Pulling glass out of foot dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams of pulling glass out of foot may symbol cheerfulness, piety and fast friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung analysis such dreaming of pulling glass out of foot hints unconnected enterprise, ladylike sexuality, genius and turn.
Affirmative rearrangements are around in your life only when: pulling glass out of foot - This symbol of dream generally predicts the opportunity to gain benefit of something. You are one step ahead. Alternatively, if it was bad dream then this dream should betoken upside down explanation: a person of importance can be wily and deceptive toward your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 4, 1, 29, 22, 15; 2 extra numbers - 100, 23.
Fortunate colors for this dream: black and brown .
  • Glasses - deceptive advice of others in the waking life. To look through a clear glasses means that you will have the right view in the waking life. To look through foggy glasses, means that you do not want to see quite surely things which would be useful to you. The broken glasses circumscribes the happiness which shatters easily. Psychological Meanings: The glasses in the dream indicates that the dreamer directs his attention more on what happens outside, instead of turning the look inwards. Glasses can also stand for preconceived opinions and beliefs. It is a symbol for the possibility to consider little bit... (read more)
  • Barefoot - General Meanings: In the dream barefoot indicates either poverty, humility, but the positive side of the dream is the ability to return to the earth or sensual freedom. Walking barefoot often promises better health, especially if you move through clear water. Go barefoot because you can not find your shoes, so this dream symbolizes that you are afraid of losing your livelihood. Walking barefoot on sharp stones (boulders) announces upcoming problems in important matters. Psychological Meanings: In the dream to walk barefoot because can not find shoes, this dream shows a lack of etiquette of the dreamer and he... (read more)
  • Wine glasses - Association: Fun & Pleasure; Happy & Fortunate. General Meanings: Joyful life Dreaming of wineglass (or glasses of wine) indicates great times, happy and funny days. Also glass of wine may be symbol of a pregnancy. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good omen if dreaming wine glass – Very good sign about upcoming happy news which will change your life into better; Disappointment if seeing an empty wine glass – You are dreaming that you see an empty glass of wine, signifies that you do not let yourself to participate in a pleasure, also announces disappointment, because you haven’t completed something what... (read more)
  • Magnifying glass - General Meanings: Focus on what you decided If a subject, a situation or a person is increased in the dream, then the meaning of a dream should be pointed out exactly to it. If you use a magnifying glass, then this refers to the fact that you should do what you have previously deliberately decided. You shouldn’t try to find the defects under the magnifying glass. Psychological Meanings: Analyzing yourself In the dream you try to analyze something through magnifying glass, then such a dream marks that you try to find your own abilities and skill and mistakes. Spiritual... (read more)
  • Beer glass - General Meanings: Dreaming an empty beer glass (or more) shows that unconscious desires for more society and company. Dreaming full beer glass or drinking beer shows that health condition will remain very stable. Dreaming glasses full of beer, this is a clear expression of the inner life satisfaction. Dreaming spilled beer, announces that exciting and thrilling days are approaching. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Annoyance if seeing one or more empty beer glasses – This dream shows that you will have irritation because of lots of work, responsibilities; Happiness if freshly filled beer glass – The fresh beer will bring you great... (read more)
  • Islamic Water - Water — (Life; Rain; River; Vapor) Water in a dream represents a happy life, money, prosperity, expansion of one’s business, increase in one’s income, or it could mean marriage. If one sees the water pure and abundant in his dream, it means lowering of prices, peace and social justice. ggg If one sees himself chewing on water in a dream, it means toiling and hardships related to earning his livelihood. Drinking a glass of water in a dream means protection against any danger from one’s enemy and it denotes a prosperous year for the one who drinks it in... (read more)
  • Footprint - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Illness if see footprint – The woman dreams of footprint imprint on your household linen, then it indicates that the disease in the family.... (read more)
  • Glass eye - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good news if have glass eye – You are dreaming that you have a glass eye then you will get good news from a friend, or sometimes an advantageous business deal which will bring you property.... (read more)
  • Crown glass - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Discovery if see crown of glass – The dream of crown of glass then in your life you will find or will make small discoveries and new things.... (read more)
  • Beer - – shows that in your circle of acquaintances you have to do sometimes with boasters and bluffers. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Health if see beer and mead in a dream – These symbols are from ancient of peace and health; Good life if drinking beer – This dream announces health and good salary; Disappointment if drinking beer at a bar – This dream announces that you will feel sadness and displeasure in your life because of unfulfilled desires or aims; Destroyed wishes if see a glass or watch someone drinking beer – This signifies that your best hopes will be destroyed by... (read more)
  • Wine - creates happiness. Sometimes a bottle of wine is understood in its intoxicating properties as a phallic symbol or a symbol of masculinity. The wine glass can be seen as a symbol of happiness or dream symbol of pregnancy. But if glass of wine is broken in a dream, it means either grief or, in the dream of a woman – a miscarriage. The red wine is regarded as a symbol of the blood. The white wine is regarded as a symbol of clarity. Spiritual Meanings: At a spiritual level wine indicate wealth, fullness or admission of spiritual power. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian)... (read more)
  • Water - resolution; Emotions and feelings;  Wetness and liquidness; Thirstiness; Aquarius. Question: How do I feel? What do I feel? Generally: Water is in the interpretation of dreams usually understood as a symbol of emotional and feminine aspects. Water is a mysterious substance, it can flow over and around things. Whatever stands in its way, water can destroy it. The potential of the dreamer and his ability to create out of his own inner need a new life, can be symbolized by water. Water is an ancient symbol that embodies the general’s soul life with the conscious and subconscious contents. The individual meaning of... (read more)
  • Driving into water - Meanings of driving into water in dreambooks: Association: – Live-giving and vitalizing; Releasing and cleaning; Flexibility and resolution; Emotions and feelings;  Wetness and liquidness; Thirstiness; Aquarius. Question: How do I feel? What do I feel? General Meanings: Water is in the interpretation of dreams usually understood as a symbol of emotional and feminine aspects. Water is a mysterious substance, it can flow over and around things. Whatever stands in its way, water can destroy it. The potential of the dreamer and his ability to create out of his own inner need a new life, can be symbolized by water. Water is... (read more)
  • Break - Association: Destruction & violent changes. Question: What patterns or forms have I outgrown? General Meanings: Broken in dream symbolizes loss or injury. Needs of changes If it is about a favorite subject which has broken, then the dreamer must change something in his life and break with the past. Barrier If the dreamer has broken an arm or a leg, this means that he is possibly prevented from thriving, from making headway or from implementing a certain action. In the dream to see broken glass or porcelain (china) are considered as luck symbols, but to see, that other objects are broken... (read more)
  • Leg - the engine of the foot in a certain extent, it has something with progress and also with backward steps in our life. The sexual interpretation of the first psychoanalysts seems a little convincing. ( for example: You see when the leg slips into the shoe, it symbolizes the sexual intercourse. See beautiful leg is satisfaction of the sexual urge. Broken leg is equivalent with adultery.) Location and Movement In the dream the leg gives explanation about the location of the dreamer, how he stands and feels in his environment. Therefore you must consider what happens with the legs in the... (read more)
  • Aquarium - Association: Microcosm of emotions. Question: What feelings am I ready to show or willing to look at? General Meanings: Joy in life The dream symbol of aquarium symbolizes happiness and success, especially in matters of love. Hidden and unreal emotions Also an aquarium was created artificially, so this dream may indicate superficiality and artificiality. This dream marks that the dreamer should open the facades and to to beware of false emotions. Psychological Meanings: Stuck behind the glass The aquarium is a symbol of a protected and artificial habitat, which is presented like natural conditions of life. The aquarium signifies... (read more)
  • Kiss / Kissing - dreamer was tongue kissing the other one may indicate his desire to reach out the ideas or the attention of that certain person. Sometimes in reality we feel like we’re not listened or understood properly, therefore by kissing the other one we feel the attention and the connection we were aiming for. Consider, what is missing in your life. Maybe you are looking for romance or just simply longing to share your life with somebody else. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level the kiss is the symbol of love, friendship, relationship, duality, tenderness and respect. The kiss also have the... (read more)
  • Champagne - General Meanings: Desire to free yourself Champagne (sparkling wine) often stands for a happy event, which will only be for short duration, even if it began so hopefully.  Perhaps the subliminal need is expressed with the symbol of champagne, to break out or to free yourself from a firmly established life order that is too narrow for you, to experience an adventure. Psychological Meanings: Desire to be free Those who dream of spirits drinking – especially the sparkling wine – wants to enjoy life without thinking about tomorrow, to be careless and free. Perhaps a moral barrier is disengaged, to be... (read more)
  • Horse - easily overcome obstacles; Good luck if dream of horseshoe – if the dreamer saw the horseshoe it signifies happiness and joy also a joy. The horseshoe is known as a talisman of affluence which brings good fortune. Very often people hang the horseshoe on the doors, therefore it will bring joy into their homes; Necessity for a rush if horse been walked by the halter – there is a particular situation or a matter that has to be sorted out as soon as it is possible; Hard work if see the horse with carriage – the carriage symbolizes the effort... (read more)
  • Dog - these are always associated with a confusion or fear, that might arise, if one as the dog carry out primitive behavior. Attacking & biting dogs meanings For man means envy – Biting dogs in the dream of a man indicates jealousy. Being bitten by vicious dog means being targeted by jealous people. To see in the dream that dog bites someone else shows that this person is a victim or a source of envy. For woman means overrated freedom – Biting dogs in the dream of a woman, denotes that she is assessed fairly unrestrained. The dream about biting dogs... (read more)
  • Ache, Aches - General Meanings: Be stronger If you are dreaming that you have aches, this could be the sign that you have too many doubts about your business, you should be careful and stronger if you want to achieve the goal in your life, because there might be someone who wants to steal your ideas and to make their own business out of your ideas. Warning of disease If you dream of having the aches and the pain on your whole body, make sure you are not carrying any illness. M. Ibn Sirin dreambook: Ache is qualified as a pain by muslim... (read more)
  • Amputation - want to avoid this. This also shows dreamer’s fear to lose what is important to hi, the loved person. The amputated limbs shows that you are losing your talents and qualities. To dream amputated legs, foot (feet) – The meaning of amputated legs or foot in the dream, signifies that you will have some losses in your life. This dream is a sign that you have lost the ability to develop yourself, the opportunity to reach better results in your life. You can not make any progress in your life because you are stuck. To dream amputated arm, hands –... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - with a beryl, chrysolite, or peridot stone: strength, courage, and fearsome authority; well-educated, polite, and pious boy. Ring with worthless glass beads – denotes a weak authority. Ring without gemstone, because stone or gemstone falls out of ring – partial losses; or it may mean the death of child, or the loss of business; Plain ring or a band without stone – means engaging in a strenuous project and getting nothing out of it; Ring falls apart and disappears, but the stone remains – reference to the dreamer’s name, reputation, and beauty; means that once the responsibilities are gone, good... (read more)
  • Fracture - family or colleagues; Health problems if break a thing – In the dream you break a thing then this is a very bad sign, which relates with your health, you have to take care of this because this may bring you serious disease. Hindu (Hinduism) Strong personality if fracture something – In a dream you fractured something, then this dream is a sign that you are really smart, and no one can deceive you; Success if break glass – In the dream you broke glass then this dream indicates that you’re successful and you move through life with luck.... (read more)
  • Pull - General Meanings: To dream that you pull something, then this is a reflection of active actions in waking life. The dream may be an alert to the dreamer how to act in a given situation. To try to pull – The dreamer is trying to pull, then he has to make decisions on a project. This may require additional efforts to get something done. To pull to move – The dreamer pulls in order to move something then he may succumb to external pressures. Pulling a car may usually announce that you will need a lot of effort, for which... (read more)
  • Father (many authors) - of security and good news…. Father Dreaming of your father, signifies that you are about to be involved in a difficulty, and you will need wise counsel if you extricate yourself therefrom. If he is dead, it denotes that your business is pulling heavily, and you will have to use caution in conducting it. For a… Father Can symbolize your real-life father, an authority or caretaker figure (such as your employer), or can symbolize your spiritual parent – meaning God…. Father Father loves you. If the father is dead, it indicates a symbol of affliction…. Father-in-law Dreaming of your father-in-law,... (read more)
  • Rain - falls in season in one’s dream, it means roadblock barring travels, business losses, inability to get medicine for a sick person because of one’s poverty, or it could mean imprisonment…. (Rain) Rain in a dream also represent mercy from God Almighty, a helping hand, knowledge, wisdom, the Qur’an, rejuvenation, revival, resurrection and life…. (Rain) When a farmer or peasant dreams that it’s raining over their crops and this rain may destroy them, it symbolizes business losses or social disputes…. (Rain) To be out in a clear shower of rain, denotes that pleasure will be enjoyed with the zest of youth,... (read more)
  • Clouds - clouds are the carriers of the divine powers. Psychological Meanings: Emotions – The cloud is a vision for the current mood of the dreamer. Sunny or white clouds symbolize serenity and positive thinking. Dark clouds in the sky – they’re pictures of depressive or pessimistic thoughts. Possibly, the dreamer has a hidden depression with which he can deal only after it will accept a tangible form in the dream. Storm clouds symbolize that the dreamer will probably soon have a violent emotional outburst. They impose us the success of heaven. Traditional Meanings: Arabian – Illness If sees heavy clouds – You... (read more)
  • Sprain - Psychological Meanings: The sprain in the dream refers to a restriction of movement, which is not so drastic as the break. The arm is sprained means your ability to act is restricted, the foot is sprained – you may not move any more freely and easily at the moment. This dream symbol often stands for patience and waiting.... (read more)
  • Mount - shrouded in clouds, the unity of mind and body is emphasized. – If you stand timidly at the foot of the mountain or getting dizzy, lacks confidence and self-confidence. – Bring the dreamer the courage to climb a mountain, then he is freed from fear and is rewarded with increased self-consciousness. – Sets the ascent to a rest pause, you should divide his forces and better protect themselves in everyday life. – Crashes from the dreamer, refers to this imprudence he committed in life and he will probably fail and have to give up hope. – If the climb is... (read more)