Car crash and drunk driving dream meanings

Short meaning: a dream of car crash and drunk driving may illustrate plenty, like and sincere friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud and C. Jung analysis the dream about car crash and drunk driving announces separated tenor, effeminate lust, genius and property.
Reassuring metamorphosis naturally are awaiting only: car crash and drunk driving - Symbol of a dream naturally denotes superiority and being one step ahead. Notwithstanding, if the dream was more like nightmare then your dream may signify vice versa context: some-one is being deceptive and/or unsound toward you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 53, 12, 26, 23, 22; 2 extra numbers - 16, 2.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and blue .
  • Zeppelin - an old friend or a patron to achieve a very secure place. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Better life if see zeppelin – To see a zeppelin or many zeppelins in the dream, this promises a brilliant promotion and higher position; Progress if fly with zeppelin – To fly with a zeppelin in the dream so this announces good progress in your life or at work; Warning if see crash of zeppelin – In the dream you see a crash of zeppelin then you may expect that your existence will be endangered. Hindu (Hinduism) Be brave if see zeppelin – The dream of zeppelin... (read more)
  • Ambulance - your conscious does not deal with worries or situation that you have now. Also this is a sign to take care of your health. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Help from others if see an ambulance – This dream shows that you will get help and support. Also fast fulfillment of your desires; Bad luck if an ambulance with flashing lights – In the dream you see an ambulance with flashing lights somewhere near you, this is omen of misfortune; Heal yourself if someone is hit by an ambulance – Your inner feelings are broken or hurt, you have to heal them; Disease... (read more)
  • Ocean - New Family Dreambook If you dreamed of the ocean that is calm – it’s a good sign. If the sailor enjoying a good and pleasurable voyage – prosperity in business. If you dreamed that you were sailing and heard the waves crashing on the boards – you might get in trouble when it comes to dealing with business or family problems. According to New Family dreambook, if the dreamer is watching the waves that are crashing into each other, such dream signifies the escape from the intrigues of the enemies. The ocean that is shoaling, represents health and well-being disturbed... (read more)
  • Mount - shrouded in clouds, the unity of mind and body is emphasized. – If you stand timidly at the foot of the mountain or getting dizzy, lacks confidence and self-confidence. – Bring the dreamer the courage to climb a mountain, then he is freed from fear and is rewarded with increased self-consciousness. – Sets the ascent to a rest pause, you should divide his forces and better protect themselves in everyday life. – Crashes from the dreamer, refers to this imprudence he committed in life and he will probably fail and have to give up hope. – If the climb is... (read more)
  • Cave - then it denotes about devastated state of your mind and soul. It shows that at this time in your life you feel hopeless and useless; Sad future if crash into the cave – For a dreamer who crashes into the cave promises unlucky future life; Unpleasant meeting if falling into the cave – The dreamer falls into the cave, shows that he will have to meet and discuss uncomfortable business; False friends if firstly see then walk in the cave – To walk in for a while in the cave then this dream marks that you have to stay aware of fake friendships.... (read more)
  • Cider - cider – In the dream you are tasting cider, then it denotes that you are making important decisions in your life and now you are considering what to choose; Irresponsible person if get drunk of cider – This indicates that you act too freely in your life, you do not think about any consequences; Positive things if drink in moderation – When you are drinking cider in moderation, this dream marks that you have ability to control everything and to turn to positive side; Control if make cider – Very good sign. This signifies that you control  in your life, your... (read more)
  • Beer - feel dull or drunk – This is a warning that you have to take care of your health because this can bring you illness. Also announces distress and annoyance in your life; Profit if drinking fresh beer – This signifies income for you; Worries if beer bad and stale – This will bring you sickness and trouble, you have to pay attention to your health and decisions; Profit if drinking dark beer – announces that you have good income which will improve your life; Clear future if drinking light beer – This shows that you have clear ideas and aims... (read more)
  • Islamic Ring - The king’s ring in a dream represents his kingdom and power. Cutting off a tight ring with a pair of pliers in a dream means the end to one’s authority. Any incrustations on one’s ring in a dream represent his goals. If the gemstone of one’s ring falls in a dream, it may mean the death of his child, or the loss of his business. A broken ring in a dream means divorce. Wearing a ring made of iron in a dream means that one will receive benefits though with great strain on him. Wearing a golden ring carrying a... (read more)
  • Transformation - reach a great age. The people of iron we call those, which have endured many adversities and difficulties in their life. If you dream that you became made of loam or clay, so the death threatens everyone, except for person who works with the clay or loam and earns for their living. If you dream that you are made of marble, it tells about the dreamer’s wounds and injuries; because without iron tools, no one can be carved in marble. According to this , someone has to adjudge if it is the transformation into another substance. Someone is transformed into... (read more)
  • Lizard - instinctive. It may also happen that the lizard in the dream turned into a monster that causes the dreamer’s fear. This vision is a warning against uncontrolled driving forces of the subconscious. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) – Prosperity If Seeing – In the dream you see a lizard, this dream shows you that you will have strong turnaround in your business and other matters; – Acquaintance If Seeing – You are dreaming that you see a lizard this also can mean that you should not put off the going outs, you can acquire good friends that may be useful to... (read more)
  • Bus - only strive in vain to reach a goal. Besides, like all vehicles it is the symbol of changes, change of location and departure. Who often dreams the trip with bus, has to try to remember the state of the bus and the passengers – here it is the actual meaning of the dream that can be deciphered. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level the bus stands for the all-embracing property. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Moving forward if drive a bus in a dream – You are driving the bus in your dream, this signifies about slow and moderate progress with your... (read more)
  • Boat - and there is a boat, accident is approaching or breakdowns in the journey or life course; Visit if drive with it – When you are driving a boat in your dream, means that you are going to visit your relatives or friends; Sadness if sinking – The dream denotes that you will experience disappointment; Bad luck if fall of – In the dream you fall off a boat into the water announces distress and danger and misfortune; Joy If sail – When you are dreaming that you are sailing in a boat on smooth water brings you happiness and success; Respect... (read more)
  • Drive - Psychological Meanings: The dream symbol of locomotion. For more information you can obtain from the mood while driving. Think carefully – this way you can decipher the symbolism of dreams and see how you behave in your life and where your challenges and opportunities lie. * Please, see meaning of car.... (read more)
  • Wild boar - a wild boar in the dream, warns that should be careful against a ruthless man in your environment. Of course, this dream symbol refers also to wild unrestrained driving forces and energies, that can cause trouble for you in interpersonal relationships. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Difficulties if dreaming of wild boar – This dream announces threats, but you will overcome these them with your own courage; Aggressiveness if seeing a boar in front of you – In the dream you see a wild boar that stands in front of you, this shows that you are very aggressive and hothead, you are afraid... (read more)
  • Tongue - from speaking , probably prevents him from eating, in all his effort to come to ownership and income he will encounter difficulties and fall into extreme poverty. No worries If hard to speak – If you dreams, your lisps are closed or you stammer, you will solve the problems without any damage. Concealment If Stretching out – Somebody stretches out a tongue, you are making fun of yourself and try to deceive somebody with your actions; Disaster If Bite yourself – Bite yourself into the tongue means you are near a disaster, be careful in driving; Inconveniences If Cutting – To... (read more)
  • Theft - ...taken literally. The dreamer is afraid of a loss. This loss threatens the dreamer but he tries to ignore this. The losses may be such as personal relationships, skills, qualities or feelings. Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Recovery if discover theft –  In the dream you discover a theft then this dream announces that you will have some kind of loss but you will recover really fast; Failure if commit theft – The dream is a sign that in near future you will have lots of failures because you do everything very irresponsibly and hastily. * Please, see meaning of crash.... (read more)
  • Bridge - people promises disappointment in love, as the loved one does not promise his ideals; Warning If go across an old and insecure bridge – In the dream you go across an old and unsafe bridge, it is signal that you have to be very attentive and you be able to avoid a danger; Progress If go for a very long time – You move through the bridge for a long time in your dream this announces you great progress in life; Difficulties If See damaged or even crash with it – The specific project will not run successfully you are a little... (read more)
  • Collision - Association: Violent destruction or obstacle on the path to progress. Question: Who or what will stop me? Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be attentive if see crash (collision) – You dream of collision then this dream means that you may have a serious accident and disillusionment in the business sector, so you have to be very attentive with all the decisions; Disagreement if collision is made by a woman – You will not be able to decide between two suitors and there will be bone of contention.... (read more)
  • Skating - dream may be interpreted as a willingness to “stand out” in any setting. Psychological Meanings: Successful life This dream of skating and ice dance symbolizes balance, skill, self-control and security. In the dream you walk easily on the ice and the movements are harmonious, then you will be able to solve difficult problems with ease. Worries However, crashes on the ice marks that you have to be wary of overconfidence and reckless actions. You broke something while skating in the dream, then you may expect some difficulties especially in interpersonal relationships. * Please, see meaning of breaking, ice, slide.... (read more)
  • Sea - your soul; If you dream of seeing a sea foam, which is created by the agitation of sea water, then this dream signifies the illusory of hopes; To fall into the sea by mistake, symbolizes disaster and injury, which means that in reality you should be careful; If you dream of the image of the moon that is surrounded by dark clouds and the sea which is very stormy, it means that something negative and extraordinary will happen, where you will not have any influence to avoid it; The quiet sea with the moon and moonlight over the sea –... (read more)
  • Lift - or inferiority feelings. If the elevator goes down and the dreamer felt uncomfortable, then in this dream can be expressed fears for the future. Traditionally: Arabian – In general lift or elevator: you must be careful; – Go to the top: success can be expected; – To stuck in lift: it is threatened by problems in the advancement of inferiority on your life; – To go down with lift: professional burglary and fear of the future; – To crash: an impending disaster or accident. European – To see lift or lifts in dream: you want to come up easily and... (read more)
  • Flying - to dream of seeing yourself flying with wings, indicates the happiness at all aspects of the future. The dreamer is becoming closer to his target, however all of the power must be used if he wants to reach the final and wanted destination; Danger if lose the wings while flying – to dream that you are flying with wings, but lose them, indicates to the danger and frustration you will suffer. Carefulness must be approached fully at this time of the life; Pleasant days if dream of a long flight – the dream about the long distance that you took... (read more)
  • Falling - in dreams can have many meanings depending on different circumstances of the dream and the reasons of the falling: Slipped and fallen Sometimes the dreamer falls because he slipped on some surface. According to dream interpretation of slipping, such dream represents very slippery surface you are walking on at the moment. Consider in what situation of your life you are at the moment, because the dream warns you to be careful and do not take risks, otherwise you will fall. Lost balance and fallen The dream represents the balance you have while dealing with your life. If the dreamer lost... (read more)
  • Burglar - it, but with your courage and determination you can surely defend yourself successfully. Pay more attention to the strangers if attacked by the burglar – The dream signifies that you will have to fight with dangerous enemies. They will destroy your business and activities that you do if you’re not careful enough in your dealings with strangers; Success and award if pass a burglar to the police – In the dream you pass the burglar to the police, denotes that you will win a new process with the partners and you will rewarded for an ability to deal with challenges; Embarrassing... (read more)