I was stabbed in stomach but no blood come out dream meanings

Short meaning: in a dream of i was stabbed in stomach but no blood come out can designate relaxation, love and harmony.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By S. Freud interpretation such dreaming of i was stabbed in stomach but no blood come out foretells self-contained essence, womanhood sexual desire, imaginativeness and quality.
Enthusiastic reworkings are going on only: i was stabbed in stomach but no blood come out - This synbol of your dream means primacy and being an innovator. Yet, if the dream was more like nightmare then a dream can augur vice versa subject: an important person can be catchy or hairy in relation to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 30, 21, 7, 8, 74; 2 extra numbers - 72, 7.
Fortunate colors for this dream: blue and brown .
  • Organs/Viscus - of another man, will cheat or mislead the person, who had his organs removed; Will face the death if see organs of the child – to dream that you see the organs of the small kid, symbolizes death of someone you know. Hindu (Hinduism) The close family will have to move out if the organs went through anus – the dream in which all of the organs went out because of someone kicking him, will suffer the loss of his relative. However, they will come back and everything will get sorted out; Will get rich by the cost of other... (read more)
  • Ice - still traditionally interpreted as follows: Go on Ice, fling or fall warns about speculations which will end with failures and losses because they are too risky; You should consider and pay attention to this note that comes from unconscious. See Ice in summer often suggests that an intention or a project doesn’t stand under favorable rating and should be abandoned. Eating Ice announces an adventure after which you will have “stomach aches” and this will run dangerously. Psychological Meanings: Danger The ice in the dream is always a danger symbol. It appears in a lot of different forms, for example, as an... (read more)
  • Ticks - dream, then near you there is a treacherous enemy; Be attentive if see big ticks on animals – The ticks on the animals in the dream, then this means that enemies are ready to take a possession, you have to keep what you have earned in your life. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Discharge; blood sucking parasite. Description A tick is a wingless insect, that sucks blood from animals and humans. General Meaning Something that has affected your life essence or drained you up. Association A carrier of dangerous diseases. Transcendent Meaning A warning of something that eats you during the dream state.... (read more)
  • Dagger - brings sad news in near future; Defeated enemies if fight with a dagger – The dream announces that you will win against your enemies if you fight with a dagger; Warning if have a dagger with fine decorated crafted vagina – The dream denotes that there is the danger of speculation which may bring some worries; Danger if see stuck dagger in the ground – The dagger is stuck in the ground and you can not take out it, then this dream goes as a warning of danger and destroyed reputation; Enemies if dagger with blood – To see a dagger that is stained with blood,... (read more)
  • Dripping - superstition, if drops in the dream have bad smell – expect something seriously unfortunate. To interpret colorful dream about soaking, please look into the meanings of particular color. If water was clean, then your dream represents losing spiritual enlightenment. If water was black or muddy, this symbol may refer to your health issues. Alternatively, if you sick right now, then such dream about slowly dripping or leaking black, dirty water, in specific circumstances, can represent healing process. Dripping blood Dreaming about dripping blood, means that something or someone is sucking out of you a lot of vital parts from your... (read more)
  • Snake in my shoe - Other snake in your shoe dream meanings: May many South American killer bees and the hosts of Hades seek a battleground in your father’s house. May the hosts of Hades gleefully throw a party in your shoes. May a crazed Rush Limbaugh find your buttocks suddenly delectable. May a truckload of plague-ridden gnats and the hosts of Hades seek a battleground in the sewer you call home. And some meanings more: You festering bag of mung. You musty, unspeakable, bad excuse for fungus. You friendless, sloppy, bad excuse for leaf clippings. You funky, blithering offspring of a motherless simpleton. May... (read more)
  • Riot - near future; Ability to stop damage if see a riot –  In the dream you see a riot, this shows that you have an ability to prevent harm no matter that the situation is uncertain, you will put all your efforts to stop damage; Sorrow if friend was killed – In the dream your friend was killed during riot, this dream is very bad sign which will bring unlucky in everything, grief through death or serious illness of an important person; Expenses if see a riot and lots of blood – When in your dream you see a riot and... (read more)
  • Forest - all the physical symptoms, the health is stable; Hindu (Hinduism) – To see burn : sorrow for a loved one; – To see green : happy life; – Look bald : your future is cloudy; – Dense and dark: you know you are not in your business; – Walk in him, you will find satisfaction; – Beautiful green: happy marriage; – Bald: murky future; – To sing happy days; – To refuse: you will come to power. Arabian (Islamic) – General: Reminder to be more humility and reverence to the simple things in life; – Dreaming the Emperor, it a... (read more)
  • Iron (material) - really difficult to gain this. The transformation into the iron on the contrary prophecies unbearable strokes of fate, but the dreamer will get over it and will reach a great age. Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Hard; Elastic; Culture-changing; Technology; Survival; Health; Centrality; Temper. Iron is one of the hardest minerals, in the medicine wheel together with Garnet mineral Totem is born on Ripe Berries Moon (July 23-August 22). It has changed the entire cultures and has led them into the age of technology. Iron also supplies the central ion in the hemoglobin molecule of the blood, and thus depends on... (read more)
  • Lose weight - it does not have any affect for reaching further efforts and expectations. However, if you really suffering from obesity in your dream, you will finally reach the ideal of beauty. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Adversity If lost weight – This dream displays that you will have adversities and worries in your personal life or at work; Advantages If see other skinny – This mean that you will get some advantages but you will be grudge for them; Wealth If see others lose weight – This shows that you gain benefits at the expense of others and soon you will come... (read more)
  • Tub - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Two meanings if take or see tube – In a dream you see a tube and it is filled with something then this announces good income, but if it is empty so the meaning is opposite. Arabian (Islamic) Wealth if tube of wine – In your dream you see a tube of wine then this is a good omen which announces high income; Moving forward if tube full of water – The tube full of water in the dream indicates that you will come slowly but surely forward.... (read more)
  • Cypress - end in various areas of life (relationship, work, business). Hindu (Hinduism) Bad things if cypress – Dreaming about cypress may show that you will not be able to avoid unpleasant things and repentance will come too late; Sadness if see cypress – The dream is a sign that no one will be happy, there is a chance of the end of any kind; Artemidorus Meanings: The cypress is a symbol of patience and delay, because of their slim stature. Everything what grows slowly and matures slowly, as the Cypress and other plants so this denotes both, the happiness and the misery.... (read more)
  • Tongue - careful what you speak or do. Hindu (Hinduism) Clearness If Cut – If the man dreams, his tongue was cut off , was shortened or became big that he could not move it any more, he will cut inequitable opinions; Disrupting If Cut – If you are wise and smart, you will lose your cleverness and wisdom, the enemies will triumph about you, and you will get in a big distress. A man will be defeated in the processes which he leads and does not come out of without troubles and affliction; Happiness  If Seeing – If a woman has this... (read more)
  • Braid - can not make free from old prejudices; – Plait: Do you play an important thing to take lightly; – To lose: bad luck may come to your life; – To cut: you will break with outdated beliefs. European (Judeo-Christian) – To see one: you will have to be separated from a dear old habit, you should try something new and cling to very old commandments; – Weave: the mind is in a love affair lost; – To cut off: you will now like to put annoying habits and should continue to do so; – To wear: it’s a sign that... (read more)
  • Goats - is bleating in our dreams, we have to do something in the real life with someone, which can not do anything right, the criticism is justified. To see jumping and funny goat means, that you should pack the arrogance or recklessness. Spiritual Meanings: Symbol of a careful eavesdropping, knowing creature. Traditional Meanings: Arabian Negligent If Seeing in flocks – When in the dream you see goats in flocks, then this dream shows you that you have to deal with careless people; Earnings and Weepers If Seeing white goat – This dream announces you good income, but you also have to deal... (read more)
  • Rabbit - wealth and idealism, partly explain these properties, however, out of fear, insecurity and inferiority feelings, you will not be attacked by others. White rabbits are generally considered good luck symbol, black announce failures and sadness. If you kill a rabbit, this indicates that suppressing emotions and related mental contents will lead you to unhappiness. Traditionally: Arabian – To see white rabbit: warns of false friends; – To see more white than black rabbits: signal that junior may come soon; – To dream baked, roasted or grilled rabbit: you will reach earnings or profit. European – To see: false friends will... (read more)
  • Sausage - In general: Sausage is often as a phallic symbol for sexual needs. More generally, sausages refers to a materialistic outlook on your life, which you should be able to correct. Consumption of sausages announces a nice, but very superficial acquaintance. Traditionally: Arabian – To eat: delight your stomach; – Also dreaming that you eat sausage: you wait for the fulfillment of a wish; – To see: you’ll soon be going to a festival; – To produce sausages: you should care well your household. European – Dreaming of sausage in general: domestic difficulties are often due to poor health; –... (read more)
  • Contexts about dog - works as an alert to the dreamer, that it is a time to wake up and to use toilet. Bowel movements is internal stimuli and because of it we have dreams about feces. Second meaning can show your worry about your dog. If you have a dog, then maybe you are worried that your dog is pooping right now while you are asleep. Such dream works as reminder to take your dog out . Third interpretation is about symbolic significance of dog’s excrement in dreams. Feces in dream represents elimination and refuse from the past. Something that you want to... (read more)
  • Wool - not to care for slander, because the author will expose itself. – Green wool promises a happy twist in an awkward affair. – Red’s wool is that you have no luck with women. – Who made ​​a garment of wool, can look forward to a profit that he will bring his own work assignments. Spiritually: Wool is a symbol of spiritual protection. Psychologically: Wool warms, it promotes blood circulation, and hence the interpretation is meant to symbolize the wool warmth that flow to the dreamer in everyday life again. While wool since ancient times means warmth and protection, it is... (read more)
  • Grapes - General Meanings: Need of joy The dreamer perceives grape this points out that he has a need for celebration and ceremony. A dream of grapes shows that the dreamer needs fun and laugh because he is too strict and serious. Best way to change this is to bring creativity into life. Psychological Meanings: Need to give When grapes appear in dreams, then this maybe indicate a sacrifice. The dreamer has to give or to make something in order to achieve exactly what he is really looking for. Wine often symbolizes a sacrifice, because of so obvious similarity with blood. Spiritual... (read more)
  • Gemstone - and the pale moon. – Corundum: influences and help create mental stability. – Crystal: symbolizes purity, simplicity and various magical elements. – Lapis Lazuli: it creates divine benevolence, success and the ability to perseverance. – Magnetite: mirrors reflect sincerity and honesty; affect male fertility. – Moonstone: represents the moon and its magical properties, as well as tenderness and romantic love. – Olivine: indicates simplicity, modesty and good luck on a modest scale. – Onyx: symbolizes acumen, sincerity, spiritual power and marital happiness. – Opal: represents not only loyalty, but also religious passion, prayer and resistance to spiritual beliefs. – Peridot:... (read more)
  • Lizard - Association: – Cold blood; Reptile; A positive omen, a messenger; Regenerative power. Question: – Where in my life am I ready to show more warmth? General Meanings: Worries and Hardship – Lizard often goes for envious people, of whom you must be aware. Also misunderstandings, disappointments and disagreements can be expressed in it, according to the different or personal circumstances. This reptile is like a small dragon. Psychological Meanings: Subconscious and Fear – As a dream symbol it is considered as harmless, but rather, it represents the dreamer’s subconscious and hunches. Dragon lizard threat is in recklessness and lack of... (read more)
  • Date tree (palm) - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Aristocracy if date palms – The dream symbol of date palm signifies aristocratic women and those of imperial blood; Welfare if be in date palm grove – You go into a grove of date palms and pluck ripe palm fruits in your dream, then this dream marks that you will earn or get as much wealth as you plucked fruits; Suffer if immature fruits – The fruits of date palm is immature, then this dream marks that you will suffer from other people immaturity; Some money if tear down the palm leaves – This dream marks... (read more)
  • Bark - do not take any unnecessary risks; Bad people if see barking dogs in your own environment – This dream is a sign that there are people who have bad intentions against you; New your attention if be barked at by dogs – When you were barked by dogs in the dream, then this requires your caution and cold blood, you have to think first and then act. Arabian (Islamic) Listen if hear barking of a dog – This dream is a sign that you have to listen to the warnings of your friends! * Please, see meaning of dog.... (read more)
  • Aristocrat - Psychological Meanings: Desire of status To dream blue-blooded lords in a representative environment, this dream exactly shows what the dreamer is really missing: social superiority, respect from others, status. This dream release your own values such as exaggerated desires and illusions.... (read more)