Small white worms dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about small white worms can betoken happiness, taste and intimacy.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung interpretation the dream about small white worms embodies autarchic quality, female sex instinct, craftship and cogency.
Favourable alterations frequently are ahead if: small white worms - This symbol of dream mostly shows advantage and being at a higher level than others. In spite of that, if your dream has left bad feeling then your dream could express vice versa message: someone is being stealthy and/or misleading in relation to your person.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 96, 63, 15, 54, 97; 2 extra numbers - 29, 55.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and purple .
  • Cats - ...see the kittens – to dream of small kittens, symbolizes the sickness of your kids, however, if the kittens seemed nice and cute, any serious harm will be escaped; Tender love if the cat is white – to dream of the cat that is white, is a good sign, that the dreamer will find the love of his life, however the cat as a symbol shows that he should be careful with the one he will fall into; Evil if the cat is black- to dream of the cat that is black, denotes to dangers and/or unlucky love; Confusion if... (read more)
  • Bean - ...of your children; Forget your plans if seeing beans in the bush – This dream signifies that you have plans that can not be realized; Earnings if harvest – When you harvest beans in the dream, this marks that you will have little merit; Luck if preparing or cooking beans – This is very good omen, which will bring you happiness in the business; Quarrels if green beans – The green beans in the dream, means strife and mischief in your life; Slander if white beans – In the dream you see white beans defamation and possibly term of abuse, especially... (read more)
  • Driving into water - ...interact with your physical reality. – A dream of big waves that roll onto the beach may indicate forthcoming decisive emotional events. How did you feel it,waves when weighed against the beach, indicates whether you have to expect a time of happiness, fear or understanding. – Dreams of big waves can also represent the memory of past lives or other worlds that have been purified by the power of water. Transcendent Meaning Dreaming about water in supreme plane is an initiation dream, especially one which has to do with your feelings. Huichol shamans: Dreaming of white foam on ocean waves signify... (read more)
  • Bread - ...we really need, to survive. The woman gets folded, beautifully baked bread in the dream. It was obviously her small family which she found after emotional difficulties. Bread and loaf can also mean a loved human body. You have probably also observe what sexual forms have small loaves of bread. All simple vital values which feed us, can be placed in the dream as bread in our hands. Who gets this bread, has got a positive value which are not allowed to waste. Spiritual Meanings: Bread is a symbol of life itself and can also represent the need to share... (read more)
  • Dwarf - Association: The power from the small one, Unconscious forces, Magic. Question: Where do I perform work changes? General Meanings: Painful experiences Any type of deformity refers to a part of one’s personality, which has not yet been integrated or developed. In the dream a dwarf represents the part of the dreamer which was damaged by a painful infancy or childhood trauma or too little of emotional care or attention. Learn to use your energy Dwarf generally symbolizes unconscious energy and forces which affect the life imperceptibly, you must recognize them more clearly and more exactly so that they can be... (read more)
  • Bride - ...Spirit and the bride for the Virgin Mary). Purity The bride wears a white dress, the color of innocence, but also of abstinence and in a sense also the feeling of cold (see also “White”). Forbidden actions In the dream to sleep with own bride, for the man, means an adventure in which he breaks a taboo. Worries Who sleeps with a stranger in the wedding dress, might get in trouble because of his research approach in waking life. Doubt For women, the bride’s dream could include love and happiness from which they shrink back because somebody in their life... (read more)
  • Waboose Spirit Keeper of the North - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords White Buffalo, acceptance, peace, strength, forgiveness, humility, end, top, gift of what we have learned on our journey through life, paradoxes. Description The Medicine Waboose stands as the Spirit Keeper of the North. The north is the time of the winter, at night it is a transitional period in which we humans are either elders or newborn babies. Waboose communicate with the earth element, the mineral Alabaster. The animal – White Buffalo and the color is white. General Meaning Who you will be when you become an elder, as you were as a newborn. Transcendent Meaning... (read more)
  • Aster - General Meanings: The dream symbol of Asters stands for dignity, prestige and honors. Asters often stands for withered hopes. White or black asters are traditionally understood as an announcement of illnesses and deaths. The flowers of autumn – the autumn of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Misfortune if see withered Asters – In your dream the aster is withered, then this announces you failure of hopes and aims; Respect if see beautiful asters – The asters are beautiful in your dream, then this marks that you will earn honor and prestige from people around you; Unpleasant news if white... (read more)
  • Band - ...A colorful band has something to do with the band, which unites man and woman. – White and blue ribbons indicate yearning for true love, green for hope, joy, and red on black indicate impending bereavement. – Red tape is a traditional symbol of loyalty. Maybe you have “flirted” with someone in a dream and now bears the binding requirements. – Any cut or scruffy bands are seen as a symbol of an impending separation. – There are many other relationships in which the bands can appear in dreams, they can only be perceived individually. Psychologically: We must take it... (read more)
  • Water - ...expect a time of happiness, fear or understanding. – Dreams of big waves can also represent the memory of past lives or other worlds that have been purified by the power of water; If you dreamed of crystal clear water, you will meet an honest man, but is it was dirty or muddy water, then you will face very dishonest person. Transcendent meaning: Dreaming about water in supreme plane is an initiation dream, especially one which has to do with your feelings. Huichol shamans: Dreaming of white foam on ocean waves signify love, creation; Dreaming about walking on water indicates that... (read more)
  • Clouds - ...clouds are the carriers of the divine powers. Psychological Meanings: Emotions – The cloud is a vision for the current mood of the dreamer. Sunny or white clouds symbolize serenity and positive thinking. Dark clouds in the sky – they’re pictures of depressive or pessimistic thoughts. Possibly, the dreamer has a hidden depression with which he can deal only after it will accept a tangible form in the dream. Storm clouds symbolize that the dreamer will probably soon have a violent emotional outburst. They impose us the success of heaven. Traditional Meanings: Arabian – Illness If sees heavy clouds – You... (read more)
  • Eagle - from trustful persons; Powerless enemies if see a dead eagle – This points to the powerlessness of an enemy, they can not make any damage for you; Happiness and respect if have an eagle – To dream that you have an eagle, promises fortune in business and work affairs, honor and reputation; Death if see a black eagle landing nearby – The very bad omen which brings you early death of a close friend; Inheritance if seeing white – Good omen that announces large inheritance; Risk if see one eagle kills another – This signs that you know about recklessly... (read more)
  • Build - General Meanings: The dream of building stands for the plans which give us efforts to build and expand your life. The symbol of building assessed favorably, particularly the construction of a house is a sign of future planning. To build something cute and small in the dream, denotes that you will deal with your problems quickly. The building grows aimlessly up and up, then you problems will grow and grow. To build a bridge, this is very positive sign that you may expect that difficulties will be overcome. The building collapses or decides remove, this dream symbol warns against... (read more)
  • Stall - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Gifts and property if see old trademark stall – In the dream you notice an old trademark stall, then this dream announces small gifts in near future. Also this dream promises a good harvest. Hindu (Hinduism) Keep power if see stall – The dream symbol of stall marks that you have to save your strength, because you will need this later in your real life. Arabian (Islamic) Loss if see small wooden stall – The small wooden stall in the dream indicates problems in business life, perhaps you may loss some money or property; Worries... (read more)
  • Mouth - ...danger that your words can cause; The gain of the money if the mouth is narrow – to dream that you have small and narrow mouth, symbolizes riches you will obtain; Honor if the mouth is wide – the dreamer that has a mouth which is big and narrow, will be respected by those he is surrounded by; Inability to express your feelings if your mouth is full – to dream of having the mouth full of stuff, for example food, shows your desire to express your thoughts and feelings. The fullness of mouth shows the inability to show those... (read more)
  • Armchair - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Bad news if see a broken armchair – To dream an armchair which is broken, then this indicates that you will get hasty news or the situation in which you are now, is not so good as you expected; Pay attention to small details if see a small armchair – This dream denotes that you have to pay attention to small things and only then the situation will be clear to you and you will be able to reach your goals; Reaching aims if sit on a solid armchair – This dream marks that you stand tightly on... (read more)
  • Iceberg - General Meanings: Frozen and hidden emotions Iceberg can be understood as the whole personality, which is seen only a small part of the personality. The rest part extends only beyond the threshold of consciousness. Which may be revived from freeze. The frozen feelings and emotions, bad experience or pain. Psychological Meanings: Hidden emotions and fear A symbol of the fear of feelings, the need of control and distance, deliberately steered emotional withdraw. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Solve worries if see iceberg – The iceberg symbol in the dream may show that you have unsolved problems in your life that... (read more)
  • Threshing - ...will have to break your work because of some events; Wonderful life if see threshed grain – This dream symbol announces great success in business life and happiness in the family because you did your best and this is an award for you; Wasting time if thresh empty straw or straw with a lot of small grains – When you are threshing empty straw in the dream then this announces fruitless efforts. Arabian (Islamic) Welfare if see threshing – The threshing in a dream means large business success and good property; Little success if thresh a small field– When you thresh a small... (read more)
  • Tree - ...conclusions on energy, attitudes, beliefs, ideas and values ​​which influence behavior and act decisively. Sometimes a tree is understood as a power symbol. The following accompanying circumstances can facilitate the exact interpretation: The leaves  say about how the dreamer acts and effects on his environment. The branches give information and explanation about the completed stages of development of the dreamer. A tree with spreading branches stands for a warm heart and loving personality, A small close-leafy tree suggests a blocked personality. A well-formed(shaped) tree symbolizes a well-ordered personality. A large, tangled tree – a chaotic personality. Tree with blossoms indicates better... (read more)
  • Pear - ...and lack of patience; Happiness if see lots pear on the tree – The dream symbol of happy marriage; Fraud if pears eaten by wasps or worms – Very negative dream symbol if pears are eaten by wasps or worms, this announces deceit and fraud of truthful persons; Prospect if pluck pears – When you pluck pears in the dream, then you have good prospects for your future which may bring unexpected changes in your life; Illness if wilted or rotten pears – The pears are rotten then you may expect accident or disease. * Please, see meaning of fruits.... (read more)
  • Unhitch - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Love affairs if white horse – In the dream you unhitch a white horse, this signifies many love affairs in your life; Offensive if brown horses – When unhitch a brown horse, this denotes that you will by insulted by your close friend of family member; Unpleasant person if black horse – This dream shows that an objectionable person will get married because of money and benefits; Good omen if other animals – This dream is a good omen that you will discover a fraud, this will help you to avoid worries. * Please, see meaning of unharness.... (read more)
  • Bathroom - ...positive emotions that the dreamer has. In the bathroom we want to liberate ourselves from everyday dirt. Who cleans the bathroom from filth and dirt, before he washes himself, this means that he wants to forget the past quickly, to clean himself before the new start. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Unpleasant events if see in the bathroom white and yellow roses in a box – The white and yellow roses in the bathroom denotes that your plans are ruined, but the good side of this that after this disappointment you will have a longer – lasting high; Get rid of... (read more)
  • Burn down - ...the mental attitude of the dreamer is disturbed, or something in disarray with the control center of the brain. Spiritual Meanings: Fire and water always symbolize emotional energy: fire purifies. Bright flames announce new ideas. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Inconvenience if see smokes – In the dream you see lots of smokes, this brings trouble or difficulty caused to your personal requirements or comfort; Luck if bright flames – This dream will bring you great joy and fast success at your work; News if (White) smoke – In the dream you see white smokes that comes from burnt down building or things, this... (read more)
  • Magician - betrayed by someone who is really close to you. Also this shows that you will have lots of impediments in reaching your goals, desires. There is a possibility of aggression or assault, you have to be attentive. Dreaming white and bright magician – You are dreaming that magician is bright or white, means that you are ready to transform yourself or to move to something better – better life, better position and etc. You have to trust your own abilities and power. You will always get help from other people. * Please, see also age, archetypes, clown, bewitched, circus.... (read more)
  • Zebra - General Meanings: Two sides and ways Zebra indicates black and white, good and evil, happiness and unhappiness these things are very close together. Therefore the dreamer should always look at things from two sides, and however, do not be arrogant in prosperity and in adversity and should not despair, because there are always the way out of worries. Psychological Meanings: To weight consequences The dreamer has difficulty to choose between two conflicting alternatives. The dreamer needs to take some time to weigh and watch out carefully all the consequences and perceive not only as black or white. Traditional Meanings: Arabian... (read more)
  • Room - ...qualities, personality aspects. You will improve your life to better. Now it is time to forget the past and start new present and future. Dreaming white room – The white room also can indicate the isolation, you want to hide yourself from the others, because you want to make decisions without somebody’s influence. You desire for something new and to start something prosperous. You want to do it by yourself, without help only with your own strength. You will have satisfaction in your life. Dreaming dark, dirty room – This dream symbol signifies that your mind is in chaos. Your... (read more)
  • Wool - In general: How wool is interpreted depends on the hair of the lamb or sheep, or whether the ball of wool. The lamb’s wool can be indication for fuzzy thoughts and feelings. The dreamer has not created right order in his thinking. Wool generally symbolize a gentle, soft feeling, the yearning for human warmth and tenderness. If you work with wool, which is understood in terms of knitting. According to ancient Indian dream book the color of the wool is also very important and interpreted as follows: – White wool warns against too much credulity. – Black wool asks... (read more)
  • Coffin - ...( white, black, brown, grey) – When white coffin appears in the dream, this symbol shows that you have already buried all the negative thoughts, habits and now you are pure to create new you with all the superior features. This will bring you prestige and prosperity. Black coffin – This dream refers that you want to hide some bad habits or even your unacceptable behavior. You want to bury your shame, to cover it that nobody will ever know this. Brown coffin –  Such color coffin announces illness or health problems. Your body and unconscious sends you a signal to... (read more)
  • Unicorn - ...unicorn appears in the dream, then this creature wants to give you a message or an offer how to deal with the difficult situations in your life. Arabian (Islamic) Joy if seeing an unicorn – Means that you are moving toward great life and happy family; New life if seeing an unicorn in the beautiful garden – The energy of the unicorn helps you to enter the new phase of life. Misfortune if an unicorn attacks you – The unicorn attacks you in the dream, shows that you will have a misfortune in near future. Contexts’ Meanings: Dreaming a white... (read more)
  • Egg - ...which is seen through your own horrible intentions, which you should leave on time. Punishment and Slander – Throw rotten egg on others indicates that he does a bitter injustice and will get his punishment for it; pelted with rotten eggs, you have to reckon with falsehood and slander by other people. Losses – Egg shells are broken, announce that you will suffer from a loss – usually through your own clumsiness. Warning – White eggs show that you exaggerate things unnecessarily or even too much “to balloon”, and it warns you because otherwise you will get in trouble. Happiness... (read more)
  • Wax - ...– The wax in the dream is the sign of a variable character, also warns about energy; Joy if see wax candle – The wax candle in the dream announces you happiness through hard work, also warns against borrowing of money; Too weak if knead a wax – In the dream you knead wax then this means that you would like to harness other people to achieve your goals, but you are too soft. Hindu (Hinduism) Sadness if see burning candle wax – The burning candles in the dream announces sadness and sorrow in your house; Good health if white wax –... (read more)