Winning a lottery scratch ticket dream meanings

Short meaning: the dream of winning a lottery scratch ticket can augur convenience, fellow-feeling and affection (love).
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung understanding the dream about winning a lottery scratch ticket means free vigor, womanly sex instinct, inventiveness and competency.
Supportive reshapings ordinarily are around only when: winning a lottery scratch ticket - This signs dominance and being an innovator. Nonetheless, if it was bad dream then this dream can denote contra value: someone can be unprincipled and misleading in regard to your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 1, 82, 64, 88, 49; 2 extra numbers - 84, 92.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and yellow .
  • Organs/Viscus - one may have such dreams. The pain that is felt at the certain area of the body causes dreams which includes organs. The dreamer should check on his health, especially if the pain persists. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Suffer if see organs of the man – to dream of seeing organs of human, shows the pain one will have, as the organs of the human denotes to anguish; Victory if see organs of the wild animal – to dream that you see organs of the animal, signifies the joy of winning as the dreamer will obtain the victory; Sadness if... (read more)
  • Bear - archetype. Spiritual Meanings: At this level, the bear symbolizes spiritual strength and power. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Profit If see a bear – This dream informs you about the winning in the games or gain and also you will get a tremendous competition; Hardship If dancing – This dream announces you about uncertainty in interpersonal relationships and also you can even expect some gossips and annoyance; Harm If being attacked by a bear – This dream is a warning that you will suffer from great damage; Good luck If hunting bear – You are on the right way, go on... (read more)
  • Ace, Aces (playing cards) - turn towards a decision which is very important. Dreaming of aces foretell that something very important will happen in near future. Dream about ace also represents that the dreamer has “the best card”, which means better position in everywhere. Clubs (♣): Ace of Clubs = Good opportunities in the professional life or Real advancement; Spades (♠): Ace of Spades = Mental advancement and/or Emotional development; Hearts (♥): Ace of Hearts = Luck in Love or Happiness in Family; Diamonds (♦): Ace of Diamonds = Possibilities of winning or Growth of profits. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Clubs (♣): Ace of Clubs = Money;... (read more)
  • Dice (Cube) - make your fortune soon; – To play with it: bad time, inflation; – To win in dice game: hostility, disputes. Artemidoros: The dice game means, that someone have quarreling about money. Winning in dice game always brings happiness. Dreams of a sick man, that he played with dice (or stones) or he sees someone else is playing, so this is a bad sign, especially if he loses himself, because the loser is always a minority of eyes behind. To see a child playing with dice, mean no harm. * Please, see also house, cube, square, numbers and relevant number.... (read more)
  • Ice Cream - means that your happiness and prosperity are at hold for a while; No love If drop (young woman) – Young women, who drops her ice cream in the presence of a young admirer, are not wooed from genuine affection. Disturb the luck if bitter ice-creams – The ice is bitter in your dream, unexpected problems will disturb your winning streak. Hindu (Hinduism) Temporary success if melt – The ice is melting, means that your comfort will end, before you started to become richer. Arabian (Islamic) Become more active if melt – In the dream you see melting ice-creams, this announces you that your desires... (read more)
  • Note - person and this is very good when you read notes in your dream. Arabian (Islamic) Anxiety if have notes – Note in the hand may announce you loss and anger; News if get a note – In the dream you get a note then you will soon receive a message; Luck if see very descriptive note – This dream is a good prospect of winning; Losses if throw away a note – To throw away or to lose a note in the dream, then this dream has not very good meaning that you will have to expect financial losses. * Also see dreams... (read more)
  • To get lost (strayed) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Confusion if lost – You got lost in the dream, then this may show that yu do not know what to choose or where to go in your life, because everything will be new for you. Hindu (Hinduism) Wealth if get lost – You are dreaming that you lost your way and stray in the unknown place, this dream announces good profits.The financial gain – you will earn more money from investments, a payment or a gift from somebody, or win the prize or any kind of the winnings. This dream shows that you will... (read more)
  • Weapon - great pleasure and about winning a landslide victory; but it is unknown to him and the dreamer will be a mighty lord, his enemies hard reset; For all that is unknown means enemies. – Practice the one under the eyes of the people in the javelin, he will gain name and reputation, if he is unerringly in this sport; shatters the spear, his reputation will fade, and he will lose a loved one through death. – Dreaming one, he may find or put on a breastplate or leather jerkin, he will rejoice over the downfall of his enemies and so... (read more)
  • Down feather - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Winnings if see down feather – To see down feather in your dream then this announces that it is good time for income and huge win.... (read more)
  • Fly (insect) - yourself into; Disputes in home if see fly that flew into the house – the flies that are flying in the room, denotes to anger at your house between you and your relatives; Danger if see flies in a drink or food – to dream of the flies that lying in the food or beverage, denotes to lurking danger; Success if killed or catch the fly – such dream promises the state of the winning. Arabian (Islamic) In general the flies are associated with the evil, diseases, illness, sickness and jealousy. War against your people if the emperor dreams of... (read more)
  • Nose - and success at anything you will do; Potency for men if see their nose – sometimes the nose may represent the ability to perform on the sexual intercourse. The power the dreamer has in reality is the reflection of the nose in the dreams; Misfortune or sickness if nose is red – for those who dream of the nose which is red is a bad omen, as it warns of upcoming danger with business or suffer from illness; Amazing winnings if nose is hairy – to dream of the nose that has hair on it, promises achievements at anything you... (read more)
  • Workshop - General Meanings: Projects A workshop is a productive place. In dreams a workshop as a dream symbol will bring the winning projects for the dreamer, but not necessarily profitable in financial terms. Psychological Meanings: Place to create When dreamer owns workshop in a dream, then workshop may be the place where the dreamer meets with like-minded or creative people. Therefore a workshop symbolizes communication and talent. Spiritual Meanings: Development of personality In the workshop the creativity is released. This may contribute to the spiritual progress of the dreamer. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Success if be in workshop – In general dreaming... (read more)
  • Objection - Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) Troubles if dream of objection – the matters with the law mostly causes uncomfortable experience. However, such dream could also indicate the winning against something important, in those cases, when the objection was successful. Hindu (Hinduism) Unpleasant experience if made an objection – such dream indicates awkwardness, troubles and annoyance. Arabian (Islamic) A conflict if made an objection – the act of an objection is mostly used in law, therefore the dreamer who made an objection is going to disagree with someone or about something, which will lead to a minor conflict.... (read more)
  • Bucket - Association: Vessel. Question: What are your feelings which I can handle easily? General Meanings: Bucket consist of the diversity of life opportunities and personal qualities, for individual interpretation we need to know what is in the bucket. The bucket with some water and some dirt in the dream marks that you may find useful insights how to freed your mind from annoying pressure. The dream of full bucket promises happiness, success and self-realization. The empty bucket in the dream announces contrast failures and disappointments. To dream of clear water in the bucket is also considered as a symbol of... (read more)
  • Confiscate - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Worries if confiscate something – You are dreaming that you confiscate something or be confiscated by others then this is not so positive sign this announces that you will meet trouble and adversity; Success if pledged yourself – In your dream you pledge something in order to avoid damage then this a favorable dream meaning which announces that you will have luck in lottery.... (read more)
  • Zodiac - that mostly is affected by feet and toe. The colors of Pisces are sea green and see blue and the gemstone is coral. Suggestion for Pisces – try to learn to live and be on your own. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) To see all of the Zodiac signs promises fortune and luck in the future, sometimes even the luck in a lottery. Sorrow if you see unusual Zodiac signs – such dream has a bad meaning, because of unnatural look of Zodiac signs; Will achieve great results and will find all the answers if you are surrounded by Zodiac signs... (read more)
  • Orphan - the dreamer sees himself as an orphan, it may mean that he has to be more independent and self-sufficient. Psychological Meanings: Time to grow The dreamer has to come with his duty and to grow up and to leave his parents. When you feel as an orphan in the dream, then this happens because of lost parent through death, a move, or other conditions. Spiritual Meanings: Spiritual desolation. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fortune if take care of orphan – You take care of an orphan in your dream, then this dream may promise you luck in the lottery, profits or wealth.... (read more)
  • Egg - of your work; News If see a chicken lay – When you dream and see chicken and eggs, this promises good news; Prize If open and find chick – The dream tells about a big profit, particularly in the lottery; Happiness If see chicks hatching out – Points to a happy event in the family which brings an improvement of the situation; Losses If rotten – You will come to bad reputation which will cause loss of prosperity and respect; Injustice If throw rotten eggs to somebody – An injustice when you will be committed to make revenge; Dishonesty If... (read more)
  • Cable railway (Funicular) - General Meanings: Funicular as a dream symbol means that you will reach your aims without having to make a special effort. Traditional Meanings: Hindu (Hinduism) Fortune if see a funicular – In the dream you see a funicular then this dream marks that soon you will have fortune in the lottery; Fulfillment of desires if use cable car or funicular – When you use a funicular in the dream then this dream denotes that you will reach your desires. Arabian (Islamic) Luck if see a cable car – The cable car as a dream symbol means that you will have luck in... (read more)
  • D (letter) - General Meanings: Money and development The dream symbol of letter D in written, spoken or plastic stands as an indication to nourishment and growth.  When you dream of letter D very frequently, then this dream marks that you worry too much about the material existence or feels restricted in your development. The positive meaning of this dream marks that you will have an ability to increase you property and to make your life better. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if see letter D – Letter D in the dream signifies that may increase your profit in the lottery or... (read more)
  • Blind - a honorable person will ask you for help; Unable to solve if lead a blind person – You lead a blind person in the dream, this marks that you will take on a task that will not be feasible to finish and you will disappoint; Fortune if meet a beggar – The dream when you meet a beggar announces you luck in the lottery or gambling. Arabian (Islamic) Risky actions if be blind – There is a risk that you can be exposed to start big risk which will bring damage to you; Journey if lead a blind person –... (read more)
  • Lead - aware of slander and quarrels at home. Love if pour some water – In the dream you pour some water on the lead, then you may expect happiness in love or marriage; Luck if carry a heavy amount of lead on back – In the dream you are carrying a lot of lead on your back, then this dream is a very good sign that you may win the lottery; Fraud if be in a lead mine – When you are in the lead mine in your dream, then your friends will be suspicion on your money-making. Also you someone... (read more)
  • Cadge - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warmth if go to cadge – In the dream you go to cadge then this shows a lack of warmth in the family, you have to make closer relationship with your family members; Fortune if cadge for money – This dream announces you fortune in the lottery. Arabian (Islamic) Poverty if go to cadge – This dream announces poverty in your family.... (read more)
  • Beggar - When you meet a beggar on the street then this means coming trouble in your life; Fortune if be a beggar – In the dream you are a beggar, so this dream is very positive which announces you success in the lottery; Isolation fro surrounding if be a beggar and hide – In the dream you are hiding because you are a beggar, then this is a sign of social isolation and fear of your own weaknesses; Unexpected event if a beggar comes into the house – The beggar comes to your own house in your dream, then this dream... (read more)
  • Beg - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Need of warmth if go to beg – In a dream you are begging, this shows that you really missing your family or close relationship; Fortune if beg for money – You are begging for money in your dream, then this dream will bring you fortune in the lottery; Need of love if be beggar – This dream marks that you long for affection; Punishment if see begging person – In the dream you see a begging person, then this dream signifies that you will retaliate because of your greedy. Arabian (Islamic) Poorness if go... (read more)
  • Insult - Luck if be offended by a child – When you are insulted by a child then this dream stands as a good sign that you have an ability to win in the lottery; Misapprehension if be insulted by a foreign person – In your dream you are insulted by a foreign person, then you may expect that you will have a misunderstanding in the profession. Arabian (Islamic) Attention if be offended – You are offended in the dream then this denotes that you will meet enemies in near future and they want to make damage to you. * Please, see meaning of dispute.... (read more)
  • Auricula - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fortune if flowering – This dream indicates that you will have luck in the lottery and in the game. Arabian (Islamic) Luck if see Auricula – This dream announces you fortune.... (read more)
  • Supper - or that you do not need to worry what tomorrow will bring. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Luck in everywhere if supper – To dream supper means the fulfillment of what you want, good luck in the lottery, good inheritance, rich gifts. You have to work and do your duty and this will improve your livelihood; Desire to have rest if see supper – In the dream you see table with supper shows that you want peace and quiet, you are tired and want to relax; Success if sit and eat supper – This dream shows that you will get your... (read more)
  • Yolk - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good sign if whip egg yolk – In your dream you whip egg yolk then this dream is a good sign for monetary gain through speculation or lottery. Arabian (Islamic) Worries if see yolk – In your dream you see an egg yolk then this may be a sign that you will have some troubles in near future; Happy events if cooked yolk – The dream of cooked yolk then this means that you will have good future and wonderful events. * Please, see meaning of egg.... (read more)
  • Weigher - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Think again if see weigher – In the dream you see weigher then this marks that you have to thing twice before you make a decision because all the sides have to be happy. Hindu (Hinduism) Winner if see wiegher – The dream of weigher is a sign that you may expect to win a lottery or fight; Arabian (Islamic) Be yourself if use weigher – The dream where you use weigher then this means that you have to be stable and correct, to be the same as you are.... (read more)