Positive and negative pregnancy test dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream about positive and negative pregnancy test may foretell satisfaction, liking and good understanding.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung understanding the dream about positive and negative pregnancy test stands for self-determining attitude, ladylike sexual desire, accomplishment and prepotency.
Constructive reworkings are awaiting in your life : positive and negative pregnancy test - Symbol of a dream often signifies dominance and being a notch better than others. Variously, if your dream has left bad feeling then a dream can mark vice versa connotation: an unknown person could be astucious or tricky toward your person.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 3, 62, 52, 34, 64; 2 extra numbers - 70, 41.
Fortunate colors for this dream: black and yellow .
  • Wagon - General Meanings: Today probably most of people dream of a car or other means of transport. The wagon is like an old symbol which stands as an indication that you use old and already deposited methods to test the situation and to find the solution. The rickshaw, which drives a man, warns that the dreamer shouldn’t use others in order to reach his own goals. Psychological Meanings: Loss or wealth Loads which are transported with wagons announce a successful and profitable business. But when they are empty, futile efforts and losses at work. When you lose something from a wagon, then... (read more)
  • Scent - General Meanings: Good time or warning Scents are associated with feelings. A fragrance in a dream in most cases stands for “longing for the lost time”, your desire to revive the greatest moments from the past. The smell is pleasant in your dream, then this dream indicates that you will have good and pleasant time. But when the smell is unpleasant so this dream stands as a warning. Psychological Meanings: The human sense of smell is very strong. But like all the other senses, the smell can also stand for something else, the dreamer has to pay attention to... (read more)
  • Bean - in your family. You have to try to keep calm and try to maintain peace at your home. You have to be aware of people who speak behind your back, they want to make damage and troubles for you. Growing beans or blooming bush of beans in the dream – This dream symbol is very positive. This signifies and announces the fulfillment of your desires. You have a possibility to reach what you want in this life, your wishes and desires. This dream signifies that you have work hard to reach this period of life, the success period. The success is... (read more)
  • Thorns, spines and prickles - Association: Sting of consciousness. Question: In what way am I willing to make the physical and spiritual aspects of my personality in line? In general: To be stabbed in the dream of a spine means that the dreamer has to deal with minor problems. Also, announce the thorn alone unpleasant life experiences or even a serious mental illness. At times, he warns against the obstinacy of others, against the hard to get there. Symbol of self-reflection to the old virtues, in the Christian sense of the suffering have to help others. – Bring thorns blood to flow, then the... (read more)
  • Acrobat - General Meanings: Worries and Obscurity When acrobats perform in your dream, this may be an indication of an approaching calamity or disaster, especially if the trick fails. Then you move under circumstances to unknown territory. Warning to be careful and watchful Acrobats can also allude to your own desire for perfection and the feeling of confidence. If in a dream you’ve missed the hand as an acrobat or a partner is forced to release their hands off the trapeze, then such dream indicates that a situation may not work so correctly. Up to 7 days after such dream you should... (read more)
  • Wisdom - Association: Work on the wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Question: Where in my life am I ready to use my thoughts and power of judgment? General Meanings: Ability to rule life Wisdom is a property, which in dreams can be interpreted as your own wisdom or someone’s else. But if you’re dreaming that you are wise person, so this indicates that you have an ability to master your life successfully and also to develop meaningful relationships with others. Psychological Meanings: Be wise Each wise figure which plays a role in dreams usually has a connection with part of yourself. You should count on your... (read more)
  • Statement - General Meanings: In your dream you testify in court against a defendant, then in your real life you are able to save the reputation of a friend. * Please, see meaning of accused, court.... (read more)
  • Honey - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Luck if dream of honey – Honey as a dream symbol stands for success and profit you will get all the sweetest thing in your life.... (read more)
  • Doctor’s visitation (Health care) - a doctor and have a visit – Dreaming of being a doctor and visiting sick person (patient or patients) then in your life you will begin an unreasonable argument and anxiety; Become famous if be visited by doctor – To be visited in your dream by a doctor for inspection examination or some other health test then this dream announces that you will gain popularity. Arabian (Islamic) Helper if be visited by doctor – In your dream you are visited by a doctor then this signifies that you are very attentive person and everybody asks your help and support.... (read more)
  • Witness - ...give glory to the truth. European – To be in court as witness: no matter how it hires, with one of two people it will destroy itself, because of insignificant incidents will not suffer major depression; Also: we will soon be brought to justice, we should remain extremely vigilant; – If witness appear in dream against a guilty person: you will be involved in a shameful affair; – Other testify as witnesses against you: it will be forced to refuse friends a favor. Hindu – To be witness in dream: anger and inconvenience. * See also dream about oath.... (read more)
  • Teeth (tooth) - that someone will be jealous about you and your happy life; Death if tooth or teeth fall out – Announces that someone will die to whom you are close very much;  Pay attention to your health if teeth are white – The warning that you should take care of your health; Luck if golden teeth or tooth – Good sign that you will have success in your business affairs, now you use positive opportunities. Arabian (Islamic) Better changes if white teeth – To have beautiful white teeth in dream, indicate the occurrence of lucky circumstances, this will change your life to... (read more)
  • Aloe - General Meanings: Test with relations The aloe is a bitter plant with sharp leaves usually indicates a disappointment. A friendship or love relationship will have hard and difficult period. This will show how strong or weak these relations are. This may bring fear, pain or even a separation. Health The broken leaf of aloe indicates health and well-being (physically and emotionally). The juice of aloe signifies your current health situation, if it is fresh – good health, if it is bad – you have to take care of your health. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Elixir of life if have aloe – The... (read more)
  • Demonstration - General Meanings: Demonstration is often an exaggerated self-presentation, which can make personally a lot of damage. This dream gives an advice that you have to practice a little more restraint and modesty. Psychological Meanings: The demonstration in the dream expresses your inner attitude of protest or unconscious rejection of persons or activities. The dreamer has to be more wiser and do not show overly aggressive reactions and exaggerated self-presentation. The dreamer has to determine his position, to make clear what he wants to achieve and do not demonstrate this all the time. Traditional Meanings: Hindu (Hinduism) Unpleasant situation if... (read more)
  • Antenna - General Meanings: The dream symbol of Antennas denotes uncertainty or curiosity in relationship. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) News if have or see an antenna – In a dream to see or have antenna. this shows that you will get news of friends who are far away; Challenge if connect to the wireless – This dream indicates that you will start to use or to make something new for you, and this will be a challenge for you. Answers if pull out (portable) radio -This dream signifies that you will get answers to questions that are related to a specific person or situation,... (read more)
  • Apple - General Meanings: Apple is an ambiguous symbol which is found in myths and religions (for example, eviction from the paradise in the Bible). Symbol of temptation Generally, it is interpreted as a corruptibility of the dreamer by worldly material things and then can warn how easily he allows to lead into temptation. In the old testament the apple stands as a ” forbidden fruit ” which can reveal what is good and what is bad. In the original text of the Bible it is spoken only about “fruit”. Fertility For the Mediterranean people the pomegranate, the fig and the quince are... (read more)
  • Tree - hopes and abilities to reach something. You fall from a tree, frequently warns that you will soon suffer from damage and also you will reap ridicule; Maybe you wanted to get too high and now therefore you must fail. Bald, dead or charred trees announce that you will not harvest the fruits of your work, but have to work out with failures and concerns. Sometimes, this symbol can also be understood positively as a warning before wrong position, attitudes, convictions and ideals which you should pass or leave, because they simply do not help in your life any more. A... (read more)
  • Thread - you have to pay attention to more relaxation and rest in order to avoid diseases. To thread through the needle obviously stands in a sexual context. Also this may indicate and point to difficulties of a general nature. Psychological Meanings: Relation between two people The thread may stand for personal relationship between partners, when they are put to a crucial test. The color of the thread is particularly important in this context. The thread in the dream symbolizes – the red thread of life. The thread is tangled, this is an indication of a problem that needs to be solved. A... (read more)
  • Humpback - General Meanings: Humpback as a dream symbol announces a period of life with many tests and changes, which is followed by a happy love affair. Hump (the back) can display sexual needs or promise of success. To see yourself with a hump in the dream may indicate good health. To be hunchback in the dream, you may expect that this dream will bring a backpack full of happiness. To see a hunchback, you have to endeavor to help and not to criticize the mistakes of others. Psychological Meanings: Get rid of bad things The humpback is a symbol of... (read more)
  • Castle - courtyard of the castle indicates communication and success in business. The dungeon and the torture chambers of the castle marks the oppression and inability to solve the problems by yourself. The castle dungeon depth refers to the need of maternal protection against hazards. Usually this means your mental imbalance which one you have to bring in order. A ruin of the castle marks mental disorder and a chaos of conflicting emotions that can lead to the crisis. Spiritual Meanings: The castle as a dream symbol is an indication of spiritual testing and the ability to overcome obstacles in order to gain... (read more)
  • Usurper (usurper of the throne) - ...rights illegally, this dream marks that you will have quarrels with important people; Dirty win if be an usurper – For a young woman this dream promises the participation in a dirty contest which she wins. Hindu (Hinduism) Damage if be an usurper – The dream where you are an usurper denotes that you will have worries with important things in your life and this will make damage for you. Arabian (Islamic) Warning if be an usurper – The dream is a sign that you will meet bad people who wants to make damage to you in order to take your place or position.... (read more)