free online dreams' dictionary is a source for dreams' interpretations by general, psychological, spiritual aspects and with dreams' meanings by religions like Christianity, Islam and Hinduism
about falling down and can't walk properly dream meanings
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers -
11, 52, 48, 8, 88; 2 extra numbers - 21, 37.
Fortunate colors for this dream:
and golden
Slope - in a dream – you feel pleasure when you walk down carefree? Then it is time to abandon an overly ambitious plan which would require only more stressful and hard ascent. The dream symbolizes the relief that someone feels after he has retired from a too ambitious goal with a clear mind. Spiritual Meanings: At this level the steep slope in the dream is the indication to a spiritual danger about which the dreamer knows. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Danger if see mountain – This dream announces about danger in sight. Misery if rocky – In the dream you see... (read more)
Altar - (Judeo-Christian) Success If see – The dream announces you success in your company and personal life in the near future; Family Joy If see decorated with flowers -This represents a baptism, wedding or joyous family event; Death If with white lilies – This dream is a notice about death and funeral of a friend; Success If with lighted candles – Good sign that a particular project will succeed; Worries (but will be solved) If kneel in front of it – Tells about serious troubles in prospect, but more and higher help will be given to you; Also: Now humility would... (read more)
Balloon - achievable goals and you lost the ground under your feet; Anger if see a burst of gas-filled – This dream marks that someone will be justifiably angry about you or your ideas or actions. Arabian (Islamic) Missed chance if see flying away – In the dream you didn’t catch a balloon, then this shows that you’re missing a profit or a good opportunity in your life; Fail if see falling balloon – In the dream you see falling balloon, then this marks that you will fail with your plans and ideas. * Please, see meaning of air balloon, bubble.... (read more)
Fire - If Seeing fire place – to see the fire place and you enter into it, this dream shows that you will have some misunderstandings in family, love affairs and your work; Love If Lighting – you will win in love affairs; Enjoyment If Seeing and burning very bright – you will enjoy your life; Misunderstanding If fire with a lot of smoke – the fire is burning and there you can see a lot of smoke, this announce you about an unfortunate misunderstandings, which will cause you some problems in different life areas; Anger If fire with little smoke – dreaming... (read more)
Islamic Ring - a gemstone: Power, influence, prestige, charisma, good renown, money, and other riches. A ring with a beryl, chrysolite, or peridot stone: (1) Strength courage, and fearsome authority. (2) A well-educated, polite, and pious boy. A ring with a bead: Weak and humiliating authority. A ring with a green ruby: A devout, shrewd, and knowledgeable boy will be born to the dreamer. Seeing the stone in one’s ring moving: Power and authority are about to wither away. Isolation is forthcoming. The ring’s stone falling: (1) Death of a son. (2) Partial losses. The ring falling apart and disappearing and only the... (read more)
Dripping - Substances and colors, sound and smell Consider also what substance is dripping, what condition, color, smell this material has and how fast it is falling in drops. Also, think about what feeling gives the sound of falling drops to you. If the sound makes you nervous, then it represents how anxious you are or will be in forthcoming troubles. As internal stimuli, it can show illness in your psyche. As external stimuli, loud sound of dripping can represent actual drip of a leaking tap. If dripping was fast – the disturbance is going bigger or moving quickly towards you. As... (read more)
Acorns - this dream may announce about hardship and poverty. Collect acorns in the dream denote about financial results because of lots of efforts. To pick up acorns from the ground, this dream helps you to gain advantages and respect. Acorns fall from the tree in the dream, this marks that you are going to miss an opportunity. Sometimes the acorn symbolizes the unswerving loyalty for another man and you can rely completely on his own intentions. Psychological Meanings: More patience The germ of an idea exists in the acorn. Now the life requires you patience, whether in dealing with yourself or with others.... (read more)
Ducat - dream announces you prospect of profit, also you will be honored because of your support and good heart; Warning if have a ducat – The dream of ducat announces loss and anger; Property if hear sound of falling ducat – In the dream you hear a sound of falling ducat indicates wealth; New desires if get ducat – You get a ducat in the dream then this will bring you beautiful hopes and desires; Old age if pay with ducats – In the dream you pay with ducats for something then this marks that you will reach an old age and you will be happy.... (read more)
Blood - has bleeding injuries and he is helped by another person, he may gain clarity about what kind of help he needs in order to cope with the pain he has in real life. In general bleeding interpreted as a sign of vitality. Who sees himself bleeding in the dream, means that he has emotional wounds, that he does not want to admit, because it would humiliate him in front of others. Spitting blood can symbolize that you want to spit out all the “impure”. To be stained with blood most often shows an indication of guil t and shame because... (read more)
Bridge - consideration of the dream, the dreamer has to meditate to understand why it is so happy to reach beyond.Is his sense of the other side has risen, he will bear the fact of this bridge as a powerful element in his life. Weakness, Fear, Uncertainty – The dream of engineer built bridges from the wide variety of material. The bridge can only be under construction, but we have to cross. The dreamer is in fear to climb, in fear of falling down between beams and supports, anxious about the bridge construction. Sometimes the bridge on one side is without frames... (read more)
Slip (clothing) - or tore slips, then your good reputation is in danger; Good husband if have silk slips – For a young woman the dream of silk or clean slips marks that she will have a loving and strong husband; Worries if slips gone – In the dream you can not find one slip then you may expect many failures and disappointments; Worries with love if falling slips – She sees how her slip falls on the ground while she dresses or walks around in the room, then she will have great difficulty to keep her lover. * Please, see meaning of clothes, underclothing.... (read more)
Nakedness - more space for yourself and freedom; Misfortune if walking miserably naked – to dream of being naked and walking around miserably, suggest to be aware as the suffering might come to you; Success if the dreamer is being naked and taking a bath or swimming – such dream indicates the courage and effort of the dreamer. The one should be proud of features he has; Shame if the one is being naked, but can not find his clothes – the dreamer who is unable to get dressed, because of not knowing where his clothes are will get disgrace very easily.... (read more)
Go out - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good life if go out for a walk – The dream where you go out for a walk signifies that you have to be calm because this promises good health and welfare.... (read more)
Leg - following interrelationships: Healthy leg indicates security and sense of reality, that you live in a favorable situation at the moment. Strong legs indicate success and confidence, weak or paralyzed legs – lack of endurance, inhibitions, feelings of inferiority and anxiety. Movement of the leg can symbolize present events. If go on normally, that gives the rise of confidence. If go towing or tripping walking points to problems with the further development and advancement. If walk/go too fast this can promise about rapid realization of plans, also it is a warning of haste and exaggerated ambition. Very swollen legs symbolize a... (read more)
Dachshund - General Meanings: Act strongly The symbol of the dachshund stands for vitality, joy of life, devotion and perseverance, but also for stubbornness. It reminds the dreamer do not ponder too much, but to act persistently. Psychological Meanings: Exaggerated consideration Dachshund should draw attention to the fact that you overestimate yourself and think to long before making decisions, when others have already packed a positive opportunity. A good companion goes in our side, but he cannot help us, because he himself is helpless. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Too slow if take a walk – In the dream you take a walk with... (read more)
Unicorn - Association: Purity, magical consciousness; union of divine and animal nature. Question: Where in my life am I ready to bring my animal nature with my spiritual essence in harmony? General Meanings: Innocence and pure In the traditional folk belief, an Unicorn lost his ferocity when it puts his head on the lap of a Virgin. An Unicorn, that appears in the dream, is associated in conjunction with the innocence and purity of the dreamer. It is the feminine principle of the receiver and instinctive. Sexuality and virginity The sexuality can be directed in a new way. The sexuality may be... (read more)
Iceberg - General Meanings: Frozen and hidden emotions Iceberg can be understood as the whole personality, which is seen only a small part of the personality. The rest part extends only beyond the threshold of consciousness. Which may be revived from freeze. The frozen feelings and emotions, bad experience or pain. Psychological Meanings: Hidden emotions and fear A symbol of the fear of feelings, the need of control and distance, deliberately steered emotional withdraw. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Solve worries if see iceberg – The iceberg symbol in the dream may show that you have unsolved problems in your life that... (read more)
Waiting room - Psychological Meanings: The waiting room as a dream symbol indicates your life journey and that you need to stop due to a specific process or a disease. This is a period in your life where you have to relax or to understand somethings in your life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Show yourself if be in a waiting room – You are sitting in the waiting room, then this dream is a sign that it is time for you to take the initiative and to show yourself; Need to relax if walking in the waiting room – In your dream you... (read more)
Forest - the bloodshed will be lower.Also, this dream can only look to the emperor or a prince, even if someone else was dreaming him, he fulfilled in the person of the emperor, or of princes. Suffers one of them under the smoke and the fire, a misfortune will befall him. – To see: find pleasant conditions; – To walk in it: you’re going to amuse very pleasant; – To see Burn: bad omen pernicious events; – To see devastated : have meager prospects; – A dark and dense: heavy periods will haunt you. * Please, see meaning of tree,mountain,demon,wood, jungle.... (read more)
Village - Poor village in the dream announce losses. To live in the village then this indicates a peaceful and wonderful future. From the village move to the town in the dream then this denotes the boredom and the need for variety in your life. Psychological Meanings: Need of relax In a village, there is however not just idyllic life. For example, everyone knows everything about everyone else and this can be quite problematic. The life in a village runs slower than in the big city, this may be that the dreamer desires for relaxation and some rest. Spiritual Meanings: Spirituality, the dream of... (read more)
Department store - Psychological Meanings: Somebody who walks in a department store in the dream, walking around and looking for an undecided items then in the real life the dreamer is not quite sure what he wants and desires. It is very important to pay attention to the numbers on the price tags, and what do you buy, in order to find the interpretation of the dream. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Difficult to choose if be in the shop -To dream of being and walking in the department shop and do not buy anything then this indicates that for you it is difficult to make... (read more)
Root - Association: – Ground & approximation. Question: – What connects me to my source of life? In general: Root symbolizes the fundamental needs, values and principles upon which all life is built. Roots in dreams can show also close, that ties to other people become visible. Depending on circumstances in dream, meanings of dreams about root or roots: – To see roots: means, that you have talents, which could be very usefull, but they still is not used yet. – Dreaming that you are eating root: promises good health. – To dream, that you are digging roots: suggest to go... (read more)
Pus - General Meanings: Infection and bad emotions Infection usually follows the formation of pus. Something “has become bad” and has infected the surrounding, can appear in a dream as pus. Maybe the dreamer feels anxiety, self-doubt and even may be “infected”. Sign of illness This dream symbol shows that a negative situation can cause pain and difficulty in your life, if this is not treated properly. Pus can really announce a disease that doesn’t cause any symptoms. Suppressed qualities This can also be interpreted as certain qualities of the personality that you suppress. In the future this should be considered more carefully, because... (read more)
Bank - Association: Preservation of resources. Question: What do I want to put in safe place? General Meanings: The financial, mental or spiritual resources of the dreamer require careful attention. The sense of security, without which man can not venture out into the world has to be properly handled and observed. Bank as a symbol can symbolize physical influence, power, authority and sexual virility, perhaps even warns against the abuse of these properties, which have to be handled more economical and responsible. To take out money from the bank, this dream may warn of financial losses. To earn or print money this probably denotes that... (read more)
Hurry - General Meanings: When you are in a hurry in your dream, so this indicates that you contend with pressure from outside. However the rushing will not help you to reach your goals it is better to make haste slowly and then you will reach your goals slowly but perfectly. Hurry can show up in different ways in the dreams, this often refers to anxiety, uncertainty and nervousness. Psychological Meanings: The dreamer has to learn how to deal with time. There is an obvious symbol of the fear of missing something. The dreamer has to learn to plan timings and dates... (read more)
Nose - sensitivity. An example of explained dream by Artemidorus: The dreamer who lost the nose because of his profession could no longer deal with his work. There were few times few times he has the dream about being without nose. On one occasion it was because of his lost status in the environment he is. On the second occasion he was sick, therefore could not breath properly and dreamed of being without nose. In addition to all explanations according to Artemidorus the dream can have many meanings depending on the different circumstances. Contexts’ Meanings: * Please, see meaning of body, sexuality.... (read more)
Kiss / Kissing - Association: Welcoming, intimacy, privacy, affection, love, relationships. Question: With who I want to get closer? General Meanings: In General the kissing is presented as the action of tenderness, sign of love and affection. Those who have dreams about kisses usually are longing for sensitivity and closeness. There are different explanations of the kiss, depending on the circumstances of it: Kissing a certain person The dream in which you kiss a particular person shows your relationships and feelings to that person. Sometimes when we longing for some person or feel deeply and emotionally attached to him we dream of kissing... (read more)
Animals - Association: Nature; the ability to tame yourself; freedom. Question: Which part of me wishes to be set free? What kind of features of the animals I can relate to myself? General Meanings: In General all of the animals are leaded by instincts. The desire to get what they want brings descendants and helps to improve the quality of life in all means – sexual, playfulness and other. The animals just like human-beings have an ability to warn others about the danger that is lurking for them. In dreams animals represents those aspects of the dreamer’s personality that are related... (read more)
Bird - A bird in a cage in the dream can indicate restriction and outwitting. To dream of a freely flying bird represents desires and wishes. A particularly wonderful and beautiful plumage refers to the facade of the dreamer and how he sees himself. In the dream to see a disordered flock of birds then this denotes a confusion of physical or material considerations. A bird with wings of gold in the dream has the same meaning as fire and refers to spiritual longing. The dream of a high-flying bird in the air marks spiritual consciousness or knowledge. Different interpretation for different kind of... (read more)
Thirst - Drink plenty of water because of thirst, then this dream announces wealth in near future. To give something to drink for a thirsty man, then you may expect for gratitude. To be thirsty and to see an empty bottle then this dream can warn of a disappointment in the partner relationship. Psychological Meanings: To satisfy your thirst in the dream, then this is a sign that you are capable of accomplish requirements properly. The thirst of the dreamer wasn’t satisfied then this shows that inner existential needs to be fulfilled. Spiritual Meanings: The thirst in the dream stands literally for the thirst for spiritual knowledge and for... (read more)
Swagger - General Meanings: Wrong behave In the dream you hear that someone behaves arrogant and keeps swagger, this indicates grief in your family. Perhaps you behave improperly or wrong, you want to destroy competitors and resort dishonest means.... (read more)