Woman wearing white saree dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams about woman wearing white saree can evince convenience, respect and familiar bosom friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Freud's explanation this dream about woman wearing white saree denotes self-governing breath, effeminate sexuality, mastery and gift.
Encouraging evolutions normally are happening if: woman wearing white saree - Symbol of a dream often embodies dominance and being a scout. Diversely, if your dream has left bad feeling then this dream should adumbrate vice versa hint: a person of authority might be unlawful and perilous in regard to your character.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 58, 70, 2, 95, 64; 2 extra numbers - 79, 28.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and red .
  • Islamic Ring - precious stone in a dream means that such benefits will come with ease. If it is a plain ring or a band with no stone, it means engaging in a strenuous project and getting nothing out of it. Rings made of ivory or from an animal’s horn in a dream represent glad tidings for a woman. Seeing someone in authority stamping a document with his ring as a seal in a dream means that one will receive an important political appointment. If one who is accustomed to wearing a silver ring sees himself offering it as a gift to whoever... (read more)
  • Horse - ...brown or any other dark shaded horses) means that the dreamer will become very rich, but at the same time will suffer from that richness; Prosperity in all aspects of the life if the horse is white – to dream of the horse that is white could have several meanings. One of those meanings foretells about pleasurable friends you will have, who will help you at anything you will do. The other meaning is very positive for man, who dreamed about white horse, because such dream it promises innocent woman in his life. Alternatively, the dream could also have a... (read more)
  • Ring (jewellery) - ...the majesty of King Solomon was derived from his ring. To receive a ring as a gift – means happy news, or a marriage to a beautiful woman. Wearing a ring – renewal of what the ring refers to, depending on its alloy or composition. Ring for a bachelor – he will have a woman. Ring for the king, for the businessman  – represents his kingdom, his business; Wearing a tight ring – means that one will be let off from a vicious woman; relief and comfort. To buy an engraved ring – indicates new ownership of a house, a... (read more)
  • Old woman (wife) - General Meanings: Old woman (wife, female) is interpreted in dreams like woman, but old woman’s symbolism in dream is less erotic. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if see old woman – In the dream you see an old woman then this dream may be a warning of negative information. Hindu (Hinduism) Slander if see old woman – To dream of old woman, then this is a signal of gossip and slander; Stupid things if old woman (wife) looks young – In your dream you see old wife and she looks younger then you will commit foolish matters; Fury if see old woman’s... (read more)
  • Hair - ...deep feelings for the woman, which hair he was stroking; Doubts if hair is black and white – to see two shades in your hair: black and white, symbolizes uncertainty in making some decisions; Failure if can not comb or brush the hair – the dream shows that you are unsuccessful while dealing with your life or some corresponding tasks; Responsibility if the woman’s hair fell out and the bald spots were visible – shows that she will have to make the earnings for a living and take the responsibility for her own life without anyone’s help; Illness if hair... (read more)
  • White - Association: Purity, clarity & pure cold. Question: What do I want to purify? General Meanings: Different meanings Color white stands for innocence, purity and perfection which ones you strive for. Because it dissolves in the spectral colors, the white in the true sense is colorless. It means purity, but also restraint, coolness, and infertility (in some cultures in the Far East, white knows as the color of mourning and death). White in a dream could therefore be a signal for premonition of death. Psychological Meanings: White color in dream stand for transformation, and the urge for perfection, the innocent aspect... (read more)
  • Dog - ...in hard times; Sick lapdog means troubles – Dreaming of emaciated or sickly lapdog indicates problems: you must be prepared for difficulties; Frilly lapdog means egoism – Dreaming of decorated or dressed small toy dog is the evidence of vanity, selfishness and narrow-mindedness of dog’s owner. One young woman said once that such dream about cute dog for her has symbolic meaning of new lover; White dog means great friends – Dreaming of dog with white colored hair denotes good, pleasant acquaintance or trustworthy friends; Playing friendly white dog is good sign – Dreaming about playing with white friendly dog... (read more)
  • Beard - ...love if lady wears beard – the young woman or a girl, who wears a beard is going to lose the one she loves; Frustration if man sees beard on a woman – if the man notices the female wearing a beard, then such dream indicates an anger, insecurity tiredness and frustration for a dreamer; Desire for a marriage if woman sees beard on a woman – such dream denotes to the wish of being married, however such marriage is not going to last, therefore the one should be careful before going into such agreements. Hindu Imminent increment if see... (read more)
  • Pregnancy - ...a pregnancy is rarely an actual pregnancy of the dreamer, sometimes it is, but more often it can indicate such condition in his environment. Psychological Meanings: Fulfillment of Wishes – According to Artemidoros and following psychoanalytical methods in interpretation of dreams, explanation of pregnancy in a dream have one simple  meaning – pregnancy means the fulfillment of wishes. Wish for a Child – For a woman to dream that she is pregnant indicates her wish for a child or it can denotes that she has the wish to find a man. Wish for a Man – If a woman is dreaming... (read more)
  • White snake - White color snake means to have infinite views of third eye. It’s the hidden ability to see things through in unlimited ways. White color snake means being in the life unity with the Divine Oneness. White color snake means to have sacred power to hit insightful in any fight. White color snake means to be in unity with heavenly subconsciousness. White color snake means everlasting animated liveliness seen through the third eye. White color snake means to strike with exact only one possible accuracy. It’s the secret skill of living with no mistakes. White color snake means to be... (read more)
  • Collar - ...to be solved immediately if the one is unable to bind / tie around the collar – if the dreamer is unable to put on the collar, it denotes to specific matter that has to be sorted out as soon as it is possible; Will be honored if wearing a collar – for a dreamer to wear a collar means that that he will receive special attention or even the prize; Have lots of admirers if a woman wears a collar – for a woman to wear a collar as a jewelry in her dream, symbolizes men that fall for... (read more)
  • Goats - ...of you is willing to fight for everything you want. Association: A lustful person, an old man, a horny man image, a man who has to play the role of scapegoat; grumble; derogatory term for a woman. Transcendent importance: An ally who can help you with the safety of his movements to find what you are looking for. Artemidoros Meanings: Neither white nor black goat brings good luck, but all show without exception an evil, the white less, the black more. General Meanings: Persistence Goat is generally understood as a symbol of frugality and perseverance, sometimes as a help, especially... (read more)
  • Islamic Water - ...water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. ggg Drinking hot water in a dream means distress and adversities. If one is pushed into a pond or a river of clear water in a dream, it means receiving a pleasant surprise. ggg Seeing oneself submerged in a body of water in a dream means facing a trial, distress, bewilderment and adversities. Carrying a jar of clear water in a dream means receiving an... (read more)
  • Adultery - ...is cheating – For men to dream that he is committing an adultery: he might go on trial in court for an illegal action; Woman is cheating – For women to dream that she commit an adultery: she will not be able to get the affection of the man, because she let’s her temper by the slightest provocation become an anger; Woman is cheating with friend – For women to dream that she has a relationship with the friend of her man: her husband is not wrong; Woman is cheating with young man – For woman to dream that a young... (read more)
  • Vamp (woman) - Psychological Meanings: Be real woman The woman dreams of vamp woman means that she has to act in her life more refined and to be like a lady or not a wild animal. She shows herself in not so good manners and vulgar. Desire for sexual experience In man’s dream a vamp woman so this is a symbol for the desire for refined and interesting sex experiences. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Be calm if see women vamp – The dream is a sign not to act too aggressive, you have to be more polite. Hindu (Hinduism) Be polite if see... (read more)
  • Rabbit - ...people If the rabbits are sitting quietly there is a change for you to get wealthier and richer; When the dreamer sees the rabbit sitting in the cage, it shows the significant wealth and treasures; To see black rabbit shows very risky situation with your finances; If the rabbit is white – will receive the inheritance. Shereminskaya dreambook: Rabbit interpretation in dream by L.G. Shereminskaya The rabbit are known as very prolific animals. Therefore, their image in the dream may express repressed desire to be a parent. If a man sees a woman, taking care of the rabbit, it expresses... (read more)
  • Menstruation - Association: Power of female, fear or being identified as a woman; Question: Where I am going to express my natural instincts? General Meanings: Inner talents There are several meanings when dreaming of menstruation. The main explanation of the dream foretells about creative side of personality. This means that from simple materials the dreamer can create amazing creatures. The dream also opens the secret of life – how and where it starts. Fear If the woman dreams of menstruation or menopause, then such a dream shows the fear of the end of active life and also the promise of new... (read more)
  • Teeth (tooth) - ...see destroyed or crooked teeth – Means that your business (work) and health will be exposed by stresses; Rich friends if see other’s beautiful teeth – This promises wealthy friends and/or wealthy relatives. Happy life if see clean, beautiful, white teeth – This means that you come in favorable conditions, and also health, friendship, prosperity, healthy children, and many benefits for the immediate future; Joy if admire your own teeth  – In the dream you admire your teeth, because they are white and beautiful, you can expect a lot of fun and enjoyable activities; Unfavorable acquaintance if see others poor or loose teeth... (read more)
  • Swan - ...To dream of the swan, the meaning of such dream can be explained depending on the color of the swan. White swan symbolizes the ability to feel deep feelings and emotions. The white color also shows the purity and innocence, also shows good relationships between the dreamer and the environment he is in. The white color also denotes to idealism and desire for perfection. Black swan have the meaning of death and misfortune. Sometimes it might indicate the mask people wear to protect themselves. Because in these days people have less and less privacy, sometimes they wish to be unknown... (read more)
  • Whitewash - Traditional Meanings: Hindu (Hinduism) Forgiveness if whitewash – In the dream you whitewash something then this dream marks that you will forgive an insult of beloved person; New life if be whitewashed – The dream where you were whitewashed then this dream has a positive meaning, this denotes that you are clean and pure to start new phase of your life. * Please, see meaning of white.... (read more)
  • Water - ...well. As an example he gave the dream of a young woman, who dreamed that she saw big snow – white ship, which was floating in a clear blue water. The next night she had an amazing guest. The blue and fine white boat in the future were the symbols of frustration. Tsvetkov dreambook: Water dream interpretations by Tsvetkov To drink clean water – joy; To drink muddy water – disease; To walk in the muddy water – will be disappointed; To wash yourself with the water – Happiness of liberation; To pour the water – shame and potential mistakes; If... (read more)
  • Snake - ...side) in the dream represents parenthood or indicates your strong feeling of wanting to have children. Alternative interpretation of the two-headed snake indicates any kind of relationship and teamwork. Maybe you need to be more cooperative to achieve outstanding results. Secret – A snake, that emerges from the darkness, signifies the fear of losing something special. As example, it represents closely guarded secret, that could be snatched from the dreamer. Temptress – A snake in men’s dreams can appear as the symbol of a seductress and then often embodies a cold, calculating woman. Thus, it also has a warning function.... (read more)
  • Transformation - ...a young man, a young man into the man, and the man turns himself into an old man. Because each of them become more honorable age. A young man – to an old man, he is not die though, as the boy, but falls ill. A man turns into a boy, he will suffer through reckless business losses.Aptly says the poet’s words: “You must always be young man so her heart will be full of fluttering recklessness.” (Homer: Iliad 3.108) The quality of the transformation behaves and it follows as: a man is transformed into a woman, so that bodes... (read more)
  • Tongue - ...can be slanders about as an adulteress wife. Damage and Protection If you are dreaming, that you have hair on your tongue, white or black, is it not a good sign. Black hair announces that you regret about what you have said, your speech made damage for somebody. White hair announces that you said a lie, which like a white lie, to protect somebody from worries. Also black hair accelerate while white slow down the fulfillment of the dreamer. It makes no difference here whether the hair from the tongue itself, from the palate, the gums, from the teeth or... (read more)
  • Lady (woman) - General Meanings: Lady differs from symbol of woman because lady looks elegant. But she can perhaps be very deceptive by appearances. The lady in the dream indicates that your wishes will be fulfilled and goals will be achieved. Lady is talking with lady in the dream, then this dream warns you of gossip. See the lady and want to associate with her socially or sexually, this shows that you want to have sexual adventure. Psychological Meanings: Inferiority Man dreams of a strange, often “faceless” lady that moves aloof, she looks fascinating and threatening. So this means, that you are... (read more)
  • Archetype - ...if all sides of the personality can be expressed as: The loving father and loving mother are self-explanatory. The monster represents negative inserted male anger, and the mother can destructively and deliberately destroy or simply suffocate this. The bright young man and the Princess are more amiable, fun-loving personality. The hero is the part of independent, messianic personality. The Amazon stands for self-satisfied female – career woman. The villain is the masculine part of the self, the power to use others for own purposes. The athlete, the typical “women’s libber” who says she doesn’t need any men (like Amazon). The Priest or priestess... (read more)
  • Cat chasing white mouse - To watch cat chasing white mouse in your dreams foretells autarchic attitude, girlish passion, talent and competency. By some other analysis such dream symbols sorrow and bottom out happening. For such dream figuration includes varied acceptation determined by whether you are a friend of the cats or not. This dream might attest that an important person should be authoritative or certain toward your being. Variously, if you don’t have affection to a cat and if your dream has left bad feeling then your dream could attest vice versa understanding: some-one might be unprincipled or ticklish in relation to your... (read more)
  • White lead - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Warning if white lead – The white lead in the dream means that relatives or children will be in danger because of your carelessness, so you have to be careful;... (read more)
  • Bride - Association: Female receptivity. Question: What am I willing to receive? General Meanings: The need for love relations If a woman sees herself in a dream as a bride, this expresses the wish to bring herself to a love relationship after independence. The dreamer must learn to understand the change of responsibility. In the dream of a man a bride symbolizes the view of the feminine, innocent parts inside her. If the dream about wedding – especially if it is of those who is dreaming – then this is an indication of feelings integration to reality. Bride, bridegroom are understood... (read more)
  • Northern Bobwhite - Medicine Wheel Meanings: Keywords Self-identity, spirit name. Description The bobwhite is a small bird with red feathers and a short, dark tail, the male has a white throat. General Meaning Call your name; Self identity. Transcendent Meaning A deep understanding of their identity; Gift of a new spirit name. * Please, see meaning of quail.... (read more)
  • Band - ...A colorful band has something to do with the band, which unites man and woman. – White and blue ribbons indicate yearning for true love, green for hope, joy, and red on black indicate impending bereavement. – Red tape is a traditional symbol of loyalty. Maybe you have “flirted” with someone in a dream and now bears the binding requirements. – Any cut or scruffy bands are seen as a symbol of an impending separation. – There are many other relationships in which the bands can appear in dreams, they can only be perceived individually. Psychologically: We must take it... (read more)