Falling asleep while driving dream meanings

Short meaning: the dreams about falling asleep while driving may prophesy amenity, idolatry and devoted friendship.
Psychoanalytical meaning: By Carl Jung explanation the dream about falling asleep while driving augurs liberated temperament, girlish sexual urge, genius and potency.
Positive restylings are ahead in waking life only: falling asleep while driving - This symbol of dream augurs the condition that puts one in a favorable position. You are an innovative person. Or else, if this dream was with negative emotion then this dream may portend backwards context: a person of great value should be ruthless or difficult in regard to your interests.
Lucky numbers for this week: 5 winning numbers - 12, 24, 7, 88, 25; 2 extra numbers - 12, 53.
Fortunate colors for this dream: black and purple .
  • Flying - ...some people have the phobia of flight, therefore you are afraid not only in reality, but in your dreams either. Freedom from your thoughts The dream about flying may indicate your ability to separate unnecessary thoughts when it is needed. The flight shows the dreamer’s mind at different states, for example it is easy for him to fall asleep, without thinking about ideas and problems he had in a day time. Such person keeps flying in a dream, which is a very positive feature, because he gets proper sleep and rest while dreaming of flying. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual... (read more)
  • Anesthesia - Psychological Meanings: On the psychological level the anesthesia in dreams is a symbol of liberation. The one who dreams of receiving the anesthesia wants things to pass away while he is asleep and wake up only when all is over. Consider to find out what irritates you, and find the solution for that problem. * Please, see meaning of anesthetized .... (read more)
  • Fire - ...life, the dream of the fire will visit you soon. To rescue people from burning buildings in a dream means our ability to solve problems and to help others. Also, it represent that we are able to receive good outcomes of any bad situation. Something is going to change and will give a lot of joy. As prognostication, fire dream might be very helpful to keep in order with requirements of fire safety. Try to install smoke detectors and other devices, like fire extinguisher in your home. Sometimes we dream what is going around us in waking life while we... (read more)
  • Dog feces - Dog’s excrement, poop, feces The dream about pooping dog can be interpreted in few different ways. First, most often feces in dream is induced by internal stimuli. This works as an alert to the dreamer, that it is a time to wake up and to use toilet. Bowel movements is internal stimuli and because of it we have dreams about feces. Second meaning can show your worry about your dog. If you have a dog, then maybe you are worried that your dog is pooping right now while you are asleep. Such dream works as reminder to take your... (read more)
  • Contexts about dog - ...works as an alert to the dreamer, that it is a time to wake up and to use toilet. Bowel movements is internal stimuli and because of it we have dreams about feces. Second meaning can show your worry about your dog. If you have a dog, then maybe you are worried that your dog is pooping right now while you are asleep. Such dream works as reminder to take your dog out . Third interpretation is about symbolic significance of dog’s excrement in dreams. Feces in dream represents elimination and refuse from the past. Something that you want to... (read more)
  • Tongue - ...the sharp tongues in our environment, the gossips, which defame us and others. Artemidoros Meanings: A good sign and Poverty An evenly formed tongue adapted to the mouth, have a clearly and a plain speak is for everyone a good omen, while the not-speak or a tied tongue represents stagnation of business and mean poverty; because poverty robs from people the freedom of speech. Illness A swollen tongue announces to the wife of the dreamer, if he is married, disease. Damage and Defamation A tongue hanging out of the mouth means damage as a result of cheeky speeches, also frequently... (read more)
  • Wild boar - ...a wild boar in the dream, warns that should be careful against a ruthless man in your environment. Of course, this dream symbol refers also to wild unrestrained driving forces and energies, that can cause trouble for you in interpersonal relationships. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Difficulties if dreaming of wild boar – This dream announces threats, but you will overcome these them with your own courage; Aggressiveness if seeing a boar in front of you – In the dream you see a wild boar that stands in front of you, this shows that you are very aggressive and hothead, you are afraid... (read more)
  • Drive - Psychological Meanings: The dream symbol of locomotion. For more information you can obtain from the mood while driving. Think carefully – this way you can decipher the symbolism of dreams and see how you behave in your life and where your challenges and opportunities lie. * Please, see meaning of car.... (read more)
  • Boat - ...and there is a boat, accident is approaching or breakdowns in the journey or life course; Visit if drive with it – When you are driving a boat in your dream, means that you are going to visit your relatives or friends; Sadness if sinking – The dream denotes that you will experience disappointment; Bad luck if fall of – In the dream you fall off a boat into the water announces distress and danger and misfortune; Joy If sail – When you are dreaming that you are sailing in a boat on smooth water brings you happiness and success; Respect... (read more)
  • Bus - ...only strive in vain to reach a goal. Besides, like all vehicles it is the symbol of changes, change of location and departure. Who often dreams the trip with bus, has to try to remember the state of the bus and the passengers – here it is the actual meaning of the dream that can be deciphered. Spiritual Meanings: On the spiritual level the bus stands for the all-embracing property. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Moving forward if drive a bus in a dream – You are driving the bus in your dream, this signifies about slow and moderate progress with your... (read more)
  • Lizard - ...instinctive. It may also happen that the lizard in the dream turned into a monster that causes the dreamer’s fear. This vision is a warning against uncontrolled driving forces of the subconscious. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) – Prosperity If Seeing – In the dream you see a lizard, this dream shows you that you will have strong turnaround in your business and other matters; – Acquaintance If Seeing – You are dreaming that you see a lizard this also can mean that you should not put off the going outs, you can acquire good friends that may be useful to... (read more)
  • Wagon - ...with lots of work you will gain profit; Loss of money if goods fall out – When the goods fall out of the wagon because of overloaded, then this dream is a sign that you will have loss of money; Changes if transport furniture – To transport furniture with a wagon in your dream, then this dream announces a change in your life because you are moving toward this; Respect if drive a wagon – To dream of driving a wagon by yourself then you will receive honors because of hard work; Warning if see a donkey-drawn – The dream is a warning that you can... (read more)
  • Axis - ...life; Worries if broken axis – When you see a broken axis in the dream, this signifies that the purpose of the trip is so useful and your business breaks down again, but soon you will overcome all the difficulties; Stagnation if creaking – This dream shows that you will have stagnant in business and you have to work hard if you want to develop and have benefits; Progress if running quietly –  good progress in a matter which was strongly inhibited. Now nobody will stop you to reach your goals. * Please, see meaning of shaft, driving, line, car.... (read more)
  • Transformation - ...had become the Helios ( the sun personified as a god, father of Phaethon. He is generally represented as a charioteer driving daily from east to west across the sky) and walk into the brilliance of eleven sun rays through the marketplace. He was elected as the Mayor of his town and had died after he had exerted eleven months at this office, because the number of rays was not completed. (The Sun God has twelve rays.) In general: We you dream that something transforms in your dream, so this means that the image has a larger significance then a dream... (read more)
  • Leaking water from ceiling of house - sleeping is hearing falling raindrops on the roof or, there might be somewhere in the house leaking water from the ceiling, also such dream can be induced by running water, by rain, by any similar real sound happening in the waking life while a person is dreaming, as example – actual drip of a leaking tap. As internal stimuli: the dreamer might have been seeing leaking water from the ceiling of the house in the past, in real waking life or in the movie; Also, it is possible that such dream is induced by thinking in the waking life about the level of... (read more)
  • Bridge - ...consideration of the dream, the dreamer has to meditate to understand why it is so happy to reach beyond.Is his sense of the other side has risen, he will bear the fact of this bridge as a powerful element in his life. Weakness, Fear, Uncertainty – The dream of engineer built bridges from the wide variety of material. The bridge can only be under construction, but we have to cross. The dreamer is in fear to climb, in fear of falling down between beams and supports, anxious about the bridge construction. Sometimes the bridge on one side is without frames... (read more)
  • Retardation (in development) - Association: Work on the self development and training or further education. Question: Where in my life I will catch up with the others? Where I’m afraid to be falling behind? General Meanings: Fear The dream of retardation (in development) may show your own fear not to be suitable to the society. You think that you are unable to make or to create something without someone’s support.... (read more)
  • Slip (clothing) - ...or tore slips, then your good reputation is in danger; Good husband if have silk slips – For a young woman the dream of silk or clean slips marks that she will have a loving and strong husband; Worries if slips gone – In the dream you can not find one slip then you may expect many failures and disappointments; Worries with love if falling slips – She sees how her slip falls on the ground while she dresses or walks around in the room, then she will have great difficulty to keep her lover. * Please, see meaning of clothes, underclothing.... (read more)
  • Lemons - ...do not waste everything very fast, because this can bring you some sour disappointment. This dream shows personality development in all the areas. A tree with lemons means a good work deal or projects. Dreaming a lot of (many) lemons – In the dream you see a lot of lemons (on the ground, on the table), this dream indicates upcoming news. This may be very pleasant and also unpleasant news. Yellow lemons in the dream, announces healthy and long living. If lemons are falling in the dream fro the tree or from the basket, this announces you unhappiness and sadness in... (read more)
  • Clouds - Association: – Transition & confusion: sometimes bright and sometimes dark. Question: – Through what do I experience? General Meanings: Expression of feelings – Clouds in a dream can have two meanings, they depend on the dream circumstances. They perhaps point to edification or religious feelings or show that the dreamer feels overshadowed of a person or an object. Maybe clouds in a dream are a warning of possible troubles or dangers. Firstly, all storm clouds can expect setbacks that can destroy the livelihoods. Secondly, fleecy clouds promise joy, delight and pleasure. Spiritual Meanings: Divinity – It is said... (read more)
  • Mountain - Association: – Quest & pursuit; Success through effort. Question: – What for am I ready to achieve? In general: According to the ancient Egyptians when the mountain is too steep in the dream, then dreamer’s life is on the obstacles, that can be mastered only with great physical effort. Mountain can stand often for a better overview of the future life or symbolize upcoming obstacles. He points to problems that looming ahead. The exact meaning arises from the different circumstances, for example: – In general mountains symbolize self-confidence and personality, while the top (peek) of mountain is always a... (read more)
  • Precipice (Cliff) - ...throwing something, signifies that soon you will be freed from big loads and worries; News from friend if your friend falls into precipice – In the dream your friend falls into precipice you will soon hear from him good news; Relief if throw a stone – Means that soon you will be freed from a serious concern; Help from destiny if save someone – In the dream you save someone from falling into it, the fate will help you to reach your goals. Arabian (Islamic) Misfortune if see – In general a precipice in the dream announces misfortune and tribulation;... (read more)
  • Prom - Psychological Meanings: Ready to integrate into public and society The prom is a social event. The dreamer is introduced into society. This dream symbol refers to the integration into society and social conventions. Also the dream symbol of prom shows that you have learned a particular physical and social skill with which you are now able to go public. In rare cases the prom as a dream symbol has even an erotic dancing or sexual meaning. Longing for youth This vision can be directed to the youth, the first falling in love and the current longing for romantic feelings and... (read more)
  • To crash - ...falls again on the ground. When somebody else crash in a dream, it can give you clues from which side you can expect threatening losses. Psychological Meanings: Misjudge and Loss The crash in a dream points to the loss, which can either refer to the dreamer himself, other people or things. Then the whole dream gives explanation about whether you have formed a wrong opinion or conclusion about other persons, situations, things or even yourself and now you fall out from your former attitude. The crash can also symbolize too much optimism or arrogance. * Please, see meaning of abyss, falling.... (read more)
  • Beard - ...wife having a beard, will be honored in the community he is at the moment; Sorrow if extremely long beard – the beard that is abnormally long, symbolizes the pain, sorrow and frustration the one will suffer; Temptation if reddish/ginger beard – the reddish beard signifies the lures the one will have. There is also a possibility of being seduced; Loss of dignity if shaved the beard – the dreamer who sees himself shaving or the beard is simply falling of, denotes to the reputation that will be destroyed; Prestige if gray beard – the grey color of the beard... (read more)
  • Tree - ...tree or sapling, sprouts from the loins of a man, clearly stands for the sexual energy that can speed up your whole life. The roots of a tree, show the connection between the people and the earth. The statement would be more correct, they represent the capacity of people to fight for the practical side of life and enjoy its existence. Spreading out roots mean the willingness to show openness, while profound roots show restraint. The trunk of the tree is indication how you use your power and how it occurs because of environment. A rough trunk illustrates a rough... (read more)
  • Tree trunk - General Meanings: Stability or a warning The dream symbol of tree trunk stands as a symbol of security and stability. The dream is not so good when the tree trunks are sawed off – then this has a meaning that your subconscious mind sends you a warning. The warning is to be very attentive with intrigues, also caution against too much optimism and false friends around you. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Good sign if see a tree trunk – In the dream you see tree trunks or falling branches then this dream is auspicious omen, but only until they... (read more)
  • Monument - ...so long and the life will give you respectable old age. Seeing and dreaming damaged, ruined or destroyed or even falling monument – This is a warning that you have to be very attentive, because there are danger and worries in your life.  You will get some king of challenges from the life, but this will make you even stronger in the way of reaching your goals. Seeing historical, ancient or of a great known personality monument – Such symbol shows that you are trying to improve your life. You wish to leave something after you, you want that people... (read more)
  • Dog bite hand - ...prosperity for everyone, or it could mean taking action…. (Dog) His bark warns us about the proximity of danger…. (Dog) Seeing a greyhound in a dream means gaining authority, control and wealth…. (Dog) A puppy in a dream also represents a child of adultery, a foundling who is left in the street, wrapped in a swaddle and who is brought home by an insolent person to rear him…. (Dog) It could also mean falling sick or suffering from great affliction or harm caused by a close companion or a servant…. (Dog) If it is a white puppy in the dream,... (read more)
  • Waterfall - Association: The dramatic river; may be scary or extreme liberation. Question: Am I ready to jump, do I dare to jump into the water? General Meanings: A waterfall as a dream symbol has a fundamental importance as an orgasm. It can also symbolize an expression or an emotion that is strongly controlled in some way. Psychological Meanings: The waterfall as a dream symbol indicates any kind of emotions which reach a level of intensity and have to break or to overflow. The falling water may bring you success, development as a personality. Spiritual Meanings: A waterfall shows the dreamer that... (read more)
  • Abscond - General Meanings: If the man dreams of abscond, there may be a possibility of deception or it may represent the deceit of your colleagues. If a woman is dreaming of absconding, there can be a warning of not falling in love with someone very soon. Pay attention with who you are in contact, as there might be someone who is not appreciating your feelings. Be careful before you fall in love in someone, because the person might not feel the same to you. * Please, see meaning of desertion.... (read more)