Waking up laughing dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams about waking up laughing can indicate exhilaration, fellow-feeling and love.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's explanation of the dream about waking up laughing omens self-supporting ardor, gender sexuality, creativity and ability.
Encouraging changes are awaiting in your life only: waking up laughing - Symbol of a dream regularly foreshadows eminence and being at a higher level than others. However, if this dream was with negative emotion then a dream could show vice versa implication: an important person could be unreliable or dangerous in relation to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 58, 16, 12, 73, 35; 2 extra numbers - 42, 51.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and blue .
  • Glasses - ...deceptive advice of others in the waking life. To look through a clear glasses means that you will have the right view in the waking life. To look through foggy glasses, means that you do not want to see quite surely things which would be useful to you. The broken glasses circumscribes the happiness which shatters easily. Psychological Meanings: The glasses in the dream indicates that the dreamer directs his attention more on what happens outside, instead of turning the look inwards. Glasses can also stand for preconceived opinions and beliefs. It is a symbol for the possibility to consider little bit... (read more)
  • Bean - ...with neighbors; Troubles if dried beans – There are some dried beans in your dreams, announces disappointment in family affairs; Worries if eat beans – In the dream you are eating beans, this will bring you disease, quarrels and disputes in your family, trouble at work or economic deterioration; No worries if sowing beans in a garden – This dream marks that you are going to overcome some obstacles in your waking life. Be with your family if seeing children playing with beans – This dream signifies that time is expensive, but you have to be more attentive with your... (read more)
  • Bed - ...a woman moved her bed to the right dream, a ghost appeared to her nature. Ghosts appear, however, if a natural order is disturbed. If untoward happens, it is “tremendously”. Psychologically: Traditionally, the bed is seen as a symbol of the circle of life: here are conceived and born children, the sick and healthy, it is the place of the dying. Bed can symbolize sexual needs that are not acting out enough. It is the stronghold of security in which we sometimes detected deep trouble, you should pursue this feeling in the waking state, because it may indicate some hidden... (read more)
  • Wake up - behind. Spiritual Meanings: Waking up is synonymous with consciousness. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Joy in life if dreaming waking up in the morning – This dream marks that you will have happiness and satisfaction, good news, good performing in your life; Fury if wake up in the day – In the dream you wake up in the day, this dream denotes that you will have anger because of others; No success if wake up in evening – You are dreaming that you wake up in the evening, this dream announces that your expectations will fail, because you have started everything... (read more)
  • Crying - Association: – The release of emotions & grief. Question: – What kind of emotions am I willing to express? General Meanings: Mental Suffer – Cry often stands for uncontrollable feelings or pain. Whether the dreamer himself or others are crying in his dream, there are always the discharge of accumulated feelings. Perhaps the dreamer is saddened by events in the past, or he is afraid to embrace the future. Release of feelings – The kind of crying can be very revealing. Cry in the dream often appears from inner tensions, especially if you can not cry in the waking state.... (read more)
  • Money - Association: – Treasures & resources; Security & wealth. Question: – What is worth to me? What is value to me? Artemidoros: Accident – Some maintain that money and coins altogether mean accident. Better less than more – It is always better to possess little property and money than too much, because big wealth means concerns and grief because it is difficult to manage as well as a treasure. If somebody dreams who he is penniless or poor in the waking life, this means luck and prosperity during days, the return of the former splendid relations. If somebody dreams who is rich... (read more)
  • Want - In general: If the dreamer is conscious of a want, perhaps this has to do with its basic nature. Maybe he has suppressed this desire in the waking state, so that wish comes in dreams to the surface. Psychologically: If person wants in dreams to do something else, than he is doing in his waking life, then he recognizes its potential to achieve success or to change his life. If you dream, that you live as a poet, even though you are working professionally as an actor, then it may indicate that you must explore your creativity in a... (read more)
  • Twins - Association: Work on the identity, Your own reflection. Question: How others see me? How do I reflect in a “mirror”? General Meanings: Different sides and a warning In the dream a pair of twins can stand for yourself, that you know this personally. Also this symbol represents two different sides of a thought or an idea. Twins warn about a serious mistake or an error. Which arise from the quiet specific circumstances of waking life. Psychological Meanings: Two contrary sides and exceed abilities When twins appear in the dream, so it means that you can not really make decisions in waking... (read more)
  • Lemons - ...the fact that dreamer is exploited in the waking life, which makes him very sour. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Earning if see a fresh lemon – In the dream you see a fresh lemon, signifies that this will bring you sour hours, but after that you will have beautiful for wages; Exploitation if seeing a squeezed lemon or a squeeze one – When you squeeze a lemon in the dream, means that you are used by others and can not defend yourself; Well-being if squeeze out a lemon and drink the extract in the dream – This dream will bring... (read more)
  • Clown - ...as a sign that the dreamer tries to hide his true self behind a mask, to pretend someone to his environment. If we want to interpret closer you must pay attention to the actions of the clown. Old dream books occasionally see in the clown the announcement of an approaching honoring. Psychological Meanings: Gestalt psychology between laughing and crying – the feeling of insecurity (can be also interpreted sexually). Women who see themselves in the role of the clown, are the typical funny girl: always so wittily and sweet as possible – driven by fear, the only way to attract anyone, because... (read more)
  • Braid - ...ribbons or knitting – are available to weave dreaming, which means, that the influences of life going into a coherent whole. Who in a dream weaves a braid, in waking life defends itself against progress. Spiritual Meanings: Very subtle influences come into play when the dreamer begins to evolve spiritually. A braid of the crown on his head refers to spiritual power. Traditional Meanings: Hindu (Hinduism) – To see braid in dream: you will suffer a loss and it takes you for a ride; – Long braid: you’re not so smart as you do think you are; – Wear: you... (read more)
  • Circus - Association: Childlike joy, imagination, abundance, fullness. Question: What would I want to enjoy? General Meanings: Different interpretation according to circumstances Your reaction about circus in the dream is very important for interpretation. Perhaps you were loved and were full of admiration for the achievements of artists. You refused and upset that noble animals were used to trained demonstrations. Wish for joy The circus symbol stands for desire for more exciting life, joy. You need to go outside, to free yourself from routine in your life. You have to enjoy the life. Psychological Meanings: Solving problems In a circus dream you... (read more)
  • Tent - ...time to get away from everyday responsibilities and re-discover his relationship to the forces of nature. It may be useful if he is self-sufficient and varies from no one. We are building tents in our dream, because we are reminded by our subconscious, that there should be our home, conscious to live with nature in the future. The tent will be the roof over our head, in some dreams to stimulate thinking in the waking life simpler. Spiritually: On this level, the importance of the tent is a dream return to the biblical or nomadic symbol: it represents the ability... (read more)
  • Time - ...therefore symbolizes the deliberate life in the waking state. If day elapse for a longer period of time in a dream, this means that events in the dream are not so much significant. – The time of day is connected in certain stages of life of the dreamer. However, it may be that only the numbers play a role (for that dream, please, see numbers interpretations). – Morning time in dream is the beginning of life and connected with earliest experiences. – The lunch time is the culmination of life, and the dreamer is fully aware of his talents and... (read more)
  • Numbers - ...have either a personalized meaning or symbolical content for the dreamer. For example, if you tried in vain to remember numbers in the waking state, then they can occur easily in a dream. These numbers can show an important date – birthday, phone number or address. Unconsciously the dreamer often keeps the meaning of a number in memory, even if it is not consciously accessible to him any more. The number may be related to a date of an actual event in the relationship and then such dream doesn’t require special interpretation. Sometimes we dream of something that we wish for –... (read more)
  • Lift - In general: Lift (elevator) indicates that we wish to come up quickly and easily and solve problems fast, but that will be successful only, if we exerts more. If lift bring us in the dream to a higher floor, we are likely to rise with assistance, but those, who travels with him down quickly, do not have enough requirements for rising right now. If the lift take us to the basement, is indicated for in the waking state, we may need even to check our feelings, it might be shocking, if these feelings come to light. Psychologically: Lift is... (read more)
  • Root - on a matter on the ground or to explore yourself more. – If roots is pulled out from ground: the dreamer would be exempt from pressures that torture him for a long time & He should never forget the true values ​​of his life and of his own principles. – Dreaming of tooth root (dental root; root of the tooth): warns against false hopes, disappointments and injuries. Psychologically: Your instincts are pushing more and upward into the light of knowledge. They circumscribe our hope that we will get our way in waking life. Who wants to dig a root in... (read more)
  • Worms - ...our helplessness in a particular case in waking life, because we’re a helpless worm. Or, if the worm eats something, then this dream could point to the conscientious worm that gnaws at us. The worm in dream also can express feelings of ineffectiveness and unimportance (in relation to the dreamer or someone else). If the worm is larger than a man, then this can be close to feelings of inferiority. If the dreamer sees the piles that arises when an earthworm eats soil and excreted, so he has to do with an image of transformation. It shows him that he... (read more)
  • Dice (Cube) - In general: To dream that you play with dice means that in awaking life you play with fate or to perceive opportunities in life, previously necessarily careful should be reconsidered. Dice (or cubes) by old dream book announces bright future full of happiness. Psychologically: The dice has a square shape and is therefore, understood as the square itself, as a whole symbol. The number four, for the shape of the square plays a role, depicts the female power in man, which he often is not aware of. The dice (cube) is a spatially extended square. Thus, the properties... (read more)
  • Rejection - Psychological Meanings: Time to make order and to clean up When a rejection happens in a dream, then one should carefully investigate what was or is rejected in waking life. Also it depends on how you felt in a dream and how it was finished. It is very important to analyze carefully the structure and design of meaning in the dream elements. The dream may tell you, that in your private life there are things that you have to get rid of because they make damage to you. That could be outdated ideas and intentions or old objects and... (read more)
  • Twelve (12) - Psychological Meanings: Your time The number twelve 12 indicates the hour of the Messiah, this means that you can reach everything by your own efforts. In a dream the clock shows eleven fifty-five, then it is right time to take the initiative in waking life. The Twelve (12) is like the number Ten (10) – a whole symbol. Completed tasks The ancient Babylonians number 12 meant the whole sacred number symbolism. The Twelve is understandable as a picture for completeness, because we have twelve months in the year, also the twelve signs of the zodiac and the twelve apostles. *... (read more)
  • Customs - ...bag. For sicks requires a worsening of the disease, because the tax collector is reminiscent of the guard in front of the dead. For travelers this type of dreams says, that a delay might be possible. Psychologically: What will be called in a dream at the border are translated that life offers us the demands . If we are caught by customs officials for smuggling, we are in waking life cope likely fend a very specific thing honest. Traditionally: Arabian – To see: you will be deceived. European – To see: beware of scams; also it indicates rivalries out in... (read more)