Rat tail dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of rat tail may designate cheer, infatuation and entente cordiale.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's explanation of the dream about rat tail forebodes absolute tenor, gender sexual desire, artfulness and gift.
Supportive renewal are afoot if: rat tail - It occasionally presages advantage and being a frontrunning person. In another way, if your dream has left bad feeling then a dream might foretell backwards sense: a person of great significance should be dishonest and shaky in regard to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 96, 38, 10, 1, 50; 2 extra numbers - 99, 78.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and golden .
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  • Watch - ...Also, the watch symbolizes the ticking heart of the human and this can indicate emotional side of you. In other words, we should realize that if the clock has struck, our inner world has stuck in crossroad and now you need to slow down the rate. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Learn to distribute time if see a watch – In the dream you see a watch, this shows and reminds that you have to divide one’s time better, because you miss important thing in your life; Time to start if wear self – The time runs so fast, it is time to make important decisions... (read more)
  • Anima / animus - General Meanings: Accept yourself and develop If one of a figure plays a role in your dream, so you try to give the meaning and the appreciation for properties of different gender. Perhaps a man endeavors closer his sensitive side, while a woman is committed to develop their rational side. Psychological Meanings: Ability to become integral Such a dream is an attempt to bring the psyche into balance by the dreamer looked at objectively. Only if he understands that he carries in himself the qualities of the opposite sex, he can become integral. Spiritual Meanings: The polarizing way with... (read more)
  • Wildness - In general: Everything in the dream, what represents the wild, is untamed. Part of the dreamer resists to any kind of control. It is the part of himself, which must be free and is creative and independent. A wild animal embodies the aspect of dreamer’s personality that has not yet committed to rational thinking. Depending on whether the dreamer is a man or woman, wild woman stands for the anima or the shade, and a wild man for the animus. Psychologically: Everything in wild is free from the limitations that society imposed on the people. Therefore wildness in the... (read more)
  • Yin & Yang - General Meanings: Balance Yin & Yang is oriental symbol of philosophy in the West have become well known. It represents the balance between two complementary opposites. In dreams, it symbolizes the balance between the instinctive, intuitive nature of the feminine and the active, rational nature of masculinity. Psychological Meanings: The human continually strives for balance that need not necessarily mean inertia. The symbol of Yin and Yang symbolizes a state of dynamic force. Spiritual Meanings: The energy created between two complementary opposites creates a perfect balance.... (read more)
  • Report card - In general: Report card often announces the test. If in a dream report card’s results is good, you will survive test. But if you have seen bad report card – chances to succeed in test is lower. If you are parent, then this dream often indicates the educational mistakes of the childrens. Psychologically: A well-known symbol for the fear of failure, and also as punishment symbol. Traditionally: European – if good report card is obtained: a painful affair is settled to their own detriment; if it is bad: the execution of an embarrassing affair will run rates; – To... (read more)
  • Teacher - ...the others. Consider, that sometimes the teacher could indicate the person the one is willing to be. Maybe the teacher is the ideal of the dreamer and he wishes to be just like him. On the other side, dreams about teachers could indicate the fears of failing and not trying hard enough, because the teacher is the one who rates the dreamer’s behavior at all aspects – studying, behaving and others. The teenagers who dream of the teachers could have a crush, as it is normal during adolescence to fall in love many times and feel emotionally or sexually attracted... (read more)