetypal elements of the universe and symbolizes the purification of the spirit through understanding. To analyze our dreams with fire, we must observe the shape of the flames. A devouring fire is the opposite of the flame brightening which symbolizes exalted passion. A small but… Fire The fire in dreams may have many different meanings, depending on circumstances and different context of the dream. The fire could represent anger, frustration, love, losses, passion and sexuality. The dream could show that the past is no longer important, because the present... (read more)
  • Rain - ...falls in season in one’s dream, it means roadblock barring travels, business losses, inability to get medicine for a sick person because of one’s poverty, or it could mean imprisonment…. (Rain) Rain in a dream also represent mercy from God Almighty, a helping hand, knowledge, wisdom, the Qur’an, rejuvenation, revival, resurrection and life…. (Rain) When a farmer or peasant dreams that it’s raining over their crops and this rain may destroy them, it symbolizes business losses or social disputes…. (Rain) To be out in a clear shower of rain, denotes that pleasure will be enjoyed with the zest of youth,... (read more)
  • Dog - and business affairs. But if he can separate them, then he will overcome difficulties and successfully solves his affairs; If dog kills a cat, then it promises luck and good business; If dog kills a snake, it is considered as a good omen too; Swimming dog means close luck – If a dog swims in the dream, then you just need to stretch out your hands to reach the happiness, because it is very close to you; Puppies means thanks – In the dream to see puppies, denotes that the dreamer will help to innocent people and for that... (read more)
  • Pull - General Meanings: To dream that you pull something, then this is a reflection of active actions in waking life. The dream may be an alert to the dreamer how to act in a given situation. To try to pull – The dreamer is trying to pull, then he has to make decisions on a project. This may require additional efforts to get something done. To pull to move – The dreamer pulls in order to move something then he may succumb to external pressures. Pulling a car may usually announce that you will need a lot of effort, for which... (read more)
  • Clouds - ...clouds are the carriers of the divine powers. Psychological Meanings: Emotions – The cloud is a vision for the current mood of the dreamer. Sunny or white clouds symbolize serenity and positive thinking. Dark clouds in the sky – they’re pictures of depressive or pessimistic thoughts. Possibly, the dreamer has a hidden depression with which he can deal only after it will accept a tangible form in the dream. Storm clouds symbolize that the dreamer will probably soon have a violent emotional outburst. They impose us the success of heaven. Traditional Meanings: Arabian – Illness If sees heavy clouds – You... (read more)
  • Father (many authors) - ...of security and good news…. Father Dreaming of your father, signifies that you are about to be involved in a difficulty, and you will need wise counsel if you extricate yourself therefrom. If he is dead, it denotes that your business is pulling heavily, and you will have to use caution in conducting it. For a… Father Can symbolize your real-life father, an authority or caretaker figure (such as your employer), or can symbolize your spiritual parent – meaning God…. Father Father loves you. If the father is dead, it indicates a symbol of affliction…. Father-in-law Dreaming of your father-in-law,... (read more)
  • Dressing - Psychological Meanings: On psychological level, the dressing as the action, represents the desire to look in a certain way, or simply cover the intimate ares, or protect the skin from particular temperature. To see others getting dressed usually symbolizes the need for help and support from those people. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Secrets will be revealed if got undressed – the one who have a dreamed about about getting undressed by somebody else will be understood and known completely; Will handle the others if see others dressing – to dream of seeing others dressing, signifies the luck and ability... (read more)
  • Leprosy - General Meanings: Attention The dream of leprosy warns you to hold your opinion. You have to think carefully about the impact of your words. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Sad things if see leprosy – You dream leprosy then this dream has a very negative sides such as grief, worry, anxiety, danger. Also this dream announces that your love will turn into indifference; Loss if have leprosy – This dream shows that due to others influence you will lose your money. * Please, see meaning of skin.... (read more)
  • Obesity (fatness) - ...of exaggerated slimness ideals. As old dreams announces, to be fat or over-weighted person in the dream will bring you happiness, success and prosperity. Psychological Meanings: The opinion of his body, which the dreamer has in the awake condition, may be different from that which is presented to him in his dreams. This vision gives the dreamer the opportunity to work on his physical self-image. Spiritual Meanings: At the spiritual level being fat (obesity) – is a choice which is placed before each person repeatedly: submit or rebel. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if being fat – The dreamer is skinny or normally... (read more)
  • Purchase - Association: Find what you want; choices. Question: What do I want to take home? General Meanings: Need of love The dream of purchase marks that the dreamer wants to have something more in interpersonal relationships. This dream may show that you want to buy the love of a close person or you only wish to acquire the recognition of the partner. But first of all can you really buy love and acceptance. Disguise When you purchase some clothes in your dream, then this dream indicates that you want to go through life with new and different “skin”, this... (read more)
  • Cats - ...taking the skin of the cat – such dream signifies that the person that’s been stealing will be caught; Illness if dog is fighting the cat – to dream of seeing a dog who is fighting with a cat, symbolizes sickness the dreamer will suffer; Will be sick for a long time if cat bitted you – such dream warns that you should be aware of the diseases, otherwise you will be stuck in bed; Fraud if hear the cat in a dream – if the dreamer thinks that he hears a cat meowing, such a dream warns about the... (read more)
  • Chamomile - ...chamomile – such dream shows that you will become ill, but will get well very soon either; Will live long if drinking chamomile tea or picking up the blossoms of it – the dream promises long journey through life leading with decent health; Will get relief from pain if walking in the fields of chamomiles – to walk in the fields of chamomile promises recovery out of spiritual or physical pain. Hindu (Hinduism) Problems with respiratory organs if picking up the chamomile – the dream is a sign of your health getting weaker. Arabian (Islamic) Mild sickness or disease if... (read more)
  • Nettle - General Meanings: No communication In the dream nettle refers to a difficult situation that must be avoided. This can cause irritation for the dreamer, because he is not in communication with other people or their environment. Communication problems are indicated when the dreamer is in the middle of a nettle field. Wish to be safe In addition nettles shows that the dreamer wants to avoid violation from other people because he has “burned fingers” on a personal or professional projects. Psychological Meanings: Wild behavior Nettles are wild plants that can cause skin irritations. The nettles can symbolize that the... (read more)
  • Walrus - Association: Massive sensitivity. Question: Where in my life am I ready to be less threatening? General Meanings: Leadership The walrus as a dream symbol stands for supremacy. This may be in the relation or at work, you are the person who says the last word. Also the walrus may indicate that you have fat skin which protects you from negative influence, critic and other unpleasant events. * Please, see meaning of animals.... (read more)
  • Waltz - Psychological Meanings: The waltz in the dream with the music of violins indicates the heaven and flowing of life. But when you see others dancing waltz then this means that you are not happy about your own life. You see others dancing happily and then you do not feel comfortable in your own skin. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Relations if see dancing waltz – In the dream you see dancing waltz then this dream predicts that you will have a relationship with a fun and adventurous person; Love if dancing waltz – You are dancing waltz in the dream then... (read more)
  • Ticks - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if see tick – In the dream you see a tick crawling over the skin, then this means that you have to pay more attention to your health, because you will get to hospital bed; Enemies if crush tick –  When you crush a tick in your dream, then near you there is a treacherous enemy; Be attentive if see big ticks on animals – The ticks on the animals in the dream, then this means that enemies are ready to take a possession, you have to keep what you have earned in your life. Medicine Wheel Meanings:... (read more)
  • Dock - Psychological Meanings: Find the way to reduce pain Docks leaves may be used to relieve skin irritation. This dream may be a sign that there are always some ways how to deal with pain or unpleasant events in your real life. * Please, see meaning of foodstuff.... (read more)