Being trapped on a mental hospital ward dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about being trapped on a mental hospital ward can register contentment, love and fusion.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Jung's understanding of this dream about being trapped on a mental hospital ward symbols self-contained enthusiasm, soft lust, originality and omnipotence.
Affirmative remodellings are afoot in waking life if: being trapped on a mental hospital ward - It predicts advantage and being a notch better than others. Under other conditions, if the dream was more like nightmare then your dream could symbolize backwards essence: some person may be dishonest and/or misleading toward your being.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 71, 73, 86, 93, 33; 2 extra numbers - 2, 51.
Fortunate colors for this dream: green and golden .
  • Award - award – To have an award in a dream, this dream indicates that you will have secure and wonderful future because you have worked for this so hard; Show yourself if give yourself an award – This dream means that you are not so popular between people and you should beware of flattery. You have to show your abilities and talents and then you will get recognition; Recognition if get an award – In the dream you get an award, then this denotes that you will prove everybody that you worth such recognition, but only few recognize your abilities.... (read more)
  • Wardrobe - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Ready for relation if be in wardrobe – The dream where you are in the wardrobe indicates that you are ready to be responsible and faithful to one person. Hindu (Hinduism) Love if dream wardrobe –  You dream of wardrobe then in near future you may expect betrothal. Arabian (Islamic) Engagement if wardrobe – The wardrobe in the dream stands as a sign of commitment.... (read more)
  • Ornamental object - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Wealth if see ornamental object – To dream of ornamental object (decoration object), then this is a positive meaning that you will come to wealth and honor; Reaching goals if make ornamental object – In the dream you are making ornamental objects then you will reach what you desire because you work really thoroughly and responsibly.... (read more)
  • Warder - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if see warden or park ranger – Dreaming of warder or park ranger then this dream indicates about the danger in love affairs because someone wants to damage your relation; Journey if see a warder – To see a prison guard in the dream announces you happy and wonderful holidays for you in near future. Hindu (Hinduism) Attentive if be a warder – You are a wader in the dream then in your real life you are really careful person that guard your love, family. Arabian (Islamic) Save traditions if be a wader – The dream shows... (read more)
  • Epee (sword) - General Meanings: Sexuality Epee is often in men’s dreams for an aggressive form of sexuality that is trying to force if necessary, what they will do not receive free, which can be understood as a warning. Epee as a dream symbol stands for an aggressive form of sexuality. Such a dream for men, this usually has an exaggerated emphasis on the sexual drive. A rusty sword in the dream indicates injured manhood. Need for partner For women, the sword often is a fear of sexuality, but also the desire for a strong (but not aggressive), protective partner. Protection of reputation... (read more)
  • Reward - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Joy if get a reward – The dream indicates that you will get the joyful tidings and happiness; Failure if cancel a reward – When the reward was canceled in the dream then this marks that you will fail your plans due to excessive self-confidence, there are things that you can not buy with money.... (read more)
  • Room - of the house as part of personality or part of life. This may indicate closure from those to whom you don’t want to show your plans or yourself. Chaos in the mind Who moves restlessly from one room to another, the changes of position from moment to moment, usually reveals a change in the mental or psychological arrangements of the dreamer. Learn the lesson We move from dark room to brightly illuminated one in the dream, means that we go from the unconscious condition to a conscious – the lessons which the dream gives to us should be heeded in... (read more)
  • Water - your strength and to return to the origin; Dreaming about immerse out of the water, then this points to a new beginning; Being on the water, as in a boat, that can point to indecision or lack of emotional commitment; To lie motionless in the water means possibly inertia; Dreaming about bathing symbolizes purification; Water from the fountain stands especially for the great mother, for the woman; Dams, islands and other obstacles make the conscious effort to express the power of the water – and thus the feelings of the domination; Drowning illustrates the tendency of the dreamer to oust bad... (read more)
  • Driving into water - so it shows the need to express, to renew your strength and return to the origin; Dreaming about immerse out of the water, then this points to a new beginning; Being on the water, as in a boat that can point to indecision or lack of emotional commitment; To lie motionless in the water means possibly inertia. More images related to water are: Dreaming about bathing symbolizes purification. Water of the fountain stands especially for the great mother, for the woman. Dams, islands and other obstacles make the conscious effort to express the power of the water – and thus the... (read more)
  • Amputation - This dream indicates that you have lack of motivation. You have limited actions and restriction in your life, somebody hinders you to reach this. You feel helpless about this and you can not stop. This will bring you some financial loss. Also indicates the separation with loved one. To dream cut off or amputated finger – This dream indicates physical and mental confusion, because you have lost the ability to feel with the sense of touch. Also you feel anxiety because you can not deal with the worries in your life. * Please, see meaning of doctor, hospital, left, execution, legal.... (read more)
  • Downward - Association: – Unconscious; Below the surface. Question: – What would I like to realize and be aware? What underlies my beliefs? * Please, see meaning of berg, directions.... (read more)
  • Electricity - problems of everyday life. Also Electricity can present sexuality or mental energy. The exact interpretation arises from the following circumstances: Electric light can announce the illumination of own situation by self-knowledge. Sometimes this may warn about a danger. Electric sparks indicate that one can experience a sexual adventure, which however will be disappointed. (Electric) power station can point out that soon you have to carry more responsibility. Psychological Meanings: Warning against danger The dreamer gets an electric shock, means that he does not sufficiently protect himself from danger and needs to pay more attention to himself. Getting energy The vision of the power station as... (read more)
  • Evening - General Meanings: The need for relaxation and rest It is an ambiguous dream symbol, whose meaning is usually seen only from the accompanying circumstances. Basically evening has something to do with peace, relaxation, decreasing physical and mental force (colloquially with old age). Time to rest and enjoy the life Thus points to increased need for relaxation, and warns against chronic overwork. In the dream you are siting, relaxing and taking things easy, like you rest after hard day, this shows that you had fulfilled your duties and responsibilities well and now you may/should treat yourself to some rest. For older... (read more)
  • Thorns, spines and prickles - situation – the exemption is difficult; – in thorns advised: you should prepare for in the near future difficulties and obstacles; – a crown of thorns on head wear: much mental suffering. Hindu (Hinduism) – note not the stubbornness of your fellow man; – being stung: you’ll have to worry in your profession. Arabian (Islamic) – A thorn is an evil, cunning guy, whichever is such as the spine, with the exception of the thorny trees that bear fruit, of which we spoke above, because these indicate the strength and dignity of the human and the small thorny shrubs in... (read more)
  • Hair - know, that such dreams represents the mental attitude of the dreamer towards the inner-self. If there is a need to find out more about the dream in which the main symbol in it is hair, then the dreamer should pay attention to the condition of the hair: what color it was, how thick or shinny you saw it in your dream. It is known that not only women, but men dream about hair either. It is not because of the fear to become bold, but because it has much deeper and more important meaning in our life. Most common meanings... (read more)
  • Wine - Association: Social companionship & celebrations. Question: What do I want to enjoy? General Meanings: The long and hard way to perfect and wonderful life  The religious experience has brought the wine to the parable of divine blood. Dreams of wine always mean an encounter with a mental and spiritual content. Dream of wine never indicates any drinking problems (alcoholism). Wine as a cultural object, has a very high value of the soul experiences. Wine always refer to brilliant event of so many factors, such as favorable climate, sunny, healthy and much-bearing vines, sweat and fatigue of the winegrowers in... (read more)
  • Eye - Association: Vision, awareness, clarity. Question: What am I aware of? How do I see the world? General Meanings: The ability to see the world with all the positive features The eye is an organ of light and consciousness. The mirror of the soul, the symbol shows mental state of the dreamer and his overall position on the future of events and development. Eye stands for alertness, curiosity, intelligence, intellectual interests and knowledge, but also for anxiety. There are further meanings that can be found in many ancient dream books: Blindness – points to spiritual and mental blindness. See well – the... (read more)
  • Stitching awl - Psychological Meanings: You have to fix your inner feeling With this tool you can mend shoes, in a figurative sense you can temporarily and in emergency cover your mental state, so that you can go on further on the path of life. Who hurt with an awl in the dream, may incur and suffer from a loss, which proves only mental anguish that  one needs to overcome. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Worries if see an awl – This dream is a warning and shows gossips and annoyances in the near future. You have to be patient and calm if... (read more)
  • Eagle - courage of the dreamer, could indeed prove recklessness in the waking life. Mental freedom and sexuality Freud says that the eagle on the basis of the mythology is an overpowering sexual symbol, because the predator can not control his urges and wants to have his victim. Freud justified this by saying that the eagle is a large bird and the word bird in the vernacular is another word for penis. In some cases the eagle can absolutely stand for the sexuality, more arises from the dream connection: if the eagle can fly badly or not at all, this points to the austerity... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - wants or desires. The ring also denotes what the dreamer owns and what he can do. The ring with a stone in it alludes to the dreamer’s power, prestige, endeavors, and to male child too. Dreaming of the ring also denotes a band, an encumbrance, or a shackle. Meaning by good omen; ring’s as a sign of future happiness: Ring as reward – size of the reward equal to the value and the size of the gemstone; Being given or offered a ring or buying one – the dreamer will wield tremendous power or become a king, says Ibn Sirin,... (read more)
  • Hairdresser (Hair stylist) - Dreaming about yourself being a person who cuts and shapes hair is a sign of your attitudes and opinions about others. Maybe you are imposing your beliefs and ideas on persons that are around you. Do you want to change the way of someone’s thinking? Alternatively, being a hairstylist may indicate your need to improve your self-image. Additionally, it is also a symbol of unmasked sexuality. Dreaming that you’re occupied with cutting of your own hair, shows unjust treatment or control of your thinking about yourself. If you are coloring your own hair, that represents your feelings about your own sexuality.... (read more)
  • Mocking - General Meanings: Mockery in the dream may signify that reckless intention will fail and this may be so ridiculous. The Old-Indian dream books interpret the mockery as a praise or a recognition which you can expect really soon in your life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Recognition if be mockery object – You are mockery object in your dream, then this is the sign of an impending award because of your hard work and efforts. Hindu (Hinduism) Award if be mocked – In your dream you have been mocked, the dream has a wonderful meaning that you will have a commendation and all... (read more)
  • Hairdresser - Dreaming about yourself being a person who cuts and shapes hair is a sign of good outcomes in the changes. In the dream to be a hairdresser, may represent your opinions about others. Maybe you are imposing your ideas on them. Alternatively, being a hairstylist may indicate your need to improve your self-image. Additionally, hairdresser also is a symbol of sexuality. Dreaming that you’re occupied with dressing or cutting of hair, shows your settled way of thinking or feeling about your own sexuality. Maybe you have started to realize the power of your sexual feelings. Dreaming and seeing yourself... (read more)
  • Islamic Ring - about afflictions, betrayal, or a revolt. Wearing a tight ring in the dream means that one will be let off from a vicious woman, or that he will be spared from a wicked duty. A borrowed wedding ring in a dream represents an ownership that will not last. If one buys an engraved ring in a dream, it means that he will own something he never owned before, such as a house, a vehicle, or perhaps he may get married, or bear a child. If one sees rings being sold in the open market in a dream, it means that... (read more)
  • Boat - shore where a new life smiles to us. Crossing a stream in the boat, indicates that you open yourself for other shores, the consciousness extends and penetrates into new spiritual and mental regions. Boating in the clear, quiet water promises a straight and successful way of life. Boating in muddy, messy water this stands for rather unfavorable prospects for the future. If it floats in quiet water, means a quiet trip of our little life boat in the awake life. Who controls a boat on moving water, can expect stress and imbalance in the conscious life. Who float a boat... (read more)
  • Pull - General Meanings: To dream that you pull something, then this is a reflection of active actions in waking life. The dream may be an alert to the dreamer how to act in a given situation. To try to pull – The dreamer is trying to pull, then he has to make decisions on a project. This may require additional efforts to get something done. To pull to move – The dreamer pulls in order to move something then he may succumb to external pressures. Pulling a car may usually announce that you will need a lot of effort, for which... (read more)
  • Whale - or worry about a thing or an event; Completed matters if see swimming whale – The swimming whale in the dream announces that you will complete successfully your profitable business or important projects; Be careful if whale from a ship – In the dream you see a whale from the ship, then this dream indicates that you torn between obligations and relaxation and you may lose your property or important projects; Hindu (Hinduism) Barriers if see a whale – The whale in the dream announces that you will meet the obstacles which ones you have to overcome with energy; Better time if catch a whale... (read more)
  • Vacation - been on vacation, or take situations that you have experienced on holiday. Even if you see in a dream vacation acquaintances, you can interpret it under the aspect of the holiday if also the properties of this vacation acquaintances are of yourself  (subject function of the dream symbol). A holiday season – this are for most people nearly “holy” days. The dream symbol warns the dreamer about overwhelm its system. A few free days help to create space for new development. Spiritual Meanings: At this level vacation equals to spiritual “filling up” and means relaxation and rest. Traditional Meanings: European... (read more)
  • Thief - General Meanings: Fair of losses and secret affairs The dream of a thief indicates that the dreamer is afraid to accept losses. It necessary must be material things, it can also be love or passion. Thief can stand for secret desires that you allow only furtively, among other things also including sexual needs. Other meanings are derived from the following circumstances of the dream: Seeing caught burglar or thief, this announces a positive and favorable phase in life. Being robbed by the thief is a good sign for business purposes, professional and financial plans. The thief escapes, means that... (read more)
  • Rabbit - can be victim to almost any other creature. Because of that rabbit is compared to the fear in dream. In this case, dream show rabbits and means, that dreamer can overcome his fear by growth. General meaning Means period of rapid growth, the innocent part of your natural subject for review; allow exploration of any willingness to make yourself a victim. Association Multiply like rabbits – derogatory remark for children wealth. Transcendent importance An ally that your dream trip speed and you can bring rapid growth on your spiritual path. In general: Rabbits may indicate sexual needs, gentleness, sense of... (read more)
  • War, combat, fighting zone - Dreaming of a war zone represents turbulent events of waking life. Anger or depression is destructive force, which leads your subconscious mind to combat zone in a dream. Any sort of conflict from real life could initiate this. Probably you are in constant feeling of pressure. Your fear for unfulfilled expectations is another reason to dream about military actions. Being very close to fighting area could reflect forthcoming disagreement with someone or your mental struggle. If you are participating proactively in a combat, it means undergoing conflict in waking life. Disagreement can be with some person or with your... (read more)