Hit and run car crash dream meanings

Short meaning: dreaming about hit and run car crash can show gratification, fidelity and consonance.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By C. Jung interpretation such dreaming of hit and run car crash marks liberated quality, womanhood sex instinct, creativity and strength.
Constructive metamorphosis are awaiting in life : hit and run car crash - This foreshadows superiority and being an innovative person. In another way, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream can involve backwards definition: some person may be knavish and/or risky in relation to you.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 12, 93, 38, 85, 25; 2 extra numbers - 55, 39.
Fortunate colors for this dream: red and blue .
  • Leg - loss through carelessness, extremely thin legs – a betrayal. Sick or amputated leg draws attention to dangers and losses, perhaps a divorce of intimate people or financial losses. Your broken leg indicates obstructions. Broken leg of other person, it can announce that you will hit a competitor from the field. Occasionally the leg is also a sexual symbol which perhaps signifies suppressed sexual needs. The interpretation of the dreams about legs, you must pay attention to the different symbolism of right and left leg, when you only see a leg in the dream. Psychological Meanings: Motor to move The leg is... (read more)
  • Rabbit - in dream: you will sacrifice the environment for the sake of your own ideals and positive characteristics, but you will be unhappy in the long run; – White rabbit in dream: joy, true love, whether married or single; Also: you will experience pleasant events very soon; – If rabbit is black: mourning. Hindu – To see rabbit: poor health; – To kill rabbit or rabbits in dream: good health and old age. Denise Lynn (short): Short interpretation of rabbit in dreams by Denise Lynn Rabbit symbolizes prosperity; Could also mean anxiety or fear; Sometimes the rabbit represents the fertility of... (read more)
  • Carbon copy - Psychological Meanings: Warning The dream symbol of carbon copy stands as a warning that you have to protect your space and matters. Perhaps such a dream warns against false allegations. You have to keep all the information and to be attentive with all the decisions.... (read more)
  • Personal care (Toiletries) - General Meanings: Trustful persons Personal care such as Toiletries mean servant. If you have lost one of these thing, then this means that you will lose something from your personality. To see a bottle of oil and a container for the shaver in the dream, then this means that you have a reliable spouse or a domestic servant who will always help you.... (read more)
  • Baccarat (card game) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Get rid of bad feature if play Baccarat – In the dream you play baccarat game, shows that your incorrigible recklessness, has to be removed first of all in order to make better life. Hindu (Hinduism) Need to grow up if play baccarat – You are playing baccarat in the dream shows that you are irresponsible person and you need to mature. Arabian (Islamic) Wrong behavior if play baccarat – The dreams gives you a sign that you act really wrong in your life and this will bring you sadness for your family. * Please,... (read more)
  • Cartoon Character - Association: Caricature. Question: What elements of me did I find funny or silly? General Meanings: The dream of Cartoon Character indicates happiness and joy. The dream may show that this period of your life will be good and will bring you satisfaction.... (read more)
  • Hackney carriage - General Meanings: The dream symbol of hackney carriage brings us into a haven of tranquility. This dream is a sign that your soul needs for peace and relaxation.... (read more)
  • Lightning - should be businessmen to do business and take care of your men, women or mothers, children and sick people need the care; – over your head: joy and gain; – see hit on your head or house: loss of property and life, accidental; – damage something: severe illness; – not take damage: a danger that one will escape; Also unexpected trouble at work or in love; – lightning: means good; – a flash in the South: the success is a long time absent; – in the Southwest: the luck to you on the trail; – in the West: your prospects... (read more)
  • Way/Path - stands for a decision that must be made aware. Spiritual Meanings: A path in a dream can point to a spiritual direction. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Fulfillment of hopes if walk a straight path (way, road) – This dream signifies that you are moving straight your goals and desires. You will reach everything what you wish; Wishes if see a straight road or way – Means that in the near future everything will go as you wish; Perfection if run or walk uphill – In the dream you run uphill, this is a very good sign that you now are in... (read more)
  • Lion - for a dreamer to see a lion that is running out in freedom, warns about evil that is hiding out for you; Grief and distress if the lion is imprisoned – the meaning of this dream foretells about sadness and suffering; Success in every aspect of the life if the lion has been tamed – if you were able to tame the animal, then it means that you will be able to control anything you want; Will defeat enemies if the lion is in the cage – for a dreamer to see the lion that is in the cage, means... (read more)
  • Goats - is bleating in our dreams, we have to do something in the real life with someone, which can not do anything right, the criticism is justified. To see jumping and funny goat means, that you should pack the arrogance or recklessness. Spiritual Meanings: Symbol of a careful eavesdropping, knowing creature. Traditional Meanings: Arabian Negligent If Seeing in flocks – When in the dream you see goats in flocks, then this dream shows you that you have to deal with careless people; Earnings and Weepers If Seeing white goat – This dream announces you good income, but you also have to deal... (read more)
  • Wagon - General Meanings: Today probably most of people dream of a car or other means of transport. The wagon is like an old symbol which stands as an indication that you use old and already deposited methods to test the situation and to find the solution. The rickshaw, which drives a man, warns that the dreamer shouldn’t use others in order to reach his own goals. Psychological Meanings: Loss or wealth Loads which are transported with wagons announce a successful and profitable business. But when they are empty, futile efforts and losses at work. When you lose something from a wagon, then... (read more)
  • Adoption - Association: Work on a creative process. Question: What is born in me against all resistance? General Meanings: Desire to take care of somebody/ Protective instincts/ Rejection According to common opinions about a dream in which an adoption emerges, this gives indication to the fact that somebody has problems in your close neighborhood and that you should help them. The adoption may also stand for a strong protective instinct, someone would like to play the role of parents in his life. But beware! Who often dreams of adopting someone, your friends and relatives could reject you because of your exaggerated care. This... (read more)
  • Doctor’s visitation (Health care) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Very attentive if have doctor’s visitation – In your dream you have a doctor’s visitation then this dream marks that you are careful person and tries to find out all the questions that you have. Hindu (Hinduism) Anger if be a doctor and have a visit – Dreaming of being a doctor and visiting sick person (patient or patients) then in your life you will begin an unreasonable argument and anxiety; Become famous if be visited by doctor – To be visited in your dream by a doctor for inspection examination or some other health... (read more)
  • Ambulance - your conscious does not deal with worries or situation that you have now. Also this is a sign to take care of your health. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Help from others if see an ambulance – This dream shows that you will get help and support. Also fast fulfillment of your desires; Bad luck if an ambulance with flashing lights – In the dream you see an ambulance with flashing lights somewhere near you, this is omen of misfortune; Heal yourself if someone is hit by an ambulance – Your inner feelings are broken or hurt, you have to heal them; Disease... (read more)
  • Target (bullseye) - your life is fully complied and you are moving toward this; Good life if hit in the center of a target – Such a dream when you hit in the middle of the target means that you are blissful person, you will implement everything what you desire; Warning if someone else is shooting to target – The dream is a warning that you have to be careful who has your confidence; Your reputation if be a target as a woman -The young woman looks like a target in her own dream, then her reputation is at risk because of envy of colleagues.... (read more)
  • Big snakes in the road - ...damp dingo zits for brains. May a putrefied heard of biting wolverines franticly drool in the toxic dump you call home. May a festering hoard of South American killer bees have a religious experience upon your heinie. Further, to dream about big snake in the road can represent this: May ninty-nine funky, rabid pit-fiends sneeze in the landfill you call home. You gross offspring of a motherless cretin. May a defective platoon of fleas and a noxious hoard of South American killer bees seek a battleground upon your heinie. May forty-two crazed wiener-dogs find your buttocks suddenly delectable. Alternatively, a... (read more)
  • Ant - forthcoming psychosis. Now relaxation and tranquility are very important. In common dreams of ants are an indication of disturbances in the autonomic nervous system, especially when one perceives a tingle in dreams, which gives a reason for medical research. More trust and work – Sometimes this vision stands only for the fact, that the dreamer should be more diligent, more persevering and more active. Spiritual Meanings: In the symbolic language ants are a model of prudence, cleverness and diligence. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) More care about work If Seeing – When you see only few of ants in your dream, then... (read more)
  • Breast - Association: – Chest: fullness of life; Generosity. Female: nourish; Female sexuality; Maternal love. Question: – Chest: What kind of experiences do I want to savor fully? – Female: What do I feed? Which part of me wants to be loved? General Meanings: Need of Mother’s love – It is assumed that this part of the body is mostly common dream; The breasts of a woman, are the symbol of food and motherly love. If a man dreams of mother’s breasts, this represents his unconscious longing for his mother or care. Need for security and care – Breast often indicates that... (read more)
  • Tree - Association: Natural process; life structure. Question: In what place in my life am I ready to grow? General Meanings: Connection of Heaven and Earth – Without trees there won’t be forests. The tree symbolizes the connection of heaven and earth. Their roots anchor deeply in the Earth, and according to the mythology, they carry a hidden treasure: the wisdom of life. The Holiness of trees – In all his force he appears to us in the holy trees, which is particularly the most powerful -oak, also including the hard ash-tree and the yew. These are symbols of the primal forces of... (read more)
  • Ice - still traditionally interpreted as follows: Go on Ice, fling or fall warns about speculations which will end with failures and losses because they are too risky; You should consider and pay attention to this note that comes from unconscious. See Ice in summer often suggests that an intention or a project doesn’t stand under favorable rating and should be abandoned. Eating Ice announces an adventure after which you will have “stomach aches” and this will run dangerously. Psychological Meanings: Danger The ice in the dream is always a danger symbol. It appears in a lot of different forms, for example, as an... (read more)
  • Clown - hide under the mask in certain situation. Arabian (Islamic) Mockery if seeing a clown – In the dream you see the clown this warns that you will be ridiculed by your actions. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Humor; lightness; happiness; heart; trick artist; confuser; holy; ceremony. Description The clown is one of the additional symbols of the medicine wheel, when it comes as a stone or card set with an application. He is associated with the southern quarter of a circle and stands for humor. The clown was a holy being for many earthy peoples. He teaches to take yourself and... (read more)
  • Monkey - reminder to the man, though he differs by his spirit from the animal, but he is just physically mortal. Sexual problems and Lack of deeper feelings To interpret a dream in which a monkey occurs, you must pay attention to the story of the monkey. The action can refer to sexual problems: For example, if the monkey appears as a sexual symbol, this can mean that an erotic connection lacks of emotional depth. Longing for childhood and Impersonation of others Playful monkey is swinging from branch to branch, the dreamer longs (often unconsciously) for the carelessness of his childhood. This is a frequent... (read more)
  • Tongue - a fruitful and creative aspect, which relates mainly to the spiritual level. Warning about problems French kisses or genital kisses do not necessarily have a sexual character in the dream. This means that the dreamer should take care of the problem with the person with whom he kisses in the dream. “The closed mouth catches no flies” If you see your own tongue in the mirror, the unconscious gives us the advice, rather to be silent in a certain situation, than to babble casually at it. Harm We see the tongue of someone else in the dream, we consider on... (read more)
  • Wolf - severe anger; – To be pursued by wolf or pack of wolves: you’re not well-disposed & you have a mortal enemy; – To listen howling wolves: you shall not listen to the gossip of the neighbors, you will be under pressure from all sides; – To beat wolf in dream: you will overcome your enemies. Denise Lynn (short): Short interpretation of wolf in dreams by Denise Lynn Wolf symbolizes society and public duty; Also, it shows concern about the family or suggests care for the family. Wolf can indicate the need for more care and support. Wolf also shows fear,... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - the end. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) – Dreaming of ring in general: be careful and thorough consideration in bonds, for which there is not much desire; – To see ring in dream: announcing a binding to a different person; – Dreaming of gold ring: promises a speedy marriage or christening; – See two beautiful rings: announces an early commitment or even marriage; – If ring is broken or you brake one in dream: announces a death, represents a betrayal; Also dreaming of broken ring: dispute in the marriage or separation for married people; – To lose a ring: causes temporary... (read more)
  • Betting - General Meanings: Betting (bet in dream) indicates a risk that can not be calculated accurately. You should carefully consider whether you want to take it, and realize before the possible consequences of failure. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Unlucky if bet on sport – Dreaming of betting on sports in general indicates that due to carelessness, you will always have bad luck in result; Unclear things if finish betting – In the dream you finish betting then in real life you will start an uncertain thing which will not bring you any success or joy; No confidence if can not stop betting... (read more)
  • Bed - understood as a sign of satisfaction and inner harmony, sometimes you’re looking to even the temporary oblivion of problems and conflicts and is prepared for an imminent serious illness. – Make bed promises a future usually happier family life. – Poorly made or dirty bed dissatisfaction with themselves and can their own life circumstances display or refer to family problems. – Can not sleep in bed announces unrest and conflict with others. – Shows up out of bed that you made a decision and it will carry out with courage and perseverance. – Does the bed dreaming of married couples... (read more)
  • Animals - ability to be powerful and strong; To tame the animal – if the dreamer has tamed the animal, such dream shows the ability to control your own instincts and/ or to used them properly and when it is needed; When the animal runs away – to dream of being in contact with animal, but seeing him running away for no reason, indicates the doubts you have on your mind. There is a ambiguity within your personality, which you keep fighting. Keep calm and try to divide the animal and human aspects, only then you will be able to keep the... (read more)
  • Dog - actions. More dogs – more doubts. If others were chased in the dream, then it means that risky persons around you. Being able to run away from dog or dogs means hope and possible bright future; Play means victory – In the dream to play with your dog or to see happy and playful dogs means that you will overcome your opponents. If someone else is playing with dog, he will be lucky too. If this person isn’t friendly with you, then this dream is a message to be more patient and careful in order to overcome your enemies; Chain or... (read more)
  • Train - see train accidents, this dream announces you about chaos and misunderstandings in your life. The way which you choose to reach your goals are not going on as you planned. This dream shows that you are lack of confidence to reach your goals and wishes. Arabian (Islamic) Contradictions If Collide a train with a car – In the dream you see that the train collides with a car, this dream is a warning that your life aims is opposed with your belief; Wrong way and help If Seeing injured people in the train – In the dream you see injured people... (read more)