Very big boils on the body dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream about very big boils on the body might symbolize complacency, tenderness and harmony.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud explanation of the dream about very big boils on the body omens self-contained substance, womanly sexual drive or interest, inventiveness and force.
Constructive adjustments are afoot in waking life : very big boils on the body - This synbol of your dream signals the opportunity to gain some profit. You are a notch above the others. Or then, if it was bad dream then this dream may betoken vice versa signification: an unspecified person should be beguiling and/or treacherous in regard to your person.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 15, 7, 43, 74, 13; 2 extra numbers - 51, 93.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and black .
  • Chameleon - not ready for that. Seeing different colors of chameleons – The chameleon is different colors (red, black, brown, orange and etc. (see the meaning of the colors)), signifies about upcoming worries and difficulties in your life. Shows that you have some hesitations about something and this will not let you to move on. If it is black means that you feel anxiety and afraid of something, because black color is something dark and mystic. Becoming or being a chameleon – In the dream you feel like you are a chameleon or become one, this shows that you are not very... (read more)
  • Pregnancy - man in a dream is a wish, especially if a woman dreams this, that this man takes responsibility in their lives. Spiritual Meanings: Patience for Transformation – On the spiritual state the dreamer is always in a period of some kind of transformation. This quality or condition of being in significant spiritual development can be expressed through dreams about pregnancy. In such case dream foretells that patience is required for final stage of the metamorphosis. To give a birth after pregnancy in a dream shows that long awaited natural process has reached the end and the dreamer is gifted with very fruitful... (read more)
  • Diamond ring - way, particularly in his marriage or other close relationship. Copper ring with diamond: a joy in relationship; but announces bad luck for Muslim by Ibn Sirin. Wooden ring with diamond: possibility of troubles, but with huge efforts success will be achieved. A lot of gems on ring – Dreaming of many diamonds on ring meaning: very positive dream; accumulation of big honor and high social acknowledgment you will have in prospect. Dream with bad atmosphere can indicate worries and fears of the dreamer. Bad dreams are those where fantasized threatening event or situation create stress and the dreamer have felt anxiety.... (read more)
  • Diamond - – When you get a gift and it is a diamond, then this dream indicates that you will have loyalty and noble friendship; Welfare if have some diamonds – In the dream you have some diamonds, then this dream has a positive meaning that you have prosperity; Respect if diamond possession – This is very positive dream which marks big honor and high social acknowledgment that you will have in prospect; Love if get a diamonds – A young woman whose lover gives her diamonds then she will have wonderful relationships and happy love; Unhappiness if lose diamonds – When woman... (read more)
  • Beard - in many different countries and cultures beard is known for the symbol of protection, masculinity the dreamer could dream of the images he sees quite often. The media could have an influence either on the dreams, fashion and looks the people are wearing. The very loud and known person of wearing beard was Eurovision’s songs context winner Conchita Wurst, who made the beard the main thing for her image. Therefore, if you dream of Conchita Wurst, such dream indicates the big influence TV or any other media does to you. Psychologically: On psychological level the beard is something that relates... (read more)
  • Fire - (to parallel the Babylonian astrology ). Enemies and Danger Where the fire appears or from which direction it comes, whether from north or south, from west or east, from there the enemies will come near or rule infertility in these areas. Worst of all is, when you see falling down fire on the earth. Burning torches in the sky mean the same. All these phenomena bring on danger over the head of the dreamer. Because like the sky (above-ground) towers above the universe, so the head – the body. Looking at the fire, which is used in everyday life, with small... (read more)
  • Abdomen / Belly - if a belly burst – The stomach had burst and there was no hope of recovery in the dream, this indicates that you have health problems; Concerns if thick layer is growing on a belly – This dream indicates that you will have temporary concern in your life; Earning if see a very thick belly – This is a good sign that you will have plentiful merit; Discord if lean and thin – The belly is becoming lean and thin, this dream announces strife in your family or at work. Contexts’ Meanings: * Please, see meaning of abdomen pain, body, stomach.... (read more)
  • Lemons - General Meanings: All the negative aspects Eating lemon often indicates annoyance, disappointments and bitterness, which one must not be overestimated, because this will be overcome. Sometimes, it also can stand as a failure or a deception by others behind that. Psychological Meanings: Development of personality The lemon is a fruit and it is a dream symbol of success, happiness, confidence and the development of the personality of the dreamer. Sour experience The juice of the lemon is very sour, in a dream this image sometimes points to experienced disappointment or bitterness of the dreamer. The dream of squeezed lemon can point to... (read more)
  • Poison / poisoning - Get rid of bad things if poison yourself – In the dream you poison yourself, then this dream marks that you poison yourself from inside, your soul is sick. You have to get rid of bad influence and wrong behavior; Do not hurt people if be poisoned – You are poisoned in your dream, then this marks that to torment other only through the joke, is not a good sign of a beautiful soul. This will bring you unnecessary hostility; Not your business if somebody is poisoned – In the dream you see others who are poisoned, then this dream... (read more)
  • Elbow - General Meanings: The sign of desires and support The elbow is a part of the arm which allows us to move it freely, with which we create the world actively. At the same time elbows are the firm support for us. Therefore it is a sign of plans, ideas and hopes on a realistic basis, with which we pursue them strictly – but adapt to the respective circumstances. Psychological Meanings: Here more courageous and braveness to use is required, because the courage to fight may subside. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) if dream an elbow – The positive signs of movement.... (read more)
  • Baby / Babies - a reason for that? Then this might be a cause why you have dreaming about babies which are lacking of vitality. Psychologically: On psychological level the baby can be expressed in a dream as a real desire to have children. In most cases possibility of this relation, when our direct conscious needs populate realm of subliminal world, is very big. Ask yourself, does this dream have connection with a pregnancy or birth you always wanted. Or maybe you’re expecting the baby already? If vision of dream isn’t exact mirror of  conscious desires or current pregnancy, then it symbolizes the childishness and... (read more)
  • Contexts about dog - and dogs Dogs and cats together Dogs, cats, mices and guinea pigs Your dog ​​runs away Large black dogs Dog crying Fleas on your dog Kill a dog in driveway German Shepherd Dog bites a person in the face Dying dog Your dog ​​speaks Bathing dogs Big white dog Your dog ​​hurt Dog chasing you and wants to bite Dogs barking Dogs mating Step on dog poop Dogs playing with you Your dog dies Dogs having sex Black dog that haunts you Dalmatian dog Death of a dog Devil in dog form Dog bites you in the face Small white... (read more)
  • Afraid - decisions and not having self-confidence, the dreamer is in dissatisfaction with himself. And this conditions gives him the dream about the fear of falling. Mistakes if crying because of falling – Modern psychology sees this dream as anxiety of mistake and the wish for fixing it. But if the dreamer was crying in the dream because of big fear, then it is indication of very big mistake, which need to be compensated in some way. Achievements if falling without fear – If in a dream one has the fear of falling and then suddenly this fear vanished while he is... (read more)
  • Fire (Christianity) - peaceful family life, if so, then very beneficial if you do not burn in it; Devotion If Watching kindly – If you feel joyful feelings at the sight of fire this witness the desire for boundless devotion; Devotion If you are afraid of the fire – fear means above the absolute love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause; Welfare If dreaming sailors and travelers – bring continued prosperity; Safety and Accomplishment If Seeing big fire – dreaming of big fire, means a convenient and safe journey for sailors & travelers and success with awards for writers and unlimited business success; Disclosure... (read more)
  • Eye - will bring you glad news, which will bring you wonderful life and exiting events; Worries if cross-eyed – In the dream you notice that your eyes are crossed, this will bring you humiliation, financial problems; Good life if seeing big and beautiful eyes – This is very good sign which announces you good luck and wealth; Good offer if have only one eye – In the dream you have only one eye, this indicates that you have to throw an eye on someone who seeks your attention all the time. They have something to offer; Losses if bad eyes –... (read more)
  • Eagle - help from trustful persons; Powerless enemies if see a dead eagle – This points to the powerlessness of an enemy, they can not make any damage for you; Happiness and respect if have an eagle – To dream that you have an eagle, promises fortune in business and work affairs, honor and reputation; Death if see a black eagle landing nearby – The very bad omen which brings you early death of a close friend; Inheritance if seeing white – Good omen that announces large inheritance; Risk if see one eagle kills another – This signs that you know about recklessly... (read more)
  • Rail transport - secret about yourself; – a railway disaster attend: you get from a friend, who is staying in the distance, bad news; – despite the rush they missed: you will miss an opportunity; – rails are blocked by obstacles: they play a double game; – the sleepers go of the track: hard times and hard work; – go on the iron rails: thanks to the ability to influence things in their own sense, be very happy; – one from the water flooded rail: big pleasure for a short while, although rising pitch again like a phoenix from the ashes; – when... (read more)
  • Glasses - The glasses points of mistakes of our ego. If another person unexpectedly wears glasses in the dream, this has something to do with the lack of understanding or classify the concerned people incompetence. You pay attention to the color of the frame. Pink glasses can mean, for example that we see everything too rosy and besides overlook all negatives. Green glasses makes legitimate hopes for success. The badly fitting glasses denotes that you make a distorted picture of everything. To sit on the glasses of other person’s in the dream, you should rely more on your own strength rather than... (read more)
  • Leech - a personality; Disease if see leeches on others body – This dream goes as a sign of illness or problems with friends; Recovery or illness if use for medicine – In the dream leeches are used for medicine then for the sick person indicates recover, for healthy announces disease; Warning if leeches bite – To dream of leeches that bite then the danger lies where you at least expect, you have to be aware in all the situations. Arabian (Islamic) Too greedy if see leeches – Your greed will not bring you anything but only harm. Also you have to... (read more)
  • Coffin - European (Judeo-Christian) Buried past if seeing – This dream shows that your inner world says goodbye to the past. The new intentions can be realized when the old are buried; Worries if a farmer is dreaming a coffin – This dream signifies that the harvest will be destroyed and cattle will get ill; Debts if dreaming a businessman – Then he/she will have a pile of debts; Hurt if dreaming young person – This is a bad omen, means that you will lose your loved one and announces bad relations which will damage your feelings very deeply; Overcoming problems if seeing empty... (read more)
  • Clown - this, but this is not a decision, you must face with your troubles. Somebody (brother, sister, mother, friend etc.) is dressed like a clown – In your dream you see somebody you know dressed like a clown has too meanings. The first one, he/she is trying to make you happy, to make your life better, because you had very painful period in your life. The second meaning, signifies that people around you may be hiding their true intentions, trying to cheat you. You have to be very attentive with all your surrounding. Because they can make you serious damage.... (read more)
  • Kiss / Kissing - loss for those you’ve known for a long time, because when the dreamer kiss the old people it shows the farewell with something that no longer will exist. Do not worry, as sometimes the end of something is the beginning of something new, maybe even better. Psychological Meanings: On the psychological level the kiss is the part of communication with other people. For example in France it is very common to kiss people who are not necessary your lovers, but friends too. The kiss that is used on your partner and friends are completely different. The kiss on the lips... (read more)
  • Husband - if husband dies – such dream indicates the good health of the husband and his ability to perform in a family life, as the death indicates the rebirth either; Worries if dream of divorcing husband – the one who divorces the husband is actually thinking of such an opportunity or is afraid of getting in a such situation and losing the partner; Requirement for changes if husband asked for divorced – to dream that the husband asked for divorce, points out the issues, which needs to be suppressed in your behavior. Maybe the dreamer is very detailed person, therefore such... (read more)
  • Burglar - and expensive to us. Mistaken Pathways and Reward Sometimes the burglary in our house, is only the instinctive thought which reflects your wrong ways. For women, the burglary can be connected with fear of the sexuality. You are a burglar in the dream, you will be praised and rewarded in the near future. Psychological Meanings: Distrust and Fair of losses With this dream the conscious expresses the need, secretly to acquire something, what apparently is not possible in open manner. Burglars also stand for exaggerated distrust. You see acquisitiveness and deception in your environment and always incline to search the blame in... (read more)
  • Enchanted - for your wise advice and and they will be generous with you. Hindu (Hinduism) Do not waste yourself if be enchanted – You are enchanted in your dream then this dream indicates that you have to make less on strangers because this will not bring you any satisfaction. Arabian (Islamic) Power if enchant somebody – The dream when you enchant somebody goes an indication that inside you there are unimagined powers and strength to change lots of things in your life; Come back to reality if be enchanted – To dream of being enchanted signifies that you are actually not with reality.... (read more)
  • Soap/Lather - General Meanings: Warning Soaping usually associated with falsehood and deceit. To see that somebody is soaped this shows that somebody wants to harm you for personal interest. To soap yourself – this is a warning that you must beware of dishonest people. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Ability if soap your hands in a dream – This dream shows that you will be able easily to take advantage of others; No worries if lathering yourself – When you are soaping yourself in the dream, signifies that you will avoid dangers; Popularity if woman soaps herself – This dream indicates that she will be popular among... (read more)
  • Guard - Safety if see competing with rifle – When you see a competition of guardians with rifle then you may have security; Good life if be detained by guardian – You are detained by guardian in your dream, then this signifies that you will have safe, quiet life and work. Arabian (Islamic) Boring if see guardian – The guardian in the dream denotes that your boring thoughts are bothering you; Separation if be locked by a police – To be locked by one of the police member, then you may expect  an unexpected separation. Please, see meaning of bodyguard, police, soldier, guardian.... (read more)
  • Forget-me-not (flower) - General Meanings: Experience and knowledge The dream vision of the forget-me-not points out to everything what you have experienced in your previous life, with all sense and mind and knowledge that you previously had. You shouldn’t make mistakes the second time because you already have experience. In other sense the forget-me-not denotes that you should make a contact with an old friend, because thereby a good friendship may be revived. Psychological Meanings: Need of love Forget-me-not often shows the need to be reconciled with the life partner, so that the old feelings for each other may be adjusted again.... (read more)
  • To be pursued - Association: – Be on the heels. Question: – What do I want to be closer to me? – To whom am I ready to be closer? General Meanings: To be pursued or to attempt to flee, are two of the most common dream events. Usually the dreamer attempts a responsibility or his feelings of having failed to escape; also fears or emotions, with which he is not ready that can be meant here. Persecution often points to libel attentive by others, against which you must fight back. However, perhaps a sense of guilt also stands behind the fact, which... (read more)
  • Tree - This dream announces you large personal fortune; Happy life if loaded with fruit – Signifies that you have good prospects, points to a successful life; Adventure if tear off tree with fruits – This dream brings you an unusual and exciting, experience or activity. Happiness if shake – When you in the dream shake the tree, this means that you will feel happy satisfaction and enjoyment in your life; Strong position or unpopularity if climb or sit on – In the dream you climb or sit on the tree shows advantage and honor or your too big ambition can make yourself unpopular by yourself (or... (read more)
  • Cold water - Meanings of cold water in dreambooks: Generally Dreaming about drinking cold water has a good meaning. The dreamer lives in harmony with the needs of his body and he is paying enough attention to his health. European (Judeo-Christian) Dreaming about drinking cold and clean water: devoted friends; fulfillment of reasonable hope; Hindu (Hinduism) Dreaming of cold, freezing or frozen water means that your feelings are a bit too cold; Arabian (Islamic) Happiness is like cold water, when hot water is misfortune; Dreaming of cold water: indicates happiness; To drink cold water in the dream: indicates health; Russian dreambook: Cold... (read more)