Surprise birthday party dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of surprise birthday party can denote pleasure, adoration and pact.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud understanding the dream about surprise birthday party stands for self-governing enterprise, dainty lust, accomplishment and validity.
Supportive adaptations are going on only: surprise birthday party - This dream betokens the state of being superior. You are a pacesetter. Notwithstanding, if the dream was more like nightmare then such dream could indicate backwards significance: someone may be imposturous and wicked toward you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 11, 53, 31, 51, 62; 2 extra numbers - 48, 62.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and golden .
  • Meet - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good news if meet friends – In a dream you meet your friends, so these friends will bring you pleasant news and surprises; Bad news if hateful people – When you meet people who you hate in the dream, so this dream is not so good, because this announces you unpleasant news or misfortune in near future; Pain if meet a clergyman in his robes – The dream of clergyman announces sad and painful news. This dream symbol will bring you illness or death in the family. Arabian (Islamic) Journey if meet famous people –... (read more)
  • Mount - ...a new understanding gained and now get a well-earned harvest after heavy work; – wake up when you arrive on the way down to a dangerous point: dreary affairs will get a positive change; – to climb with great effort: to show us how hard we will arrive at the destination; – rugged climb and reach the summit is not: expect setbacks in life; – come up at all: is a sign of wasted effort, fruitless labor, you have put a lot of his goals in life is too high; – stand on one: is joy and surprise; – overthrow... (read more)
  • Leaf - ...mental balance. Spiritual Meanings: Leaves symbolize fertility and growth. Because each leaf is unique, the dream can be interpreted as an indication of the beauty of creation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Success if see green leaf – To dream of green leaf then this announces you success in business, fulfilling of desire and new ideas; News if pluck a leaf – In the dream you pluck one leaf from the tree then you may expect good news or pleasant surprise from your closest friends; Bad period if see falling leaves – The leaves are falling in your dream, then this... (read more)
  • Burn - ...burns, then this dream marks that you will have a small shock or surprise next day; Good future if burning torch – You see a burning torch in your dream, then this dream promise you a favorable fate, if you do not break them; Improvement if burning houses – In the dream you see burning houses but without any smokes just flames, then this dream denotes that you will have an ability to improve your skills in order to reach better life. Hindu (Hinduism) News if something is burning – In the dream you see that something is burning, that... (read more)
  • Gratitude - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Money if receive or give a gratitude – In the dream you receive or give a gratitude then this dream has a positive meaning which announces benefits; Surprise if be thankful – You are thankful or give a gratitude in the dream then this dream will bring you surprising events and joy.... (read more)
  • Jungle - Psychological Meanings: Confusion or barriers Jungle is surrounded by obstacles and you have to be prepared for surprises and confusion in your life. The jungle is generally regarded as a symbol of an unpredictable situation in which you can easily get in. Also the jungle as a dream symbol can also express emotional problems and a little predictable relationship with a partner. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Difficulties if be or see jungle – When you are or you see jungle in your dream then this denotes that your financial matters will cause tensions and you will have worries about your... (read more)
  • Ebb tide - ...or intense efforts. Spiritual Meanings: Tides represent the rhythm of life, its ups and downs. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) New events if see the sea ebb – This dream announces you profit or inheritance. You fate will bring you full of change and surprises like the tide; Simple life if see the river ebb – In the dream you see the river ebb, then this dream marks that you will have stagnant life nothing new and unexpected. Arabian (Islamic) Changes if see ebb – You dream of ebb then you may expect a fickle fortune, your fate will make your life eventful.... (read more)
  • Flower - ...You can go through your determined stand a good connection; – But must take care that they do not make you the neighbor dispute; – Tear off: pay attention to your advantage; – Get paid: we will show you great favor. – Sow: improve your bad times; – Bind: unexpected surprise coming into your house. You will be able to rejoice. Arabian (Islamic) – Looking great, fresh and beautiful: joyful experience things; – Only rich: one will deal with a bereavement; – Pick: your joy will soon pass, you should use every opportunity to offer one’s life; – Plant: good... (read more)