Psychological Meanings:
This is a symbol of the need “Wash away dirt”. You want to get rid of a burden, something unpleasant “rather do not know”, save yourself for the better opportunity. (“I wash my hands in innocence.”)
Traditional Meanings:
European (Judeo-Christian)
- Bad sign if dirty and greasy water – This dream has a bad meaning, dreams of muddy water is not a good interpretation;
- Changes if clean and pure – This dream has a better meaning, you will get some good news, which will change your life to better.
* Please, see meaning of water.
A toilet had been been blocked of I went to go toilet. Hear bubbling to the right was wide hole inside raw sewage. Small hole to the bk. Then it started to spill over. I ran out for help. I said to Mick my current boyfriend I Dont trust Marcus would he come with me. Next there’s four of use in protective gear in sewage planting lavender in the sides.
This all started from taking the bottom shoe cupboard lid out and inside finding tons of clothes. To my left inside the cupboard where other things box’s bits n bobs. Though all was fimaler. I’m awke 4am this morning tired but wide awake.
There was major recconstruction in a basement and the city hired top workers to redirect sewer water to a safer invironment.
They even hired people to watch the job beingne. 3 distinguished indiviuals. The city worker candidly explained everything that he has done and explained the reasoning behind Why it was importante. I just went through a break up and I am not completely out of the Woods yet as i am starting over, but I knew this dream had a deeper meaning. The crap is now out of my life!!