White broken plate in half dream meanings

Short meaning: dream of white broken plate in half can mean enjoyment, weakness and entente cordiale.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's explanation the dream about white broken plate in half shadows self-governing humor, womanish sexuality, inventiveness and bent.
Reassuring adjustments are going on in life only: white broken plate in half - This dream sign normally signals supremacy and being a frontrunner. In spite of that, if this dream was with negative emotion then your dream can imply vice versa definition: an unknown person could be shifty and unstable in regard to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 68, 27, 43, 31, 60; 2 extra numbers - 80, 45.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and brown .
  • Cats - see the kittens – to dream of small kittens, symbolizes the sickness of your kids, however, if the kittens seemed nice and cute, any serious harm will be escaped; Tender love if the cat is white – to dream of the cat that is white, is a good sign, that the dreamer will find the love of his life, however the cat as a symbol shows that he should be careful with the one he will fall into; Evil if the cat is black- to dream of the cat that is black, denotes to dangers and/or unlucky love; Confusion if... (read more)
  • Chrysanthemum - something. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Loss if pick white chrysanthemum – In the dream you pick white chrysanthemum then this dream announces you loss and consternation of something; Contempt if have a bunch of chrysanthemums – The dream signifies that you will not have real love this will bring only disdain because of your foolish ambition; New phase of life if see a road with white chrysanthemums and some yellow ones – In the dream you notice the road which is full white chrysanthemums and some yellow ones, then this dream announces a feeling of sadness and loss that will strangely lead... (read more)
  • Bread - will meet pleasant guests; Worries if see a lot of dirty bread – This dream signifies that you have to reckon with hardship and poverty; Anxiety and difficulties if see old – In the dream you see an old bread, this denotes anger and disputes in family. You are going to have great difficulties; Worries if eat old or tough – You can expect big difficulties and you have to struggle through them; Success if eat white bread – This dream displays a rich success and poor losses; Poverty if eat black – This dream means vice verse, that you... (read more)
  • Vase - will find a love, but which one you will take away from somebody else; Pain if see a broken vase – You see the broken vase in the dream, this indicates that you will lose a friend or a girlfriend and this will be very painful for you; Fulfillment of wishes if get a vase (for young woman) – If a young woman in the dream gets a vase, this is a very positive omen that her the most wanted desires will be soon fulfilled. Hindu (Hinduism) Popularity if see a vase – In the dream to see a vase,... (read more)
  • Break - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) damage if break something  – In a dream you broke something then this means that a defect will bring you a disadvantage; Illness if a link is broken – You notice that the link is broken then this may be a sign of a disease or you will have a painful loss; Lost money if break furniture – When you broke furniture in your dream, then this dream is a sign of loss of money; Death if broken mirror – The broken mirror in the dream indicates death.... (read more)
  • Girder - Association: Sure support. Question: What can my higher consciousness do? General Meanings: In the dream you drag a heavy girder, this dream announces serious problems for the dreamer. Girders that lie at the feet denote obstacles in the way of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Losses if see old and broken girder – In a dream you see an old and broken girder then this announces you loss because of your irresponsibility; Dishonesty if throw or give away – When you throw or give away girders, this dream shows that he/she tries to impose his own fault or other... (read more)
  • Wine bottles - General Meanings: In a dream a wine bottle stands for desire and passion. To dream that you’re breaking bottle of wine, signifies excessive gratification in your desires, wishes and passions. Psychological Meanings: At the psychological level the dream about wine bottle symbolizes the masculine. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Happy travel if see wine bottles in a dream – This dream shows that soon you will have a happy visit; Sad days if dreaming of empty or broken bottles of wine – This shows sad thoughts and many sorrows in your family; Too much love if break a wine bottle by yourself... (read more)
  • Snake - The golden snake symbolizes the abundance of wealth and the power of the Spirits. The white snake implies the depth of the soul. Dark, black snakes can alert the dreamer to change his life. Green snakes represent the body energy, which could still be used. Kissing, touching or any other friendly contact with snakes in the dream, represents the possibility of betrayal and deception. Healing, freeing and protecting – Together with other symbols this animal can be interpreted very positively and often represents some kind of healing: not for nothing a snake winds around the wand (rod) of Asclepius (Latin Aesculapius),... (read more)
  • Bride - Spirit and the bride for the Virgin Mary). Purity The bride wears a white dress, the color of innocence, but also of abstinence and in a sense also the feeling of cold (see also “White”). Forbidden actions In the dream to sleep with own bride, for the man, means an adventure in which he breaks a taboo. Worries Who sleeps with a stranger in the wedding dress, might get in trouble because of his research approach in waking life. Doubt For women, the bride’s dream could include love and happiness from which they shrink back because somebody in their life... (read more)
  • Band - A colorful band has something to do with the band, which unites man and woman. – White and blue ribbons indicate yearning for true love, green for hope, joy, and red on black indicate impending bereavement. – Red tape is a traditional symbol of loyalty. Maybe you have “flirted” with someone in a dream and now bears the binding requirements. – Any cut or scruffy bands are seen as a symbol of an impending separation. – There are many other relationships in which the bands can appear in dreams, they can only be perceived individually. Psychologically: We must take it... (read more)
  • Eagle - help from trustful persons; Powerless enemies if see a dead eagle – This points to the powerlessness of an enemy, they can not make any damage for you; Happiness and respect if have an eagle – To dream that you have an eagle, promises fortune in business and work affairs, honor and reputation; Death if see a black eagle landing nearby – The very bad omen which brings you early death of a close friend; Inheritance if seeing white – Good omen that announces large inheritance; Risk if see one eagle kills another – This signs that you know about recklessly... (read more)
  • Clouds - clouds are the carriers of the divine powers. Psychological Meanings: Emotions – The cloud is a vision for the current mood of the dreamer. Sunny or white clouds symbolize serenity and positive thinking. Dark clouds in the sky – they’re pictures of depressive or pessimistic thoughts. Possibly, the dreamer has a hidden depression with which he can deal only after it will accept a tangible form in the dream. Storm clouds symbolize that the dreamer will probably soon have a violent emotional outburst. They impose us the success of heaven. Traditional Meanings: Arabian – Illness If sees heavy clouds – You... (read more)
  • Aster - General Meanings: The dream symbol of Asters stands for dignity, prestige and honors. Asters often stands for withered hopes. White or black asters are traditionally understood as an announcement of illnesses and deaths. The flowers of autumn – the autumn of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Misfortune if see withered Asters – In your dream the aster is withered, then this announces you failure of hopes and aims; Respect if see beautiful asters – The asters are beautiful in your dream, then this marks that you will earn honor and prestige from people around you; Unpleasant news if white... (read more)
  • Waboose Spirit Keeper of the North - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords White Buffalo, acceptance, peace, strength, forgiveness, humility, end, top, gift of what we have learned on our journey through life, paradoxes. Description The Medicine Waboose stands as the Spirit Keeper of the North. The north is the time of the winter, at night it is a transitional period in which we humans are either elders or newborn babies. Waboose communicate with the earth element, the mineral Alabaster. The animal – White Buffalo and the color is white. General Meaning Who you will be when you become an elder, as you were as a newborn. Transcendent Meaning... (read more)
  • Anchor - The dream symbol of an anchor which is articulated, signifies confidence, serenity and firmness. To see an anchor which was pulled suddenly and was broken, this indicates uncertainties, doubts and disappointments. In the dream you can not take out the anchor, this shows that the dreamer can not get rid of liabilities or prejudices. Psychological Meanings: Stay calm When an anchor appears in the dream, this denotes that the dreamer should stay calm and mentally strong in emotional situations. Balance The anchor may indicates personality, that you are firm, you have balance in your mind. The dreamer needs encouragement to... (read more)
  • Shaft - General Meanings: Shaft is associated with the advancement and progress of life. To see shaft them then this announces you success. The broken shaft announces failures. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Changes if see shaft – In a dream shaft then this dream marks that you will have a possibility to make changes in your life in order to improve it; Failure if see broken shaft – Your plan will not be realized when you see that the shaft is broken. Hindu (Hinduism) Fulfillment of desires if see a shaft – The shaft in a dream denotes that you will achieve... (read more)
  • Epee (sword) - Sometimes the epee embodies the personal honor which may be damaged and may need to protect reputation or prestige more. Psychological Meanings: Sigmund Freud explains the sword or dagger in the dream as a male phallic symbol. Today the sword is explained as an approaching (or feared) separation. When women dreams of a sword then in her real life she may have exaggerated sexual desires. The drawn epee in a dream may indicate a drastic experiences and an unpleasant event. The rusty or broken epee in the dream may indicate a lack of power or an illness. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian)... (read more)
  • Flower pot - Psychologically: Perfection and growth – This is a symbol of cultured, delineated  will of the human nature.  Who often dreams plant pots, can understand it as an indication that he is customized and “cultured” person, as he would like to be. He prefers that his temperament would rather be “grow untrimmed”. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth If see flower pot – You dream that you see a flower pot, this announces you about material and essential advantages in your own home, which will improve your daily life; Happiness If broken – In the dream you noticed a broken flower pot, shows... (read more)
  • Barometer - Psychological Meanings: The dream symbol of barometer is often interpreted as a symbol of the mental pressure. Also points to excessive stress (worries, conflicts, excessive demands). All these negative feelings may press vitality, spirit and energy of the personality. The exact meaning reveals itself only in the context of individual circumstances. Basically the barometer as a dream symbol stands as a warning. This shows that you have a high pressure, excessive internal tension and you have to reduce; The barometer shows low pressure then this dream symbol symbolizes psychological “depth” of a dreamer. The broken barometer in a dream... (read more)
  • Wine glasses - was very important. That is why you can not enjoy pleasure; Old age if break into pieces or destroy wine glass – This dream marks and promises you a long and prosperous life; Happy family if seeing or you are breaking down glass of wine – This dream shows that you will find in a person that you were looking for (your soul mate), and together you will be happy whole your life. Hindu (Hinduism) Sickness if see broken wine glass in a dream – This signifies that death or serious illness may occur soon in your family; Richness if... (read more)
  • Sheet metal - General Meanings: Sheet metal is interpreted as a symbol of self-steady and strength, but it doesn’t show that you are rigid or inflexible personality. All these features can be developed for good purpose. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Strict person if see iron plate – In a dream you see an iron plate then this indicates your strict character, but unfortunately you will not hear exhortations from the others; Unpleasantness if walk on iron sheet – You are walking on the iron sheet in your dream, then this dream announces that you will have unpleasant contacts and matters. * Please, see meaning of... (read more)
  • Weapon - spiritual power. The dreamer should use this power with due caution. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) – Almost exclusively sexual meaning: the use of “weapons” is desired hopes, fears; – See: words of caution and notice of dispute or enmity; – (Bayonet etc.) promised happiness and honor; – Broken: hint at bad times, against serious trouble trying to defend themselves in vain. Hindu (Hinduism) – See various kinds: you will suffer damage; – See: you has a proud spirit; – Have: you will get armed; – Hear jingle: you’re scary; – Practice in their use: you’ll get to honor; – See forge:... (read more)
  • Centaur - Association: Combination of animal and human nature or instinct and consciousness. Question: Where in my life do I bring natural wisdom in accordance with the intellect? Which aspects of my sexuality in me may become whole? General Meanings: Duality of human nature In mythology, the centaur is half man and half  an animal. This creature is associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. A centaur has a role in your dream, then this symbolizes the linkage of animal nature of the person with his virtues and his opinion and discernment. Psychological Meanings: Ability to connect The Centaur represents the dreamer’s ability... (read more)
  • Yeti - Association: Yetis: half human, half animal, legendary. Question: What part of myself sneaks on me? Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Oversized, extra-terrestrial, larger than life, protector of the earth. Description The Yeti, an oversized creature which is based on some tribal especially for those who settle in the mountains. The Indians called Sasquatch and the Tibetan Yeti, is the large creature that comes and goes at will, even under the common name Big Foot or Abominable Snowman. Some earthy people believed that the yeti lives under the earth, others that he was connected with the aliens, and others are convinced... (read more)
  • Snake in my shoe - You useless, sick, bad excuse for fungus. May many manic wolverines merrily dance in your father’s bed. Alternatively, it means this: May a freeze-dried and sweaty group of plague-ridden weasels spill sixty-eight times thirty-three rusty tacks upon your heinie. May ninty-nine fleas and a funky hoard of fleas seek a battleground in your house. May many biting gnats find your feet suddenly delectable. You stenchy crock of sweaty moose puckies. You egotistical, leprous, half-baked offspring of a motherless lizard. Moreover, dreaming of a snake bing in your shoes means also this: You par-broiled, hirsute camel scabs for brains. You insignificant... (read more)
  • Wax - – The wax in the dream is the sign of a variable character, also warns about energy; Joy if see wax candle – The wax candle in the dream announces you happiness through hard work, also warns against borrowing of money; Too weak if knead a wax – In the dream you knead wax then this means that you would like to harness other people to achieve your goals, but you are too soft. Hindu (Hinduism) Sadness if see burning candle wax – The burning candles in the dream announces sadness and sorrow in your house; Good health if white wax –... (read more)
  • Unicorn - unicorn appears in the dream, then this creature wants to give you a message or an offer how to deal with the difficult situations in your life. Arabian (Islamic) Joy if seeing an unicorn – Means that you are moving toward great life and happy family; New life if seeing an unicorn in the beautiful garden – The energy of the unicorn helps you to enter the new phase of life. Misfortune if an unicorn attacks you – The unicorn attacks you in the dream, shows that you will have a misfortune in near future. Contexts’ Meanings: Dreaming a white... (read more)
  • Room - qualities, personality aspects. You will improve your life to better. Now it is time to forget the past and start new present and future. Dreaming white room – The white room also can indicate the isolation, you want to hide yourself from the others, because you want to make decisions without somebody’s influence. You desire for something new and to start something prosperous. You want to do it by yourself, without help only with your own strength. You will have satisfaction in your life. Dreaming dark, dirty room – This dream symbol signifies that your mind is in chaos. Your... (read more)
  • Bed - or domestic partners many years ago, the state can give information about the relationship of the bed. Spiritually: A bed can be a sort of spiritual sanctuary and a sense of purity. It is the site of regeneration, love, death and birth. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) – to see nice bed: does happiness; – See clean white: are worries disappear; – See the bed in his own mess: the hidden secrets will come out soon, and this can be embarrassing; – Sit in it when it is clean: does early marriage; satisfaction; – Alone in bed: risk; – See yourself lying... (read more)
  • Curtain - a secret, and you may look forward to a very special event in your life. Hindu (Hinduism) Secret if see curtains – To dream of curtains marks that you’ll reveal a secret that may change your life or attitude. Arabian (Islamic) Suffer if dream of curtains – Curtains and draperies in the dream show great tribulation, distress and severe suffering; Worries if see black curtains – The curtains are black then this dream then you will have troubles and unpleasant events; Happiness if see white curtains – The white curtains in the dream announce that you will experience joy and satisfaction; Bad people if... (read more)
  • Zebra - General Meanings: Two sides and ways Zebra indicates black and white, good and evil, happiness and unhappiness these things are very close together. Therefore the dreamer should always look at things from two sides, and however, do not be arrogant in prosperity and in adversity and should not despair, because there are always the way out of worries. Psychological Meanings: To weight consequences The dreamer has difficulty to choose between two conflicting alternatives. The dreamer needs to take some time to weigh and watch out carefully all the consequences and perceive not only as black or white. Traditional Meanings: Arabian... (read more)