Engagement ring is broken or falling apart dream meanings

Short meaning: dream of engagement ring is broken or falling apart can typify enjoyment, fidelity and agreement.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung analysis of this dream about engagement ring is broken or falling apart hints self-determining temperament, womanliness sexual desire, proficiency and dynamicenergy.
Encouraging changes are awaiting in your life only if: engagement ring is broken or falling apart - This normally presages the opportunity to gain benefit of something. You are a trailblazer. Diversely, if this dream was with negative emotion then such dream may connote backwards understanding: a person of importance might be cunning or risky in regard to your personage.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 74, 48, 79, 95, 91; 2 extra numbers - 53, 24.
Fortunate colors for this dream: white and black .
  • Amputation - Association: Dismemberment Question: What must I tear apart, to be able to complete myself? General Meanings: Fear of loses The dream of an amputation of one or more limbs, this vision may be as a sign of fear or risk for the dreamer to lose the part of himself. When one loses one’s own body part by amputation in a dream, this dream leaves a strong sense of loss. The lost ability, power or property – something what is dear to the dreamer. Impending losses The loss of a leg indicates restriction of movement, for example, unfulfilled desire to... (read more)
  • Ant - work. Maybe something makes us antsy for the big plans, which are ready for implementation, realization and achievement. Worries – When one kills some ants or destroys their building, this can announce about physical hardships and worries because you have not probably tried to work hard and diligently enough to success. Work – To see the anthill, this associates with the workplace. Psychological Meanings: Warning about health – Ants, like other insects more usually are a danger signal, if they appear in masses, then the mind sends an alert. Often the dreams of swarming ants is a signal of a... (read more)
  • Affront - General Meanings: You are calm person If you feel hurt in the dream of the behavior of another people, the contrary is indicated in the waking life, this provides that you do not argue violently and go apart in the fury. Worries However, you dream that you are harassing someone else, then it is a mark of difficulties and troubles in near future. * Please, see meaning of dispute.... (read more)
  • Tear to pieces - Better time if tear apart or destroy something – This dream may be a sign that your life will full of sun and brighten your day; News if tear up a letter or other documents – When you tear up a letter in the dream, then in your life you may expect bad news; Responsibilities if tear in two parts – The dream is a sign that you will have to comply with an unpleasant obligation. Hindu (Hinduism) Betray if tear up something – To tear up something in the dream, then this may be a sign of infidelity of a friend or lover.... (read more)
  • Fly (insect) - annoying you, but you are afraid to be apart from them. Try to absorb the situation and make sure you pull yourself together and get rid of what is not necessarily. External stimulus and flies There is a possibility that during the sleep the dreamer gets actual physical contact by wind, fly or any other stimulus. Maybe there are some external stimulus which stimulates you during the sleep, therefore you dream of the flies at any circumstances. The fly dream explanations depending on circumstances: Will achieve success if see a fly – to dream of the fly may have a... (read more)
  • Chained - Traditional Meanings: Arabian (Islamic) Strong connection if be chained –  This dream announces that you will form a strong connection with loved person; Marriage if see chained person – For single people this dream means engagement or wedding.... (read more)
  • Biscuit - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Love if see biscuit – The dream of biscuit marks that love is like a sweet for you, you enjoy it; Celebration if bake biscuits – In the dream you are baking biscuits then this dream is a sign of engagement in the family or another enjoyable feast; Miss something if eat biscuit – You are eating biscuits in your dream, then this shows that you long for something, but you’re still not quite clear about it.... (read more)
  • Wardrobe - Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Ready for relation if be in wardrobe – The dream where you are in the wardrobe indicates that you are ready to be responsible and faithful to one person. Hindu (Hinduism) Love if dream wardrobe –  You dream of wardrobe then in near future you may expect betrothal. Arabian (Islamic) Engagement if wardrobe – The wardrobe in the dream stands as a sign of commitment.... (read more)
  • Attic - Association: Higher consciousness, memory, stored past. Question: What’s “up there” that I want to take as my own? Why I am afraid to explore ? General Meanings: Use your experience In the attic we mostly keep things that are old or you do not even need. In the dream the attic refers to memories and old feelings. Maybe the dreamer has to deal with his past or to use his past experience. Also this dream may show that may be there are a lot of useful things. Psychological Meanings: Experience or new things The attic should be clean and tidy... (read more)
  • Archery - In general: A symbol of the concentration on the essentials and the targeted approach. Despite “high tension” of success is already in sight – a symbol of good luck that will encourage them to persevere. Psychologically: Archery is marked in a dream as in the everyday lives of the meeting a goal. You really want to accomplish a purpose, it is important, whether made ​​in a dream or not. It does not necessarily matter whether the dream-self or another person dream shot. Traditionally: European (Judeo-Christian) – Archer in a dream: for the unmarried, it means rapid engagement, for people... (read more)
  • Married - all your life. Hindu (Hinduism) Love if getting married – You are getting married in your dream then you will get true love as a compensation of all the bad experiences; Happy family if be married – In the dream you see yourself as married: you will have a happy future with your spouse. Arabian (Islamic) Two meaning if dream of marriage – To dream about marriage or you see married people in the dream, this points to two sides, for unmarried – quick engagement, for married – separation. * Please, see meaning of husband, marriage gate, wife, marriage .... (read more)
  • Tree - life. All these trees are probably the archetype of Germanic world – eternal green Ash tree, Yggdrasil. This evergreen tree spreads its branches as wings, protectively over Heaven and Earth, and on its top sits the Eagle, who observes the world, and a Hawk which makes the weather. Personality and inner life of human – A tree is the symbol of the original structure of the human inner life. If a tree emerges in the dream, you will deal wisely with this image in details. Tree is closely related to personality and the way to master with life. In particular, it can often draw... (read more)
  • Retardation (in development) - Association: Work on the self development and training or further education. Question: Where in my life I will catch up with the others? Where I’m afraid to be falling behind? General Meanings: Fear The dream of retardation (in development) may show your own fear not to be suitable to the society. You think that you are unable to make or to create something without someone’s support.... (read more)
  • Slip (clothing) - or tore slips, then your good reputation is in danger; Good husband if have silk slips – For a young woman the dream of silk or clean slips marks that she will have a loving and strong husband; Worries if slips gone – In the dream you can not find one slip then you may expect many failures and disappointments; Worries with love if falling slips – She sees how her slip falls on the ground while she dresses or walks around in the room, then she will have great difficulty to keep her lover. * Please, see meaning of clothes, underclothing.... (read more)
  • Clouds - Association: – Transition & confusion: sometimes bright and sometimes dark. Question: – Through what do I experience? General Meanings: Expression of feelings – Clouds in a dream can have two meanings, they depend on the dream circumstances. They perhaps point to edification or religious feelings or show that the dreamer feels overshadowed of a person or an object. Maybe clouds in a dream are a warning of possible troubles or dangers. Firstly, all storm clouds can expect setbacks that can destroy the livelihoods. Secondly, fleecy clouds promise joy, delight and pleasure. Spiritual Meanings: Divinity – It is said that... (read more)
  • Mountain - Association: – Quest & pursuit; Success through effort. Question: – What for am I ready to achieve? In general: According to the ancient Egyptians when the mountain is too steep in the dream, then dreamer’s life is on the obstacles, that can be mastered only with great physical effort. Mountain can stand often for a better overview of the future life or symbolize upcoming obstacles. He points to problems that looming ahead. The exact meaning arises from the different circumstances, for example: – In general mountains symbolize self-confidence and personality, while the top (peek) of mountain is always a... (read more)
  • Precipice (Cliff) - Association: Large depth, draft, infinity, all-embracing width. Question: What lies deeply inside me? What limits do I need? General Meanings: Emptiness and Risky ventures To dream of an precipice, points to the fact that the dreamer recognizes in himself so-called ” barrel without bottom ” or the empty spaces. This is an aspect of the unknown part, which every person must face at some point in life. Behind the picture hides risky undertakings, which the dreamer has to tackle without knowing what will come out. Precipice can be interpreted differently, depending on the circumstances. The following symbols are quite often... (read more)
  • To crash - General Meanings: Losses caused by someone or even yourself It indicates a loss that can be concerned by the dreamer, another person or an object. Sometimes the crash can mean that you are in the situation where you can not do anything at all. A crash from a height or a plane, sometimes shows that the dreamer is far away from the reality of life and falls again on the ground. When somebody else crash in a dream, it can give you clues from which side you can expect threatening losses. Psychological Meanings: Misjudge and Loss The crash in a dream... (read more)
  • Fire - as follows: to look at radiant, pure and small fire in the sky means a threat from power, however, a large but immeasurable predicts the approach of enemies, infertility and famine (to parallel the Babylonian astrology ). Enemies and Danger Where the fire appears or from which direction it comes, whether from north or south, from west or east, from there the enemies will come near or rule infertility in these areas. Worst of all is, when you see falling down fire on the earth. Burning torches in the sky mean the same. All these phenomena bring on danger over the... (read more)
  • Father (many authors) - one sees his father-in- law, is ill, whether he is dead or alive…. Jewel light of the father’s eyes In a dream, it means one’s sons or daughters…. Family, Relatives, Cousin, Nephew, Father-in-law/Mother-in-law, Aunt/Uncle, Son-in-law In this dream the action happens here and now, if not so this is another dream, for example, if we see relatives and characters from our childhood we refer to children. To see a relative in dreams announces surprises or news. To see that deceased relatives that are alive, announces… Father-in-law, mother-in-law Gossips, risk of falling into contradictions and errors, disloyalty…. Source: Father dreams... (read more)
  • Tree trunk - General Meanings: Stability or a warning The dream symbol of tree trunk stands as a symbol of security and stability. The dream is not so good when the tree trunks are sawed off – then this has a meaning that your subconscious mind sends you a warning. The warning is to be very attentive with intrigues, also caution against too much optimism and false friends around you. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good sign if see a tree trunk – In the dream you see tree trunks or falling branches then this dream is auspicious omen, but only until they... (read more)
  • Fire (Christianity) - or cooker – your view to children brings you a lot of joy; Disease If Extinguishing the oven or cooker – this dream is a warning about serious illness, you have to take care of your health ; Troubles If Falling fire from the air – means trouble, you have to pay attention to the details and decisions; Success in family life If Burning at home – this dream promises a loving partner, obedient children and prudent employees; Success in business If  Burning enterprise – the business man is dreaming that he is burning his business and he is watching, this... (read more)
  • Leaking water from ceiling of house - sleeping is hearing falling raindrops on the roof or, there might be somewhere in the house leaking water from the ceiling, also such dream can be induced by running water, by rain, by any similar real sound happening in the waking life while a person is dreaming, as example – actual drip of a leaking tap. As internal stimuli: the dreamer might have been seeing leaking water from the ceiling of the house in the past, in real waking life or in the movie; Also, it is possible that such dream is induced by thinking in the waking life about the level of... (read more)
  • Music - In General the music represents news that has a special meaning. Painful experience if the music is sad – to hear the music, which causes melancholic feelings, denotes to unpleasant news which will cause negative feelings; Happiness if the music is happy – to hear the music which gives the positive feelings, shows the luck in love, happiness and pleasure; Will fall in love if you are writing the music– to be the creator of the music, symbolizes the process of falling for someone and having special feelings to this person. * Please, see meaning of concert, grief, orchestra.... (read more)
  • Cave - It could also be seen as the dark space from which comes life, the maternal, new beginning and new promises. The cave also represents the feminine, because the vagina is also represented as a cave. On the context of the dream it is very important to understand if the experience was pleasant or maybe even dangerous. If it was unpleasant and the dreamer felt terrified or scared, then it points to the problems and/or environment the dreamer has. Spiritual Meanings: Spiritually the cave symbolizes spiritual protection, rebirth and initiation of something new. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Affection of subconscious mind... (read more)
  • Abyss - ...you to move forward. Do not be afraid of challenges you are going to have, as you will sort everything out, you will be capable to find the solution to achieve the task. This dreams also shows that you are worrying about your future, about who you are, what you feel and what you are afraid of. If you are dreaming that you are falling into abyss, it signifies your hidden plans for the future. The dreams also could be the meaning of your fear to start something new in your life or your fear of taking the risks.... (read more)
  • Abscond - General Meanings: If the man dreams of abscond, there may be a possibility of deception or it may represent the deceit of your colleagues. If a woman is dreaming of absconding, there can be a warning of not falling in love with someone very soon. Pay attention with who you are in contact, as there might be someone who is not appreciating your feelings. Be careful before you fall in love in someone, because the person might not feel the same to you. * Please, see meaning of desertion.... (read more)
  • Waterfall - Association: The dramatic river; may be scary or extreme liberation. Question: Am I ready to jump, do I dare to jump into the water? General Meanings: A waterfall as a dream symbol has a fundamental importance as an orgasm. It can also symbolize an expression or an emotion that is strongly controlled in some way. Psychological Meanings: The waterfall as a dream symbol indicates any kind of emotions which reach a level of intensity and have to break or to overflow. The falling water may bring you success, development as a personality. Spiritual Meanings: A waterfall shows the dreamer that... (read more)
  • Oak (tree) - a young, healthy tree – In the dream you see a young healthy oak, denotes that for a few years you still not get any benefit; Award if oak wreath – When you see an oak wreath, means acquisition of well-deserved award and honor for your work or activities; Accident if dried – The dried oak means accident or the disease of a noble friend or relative. Also this dream announces sudden and shocking surprises; Losses if bald with fallen leaves – In the dream you see almost bald oak with falling leaves, this is a warning of business or money losses;... (read more)
  • Monument - so long and the life will give you respectable old age. Seeing and dreaming damaged, ruined or destroyed or even falling monument – This is a warning that you have to be very attentive, because there are danger and worries in your life.  You will get some king of challenges from the life, but this will make you even stronger in the way of reaching your goals. Seeing historical, ancient or of a great known personality monument – Such symbol shows that you are trying to improve your life. You wish to leave something after you, you want that people... (read more)
  • Bridge - Association: Compound; overcome problems. Question: What gulf am I ready to cross? General Meanings: Connection between two sides – A bridge leads over the abyss, and a bridge arches over the stream or river where other side we have to reach. Hardly any other symbol is so exhilarating and favorable omen for the coming days of life, such as just the dream of bridges. Achievement of the goals, Move ahead  – One is freed from the fear of having to wait endlessly, but also of the risks when swimming across. As well, of course, if this courageous act is successful! In... (read more)