Medicine Wheel Meanings:
Healing, calming, cooling; Moon of the great winds.
The plantain, in the medicine wheel is the plant totem in the moon of the great winds (February 19-March 20). This is a common herb that grows throughout the world. Its leaves are dark green and the flowers are white. Plantain is versatile in medical usage – inside and out. Generally it is used for calming and cooling.
General Meaning
In general this dream shows that there is the part of you that understands how important is to be well-connected with the earth and always willing to serve and to find the ability to cure in everyday things.
Transcendent Meaning
Gift of relaxation; Gift of reassurance.
dreamt of harvesting plantains by digging instead of cutting from the steam.
I was in a dream when my uncle gave me a punch of plantain
I was in my dream when my elder brother brought a full bunch of plantian to me, either to share with me.
Dis page tells me d meaning of my dream
i was in my dream when i was with group of people we were eating plantain together in form of pepper soup so delicious