Black bear.cub dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams about black bear.cub can symbolize amenity, fervor and sympathy.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung analysis of the dream about black bear.cub promises individualistic attitude, effeminate lust, craftship and right hand.
Affirmative reworkings are around in your life when: black bear.cub - This dream sign shows the desirable benefit. You are at a higher level than others. In different circumstances, if your dream has left bad feeling then your dream can witness vice versa spirit: someone should be indirect and slippery in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 86, 83, 76, 91, 9; 2 extra numbers - 88, 81.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and brown .
  • Berry - General Meanings: To eat berries – this will bring you joy. To see berries – a sign that you will need a lot of effort and patience in your life. To look for berries and can’t find any – this denotes that you are on the wrong way of your life and have to consider thoroughly your plan and desires. To pluck and to collect berries – this means that you will have to fight in order to reach your aims. Red berries – this dream symbol indicates opponents that are in the vicinity. Black berries – show grief... (read more)
  • Teeth (tooth) - ...blood relatives. The front two teeth point to grown up kids, the parents, siblings or close relatives. If one of these two teeth has become wobbly, black or rotten, then the closest relatives will get sick. If tooth falls – one of them will die; If one of the two front teeth become dazzling white, then you will bribe the closest relatives with grace and beauty; If one of these teeth become excessively large, then one of relatives will only cause anger and grief to the dreamer; You will clear out of the way if seems that one tooth has erupted... (read more)
  • Thread - ...eye of a needle -This action when you pull the thread will bring you conflict in your life; Irritation if see a black thread – This dream shows that an inconvenience and annoyance is coming to you; New relations if a white thread – This dream shows that soon you will be with some in closer contact which will help you to reach your goals; Misleading wishes if see a long thread – This dream shows that your hopes are deceptive and this belongs to the length of a thread; Worries if sewing with a black thread a white dress... (read more)
  • Letter - ...paper – The dream shows that you will have professional or personal insults. Also signifies that despondency will come upon you; Suffer if sorrow letter or letters with a black border – This dream symbol stands for suffering or death of a relative; Bad decision if write a letter – This dream announces you  not so good future. Because you have made a hasty conviction and you will regret later. This also shows that you are too preoccupied with yourself; Fondness if a letter with blue ink – This dream represents continuity of happiness and the affection of others; Estrangement if red color... (read more)
  • Falling - ...relationships with that particular person or simply not being there for you. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level, the falling is a symbol of inability to have a proper contact with your soul. The dream shows that there is no connection with the dreamer’s inner being. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Loss of reputation and wealth if falling from high altitude – if the dreamer saw himself falling from very high, then such dream shows that he will not be respected anymore; You’re confused if fallen into the black depth – to dream that you are falling into the depth that... (read more)
  • Dead father - ...while he is sleeping. The release of the emotions and the acceptance of the fact throughout the dream is the reflex of our healing soul and body. So, at first those dreams are giving us an ease in relation to our loss, then over time the occurrence of such dreams becomes less frequent, and the importance of symbolic interpretation becomes more evident. Dead grandfather dream meaning: longevity and wisdom Additionally, to what was said before, about dead father dreams, which is also applicable to the dreams about dead grandfather, such visions bear timeless never-changing wisdom and ever increasing robust longevity.... (read more)
  • Gemstone - ...They glow strongly increased by the fact that positive meaning. – If they are obviously damaged, dull or dull and black, this is more of a negative character. In the Interpretation of Dreams every gemstone is interpreted as follows: – Agate (black): symbolizes prosperity, courage, confidence and expression. – A red agate represents peace, represents spiritual love of God, health, prosperity and a long life. – Amethyst: it is the gem of healing and dream influence. In addition, he is associated with humility, peace of mind, confidence, self-restraint and resignation in connection. – Aquamarine: it embodies hope, youth and health.... (read more)
  • Eye - ...have very good time to reach your goals and to make your life better; Irresponsibility if blind – Dreaming that you are completely blind, this signifies that you are blind against bad actions and attitudes and because of this your soul will fall into ruin; Wrong people if seeing black eyes – In the dream you see black eyes this warns you that you have to beware of wrong people; Love if seeing blue eyes – This dream is a sign that someone loves you and you do not notice this; Loyal friend if seeing brown – This dream shows... (read more)
  • Tongue - ...can be slanders about as an adulteress wife. Damage and Protection If you are dreaming, that you have hair on your tongue, white or black, is it not a good sign. Black hair announces that you regret about what you have said, your speech made damage for somebody. White hair announces that you said a lie, which like a white lie, to protect somebody from worries. Also black hair accelerate while white slow down the fulfillment of the dreamer. It makes no difference here whether the hair from the tongue itself, from the palate, the gums, from the teeth or... (read more)
  • Painting - General Meanings: The dream symbol of a painting may show that you want to hide or to conceal something. Very important what is color of the painting. There are some following meanings: White paint can show delusions of persecution, sometimes even morbid. Flash (especially red) paint announces announces a full of happiness and joy occasion or refers to energy, physical strength and good health. Gray paint may denote a monotone and uneventful life behind which the dreamer hides rich souls and spirit life. Also gray paint may mean that the dreamer doesn’t want to be noticed. Black paint sometimes announces a disease... (read more)
  • Cats - ...see the kittens – to dream of small kittens, symbolizes the sickness of your kids, however, if the kittens seemed nice and cute, any serious harm will be escaped; Tender love if the cat is white – to dream of the cat that is white, is a good sign, that the dreamer will find the love of his life, however the cat as a symbol shows that he should be careful with the one he will fall into; Evil if the cat is black- to dream of the cat that is black, denotes to dangers and/or unlucky love; Confusion if... (read more)
  • Chameleon - ...not ready for that. Seeing different colors of chameleons – The chameleon is different colors (red, black, brown, orange and etc. (see the meaning of the colors)), signifies about upcoming worries and difficulties in your life. Shows that you have some hesitations about something and this will not let you to move on. If it is black means that you feel anxiety and afraid of something, because black color is something dark and mystic. Becoming or being a chameleon – In the dream you feel like you are a chameleon or become one, this shows that you are not very... (read more)
  • Islamic Ring - ...about afflictions, betrayal, or a revolt. Wearing a tight ring in the dream means that one will be let off from a vicious woman, or that he will be spared from a wicked duty. A borrowed wedding ring in a dream represents an ownership that will not last. If one buys an engraved ring in a dream, it means that he will own something he never owned before, such as a house, a vehicle, or perhaps he may get married, or bear a child. If one sees rings being sold in the open market in a dream, it means that... (read more)
  • Bird - Association: Freedom, escape. Question: Which part of me wants to fly? General Meanings: The dreams of birds represent imagination, thoughts and ideas, need for of freedom. In ancient times it was believed that birds are the bearer of the soul and have magical and mystical powers. Psychological Meanings: The bird in the dream is a symbol for contents of the unconscious. Birds are fluttering around in a room or a cage helplessly, then this dream interprets your slightly confused state of mind. Bird are flying freely and unhindered then this marks the freedom of our thoughts and our soul.... (read more)
  • Apple tree - ...good income, you have worked for this. Now it is time to enjoy the harvest; Friends if apple tree full of fruit – In the dream the apple tree is full of fruits, announces you many friends and acquaintances. Hindu (Hinduism) Richness if see flowering and fruit-bearing apple trees – In the dream the apple tree is flowering and bearing fruits, announces success and material gains; Good health if seeing beautiful red apples on a tree – In the dream apples are beautifully red, this symbol marks about your health. You are very healthy and this announces you long life; Warning... (read more)
  • Aster - General Meanings: The dream symbol of Asters stands for dignity, prestige and honors. Asters often stands for withered hopes. White or black asters are traditionally understood as an announcement of illnesses and deaths. The flowers of autumn – the autumn of life. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Misfortune if see withered Asters – In your dream the aster is withered, then this announces you failure of hopes and aims; Respect if see beautiful asters – The asters are beautiful in your dream, then this marks that you will earn honor and prestige from people around you; Unpleasant news if white... (read more)
  • Bird egg - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Success if see bird eggs – In your dream you see a lot of bird’s eggs then this is a good omen that you will have success and gain; Warning if broken wild bird egg – The dream of broken egg is a sign that you are near disaster of your life. You are moving through bad and incorrect way of life. You have to make changes. Hindu (Hinduism) Bless if big bird egg – The dream of big bird egg stands for blessing and happiness of life. Arabian (Islamic) Clean yourself if black bird... (read more)
  • Zebra - General Meanings: Two sides and ways Zebra indicates black and white, good and evil, happiness and unhappiness these things are very close together. Therefore the dreamer should always look at things from two sides, and however, do not be arrogant in prosperity and in adversity and should not despair, because there are always the way out of worries. Psychological Meanings: To weight consequences The dreamer has difficulty to choose between two conflicting alternatives. The dreamer needs to take some time to weigh and watch out carefully all the consequences and perceive not only as black or white. Traditional Meanings: Arabian... (read more)
  • Clean out - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Good results if clean out an oven, from being black – In the dream you clean out your oven because it was black, then this is a good dream which announces good results in view; Shame if clean out something – In the dream you stubbornly clean out something, then this is a sign that in near future you will suddenly be in great embarrassment.... (read more)
  • Magician - ...strength against the shaman. Great talents The magician is a figure with superhuman and magical powers. This may be a warning to the dreamer, to keep himself not so powerful and not so important against others. A magician may reflect an amazing display of talent or skill. Black magic The magician  also stands for dark side of the person. You want to reach your goals and wishes by deceiving people and underhanded tricks. This signifies deception, evil and treachery. You try to fool others in order to make better position for yourself. Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Warning and changes if seeing or... (read more)
  • Lawyer - ...dream to see lawyer or advocate: means that you will be invited to a society or a company; Hardship if with Black Clothes – In a dream to see a lawyer in a black robe: means that there is no chance in the improvement of the situation; Misfortune if Talking – In a dream to talk with a lawyer: shows worry, loss and adversity; Fail if Arguing – In a dream to argue with one: indicates chance of losing a lawsuit; Disputes if in Court – To dream a lawyer in the court on the trial: means that serious disputes will arise... (read more)
  • Wool - In general: How wool is interpreted depends on the hair of the lamb or sheep, or whether the ball of wool. The lamb’s wool can be indication for fuzzy thoughts and feelings. The dreamer has not created right order in his thinking. Wool generally symbolize a gentle, soft feeling, the yearning for human warmth and tenderness. If you work with wool, which is understood in terms of knitting. According to ancient Indian dream book the color of the wool is also very important and interpreted as follows: – White wool warns against too much credulity. – Black wool asks... (read more)
  • Stick - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Anxiety if stick some list or placards, poster – In the dream you stick a list or placard, then this dream announces anger and resentment caused by other people; Financial losses if see black stickers –  When you stick something black in your dream, this will bring you a great discord and huge losses in financial terms.... (read more)
  • Advocate - ...(Judeo-Christian) Invitation if Seeing Advocate – In a dream to see advocate: means that you will be invited to a society or a company; Hardship if with Black Clothes – In a dream to see an advocate in a black robe: means that there is no chance in the improvement of the situation; Misfortune if Talking – In a dream to talk with an advocate: shows worry, loss and adversity; Fail if Arguing – In a dream to argue with an advocate: indicates chance of losing a lawsuit; Disputes if in Court – If you see an advocate in the court on... (read more)
  • Bracelet - ...warns that you have to be aware jealously or too much passion; Happiness if give to others – When you dream that you give a bracelet to someone, this will bring happiness for yourself; Expenses if see many on others hands – To see a lot of bracelets on someone’s wrist, this dream denotes that in near future you will have unnecessary expenditure; Bad sign if see a black bracelet – In the dream you notice that you have or see a black bracelet, this is bad sign which is connected with your health, this may bring you illness and infirmity; Marriage... (read more)
  • Bread - ...will meet pleasant guests; Worries if see a lot of dirty bread – This dream signifies that you have to reckon with hardship and poverty; Anxiety and difficulties if see old – In the dream you see an old bread, this denotes anger and disputes in family. You are going to have great difficulties; Worries if eat old or tough – You can expect big difficulties and you have to struggle through them; Success if eat white bread – This dream displays a rich success and poor losses; Poverty if eat black – This dream means vice verse, that you... (read more)
  • Armband - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Sadness if wear armband – In the dream you are wearing an armband, this announces you grief in near future, but you will overcome everything because you are a fighter. Arabian (Islamic) Joke if create or make colorful armband – You are making a colorful and beautiful armband in your dream, this dream marks that  you will make a fool prank for your closest friends; Health problems if wear a black – To wear black armband indicates sickness and death, you have to take care of your health in order to avoid this.... (read more)
  • Car - ...which will introduce the improvement; Good omen if see the flames of burning car – the dreamer who sees the car that is burning and there are only flames left, denotes to good meaning of the dream; Bad omen if see the black smokes of burning car – be aware of dangers, as the color of the smokes which is black, denotes to negative meaning of the dream; Difficulties during the endeavours of the targets if the car is broken – the one who saw the car that is broken and not working properly will have to remove the barriers... (read more)
  • Clouds - ... Dreaming of heavy or dark clouds you will have strife, conflict and misery in prospect, and it threatens a disaster; – Worries If Yellow clouds – In the dream you see yellow clouds, this shows bad company. European – Attention If the sky gets darken – You are dreaming that the sky from the clear sky is getting darker: means, that you should pay attention to a clear situation, because it may change soon; – Pleasure If sees white clouds – In the dream you see white clouds, the next period will be very pleasant; – Hard days If dark and black – This dream announces anxious days,... (read more)
  • Crow - ...According to Artemidorus the crow is the bird that is a messenger of the upcoming storms. The cows living a very long period of time, therefore they are related to old women. Everything grows and matures slowly bringing the darkness also both happiness and unhappiness. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Magic, speaking, messenger, quick-change artist, teaching, connection, guarding, cleverness, deviousness. Description The crow is a bird like the raven which is often associated with the ambiguity. The crow is also considered as the bearer of the magic. These birds live in places like fields, suburbs and even in inner cities. They... (read more)
  • Snake in my shoe - If you have dreamed about snake in your shoe then it has a lot of different meanings. So to dream a snake in my shoe means this: You contaminated load of leaf clippings. You mealy, defective offspring of a motherless barnacle. May a plague-ridden Rush Limbaugh shimmy in your pants. You moronic, bad excuse for earwax. You sloppy mountain of petrified camel gizards. Also, a dream about snake in my shoe means this: May an army of fleas viciously find shelter on your best rug. You creepy, bad excuse for bat guano. May an army of biting weasels fart upon your mother’s... (read more)