Talking fish heads dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of talking fish heads may suggest cheerfulness, devotion and companionship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud explanation the dream about talking fish heads denotes unallied stoutheartedness, soft sexual urge, craftship and influence.
Good renewings are going on in your life when: talking fish heads - This synbol of your dream forebodes the opportunity to gain benefit of something. You are a trailblazer. Or then, if your dream has left bad feeling then such dream can denote contra signification: an unspecified person could be rascal and ominous in regard to your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 72, 90, 95, 5, 48; 2 extra numbers - 38, 91.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and black .
  • Lips - ...Hardships if see swollen lips – to see the lips, that are swollen, signifies deprivation you will suffer; Disagreements with female if see the lips that have the lipstick on – such dream indicates arguments you will have with some women. Alternatively, the dream may show your desire to look beautiful. Hindu (Hinduism) Fortune if seeing beautiful lips – such dream indicates happiness for a dreamer; Someone talking behind your back if see thick lips – the dream suggests to look by who you are surrounded; Manage yourself if see red lips – the dream about red lips warns the... (read more)
  • Falling - ...falling himself is interpreted as a good omen, because you will not be the one that is suffering; Wishes will be fulfilled if fallen on a flat ground – to dream that you were fallen on the ground that is flat, denotes to your desires which will come true; Someone is talking behind your back if fallen into a ditch – to dream of being the one who fallen into the ditch, represents people in your life who talks bad things about you; Bad luck if fallen from the high height – such dream indicates the misfortune you will have.... (read more)
  • Corpse (Dead body,Cadaver) - ...long life and good health; News if being a corpse, moving and speaking – You are a corpse and you are moving somewhere and talking, this dream will bring you unexpected news which will make you glad and happy about your life. Contexts’ Meanings: Finding and Seeing a corpse, dead body, cadaver in the dream – The dream symbol shows that you have buried something inside you. This may be bad habits or painful feelings. You want to make changes in your life. From the other side the corpse in the dream, shows that you have talents and they were... (read more)
  • Corner - ...stands as a sign that the dreamer has to accept a new perspective on his spiritual indecision. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if be near a corner – In a dream you are near the corner means that you will gain advantages and prosperity; Bad sign if creep away from fear of a corner – This dream symbol is very unfavorable sign that you will have some worries and unpleasant events in your life; False friends if people talking near corner – People have conversation to each other near the corner, then this dream indicates that you want to destroy enemies and... (read more)
  • Chinese people - ...The dream indicates that your hard work will be pay off and you will have great property. Hindu (Hinduism) Satisfaction if see Chinese – In the dream you see Chinese people, then this dream denotes that you will leave the place where you were unhappy and will come into area where you will fell satisfaction. Arabian (Islamic) Travel if see Chinese people – This dream will bring you a journey with people you love; Old friends if talk to Chinese – In the dream you are talking with Chinese then you will have a visit of your old friends from far away.... (read more)
  • Insurance agent - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) New partner if see insurance agent – In the dream you see an insurance agent then in your real life soon you will meet a stranger that contributes to the business interests; Troubles if looks strangely an insurance agent – The insurance agent is distorted or unnatural look then this dream rather negative than positive. This will bring you worries. Hindu (Hinduism) Stability if see insurance agent – The dream of insurance agent may be a sign that you are safe and sure about your own and family life. Arabian (Islamic) Safe life if talking... (read more)
  • Doctor - ...the doctor warns that the man who intends to marry her can deceive her. Hindu (Hinduism) Regret if see with a doctor – You will regret for what you have done, whether it is good or bad; Correct way if talk with one – The dream shows that you will find the right way again and everything will go only to good. Arabian (Islamic) Remorse if see – In the dream you see a doctor, because of your unsettled conduct and volatile life change it will cause remorse; Fulfillment of wishes if talk with a doctor – When you are talking with a... (read more)
  • Islamic Ring - ...assets. Wearing a ring on one’s little finger, then taking it off to put it on another one: The dreamer is sleeping with a second woman or driving women to his wife and advocating debauchery. Seeing one’s ring that was on the little finger passing to the ring finger and onto the middle finger without having done anything to change its position: The dreamer is betrayed by his wife. Selling one’s ring for money or bartering it for wheat or sesame: The dreamer will part from his wife after talking nicely to her or giving her a financial indemnity.... (read more)
  • Iron device - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Be clever if see iron device – The iron devices in a dream means that you are doing and talking too much about nothing, you have to become more clever.... (read more)
  • Dog bite hand - A dog bite or his scratch in a dream means harm caused by one’s enemy and its effects will depend on the amount of pain one suffers in the dream…. (Dog) Laying one’s head on a dog or relaxing with a dog or using the dog for a pillow in a dream, the dogthen represents a friend or a good companion…. (Dog) Dreaming of seeing a mad dog, denotes that enemies will make scurrilous attacks upon you and your friends, but if you succeed in killing the dog, you will overcome adverse opinions and prosper greatly in... (read more)
  • Don Juan - ...solidified in routine, although it is often ends in disappointment. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Betrayal if dream Don Juan in the dream of a man – This marks that he will betray by a woman that he is trusted blindly; Pain if dream Don Juan in the dream of a woman – The dream announces a dangerous love affair, which will turn out badly with lots of pain; Deception if talk with Don Juan – In the dream you are talking with Don Juan then this means that you will be deceived, because you are easy prey for flatterers and intriguers.... (read more)
  • Hairdresser - ...mean both – pleasure and displeasure. The meaning of the dream is explained at how you felt at that moment, if you felt well accompanied by the hairdresser, then such dream has a good omen. Arabian (Islamic) Financial losses if visiting the hairdresser and/or salon – for a dreamer to visit the hairdresser indicates the losses of income, which will be influenced by your intention to take risks and being fearless. Make sure you are aware of the deals that links to money; Beware or flatterers if talking to hairdresser – to talk or to communicate in any other way... (read more)
  • Jesus Christ - ...will experience a feeling of great pleasure and happiness and strength in faith; Pleasure if hear or see speaking about him – When you hear or see people talking about Christ, this marks that you will have happy satisfaction and enjoyment; Need for changes if be intended to martyrdom – This dream shows that your soul is plagued by grief and distress, but you feel great desire for change. Also this marks that you are ready to start this Luck if praising to God – In the dream you are praising this signifies that you will have happiness and blessings at all... (read more)
  • Chemist - ...With the help of chemistry lots of secrets of nature were revealed, so this dream denotes that you will have lots of resources to reach your goals; Find out secrets if see a chemist – In the dream you are a chemist then you may expect to solve a mystery or unclear thing for you; Good intentions if talk with a chemist – You are talking or working with a chemist in your dream, then this dream marks that you will have serious intentions with someone who is really important to you; Warning if manufacture chemical products – You are mixing... (read more)
  • Postman - ...away then you may expect disappointments and sad events in near future; Sorrow if give something to postman – You give something to the postman, then you will have jealousy and envy and this will hurt you. Hindu (Hinduism) Trust yourself if talk with a postman – You are talking in the dream with a postman, then this dream gives you an advice that you should not believe everything what people say. Arabian (Islamic) Fulfillment if see a postman – When you see a postman in the dream, then this dream announces the fulfillment of secret desires and hopes.... (read more)
  • Banker - ...speculation, they will not be financially beneficial; Loss if speak or talk with a banker – In the dream you are talking with a banker sadly, then this dream announces you will suffer from a loss. Hindu (Hinduism) Accept bad times if see a banker – This dream is a sign that not everyone should complain for his misfortune, because this may happen because of your own fault. Arabian (Islamic) Warning if talk or do something with a banker – The dream is a warning against speculation, because this will not bring you any success or money. * Please, see... (read more)
  • Posting (Notice Board) - Psychological Meanings: Message This means that your soul was repressed? When you see the poster in the dream, then this is usually a coded message of your unconscious. You have to think what is the most important in your life and do not pay all your attention to unnecessary things. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) News if see and read a poster – In the dream you are reading a post then this announces news and pleasant events; Warning if make a poster – This is a warning that you have to be careful while talking and telling stories; Destroying... (read more)
  • Teacher - ...if you are the teacher – the one who is dreaming of being a teacher has the thirst for news, new things and learning process; Old deals will be finally done if talking to teacher – to have a conversation with the teacher, denotes to things which were not done till the end, but now is finally the time when the dreamer will finish it all. Hindu (Hinduism) Will get a very good lesson if see the teacher – there are going to be lessons which will be learned if see the teacher; Will become wiser if you are the... (read more)